View Full Version : Man's theory on life after death goes viral

old steel
10th January 2017, 09:56 PM

A user (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009281256901&fref=nf) with a theory on life after death appears to be onto something, after his late night musing went viral.

Samuel Murray posted a run-on sentence speculating what he thinks might happen when you die:

Samuel Murray

"What if when we die the light at the end of the tunnel is the light to another hospital room, there we are born and the only reason you come out crying is because you remember everything from your past life and you're crying at the fact that you died and lost everything, as you grow you start to forget your past life and focus on the life you have now, but patches of memory stay behind and that memory causes deja vu. Think 'bout that for a second.."


10th January 2017, 10:37 PM
New Age delusion.

10th January 2017, 11:04 PM
yeah, imagine anyone dying and being reborn or coming back to life. crazy talk.

10th January 2017, 11:32 PM
What if there were no electricity and you saw light... would it be a candle?

What if you were born at home, before hospitals were all the fashion?

What if you died a bum and lost nothing?

10th January 2017, 11:58 PM
What if you died a bum and lost nothing?

You might not have anything material but you might have memories or trauma.

Quoting myself from Mandela effect (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?94256-The-Mandela-Effect&p=878952&viewfull=1#post878952)

Numberology aficionados talk about the concept of 911. Now 911 is also supposed to be the date of destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem... (I've not looked into it but key numbers usually have multiple reasons for being important). BUT as a sequence 9 then 11 is supposed to represent a loop that fails to complete. In pythagorean and other numerology, 10 is perfection, completion. As you step through the numerical phases you get to 9. To complete you should go to 10 - perfection. The various number encoded events containing 9 and 11 are skipping 10, are skipping completion and going to 11. In numerology 11 = 1+1 = 2. This is supposed to mean that 10 is skipped and the loop returns back to 2 and repeats. 10 would be 1+0 = 1.

So 911 supposedly skips completion and sends events into a loop. I think it has some reverberation with the idea of the Mandela effect. Memories of past loops. We might have been here before but our memories are lost. Explanations of those twinges of lost memory are given to us in the list above.

Again, read this persons work on the Westworld Story TV series for an interesting angle on the subject : http://rosettedelacroix.com/

old steel
11th January 2017, 12:04 AM
Time is a flat circle.


11th January 2017, 05:18 AM
I am just sick and tired

new age delusion... so many cultures have endorsed reincarnation, and still do, some of which are 1000s years old BUT this is a *new age* delusion.

I dont F*&%ng care if you believe in it but once again, we can see HOW the term new age is being used to deter people from making up their own minds. If it is not in the bible, it is plain BS.

But the new age tag also has a double purpose: do not question the bible itself, take it at face value, literally. Or you could start some digging and consider investigating other belief systems, and even more dangerously beginning to see "the" big picture and start to think for yourself ???

yes, scholars still argue a lot about it, but they will not tell you that. Since the life of jesus between 12 and 30 years of age is completely swiped under the rug and apocryphal... I am not holding my breath.

Bible verses related to Reincarnation from the King James Version (KJV) b

11th January 2017, 05:23 AM
Reincarnation aside, I believe that the flash of light that many people who went through a NDE is the brain visualizing the Universe being only (made of an indivisible) Light.

Walter Russell' Secret Of Light approaches the subject, his book can be found online for free

edit: my emphasis and 2 cents here. Since humans have a right and left brain that is decoding light, at the moment of death, I'd assume that this duality ceases to be, the two brains unite and make the person dying see a big flash. But after that flash, consciousness becomes pure aetheral energy. I also can see why Russelll contends that light is invisible. To this, Id add that indivisible light may be the aether itself, which we cannot see. Divisible light is the manifestation of the aether into matter, all matter being light compressed at different stages or degrees.

Everything is dual, 3rd natural law

What if there were no electricity and you saw light... would it be a candle?

What if you were born at home, before hospitals were all the fashion?

What if you died a bum and lost nothing?

11th January 2017, 08:51 AM
yeah, imagine anyone dying and being reborn or coming back to life. crazy talk.

Modern man does everything he can to dispute and disparage what Christ taught.

11th January 2017, 08:56 AM
Bible verses related to Reincarnation from the King James Version (KJV) b


You don't even read your own links:

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

11th January 2017, 09:42 AM
What if... people were not so stupid, feeding on a heavy diet of bullshit and spewing the same substance. You people have truth knocking on your front door and yet you go to the back door and let the con-man come in, size up your property and steal the life right before your eyes.

