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Stop Making Cents
8th January 2017, 04:46 PM
Your thoughts on the mandela effect?:


Many of us share unorthodox memories.
Something odd (and fascinating) might be happening.
From my side of the dashboard, some of these “alternate memories” are eerily consistent, even when I didn’t publish the earliest reports. That’s intriguing.
Most of us don’t think this is a conspiracy.
It’s just something we can’t explain, yet. Sort of like how gravity works. And some aspects of lightning. And whatever Einstein meant by his incomplete time-space theories. Or even why, in some countries, cars stop at green traffic lights.
(But, hey, it might be a conspiracy. Or there may be some media manipulation involved. I haven’t a clue.)
The Mandela Effect is quirky. It’s weird. It’s fun, if you step away from the topic and look at it intellectually. (I’m trying not to seem insensitive to those who feel traumatized by this subject. I’m also mindful of the anxieties of those convinced this is a conspiracy.)
This site has been based in, “Okay, what if alternate memories are mostly accurate? What if alternate realities exist, and we can interact with them? Then what…?”
As I see it, Mandela Effect is poised at a cool, kind-of-unsettling seesaw fulcrum, between sci-fi/fantasy and physics.
I’m not saying that anyone is making this up. Those who have those memories — including me — we’re relieved to find others with the exact same memories, or at least memories that match on too many points to be “coincidence.”
But, I’ll admit that anything we might deliberately do with what we’ve learned from our conversations… that takes us into speculative areas that aren’t as well-grounded as the memories we share. I want to make that distinction clear.
At this point:
The Mandela Effect is recognized as something real, independent of how the individual explains it. (That includes everything from snarky skepticism to fervent belief.)
The topic of parallel realities — and their possible interactions — is becoming more credible. And, that data has been provided by people who (mostly) don’t care one way or the other about the Mandela Effect.
It’s time for me to have fun with this topic, instead of defending it or trying to moderate conversations best held at Reddit. (Reddit provides a far better home for active conversations about individual memories, and for correlation of them.)
So, I wish you a very happy holiday season… whichever of the 50+ seasonal holidays you celebrate. (Or none of them, if that’s your choice.)
In 2017, let’s take this topic beyond individual Mandela Effect incidents.
Let’s look at the bigger picture. Let’s examine more of the speculative, “what if…?” sides of this topic.
And, let’s see where this takes us.
Happy new year!


Mandela effect[edit]
An internet meme related to confabulation is known as the "Mandela Effect". This is a situation where a number of people claim to share memories of events which differ from the available evidence of those events. The term was coined[64] by paranormal enthusiast Fiona Broome, who said she and other people remembered Nelson Mandela dying in the 1980s in prison, well before his actual death in 2013 from an illness.[63][65] Proponents of the "Mandela Effect" cite this, and some of the other confabulations above, as being parts of a single phenomenon which they relate to multiverse theories such as the many-worlds interpretation rather than to individual failures of reading or memory.[63]
A similar example of confabulation appeared in December 2016 when people recalled a movie titled "Shazaam" where comedian Sinbad portrayed a genie. This source of this false memory is likely the film Kazaam starring Shaquille O'Neal. Even though there is no evidence for the existence of the Sinbad movie, some people still insist it existed and have attributed this to the "Mandela effect".[66][67][68][69]

This is the one that really got me:


Many people who visit the Mandela Effect website have fond memories of the Berenstein Bears books. They read them as children, or family members read them aloud. It’s a cherished childhood memory.
However, the books in this timestream are Berenstain Bears. A, not E, in last syllable.
That’s not what most visitors seem to remember. The following are among the many memories people have shared, sometimes as part of longer comments.* The vast majority recall the books as Berenstein Bears.

8th January 2017, 07:12 PM
It's an odd one. Seems to have been an increasingly discussed topic from about mid 2016 onwards. When I first heard the term mentioned the idea behind it kind of "rang a bell" which I think is the main premise behind it. Whether or not I ever thought I had heard or read that Mandela had died in prison I'm not sure. Again, kind of rings a bell that there may have been an incorrect or correct report (which was retracted) back in the day. The only way to be sure would be for someone to come up with some the report, either from a news bulletin or news paper reporting Mandela had died.

I've tried searching news paper archives for old articles, not related to the subject of Mandela but found it near impossible because nothing is indexed or cross referenced and it's all on unsearchable microfiche. You need to know the specifics of the story, date and publication in order to find it. Whether or not anyone could turn up an actual news article on Mendela dying in the 1980's would be interesting. If one existed I doubt it would be found in a government run library archive.

Some other thoughts I'd like to throw out there are:
1) memberries
2) the number 8 or the infinite loop
3) Orobouros
4) ground hog day
5) the number of TV shows this past year or two that have been esoterically messaging this concept of humans being in a amnesia loop of mind and spirit. e.g. West World. OA. Westwood Pines. Other movies like Donnie Darko

I've linked this womans blog a few times. She does a fairly good breakdown of those concepts: http://rosettedelacroix.com/

Numberology aficionados talk about the concept of 911. Now 911 is also supposed to be the date of destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem... (I've not looked into it but key numbers usually have multiple reasons for being important). BUT as a sequence 9 then 11 is supposed to represent a loop that fails to complete. In pythagorean and other numerology, 10 is perfection, completion. As you step through the numerical phases you get to 9. To complete you should go to 10 - perfection. The various number encoded events containing 9 and 11 are skipping 10, are skipping completion and going to 11. In numerology 11 = 1+1 = 2. This is supposed to mean that 10 is skipped and the loop returns back to 2 and repeats. 10 would be 1+0 = 1.

