26th December 2016, 10:23 PM


A Process for The People to Access the Courts
Chapter 1 Opening the Book .................................................. ...... Page 2
Chapter 2 Sui Juris = Sovereignty ................................................ Page 4
Chapter 3 As Any Reasonable Person Would Understand.......... Page 8
Chapter 4 Time to Claim Personal Sovereignty in Court ............ Page 9
Chapter 5 Already Heard It .................................................. ........ Page 13
Chapter 6 Introduction by Will Gaston ........................................ Page 15
Chapter 7 What Is Happening To You In The Courtroom.......... Page 18
Chapter 8 "Child Abuse Industry"; Non Constitutional Courts.. Page 19
Chapter 9 The Public Record - only Real thing happening .......... Page 23
Chapter 10 All Judges and Attorneys are Bar Members ............ Page 24
Chapter 11 Undisputed Testimony Becomes Fact ....................... Page 27
Chapter 12 Prosecute Your Own Case; Make the Record ......... Page 28
Chapter 13 File for Discovery - Freedom of Information Act ..... Page 29
Chapter 14 The Process for the People to Access the Courts ..... Page 30
Chapter 15 Make the Record - Insist on Speaking ..................... Page 37
Chapter 16 Going Into Court .................................................. ....... Page 38Chapter 17 Filing Your Own Motions ........................................... Page 42
Chapter 18 Everything They Do To You - Appeal! ...................... Page 45

27th December 2016, 04:16 AM
You are only sovereign if you don't enter court. There are no principals in court. Only representatives are permitted to appear. If you appear yourself then you will be classed PRO SE [ in your own person]. If forced into a court situation your best strategy is to use your right to inquire. Ask questions.

If you were permitted to show up without representation [including representing yourself] then you would be the boss of the judge. This will not be allowed. Instead you are granted the title of DEFENDANT or PROSECUTOR and you are permitted to represent your own cause or the cause of another if you have the proper BAR card.

A PERSON is 1) a word 2) an action or 3) representation. A PERSON who is a PROSECUTOR is attempting to establish a duty on a PERSON who is called a DEFENDANT. A PERSON who is a JUDGE wears the black robe of a priest and collects a paycheck for the honor. The way to win in court is to not create a PERSON and if offered a title don't accept that title. The title cannot be forced on you. Avoid contracts. Avoid torts. Argument is to avoided 'cause it is dishonorable. Accept all arguments and agree to pay all charges (when the gold standard comes back).

The office of SOVEREIGN is just another title. The assertion of sovereignty creates another PERSON.

Oh and you might want to forget about the concept of ASSETs. You cannot protect any of them. At least not in the capacity the state assumes you are in. Think about your house and car as community property. In other words, about the same as in a marriage that is on the rocks.

Did you hear the one about the similarity of hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, fire, flood and THE STATE? One of 'em is going to get your house.

27th December 2016, 08:50 AM
You are only sovereign if you don't enter court. There are no principals in court. Only representatives are permitted to appear. If you appear yourself then you will be classed PRO SE [ in your own person]. If forced into a court situation your best strategy is to use your right to inquire. Ask questions.

If you were permitted to show up without representation [including representing yourself] then you would be the boss of the judge. This will not be allowed. Instead you are granted the title of DEFENDANT or PROSECUTOR and you are permitted to represent your own cause or the cause of another if you have the proper BAR card.

A PERSON is 1) a word 2) an action or 3) representation. A PERSON who is a PROSECUTOR is attempting to establish a duty on a PERSON who is called a DEFENDANT. A PERSON who is a JUDGE wears the black robe of a priest and collects a paycheck for the honor. The way to win in court is to not create a PERSON and if offered a title don't accept that title. The title cannot be forced on you. Avoid contracts. Avoid torts. Argument is to avoided 'cause it is dishonorable. Accept all arguments and agree to pay all charges (when the gold standard comes back).

The office of SOVEREIGN is just another title. The assertion of sovereignty creates another PERSON.

Oh and you might want to forget about the concept of ASSETs. You cannot protect any of them. At least not in the capacity the state assumes you are in. Think about your house and car as community property. In other words, about the same as in a marriage that is on the rocks.

