View Full Version : 100% of failing mississippi skoolz iz black

30th December 2016, 05:05 PM
hilarious....the components of the plan to fix the problem (bold below). if they want the kidz to pass they must lower the grading standard -- nothing else will do sh-t


Roughly 14 percent schools are considered failing, according to Mississippi Department of Education’s accountability data. And nearly 24 percent are considered underperforming with a D-rating. According to an analysis of district data, all of the 19 school districts that received an F-rating are majority black, a reflection of the state’s achievement gap between white and black students.

This week the lobby of the state Department of Education saw more bustle than usual as leaders of failing schools and districts in Mississippi filed in to present their strategies for an academic turnaround. Sonja Robertson, director of the state Office of School Improvement, said more than 90 schools have been tapped to go through the department’s process for at-risk schools this year.

The first step is submitting information requested by the department, including a master schedule; a school staff list with the each individual's position, credentials and years of experience; and instructional management plan. Schools must then present a presentation identifying weaknesses and strengths, as well as their plan of action.

The plan is expected to address leadership, professional development, curriculum and instruction, and school climate, according to an MDE guideline. The department will then provide feedback for the district's plan and provide needed support such as professional development resources.

30th December 2016, 07:05 PM
D'ay WAS kings!OO)~

30th December 2016, 08:10 PM
Clearly, a $100 billion will fix this problem quickly, allowing all of these latent scholars to be astronauts in 5 years. :rolleyes:

31st December 2016, 08:21 AM
You are looking at it wrong. TBTB think of it as 14% succeeding and 24% above average.

31st December 2016, 11:41 AM

31st December 2016, 11:55 AM
Being an idiot or dumshit has no lock on race, creed or color.

Know because in my life I have seen many idiots of all stripes of society that are not worth the air they breath.

Even know a couple that were raised right, had everything they could desire but still ended up bad, one is on death row now the other got himself killed doing something stupid. Had a great family , was close to the family and mom and dad tryed all they could but no joy.

As far as schools go, depends on the atmosphere and teachere and not the bucks dumped into it, tho the gov dictating how to teach can fuck things up.

Any older members remember "New math" ? 60's thing.

I would love to see sports out of schools, PE yes good thing butsports not so much.

But that will never be, because most people in all societys are trible in nature, and tribe vs tribe, city vs city conflict is in our dna.

31st December 2016, 01:03 PM

Nearly two decades ago, I did technical support for a major Internet provider. One night, a Nigger called up complaining we kept turning off his Internet. Guess what, from Oakland! After running through all possible common problems, I asked him exactly what he was doing when his Internet failed. It turned out he was connecting via his budget dial-up account, and then walking away from the computer. He was pissed that it didn't stay connected indefinitely when it wasn't being actively used. I vainly attempted to explain to him we didn't offer dedicated (always-connected) DUN accounts for $19.95/month. I explained that he could reconnect at any time when he was ready to actually use the Internet. That wasn't good enough. Honkey mofo was cheating da Black man!

31st December 2016, 01:06 PM
Being an idiot or dumshit has no lock on race, creed or color.

A few exceptions to the stereotype does not negate the stereotype. In this instance, the stereotype of the stupid Nigger.

is in our dna.

Stupidity is in the DNA of many, and in some races, the proportion is very high.

31st December 2016, 01:14 PM
Being an idiot or dumshit has no lock on race, creed or color.



31st December 2016, 01:16 PM
A few exceptions to the stereotype does not negate the stereotype. In this instance, the stereotype of the stupid Nigger.

Stupidity is in the DNA of many, and in some races, the proportion is very high.

Fred do your knuckles drag on the ground as your late dead Nazi God's?

Shame to see someone intelligent do a clusterfuck on himself and other's like himself!


I do have to agree with some here on spamming, what truth in our times other than being an echo chamber got boring?

Neuro back at you

Have a great and interesting new year !

31st December 2016, 01:49 PM
Fred do your knuckles drag on the ground as your late dead Nazi God's?

Shame to see someone intelligent do a clusterfuck on himself and other's like himself!

The liberal speaks!

"Knucle-dragger"? Can you be more obvious with your political bent?

Why is this such a personal matter for you? Non-White wife, non-White grandchildren, perhaps? Did your White granddaughter breed with T'rone Jackson?

Africa speaks for itself. As do Africans everywhere.

31st December 2016, 02:02 PM
Fred do your knuckles drag on the ground as your late dead Nazi God's?

Shame to see someone intelligent do a clusterfuck on himself and other's like himself!


I do have to agree with some here on spamming, what truth in our times other than being an echo chamber got boring?

Neuro back at you

Have a great and interesting new year !

Why don't you explain the OP instead? Why are ALL the failing schools in Mississippi black majority?

