View Full Version : Sham Surgery Trial Proves Knee Surgeries Are a $4 Billion Medical Hoax

30th December 2016, 07:15 PM
not too shabby... this is a drop in the ocean

I just posted this article in the "happy new year thread" and decide to bring this up to the attention.

Some on here may read this as a new age column. The power of the mind... no way!

All this can be traced back to people seeing absolutely nothing when profits are pouring into big pharma because they are raised to be impressed by power and the "making billion mindset" .... zero sum game coming

Placebo Effect Has Risen Among Americans, Making Drug Development More Difficult
October 22, 2015

Sham Surgery Trial Proves Knee Surgeries Are a $4 Billion Medical Hoax

Many are quick to say that the placebo effect is responsible for the benefits of alternative treatments and natural supplements — the implication being that the treatment doesn't really work, and any benefit is "all in your head." But few stop to consider the fact that many of the benefits of conventional drugs and other interventions are also due to the placebo effect. One of the most dramatic examples of this was a knee surgery study13 published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002.

Not only does this double-blind, placebo-controlled, and multi-center trial definitively prove the power of your mind in healing, it also reveals that most knee surgery for osteoarthritis is an utter waste of money. The results of this study show that it's not actually the surgery itself that is responsible for the improvement, but rather it's almost entirely due to the placebo effect! More precisely, it's the ability of your brain to produce healing when you believe it should be happening (such as after you receive knee surgery). According to the authors:

"In this controlled trial involving patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, the outcomes after arthroscopic lavage or arthroscopic débridement were no better than those after a placebo procedure."

This was followed by another study,14 published in 2013, which also found that arthroscopic knee surgery for degenerative meniscal tears had no more benefit than "sham surgery." Here, they even excluded people with knee arthritis, as they tend not to benefit as much from meniscus surgery anyway, and the researchers wanted to ascertain if the surgery helps under "ideal circumstances."

Well, at the post-operative one-year mark, all patients, regardless of whether they had real or sham surgery, reported equal amounts of pain reduction, which led the researchers to conclude that real knee surgery offers no better outcome than sham surgery (placebo). This is a significant concession, as arthroscopic surgery on the meniscus is the most common orthopedic procedure in the US. According to this study, it's performed about 700,000 times a year to the tune of $4 billion.

But according to these findings, any surgeon who tells you this is "the best" or "only" option for your osteoarthritic knee pain will not have a leg to stand on when you show him or her this evidence. It's also worth considering these kinds of findings when you're weighing your treatment options. Remembering that your mind is the real healer here may help you find safer and less costly alternatives.


http://img11.deviantart.net/4272/i/2012/057/2/d/price_is_what_you_pay__value_is_what_you_get__by_l ord_nothing-d4r2lly.jpg


More Than 50 Percent of Pain-Relief from One Migraine Drug Is Due to Placebo Effect

Another example that reveals the extent to which the placebo effect may be at work in modern medicine is a study15 involving the migraine drug Maxalt (rizatriptan). When patients received placebo pills labeled as Maxalt, they reported similar pain relief as those receiving actual Maxalt tablets marked as placebo. According to the authors, the placebo effect accounted for more than 50 percent of the therapeutic value of this drug. Professor Ted Kaptchuk co-authored this study as well, and here he noted that:16

"This study untangled and reassembled the clinical effects of placebo and medication in a unique manner. Very few, if any, experiments have compared the effectiveness of medication under different degrees of information in a naturally recurring disease. Our discovery showing that subjects' reports of pain were nearly identical when they were told that an active drug was a placebo as when they were told that a placebo was an active drug demonstrates that the placebo effect is an unacknowledged partner for powerful medications." [Emphasis mine]

30th December 2016, 09:37 PM
I wonder how many sufferers of this issue get there through sport or exertion and how many through excess weight?

I've never really liked placebo because it suggests the potential for the patient to go into reversion and eventually resort to intervention because "placebo" is not real and obviously didn't really work so they need the treatment in the end anyway. I think it's a double edged sword. Having a problem and treating the symptoms, either by mind induced pain reduction - aka placebo or pain masking with medication is the same thing in my opinion.

Self healing or the ability of the body to heal itself is a different thing and I think that's worth looking at in it's own right.

31st December 2016, 03:08 AM
from article:
"Placebos don't necessarily provide cures, but they provide relief. In medical situations in which no cure is available, supportive and attentive health care can help patients to feel better, and when effective drugs do exist, placebo effects can enhance their impact. A significant body of research has resulted in a shift from thinking of placebos as just 'dummy' treatments to recognizing that placebo effects encompass numerous aspects of the health care experience and are central to medicine and patient care."

makes perfect sense that obesity for example will not make knee issues go away. But losing weight is often a mind issue. so I wonder how big pharma earnings would look like if society was a lot saner. because today its clearly out of whack.

from the article:
To demonstrate this, rats were injected with morphine two times, which preconditioned them to expect pain relief in conjunction with an injection. Then, when the morphine was traded for saline, as many as 40 percent of the rats responded with signs of pain relief, as if they'd been given morphine.

but drugs like oxicodin are sold like never before and inducing widespread dependence because docs are too addicted to the profits... what if the number of people taking it could be reduced by 40-50%? That is how I look at it

medicine as a whole will have to be demonetized at some point, but expensive MD degrees are too part of the problem. Students only see the money they eventually will earn after college is completed.

31st December 2016, 04:47 AM
The problem is that the pain usually is not coming from arthritic changes. Pain is the result of tension in the tissue. If the tissue tension persist for many years you start seeing progressive osteoarthritis, iow the tense tissues starts adapting to the tension, usually with the result you get less pain (but increasing joint stiffness).