11th January 2017, 10:08 AM
Do believe there is sometning after life but not nesseracly in a popular blibical sense.

We are born, grow up making mistakes past adult hood, but they that can lear gain wisdom, that we try to pass on to the younger ones.

Life is short or not long enouth depending on ones body.

Personal experiance of hints more than once that behind the veal there is something bigger.

Some think dead = dead.

I dissagree

11th January 2017, 03:15 PM
I agree with crimethink that the musings shared in the OP are rubbish.

Suuurre, the reasons babies cry is because they remember everything that happened to them in a previous life. When my daughter was born, she didn't cry until the doctor gently slapped her to get her breathing and get some color into her skin. I suppose she had forgotten her previous life already and the slap reminded her about it. :rolleyes:

And what about people who weren't born in hospitals? What if you're born in the middle of the night in a place with not a lot of light?

11th January 2017, 03:27 PM
I agree with crimethink that the musings shared in the OP are rubbish.

Suuurre, the reasons babies cry is because they remember everything that happened to them in a previous life. When my daughter was born, she didn't cry until the doctor gently slapped her to get her breathing and get some color into her skin. I suppose she had forgotten her previous life already and the slap reminded her about it. :rolleyes:

And what about people who weren't born in hospitals? What if you're born in the middle of the night in a place with not a lot of light?

Sorry you need to go deeper and get the fucking clutter out of your mind!

Some can pull it off, but it does take reflections of your faults on your path in life!

Some never will nor have a clue!

Mostly because they do not review their life's of their path and only look ongoing and reflecting their place in the greater scheam !

Frank's meditation works!

TM works for me! Most live life in the moment and hell with the past! But the past has a huge part of making who you are today!


midnight rambler
11th January 2017, 05:41 PM

A user (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009281256901&fref=nf) with a theory on life after death appears to be onto something, after his late night musing went viral.

Samuel Murray posted a run-on sentence speculating what he thinks might happen when you die:

Samuel Murray

"What if when we die the light at the end of the tunnel is the light to another hospital room, there we are born and the only reason you come out crying is because you remember everything from your past life and you're crying at the fact that you died and lost everything, as you grow you start to forget your past life and focus on the life you have now, but patches of memory stay behind and that memory causes deja vu. Think 'bout that for a second.."


Indeed, how absurd. /s



11th January 2017, 06:02 PM
Do you ever stop for a second to think about what any of this even means? Rhetorical question.

Modern man does everything he can to dispute and disparage what Christ taught.

And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Of course what we are both talking about is the completion..... of the prophesy. I've suggested a couple times that it's possible that the fulfillment is being short circuited. I think it's an idea worth entertaining NOT as "a man is his own God" thought process that the Satanists have with their Do as thou Wilt etc philosophy, because that would be anti Christ thinking but the possibility that the Christ has been back multiple times and unable to complete the prophesy because of some kind of short circuit. I personally don't think the prophesy is so much about the coming a second time, I think it is about the completion of the task. Just badly described so that everyone focuses on the "Second Coming" and they keep looking for it as if it would be announced in some world wide grand Tah-Dah spectacle and not focusing on the objective of it, which would be the true sign the prophesy has been fulfilled.

There is a massive amount of effort put into convincing people that God doesn't exist, No creator, give it no thought, ignore the teachings or interpret the teachings this way. And there is a massive amount of effort going into other manufactured events. These manufactured events appear to be kinds of invocations and I think they are designed to cement control but I also think some are designed to block the prophesy from being fulfilled. And I think this causes a cycle of some sort, a loop if you will. I don't know if it is an identical loop or a similar loop but there is something odd going on.

It may just be bad people making hay while they can or it might be a kind of interference to the outcome that was foretold. Buying time etc. I realise it's all very esoteric for most people. People can only know what they have experienced and for most it's beyond their experience.

11th January 2017, 07:10 PM
Of course what we are both talking about is the completion..... of the prophesy. I've suggested a couple times that it's possible that the fulfillment is being short circuited. I think it's an idea worth entertaining NOT as "a man is his own God" thought process that the Satanists have with their Do as thou Wilt etc philosophy, because that would be anti Christ thinking but the possibility that the Christ has been back multiple times and unable to complete the prophesy because of some kind of short circuit. I personally don't think the prophesy is so much about the coming a second time, I think it is about the completion of the task. Just badly described so that everyone focuses on the "Second Coming" and they keep looking for it as if it would be announced in some world wide grand Tah-Dah spectacle and not focusing on the objective of it, which would be the true sign the prophesy has been fulfilled.