31st December 2016, 02:07 PM
Why don't you explain the OP instead? Why are ALL the failing schools in Mississippi black majority?

Because whites moved out leaving only the low IQ niggers to be "educated".

31st December 2016, 02:19 PM
Being an idiot or dumshit has no lock on race, creed or color.

Had a great family , was close to the family and mom and dad tryed all they could but no joy.

As far as schools go, depends on the atmosphere and teachere and not the bucks dumped into it, tho the gov dictating how to teach can fuck things up.

I would love to see sports out of schools, PE yes good thing butsports not so much.

But that will never be, because most people in all societys are trible in nature, and tribe vs tribe, city vs city conflict is in our dna.



31st December 2016, 05:12 PM
The liberal speaks!

"Knucle-dragger"? Can you be more obvious with your political bent?

Why is this such a personal matter for you? Non-White wife, non-White grandchildren, perhaps? Did your White granddaughter breed with T'rone Jackson?

Africa speaks for itself. As do Africans everywhere.

Why don't you explain the OP instead? Why are ALL the failing schools in Mississippi black majority?



Hoot !

Not a libral by far..

but I would enjoy the total hell if you dudes would do a collective circle jerk blow thingy..

I watch what you all post and then imajon a world under your wished rules.. and guess what lots of blood, pain etc..

Hell you guys can not agree about much , you all are at each others throuts for the slightest things...

So to be condimmed by you ass hats is a badge of honor for me....

Despite all of that I do wish as you all walk into the next year, it will be better for you than the one your ass leaves the room or year.

the world is changing and not your way.

liberal, lmao..not..pragmatic yes. and still stuck in the middle of the social political thingy...

y'all have a nice day..


Happy new year...

Ass hats ;D

31st December 2016, 05:17 PM
Not a libral by far..

The delusional belief in "racial equality" is the quintessence of liberalism.

You didn't answer the questions:

Why is this such a personal matter for you? Non-White wife, non-White grandchildren, perhaps? Did your White granddaughter breed with T'rone Jackson?

No old Texan (as you claim to be) believes in "racial equality" as you do without a personal reason for it. And "I have Black friends" doesn't cut it.

"[T]he world is changing and not your way." That sounds like the statement of a coward, not a man. Men stand up for ideals. We may not win, but neither do we surrender.

31st December 2016, 05:19 PM

Hoot !

Not a libral by far..

I watch what you all post and then imajon a world under your wished rules.. and guess what lots of blood, pain etc..

Hell you guys can not agree about much , you all are at each others throuts for the slightest things...

So to be condimmed by you ass hats is a badge of honor for me....

y'all have a nice day..


Thread Title: "100% of failing mississippi skoolz iz black"

31st December 2016, 05:37 PM
In many ways that state is both the poorest and backwards , not many job opportunity​ s

Good to see you are strong still muckrucking!

May thing's become interesting for you!

; D

31st December 2016, 05:43 PM
u creepee azz crakaz don no shit


31st December 2016, 05:53 PM


31st December 2016, 05:58 PM
In many ways that state is both the poorest and backwards , not many job opportunity​ s

Liberals like to talk about poverty and crime... Yet reality always seems to get in the way of trying to explain typical nigger behavior.


31st December 2016, 06:14 PM
Liberals like to talk about poverty and crime... Yet reality always seems to get in the way of trying to explain typical nigger behavior.

Then what is your answer?

There's a direct link of job opportunity or not vs crime!

Also giving kids a goal to strive for!



31st December 2016, 06:16 PM
Hoot !

Not a libral by far..

but I would enjoy the total hell if you dudes would do a collective circle jerk blow thingy..

I watch what you all post and then imajon a world under your wished rules.. and guess what lots of blood, pain etc..

Hell you guys can not agree about much , you all are at each others throuts for the slightest things...

So to be condimmed by you ass hats is a badge of honor for me....

Despite all of that I do wish as you all walk into the next year, it will be better for you than the one your ass leaves the room or year.

the world is changing and not your way.

liberal, lmao..not..pragmatic yes. and still stuck in the middle of the social political thingy...

y'all have a nice day..


Happy new year...

Ass hats ;D

The last spirit of 2016 it seems...

31st December 2016, 06:17 PM

^ He does have a point here.

31st December 2016, 06:31 PM
u creepee azz crakaz don no shit


See, see once whitey stops holding them back they can get high school diplomas too. Only three private tutors for reparations for murdering Trayvon and then a couple of years preparations before college. Go gurl! You'll calculate orbit on the Mars mission fo Nassa! Nuffin wrong with her head, she can do anything a white can do!

31st December 2016, 06:36 PM
In many ways that state is both the poorest and backwards , not many job opportunity​ s

OMG! And this guy claims to not be a liberal! If he looks, waddles, and quacks...yeah, he's a duck.

