View Full Version : Greece bans cash: Tax-allowance possible only through payments via plastic money

5th January 2017, 07:03 PM
Greece bans cash: Tax-allowance possible only through payments via plastic money
Posted by keeptalkinggreece in Economy

Greece is banning the use of cash the soft way. As of 1.1. 2017, taxpayers will be granted tax-allowance and tax deduction only when they have made payments via credit or debit cards. The new guidelines refer to employees, pensioners, farmers but also unemployed.

Accepted expenditure will be:

purchases for food and supermarket products, electronic and electric devices, household equipment, footwear, clothing, fuel, furniture, cigarettes*, drinks

Restaurants, cafeterias,bars and hotels

Services like by hairdressers and beauty parlors, gyms and dance schools, car repair, plumbers, electricians, painters, carpenters, lawyers and accountants.

For doctors and pharmacy the same practice will be valid as in last year. The tax office will accept the expenditure only if payments are made per credit card or bank transfer.

Expenditure for utility bills, landlines and mobile phones, heating, rent, loan repayments that in fact swallow the largest amount of monthly expenditure for private households will not be accepted. Also not accepted is expenditure for toll and transport tickets.

In its “wisdom” the Greek Finance Ministry has determined the amount the taxpayers will have to pay per e-money in order to be able to get the tax allowance:

10% for annual income up to €10,000
15% for annual income €10,001-€30,000
20% for annual income over €30,001

The famous Greek wisdom in times of austerity, bailout agreements and economic crisis remains the same also in 2017 and as neoliberal as possible since 2010: crack the low and medium incomes, let the rich fly free

Find the Surrealism

income €7,000: expenditure per plastic money must be €700
income €10,000: expenditure per plastic money must be €1,000
income €30,000: expenditure per plastic money must be €4,500
income €60,000 expenditure per plastic money must be €12,000

Should a taxpayer will not be able to spend the necessary percentage of the annual income according to the guidelines, the punishment will be a penalty of 22% imposed on the missing difference.

I heard on television that couples will have to spend separately – but better check with your accountant. The average taxpayer in Greece needs an accountant anyway, someone who will follow the revenue-expedience balance month by month for the sake of the tax office.

In the bizarre Greek world we live in, households will be obliged to spend money even if they do not want to. As the large part of monthly need coverage (utilities etc) is not accepted by the tax office, households who do not manage to reach the necessary percentage through supermarket percentages will have to go and spend like crazy in retail, dance schools and gyms and other goods and service providers.

Exempted from the compulsory usage of credit/debit cards are seniors over 70 years old, residents of remote areas and people with disability over 80%. I suppose they will have to continue the collection of paper receipts.

KTG understands that with these new system, taxpayers will not need to collect the stupid receipts from cash register, where the amount had faded away when they were supposed to be brought to the tax office in a huge plastic bag.

The cap for cash transactions falls from 1,500 until 31.12.2016 down to 500 euro. In simple words: any purchase of good and service over 500 euro will need to be done via plastic money.

*I am not sure about cigarettes expenditure as kiosks do not have POS machines.

PS I don’t know what will happen if the tax office finds out that the taxpayer spent more money than determined in the guidelines. My fantasy is galloping with lots of crazy scenarios…


5th January 2017, 07:10 PM
The Elite's Dream of a Cash Ban is Now Closer Than Ever
by Phoenix Capital...
Jan 5, 2017 9:48 AM

Globally the Elites are watching what’s unfolding in India… and they are doing so with glee.

In case you missed it, India banned the use of the 500 and 1,000 Rupee bills on November 8 2016.

This is effectively a complete physical cash as these bills (both of which are worth < $10) represent 86% of all cash in circulation.

The country plunged into turmoil soon afterwards. But guess what?

The guy who pushed for this (Prime Minister Narendra Modi), remains in office. Everyone who signed off on it did too. Public outcry, while serious, didn’t have any real political ramifications.

More than this, the policy has INCREASED tax revenues for India.

Last week, while countering criticism that the economy was suffering from the war on cash, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said tax figures told a different story.

He said income tax revenue rose 14.4% through Dec. 19, although he didn’t specify if he meant for the fiscal year or thus far in the demonetization program. Indirect taxes—including excise, and custom duties and service taxes—also rose a collective 26.2% up to Nov. 30, he said.

“What comes into the banking system gets identified with the person and therefore its impact on taxation and revenue collection is already being seen,” Mr. Jaitley said.

Source: WSJ

Let’s break this down simply…

· India effectively banned 86% of physical cash in circulation.

· No one who implemented this lost their job or faced any political consequence.

· Government taxes increased.

If you think the Elites aren’t watching this unfold with sheer delight you’re mistaken. Globally a war on cash has been declared. And India has now proved that it can be done with little consequence. The fact it INCREASE tax hauls (something every Government on the planet wants) is just icing on the cake.

If you think a similar plan is coming to the US, you’re mistaken.


5th January 2017, 07:30 PM
Technological mass unemployment will start to rise considerably in 3 years or so, so the ban on cash is the only way to control people's options.

they want or hope to prevent an underground economy from taking over, people from helping one another directly without the gov in the middle.

diabolically genius

midnight rambler
5th January 2017, 07:39 PM
Don't you mean mass unemployment?

Technological mass employment will start to rise considerably in 3 years or so, so the ban on cash is the only way to control people's options.

they want or hope to prevent an underground economy from taking over, people from helping one another directly without the gov in the middle.

diabolically genius

5th January 2017, 07:46 PM
Don't you mean mass unemployment?

yeah, sorry... just corrected it




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