View Full Version : The sun is hollow...?

midnight rambler
29th December 2016, 07:02 PM

29th December 2016, 08:54 PM
this guy is an interesting guy, however his personal story is quite convoluted. I think we have some material on him here. He did fall into the clutches of a shyster who took over his domain and started selling his stuff and things in his name. Some other things happened. Some people discredit him for various reasons, personal dealings or gatekeepers. It is hard to tell with the internet.

What he says is very interesting in the electric universe scheme of things and his work etc should be checked out. I think people should look what he says and demonstrates. I think there is value there.

Especially when it comes to electrical transformation? Thats the term I would use. I think it is how Tesla considered the behaviors as well and I think it is diametrically opposed to what current technicians have as their belief position on electricity and what it is, where it comes from etc.

29th December 2016, 09:15 PM
James McCanney says the Russians proved that all the fusion occurs high in the solar atmosphere.

This is proved by scanning across the face of the sun in any direction and the highest radiation emanates from the edges while the center is at a minimum compared to the edges. The fusion occurs when high plasma currents create a magnetic pinch effect.

I would guess that there has to some mass there to anchor the solar fire.

Eric Dollard is a genius looking for a solution. He seems to find trouble, but he also causes a lot of his own problems, as he is erratic and emotional.

29th December 2016, 11:22 PM
so that took all of 2 posts to demonstrate my comments. As I said its difficult to tell if his issues are a result of his behavior or if his behavior is a result of the issues he encountered. And I think his material and thoughts on transformation have more value than his theorizing about a hollow sun or other things he talks about.

Would hollow necessarily equal massless?
Not sure where the edge of a sphere would be found?
Does existence of plasma resolve to confirmation of thermo nuclear activity as the only source of plasma? or vice versa?

30th December 2016, 03:37 AM
What he says is very interesting in the electric universe scheme of things and his work etc should be checked out. I think people should look what he says and demonstrates. I think there is value there..

the electric universe theory doesnt disagree completely that the sun is hollow -- and a lot colder than we think.

plz note that Eric Dollar says that the sun has 22 year long cycles

EDIT: correction, what I said above come from a memory reading this compelling thread

Eric Dollard - On the Nature of the Sun
Per Eric Dollard:
1. The Sun is hollow and a "veil" with no internal structure, with contiguous granules on its surface
2. The Sun has no internal fusion
3. The Sun cannot be seen in "free space" without interaction of gross matter (which enables conversion to visible light)
4. The Sun is an aetheric transformer/converter from another dimensionality, with heat and light being a "waste product"
5. The photosphere generates the light

another evidence that everything we are told is wrong. The day science will recognize the reality of the aether, then it will make giant steps ahead.

30th December 2016, 04:01 AM
the electric universe theory agrees more or less that the sun is hollow and a lot colder than we think.

plz note that Eric Dollar says that the sun has 22 year long cycles

EDIT: correction, what I said above come from a memory reading this thread

Eric Dollard - On the Nature of the Sun
Per Eric Dollard:

1. The Sun is hollow and a "veil" with no internal structure, with contiguous granules on its surface
2. The Sun has no internal fusion
3. The Sun cannot be seen in "free space" without interaction of gross matter (which enables conversion to visible light)
4. The Sun is an aetheric transformer/converter from another dimensionality, with heat and light being a "waste product"
5. The photosphere generates the light


you have the sunspot cycle, and you have the magnetic field cycle which is two sunspot cycles...

"The 11-year sunspot cycle is actually half of a longer, 22-year cycle of solar activity. Each time the sunspot count rises and falls, the magnetic field of the Sun associated with sunspots reverses polarity; the orientation of magnetic fields in the Sun's northern and southern hemispheres switch. Thus, in terms of magnetic fields, the solar cycle is only complete (with the fields back the way they were at the start of the cycle) after two 11-year sunspot cycles. This solar cycle is, on average, about 22 years long - twice the duration of the sunspot cycle."

I do think the electric universe theory is plausible, and the fact that the sun is brighter towards its edges rather than the center suggests that the light is created close to the surface not from nuclear fusion in its core. Further you have red giant stars like Aldebaran, who despite having the diameter of Jupiters-Saturn orbit only has a mass of 10-20 times our sun. Essentially the average density of it is to be considered a vacuum here on earth. There is nothing in physics that would definitely contradict a hollow sun, nor earth.

14th November 2018, 09:36 PM
Jupiter Hollow at 4 minutes in,