"Job opportunities"?!

Every Indian reservation is full of much poorer Indians, who have an actual reason to whine about oppression (gen-o-cide). Yet the average Indian is smarter, more civilized, and more trustworthy than the average Nigger, even ones with money and privilege.

Liberals such as yourself need to explain why Indian reservations don't look like Shitcago or Detoilet.

31st December 2016, 06:39 PM
Then what is your answer?

There's a direct link of job opportunity or not vs crime!

Also giving kids a goal to strive for!


The answer is genetics. The Negroid race is designed to not be as intelligent as Homo sapiens sapiens. Africa's history speaks for itself.

Liberal insistence that Niggers are "equal" to humans is the real "race hatred." They simply cannot be what they're falsely promised they can be.

31st December 2016, 06:43 PM
The answer is genetics. The Negroid race is designed to not be as intelligent as Homo sapiens sapiens. Africa's history speaks for itself.

Liberal insistence that Niggers are "equal" to humans is the real "race hatred." They simply cannot be what they're promised they can be.
I try to keep a slightly opened mind but I gotta give this one to Fred. As a white guy I would clock the first mother fucking piece of white trash who acted like those chimps do in front of me. With all the nigger support from other niggers I guess the knee grows don't feel the same way about their gorillas. It's not their fault, they're still evolving as a race

31st December 2016, 06:51 PM
I try to keep a slightly opened mind but I gotta give this one to Fred. As a white guy I would clock the first mother fucking piece of white trash who acted like those chimps do in front of me. With all the nigger support from other niggers I guess the knee grows don't feel the same way about their gorillas. It's not their fault, they're still evolving as a race

I personally don't believe in what is popularly called "human evolution (from lower forms of life)," but Carleton S. Coon, Harvard anthropologist, estimated that the Negroid race/species was 300,000 years behind humans in evolution. In other words, Negroids are advanced Homo erectii. Not "human beings" (Homo sapiens sapiens).



31st December 2016, 06:52 PM
The answer is genetics. The Negroid race is designed to not be as intelligent as Homo sapiens sapiens. Africa's history speaks for itself.

Liberal insistence that Niggers are "equal" to humans is the real "race hatred." They simply cannot be what they're falsely promised they can be.

To learn more about the genetics, read "Erectus Walks Amongst Us", good book Dogman, librals don't like it though...


31st December 2016, 06:54 PM
Then what is your answer?

There's a direct link of job opportunity or not vs crime!

Also giving kids a goal to strive for!



The answer is to ship the savages back to their home. You cannot domesticate savagery. Poverty and crime is absolute bullshit and a weak cop out from someone who hasn't done any real research into race and crime.

I'm sure 2017 will be all rose colored glasses for you. Keep holding on to that fable that we're all equal, I'm sure after another 200 years of trying to domesticate savagery we'll finally learn that it can't be done. But let's keep trying :rolleyes:

31st December 2016, 06:57 PM
I personally don't believe in what is popularly called "human evolution (from lower forms of life)," but Carleton S. Coon, Harvard anthropologist, estimated that the Negroid race/species was 300,000 years behind humans in evolution. In other words, Negroids are advanced Homo erectii. Not "human beings" (Homo sapiens sapiens).



My link to Erectus walks amongst us is free of charge, but you posted yours a minute before mine... ;D

31st December 2016, 07:01 PM
The answer is to ship the savages back to their home. You cannot domesticate savagery. Poverty and crime is absolute bullshit and a weak cop out from someone who hasn't done any real research into race and crime.

I'm sure 2017 will be all rose colored glasses for you. Keep holding on to that fable that we're all equal, I'm sure after another 200 years of trying to domesticate savagery we'll finally learn that it can't be done. But let's keep trying :rolleyes:

It's not like the first time in history good money is thrown after bad... I guess that is one of the most important lessons from history actually. We always fail to learn from it. Always!

31st December 2016, 07:04 PM
It's not like the first time in history good money is thrown after bad... I guess that is one of the most important lessons from history actually. We always fail to learn from it. Always!

Degenerates believe in substituting fantasy for reality. Among those fantasies is denying the reality of race. And all civilizations give rise to degenerates.

Ours are called liberals. And make no mistake: anyone who believes in racial equality is a liberal, regardless of political party or claimed persuasion.

31st December 2016, 07:37 PM
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Michael Brown's parents are objecting to a request from Ferguson for their son's medical and academic records as the city defends itself against a lawsuit the parents filed over the 2014 police shooting death of the unarmed 18-year-old.