Did you hear the one about the similarity of hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, fire, flood and THE STATE? One of 'em is going to get your house.

I believe you are talking about a court of equity.

I think men are allowed to appear in a common law proceeding and the United States is a common law country.

27th December 2016, 08:56 AM
I remember reading this many years ago.



By Pamela Gaston

Sui Juris is the book teaching People how to defend themselves in today's courtrooms without attorneys. Sui Juris is a concept; literally meaning "in my own jurisdiction", and explains in plain language what your rights are, how they are being taken from you, and how you can get them back in court.

Sui Juris exposes the systemic judicial corruption and reveals a powerful Way to bring forth remedy. The KEY is exercising your God given Inherent Rights and restoring the Spirit of Truth in America.

Sui Juris, teaches you how to make the Truth in the Record; Sui Juris lets you Access the Courts, simply and quickly by writing and filing your own legal papers, get your own discovery and file counter charges for the abuse you have endured if you have been rendered by the corrupted court system in America today.

We have trusted public officials, judiciary, media and corporations, allowing them to manipulate every aspect of our society with complete unaccountability. Lay people turn to greedy bar member attorneys when they are afraid, only to be compromised into losing everything they have in the corrupted courtroom process. Usually their own attorneys and the rest of the courtroom players are all working against them for their own profit. The People do not realize this until they have been impoverished and destroyed.

Sui Juris shows that a REAL court is simply a place to make a Public Record, and it belongs to us. The People own the courthouse, the Record, the titles, the properties, the children.

We have allowed the corruption of Lawful process and wickedness now rules in high places. The legislature controlled by special money interests and corporate parties, set up and dominates the private incorporated business called the "STATE OF OREGON" or any state while upholding a facade with fronts that this is the government "of the People". IT IS NOT.

Such a STATE is proceeding under a false "voluntary" waiver that you are not a "people" but you are a "legal person"; and in that OFFICE OF PERSON you agreed that the STATE owns all resources including your children, your home, your cars, your property, your businesses, everything, taxed and licensed and assessed, and that you are beholden to administrative rules of the corporate state. Ever since the civil war abolished "involuntary servitude" (slavery), the corporate bankers and government had to devise ways to keep the People as SLAVES to their corporate interests.

The shadow rulers set about to make people "agree" to these compelled contracts on Sovereigns, to get people to unknowingly "'volunteer" their rights to protect themselves and their property from such theft and conversion. In the same way now, the federal government takes the money then "gives" some back with conditions and compelled contracts on the states.

EVERYTHING THAT IS TAKEN FROM YOU IS TAKEN IN A COURTROOM. Kings and Presidents, go before judges, and that is where the changes happen in restoring or losing our freedom.

In order to envision and realize the concept of FREEDOM, we have to know what it means to exercise our Inherent, God Given, un-a-lien-able, Constitutionally protected rights. We have to know what these are and what it feels like to defend these rights with all our spirit and strength.

Sui Juris literally means "in my own jurisdiction". Sui Juris lets you express what is REAL and TRUE in a courtroom.

The people have forgotten what it means to be Sovereigns, and joint tenants in the sovereignty at the county and state level, joined with 49 other Republics. When the Constitution was ratified, true Sovereignty under God for the common man was the seed planted that will bear fruit now.

The common man did not have to be in a court. Real courts are about real crimes, not like now where poor and innocent persons are rendered in a courtroom. In the beginning priests, bankers, corporations and special interests went into court to fight over their money. Now the judicial system has become a money grubbing industry to rob the people at taxpayer expense.

Sui Juris allows the layman to exercise sovereignty and stand against any who would seize his rights, his children, his property, his family, his business, his estate, his liberty or his freedom. Sui Juris takes the profit incentive out of the courtroom. Imposing a lawyer on your back and in your pocketbook insures their control and your impoverishment. Since when is a lawyer worth up to $300/hour?

Our constitutional protections have eroded. We must ACT in our Lawful authority NOW and reclaim the courtroom for justice. We must restore accountability and a standard of Law and Constitutional contract/oath with real penalties of prosecution for violations of the Public Trust by our government.