Thus cleaning away osteoarthritic changes, usually has no effect at all at pain levels, as it doesn't address the problem (tissue tension due to a bone misalignment), apart from the placebo. In severe cases you do get good results by changing the joint, by putting in a functioning hip or knee-prosthesis. In mild to moderate cases you'ld better go to a chiropractor who restores your joint motion to normal. Cleaning out some adaptive calcification doesn't change anything.

31st December 2016, 04:52 AM
Losing weight would help some.

31st December 2016, 05:17 AM
The medical profession has its' roots in the Land of Oz (although by the Mandela Effect you would now know this as The Matrix). In the real world you heal yourself and don't need a shaman dealing in chicken feathers and other parts. Perhaps what you are lacking is a Certificate of Thinkology?


31st December 2016, 06:21 AM
Losing weight would help some.

Especially those who have knee pain. Most surgeons refuse to do the surgery unless the patient lose weight. That is probably the most beneficial thing they do.

31st December 2016, 07:02 AM
most surgeons, I dont know.

I'd say "very few"

surgery inc is a reality

Especially those who have knee pain. Most surgeons refuse to do the surgery unless the patient lose weight. That is probably the most beneficial thing they do.

31st December 2016, 07:12 AM
most surgeons, I dont know.

I'd say "very few"

surgery inc is a reality
Obviously I don't know what every surgeon in the world tells their patient. Swedish and Turkish orthopedic surgeons tend to tell their obese patients to lose weight prior to a knee surgery.

If you think about it. It would appear to make the surgery more effective too!

31st December 2016, 11:04 AM
The docs I work with will make the patient lose weight before a total knee replacement surgery. An extra small component isn't designed to take the weight of Miss Piggy. Also, the patient is less motivated to finish PT post surgery if they're fat and out of shape. But, there is always someone who will do the surgery if you shop around.

1st January 2017, 10:41 AM
Conventional medicine has failed the population over all. Homeopathic and Orthomolecular therapy using diet, natural foods, key nutrients and a mental attitude adjustment will cure any and all disease if caught in time. The entire human body rebuilds itself cell by cell every 11-14 months. Consider the implications of having a brand new toxin-free infection-free body.

1st January 2017, 12:34 PM
The docs I work with will make the patient lose weight before a total knee replacement surgery.

http://www.chiropractic-help.com/images/obese-man-walker.jpg http://ne-edim.ru/images/2016/7/morbidnoe-ozhirenie-foto_9_1.jpg
The obese should be denied all medical care as a matter of policy.

Fatties should be banned from all restaurants.

Too Fat to Fly $6 Million Lawsuit (http://www.inquisitr.com/1462818/airline-settles-fat-lawsuit-6m-obesity-suit-for-mans-dead-wife-settled/)

1st January 2017, 02:27 PM
http://www.chiropractic-help.com/images/obese-man-walker.jpg http://ne-edim.ru/images/2016/7/morbidnoe-ozhirenie-foto_9_1.jpg
The obese should be denied all medical care as a matter of policy.

Fatties should be banned from all restaurants.

Too Fat to Fly $6 Million Lawsuit (http://www.inquisitr.com/1462818/airline-settles-fat-lawsuit-6m-obesity-suit-for-mans-dead-wife-settled/)

All of these obese people can be simply and easily cured through supplementation that provides key micronutrients and naturally regulates blood sugar and eliminates food cravings.

A doctor telling an obese patient to lose weight without showing him how and why is not a good doctor. These joint-replacement people are almost always overweight and in poor health. They need an entire dietary and nutritional makeover before surgery. Ironically, many people who have adopted a healthy clean nutritious diet find that their joints healed on their own, obviating the need for joint replacement!

1st January 2017, 02:34 PM
All of these obese people can be simply and easily cured through supplementation

My own cure would involve hard work for low pay. After all the epidemic is simply a reflection of the economy.

But then this would be demeaning to their character and if they choose to live like rich doctors so be it. Live by the HFCS die by the HFCS is my motto.

In calculus a study made of the progress of viral epidemics is SIR ... susceptible, infected, recovered. We presume that 100% of the population is susceptible to obesity but this is not the case. The hard working poor man is rarely obese and is not therefore susceptible. Society loves to direct their cures to the symptoms rather than the cause.

7th trump
1st January 2017, 02:56 PM
http://www.chiropractic-help.com/images/obese-man-walker.jpg http://ne-edim.ru/images/2016/7/morbidnoe-ozhirenie-foto_9_1.jpg
The obese should be denied all medical care as a matter of policy.

Fatties should be banned from all restaurants.

Too Fat to Fly $6 Million Lawsuit (http://www.inquisitr.com/1462818/airline-settles-fat-lawsuit-6m-obesity-suit-for-mans-dead-wife-settled/)

I absolutely 100% agree

1st January 2017, 03:48 PM
I absolutely 100% agree






"MEDICAID" tax dollars spent on their willful gluttony.



noun: gluttony

habitual greed or excess in eating.

greed (https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=743&q=define+greed&forcedict=greed&ved=0ahUKEwizjvDokKLRAhVH2mMKHVMcCFgQ_SoIHjAA), greediness, overeating, gourmandism, gourmandizing, voracity, insatiability; informalpiggishness
"the gluttony you displayed last evening was reprehensible"


1st January 2017, 08:49 PM
back in my younger days i lived in the hood. my next door neighbor (likely mx illegal...or something like that) got gov checks because she was too fat to work. this was in the 90's. can only imagine the fraud that has exploded over obomba's 8 years

a few years ago, on another board (before banned) i did a thread on the correlation between obesity/diabetes and food stamps. the maps were a perfect match. conclusion - nyc.dc is stealing money from us at gunpoint in order to give food welfare to fat people. w....t.....f :o