So 911 supposedly skips completion and sends events into a loop. I think it has some reverberation with the idea of the Mandela effect. Memories of past loops. We might have been here before but our memories are lost. Explanations of those twinges of lost memory are given to us in the list above.

Again, read this persons work on the Westworld Story TV series for an interesting angle on the subject : http://rosettedelacroix.com/
Tumbleweed also addresses this subject in their thread: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?88872-Jews-the-children-of-Satan&highlight=satan

Tumbleweeds thread deals with the lost families (tribes) Isaac Sons (Saxsons), Tribe of Dan (Danish people), Greeks (can't remember who they are)/. They are called the lost tribes but in reality they are not lost as in can't be found. They are lost as in they have Amnesia - they have lost the memory of who they are.

8th January 2017, 07:28 PM
Memories are fickle. There is a huge factor of group-think involved in memories. People "remember" things that didn't happen or are otherwise untrue because other people believe them and/or it's popular to "remember" them.

Think of all the "memory" from the Holocaust™. I think a lot of the little Jews sincerely believe in soap, lampshades and "showers." And the big Jews love it as an opportunity to suck Goyim (like Germans) dry, and smash Goyim over the head to shut down "anti-Semitism."

With the intensification of the Psychodrome (the world of make-believe most live in due to the "thought leadership" of Talmudvision, Holowood, print media, and now, social media), more and more people are losing their connection to reality. We will see more and more of the "Mandela Effect" in years to come. "Memories" materializing solely out of mass consciousness. Facts will go down Orwell's Memory Hole, and more & more synthetic "facts" will be injected directly into the Psychodrome "thought" stream. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia Eastasia.

Of all the things of old that people have lost due to the rise of technology, a solid memory is in the top five. Most of the ancient stories from religion and general culture survived thousands of years independently solely from accurate memory and oral transmission. Imagine a factual story surviving without major corruption even two generations in today's world without writing or other recording. I can't.

8th January 2017, 08:45 PM
an interesting side dish of modern days - internet scrubbing and revisionism

like the skype prostitute that was killed by craigslist killer -- overnight she morphed from whore to beautiful model actress. massive scrubbing/editing operation

and the show 'sex in the city' morphed into 'sex and the city' --- complete with internet scrubbing/editing

9th January 2017, 01:23 AM
an interesting side dish of modern days - internet scrubbing and revisionism

like the skype prostitute that was killed by craigslist killer -- overnight she morphed from whore to beautiful model actress. massive scrubbing/editing operation

and the show 'sex in the city' morphed into 'sex and the city' --- complete with internet scrubbing/editing

Winston Smith's job was to do this with the technology of his world. Now it's done with computers.

9th January 2017, 05:26 AM
Memories are fickle. There is a huge factor of group-think involved in memories. People "remember" things that didn't happen or are otherwise untrue because other people believe them and/or it's popular to "remember" them.

Think of all the "memory" from the Holocaust™. I think a lot of the little Jews sincerely believe in soap, lampshades and "showers." And the big Jews love it as an opportunity to suck Goyim (like Germans) dry, and smash Goyim over the head to shut down "anti-Semitism."

With the intensification of the Psychodrome (the world of make-believe most live in due to the "thought leadership" of Talmudvision, Holowood, print media, and now, social media), more and more people are losing their connection to reality. We will see more and more of the "Mandela Effect" in years to come. "Memories" materializing solely out of mass consciousness. Facts will go down Orwell's Memory Hole, and more & more synthetic "facts" will be injected directly into the Psychodrome "thought" stream. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia Eastasia.

Of all the things of old that people have lost due to the rise of technology, a solid memory is in the top five. Most of the ancient stories from religion and general culture survived thousands of years independently solely from accurate memory and oral transmission. Imagine a factual story surviving without major corruption even two generations in today's world without writing or other recording. I can't.

I was tested with a semi-photographic memory while I was in the military. I remember the movie "Shazaam" and Sinbad being the Genie. I was a kid when that was advertised and I remember being excited to actually see it (I never got to see it).

I'm wondering if it's a timeline shift? There are other odd occurrences like that. I remember reading about a business traveler in the 1950's with a passport and form a country that didn't exist.


9th January 2017, 07:57 AM
Memories are fickle. There is a huge factor of group-think involved in memories. People "remember" things that didn't happen or are otherwise untrue because other people believe them and/or it's popular to "remember" them.

Think of all the "memory" from the Holocaust™. I think a lot of the little Jews sincerely believe in soap, lampshades and "showers." And the big Jews love it as an opportunity to suck Goyim (like Germans) dry, and smash Goyim over the head to shut down "anti-Semitism."

With the intensification of the Psychodrome (the world of make-believe most live in due to the "thought leadership" of Talmudvision, Holowood, print media, and now, social media), more and more people are losing their connection to reality. We will see more and more of the "Mandela Effect" in years to come. "Memories" materializing solely out of mass consciousness. Facts will go down Orwell's Memory Hole, and more & more synthetic "facts" will be injected directly into the Psychodrome "thought" stream. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia Eastasia.

That new movie "Hidden Figures" is a classic example. Most people do not understand that this is a fictional movie, but will believe that it is a fact that the reason we went to the moon was because of black female geniuses. It's programming in the exact literal sense of the word.