The information in Sui Juris will bring the People up to speed in all fifty states, as well as other countries, since human rights are universal, and Gods Children are the same in every Sovereign homeland. The GREED FACTOR has been in control far too long. We must go into court and insist on stating the facts regarding abusers crimes, naming names and forcing the criminals who are in our lawful offices to come out into the light.

GET THIS BOOK - LEARN THE MEANING OF SUI JURIS - MAKE SUI JURIS A HOUSEHOLD WORD IN AMERICA - It means your flesh and blood entity, your family body, your human rights and liberties, your posterity - your freedom - and the knowledge to exercise these and protect yourself in a courtroom.

People reading Sui Juris report whole new worlds open for them and that this information has changed their lives. Fear is generated in the courtroom by not understanding what is going on around you, being kept in the dark. Sui Juris outlines the corrupted process being used against you, so that you can "stand" through it and get your facts in to the record, by filing your own affidavits and aggressively pleading your own case in court. You are your own best advocate.

Once enough of us realize the gravity of the danger we face and act wisely regarding the corporate takeover of our lives, we can restore respect for the Spirit of Truth, and Justice and renew the Spirit of America.

You can purchase a single copy of Sui Juris for only $17 and $3 for shipping and handling. Sui Juris contains almost 200 pages of life saving information and legal documents that can be used for a format to write your own legal papers and affidavits in court. Compare this with paying a lawyer up to $150-$300/hour to sacrifice your well-being for his own enrichment and self-interest.

Sui Juris must reach the people now. To make this possible I offer a box of 20 books for the special wholesale price of $200 including shipping. That is $10/book to your door. Let us get the word out and enlighten the people.

To order Sui Juris please contact our distributor Michael Sieradzki, P.O. Box 3, Merlin, Oregon 97532, Tel. 541-474-3890 (tel:541-474-3890) or E-mail current@valleysoftisp.net

You can pay for Sui Juris by money order, check or pay pal.

Sui Juris should be in every home, library, school, university and prison. This book should be required reading for every sixth grader in school. Please help spread the word of Truth that there IS an answer to the Constitutional crisis and judicial corruption we face today and with SUI JURIS we can exercise remedy.

Please also go to www.avoiceforchildren.com (http://www.avoiceforchildren.com/) for more information

Pamela and Will Gaston, from Mt Angel, Oregon, founded 'A Voice For Children' in l997 to expose state abuse of families and children in Oregon. The Gaston's became advocates and learned how to defend themselves in a courtroom after Will Gaston's 7 year old daughter was removed from him unlawfully by the Oregon child services agency in l996.

Gaston's discovered that they were locked out from defending the child or themselves against an out of control state child agency and court system, where parents have no rights against the state to force the lawful return of their children. Gaston's discovered after firing four attorneys that the barworks for the state against the parents.

After five years of engaging the court system, the Gaston's have uncovered the insidious deceptions of the self-serving courtroom crowd. Their book SUI JURIS teaches you how to recognize insider deceptive schemes and use their own laws against them to protect your family and property rights without having to bankrupt yourself employing an expensive and useless lawyer.

27th December 2016, 12:26 PM
I believe you are talking about a court of equity.
Courts in the past practiced law, or equity, or admiralty, or chancery, or star chamber, or ....

That was in the past though. History is a lens to examine the present.

I think men are allowed to appear in a common law proceeding and the United States is a common law country.
Countries are Alabama, Kentucky, Virginia and the like. The U.S. is a federation of independent countries and not a country itself. However, it chose the draping of an independent country to protect freed slaves from those nasty southerners.

27th December 2016, 04:53 PM
Courts in the past practiced law, or equity, or admiralty, or chancery, or star chamber, or ....

That was in the past though. History is a lens to examine the present.

Countries are Alabama, Kentucky, Virginia and the like. The U.S. is a federation of independent countries and not a country itself. However, it chose the draping of an independent country to protect freed slaves from those nasty southerners.

That's nice, but it is men who appear in a common law proceeding... Sui Juris.

27th December 2016, 05:14 PM
That's nice, but it is men who appear in a common law proceeding... Sui Juris.
Then I wouldn't volunteer to appear ... 'cause there are no longer any common law proceedings.