Michael Brown Sr. and Lezley McSpadden, in December court filings, asked U.S. District Judge E. Richard Webber in St. Louis to at least limit if not scuttle altogether a push by the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, its former police chief and the officer who shot their son to turn over the documents. The parents say the documents are irrelevant and that the repeated demands for them are harassing and invasive.

Brown's parents argue in their lawsuit that the death of their son during an August 2014 confrontation with Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson deprived them of financial support through his future potential wages. An attorney for Ferguson, Wilson and the former police chief have countered in court filings that Brown's lifelong medical records are pertinent to determining his potential life expectancy and future income.

In her 2016 book, "Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil," McSpadden acknowledged that her son had high blood pressure, headaches, impaired vision and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In court filings rebuffing the push for all of her son's medical records, Brown's parents said his afflictions "have no bearing on a person's life expectancy."

"Although (the lawsuit's defendants) are admittedly entitled to some discovery regarding (Brown's) physical health, any and all medical records spanning his entire lifetime is overly broad in scope and time and vague," the family's filing read.
Brown's parents insist the academic records are shielded as private because they involve a juvenile.

Peter Dunne, an attorney for the defendants, wrote in a recent court filing that while the lawsuit's two sides "have resolved the majority of the disputes" involving the legal action's sharing of documents and potential evidence, "the parties have agreed there remain disputes over which no further compromise can be made," requiring Webber to sort it out.

A local grand jury declined to indict Wilson, who is white, in the death of Brown, who was black. The shooting and the grand jury's decision led to sometimes-violent protests in Ferguson and helped propel the Black Lives Matter movement, which criticizes police treatment of minorities. The U.S. Department of Justice also cleared Wilson, concluding he acted in self-defense.

31st December 2016, 07:47 PM
Brown's parents argue in their lawsuit that the death of their son during an August 2014 confrontation with Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson deprived them of financial support through his future potential wages.

Easy peasy, settle for the value of his future wages: ZERO

31st December 2016, 07:48 PM
what was its 'wages' history? did it ever have a job?

31st December 2016, 09:49 PM
what was its 'wages' history? did it ever have a job?

What difference at this point does it make?

1st January 2017, 05:13 AM
Easy peasy, settle for the value of his future wages: ZERO

I heard he was good at strongarming cigars out of tobacconists. So give his parents a Cigar. Life expectancy in that line of business isn't that long...

1st January 2017, 05:54 AM

1st January 2017, 01:34 PM
lmao!! how f-ing stupid can they be....this group is protesting for black self determination and reparations at the same. mind blowing idiocy

i be self determined to ask for more handouts?



1st January 2017, 01:36 PM
you can't make this shit up. if you did, people wouldn't believe you

here's their flyer - couldnt get it to post as image??

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CzWscKtXAAEn5zD.jpg --- is google or pbs blocking it?


1st January 2017, 01:45 PM
I think womenr are supposed to be protesting also, let's fund that info...

A week later on the 21st. The day after the inauguration.


The Women's March on Washington announced today that the location of our rally has been approved by an inter-agency task force. People from across the nation will gather at the intersection of Independence Ave and Third St SW, near the U.S. Capitol, at 10:00am on January 21, 2017. The Washington Post reported on this update on Friday, December 9, 2017.

The planning process will be ongoing until days before the march, and we will continue to work closely with the National Park Service, Metropolitan Police Department, Homeland Security, Capitol Police, and other agencies to ensure a safe march with all logistics in place to accommodate the number of people we anticipate convening. For security reasons, we will not release any further details about march logistics until a later date.

The Women’s March on Washington aims to send a message to all levels of government that we stand together in solidarity and we expect elected leaders to act to protect the rights of women, their families and their communities.

1st January 2017, 04:12 PM
see a correlation? yup, the people that deal with large black populations are 'racist'. their expert opinion is MUCH more convincing than the nyc skype media that have little to no dealings with blacks in their daily lives. and they have the chutzpah to lecture and demonize the real race experts


1st January 2017, 04:20 PM
the racist twitter map is practically carbon copy of black population. people that live in those areas are the REAL experts. nyc media SHOULD be listening, not talking


1st January 2017, 06:38 PM
another memorial to a true american uhhh hero


1st January 2017, 10:41 PM
see a correlation? yup, the people that deal with large black populations are 'racist'. their expert opinion is MUCH more convincing than the nyc skype media that have little to no dealings with blacks in their daily lives. and they have the chutzpah to lecture and demonize the real race experts

Good correlation with Missy Hillary voters too...

1st January 2017, 10:45 PM
diabetes (fat) map


black males that flunked high school


1st January 2017, 11:01 PM
found the reason - fried chicken


2nd January 2017, 07:30 AM
you can't make this shit up. if you did, people wouldn't believe you

here's their flyer - couldnt get it to post as image??

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CzWscKtXAAEn5zD.jpg --- is google or pbs blocking it?