Common law requires substance. The judge doesn't receive his pay in substance. He accepts his pay in fiction. He isn't likely to recognize law when his entire existence is colorable and dependent upon the success or failure of the welfare state. You try to step up there with common law arguments and he is likely to order the bailiff to turn you upside down and shake you to see what falls out of your pockets. A single fiat dollar and you no longer have an argument. You have a contempt.

14th January 2017, 08:25 AM
Then I wouldn't volunteer to appear ... 'cause there are no longer any common law proceedings.

Common law requires substance. The judge doesn't receive his pay in substance. He accepts his pay in fiction. He isn't likely to recognize law when his entire existence is colorable and dependent upon the success or failure of the welfare state. You try to step up there with common law arguments and he is likely to order the bailiff to turn you upside down and shake you to see what falls out of your pockets. A single fiat dollar and you no longer have an argument. You have a contempt.

When you use common law the Court is YOUR COURT.

IF you are a man.

14th January 2017, 12:46 PM
When you use common law the Court is YOUR COURT.

IF you are a man.


14th January 2017, 01:35 PM

Where is the source for this?

It does not look like common law.

14th January 2017, 04:01 PM
Where is the source for this?
Las siete partidas ... as declared to be the law in Louisiana in 1769 m/l by Count O'Reilley and never reversed by the French or U.S. when the region changed hands. This is the organic law west of the Mississippi River.

https://books.google.com/books?id=KndGAQAAIAAJ&pg=PR3&dq=las+siete+partidas+louisiana&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjbi73w7MLRAhVY3mMKHWlXB44Q6AEIJzAC#v=on epage&q=las%20siete%20partidas%20louisiana&f=false

It does not look like common law. Common law is anything you can articulate that is reasonable. Much of common law is actually Roman civil law but there is also Viking law from Cnut the Great. Common law is a hodge podge but the only fact you can really count on is that it is Lex NON Scripta ... it is never written. Which means it is always ARTICULATED.

Face it Bigjon ... what you believe or have been told about common law is entirely false. Common law is anything reasonable that you might bring up.

14th January 2017, 04:32 PM
Las siete partidas ... as declared to be the law in Louisiana in 1769 m/l by Count O'Reilley and never reversed by the French or U.S. when the region changed hands. This is the organic law west of the Mississippi River.

https://books.google.com/books?id=KndGAQAAIAAJ&pg=PR3&dq=las+siete+partidas+louisiana&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjbi73w7MLRAhVY3mMKHWlXB44Q6AEIJzAC#v=on epage&q=las%20siete%20partidas%20louisiana&f=false

Common law is anything you can articulate that is reasonable. Much of common law is actually Roman civil law but there is also Viking law from Cnut the Great. Common law is a hodge podge but the only fact you can really count on is that it is Lex NON Scripta ... it is never written. Which means it is always ARTICULATED.

Face it Bigjon ... what you believe or have been told about common law is entirely false. Common law is anything reasonable that you might bring up.

Lousyanna never used common law, its french civil law.

Face it palani, the use of fictions instead of men is something lieyers dreamed up to defraud their fellow men.

The main element of common law is that the Judge is a jury of 12 of your peers, who have the best of intentions for the good of your community.

Not the good of some lying asshole BAR members.

14th January 2017, 05:12 PM
Lousyanna never used common law, its french civil law.
No. Not quite accurate. While the French discovered this region and obtained official title with their treaty ending the French Indian war they promptly sold Louisiana (et al) to Spain. Spain made the proclamation making SPANISH civil law effective. When the French bought the region back in 1801 they never made any proclamation of their own bringing in FRENCH civil law.

As a previous resident of the French Quarter in New Orleans I can tell you the architecture is SPANISH ... not French at all.

the use of fictions instead of men is something lieyers dreamed up to defraud their fellow men Fictions abound. Check your wallet for example. If you find yourself relying upon the Federal Reserve to buy a loaf of bread then your words are hollow.

The main element of common law is that the Judge is a jury of 12 of your peers, who have the best of intentions for the good of your community. I have no peers and few equals. I refuse to let a jury of welfare state slaves decide anything at all.

Not the good of some lying asshole BAR members.
I expect what they are getting away with is far less than you imagine.

Check out that google book link I gave you. The book was commissioned by the State of Louisiana in 1820 and cuts out the parts of las siete partidas that does not apply due to the federal constitution.