There is a massive amount of effort put into convincing people that God doesn't exist, No creator, give it no thought, ignore the teachings or interpret the teachings this way. And there is a massive amount of effort going into other manufactured events. These manufactured events appear to be kinds of invocations and I think they are designed to cement control but I also think some are designed to block the prophesy from being fulfilled. And I think this causes a cycle of some sort, a loop if you will. I don't know if it is an identical loop or a similar loop but there is something odd going on.

It may just be bad people making hay while they can or it might be a kind of interference to the outcome that was foretold. Buying time etc. I realise it's all very esoteric for most people. People can only know what they have experienced and for most it's beyond their experience.

It comes down to something this simple: because the people had not a love for the truth, they were given over to great delusion.

12th January 2017, 03:13 AM
TM works for me!

Why am I not surprised?

"TM" = Transcendental Meditation™ - with the "tm" for trademark.

Trademarks are for profit.

Maharishi Foundation's "TM" promotes the lie of "Yogic Flying" - the claim that studying TM will lead to your ability to literally levitate:


Maharishi's cult tried to scrub this website from the web, but it's still here:


Welcome to the official website of the Maharishi University of Management Yogic Flying Club. We hope you enjoy learning about Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation technique and Yogic Flying-the most advanced technologies available today to develop and enhance individual life from within and to raise the quality of life in society to unprecedented levels of harmony and achievement.

Yogic Flying is for everyone. Everyone should enjoy bubbling bliss all the time while achieving maximum success for themselves and their world. In fact, if you're not experiencing bliss and happiness in everything you do, you might just be wasting your time! Having browsed this site, feel free to contact our club by phone or email, set up Yogic Flying demonstrations in your area or school, and learn Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying for yourself.

12th January 2017, 03:47 AM
bold: this is preposterous.. Using a child-like example to make a point and a fundamentalist reaction.

Just like CT crying new age when he reads "as above so below", which means "as macro, so is micro". That there even statues of jesus with one arm up and one arm down (and some other saints and spiritual figures). That macro and micro are alike appeared in the greek culture way before Plato. Referring to that sentence "as above so below" is in fact a sign of erudition. It is not because the theosophists borrow the sentence that it must be read pejoratively.

Even the word 'consciousness" is according to some on here., an evil word. Laughable.

It has been proven that past life memories surface a lot more when a culture does not suppress belief in reincarnation. It also is interesting to mention that each dalai lama is chosen according to "past life oracles" which are then proven absolutely true.

Carl Sagan: "Reincarnation Deserves Serious Study.

I agree with crimethink that the musings shared in the OP are rubbish.

Suuurre, the reasons babies cry is because they remember everything that happened to them in a previous life. When my daughter was born, she didn't cry until the doctor gently slapped her to get her breathing and get some color into her skin. I suppose she had forgotten her previous life already and the slap reminded her about it. :rolleyes:

And what about people who weren't born in hospitals? What if you're born in the middle of the night in a place with not a lot of light?

12th January 2017, 07:26 AM
It has been proven that past life memories surface a lot more when a culture does not suppress belief in reincarnation. It also is interesting to mention that each dalai lama is chosen according to "past life oracles" which are then proven absolutely true.Proven by who? How is it proven where this information comes from? I understand people can be hypnotized into a vulnerable state of consciousness, and in this state they are open to receiving outside information. If, in this state, a demon feeds you lies and tell you how you used to be a WWII pilot, how is that proof of reincarnation?

Hebrews 9:27 King James Version (KJV): And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment

old steel
12th January 2017, 09:14 AM
The Bible? The Bible is very heavily edited and plagiarized from much earlier sources.

Maybe i should start throwing out quotes from the Book of Mormon while we're at it?

12th January 2017, 10:57 AM
with the reply you wrote earlier, you are not inclined to listen anyway.

the law of cause and effect, karma, is an immutable laws, and since macro and micro are alike, the karma plays out in all dimensions that reality may comprise.

because you surely believe a textbook that has swiped under the rug 18 years of a leader it preaches about? We all know how badly corrupt is Rome but the bible (drafted by rome) is without a doubt the word of God?

Can you tell me on what basis stories about jesus can be deemed apocryphal, what can be canonized or not? because of course to make your point you must thus resort to blind faith.

My beliefs in reincarnation are not based on faith but a deep comprehension of Nature, Consciousness and Objective Reality.

so before throwing the stone at the reincarnation believers, investigate your belief system, that is all I meant.

Proven by who? How is it proven where this information comes from? I understand people can be hypnotized into a vulnerable state of consciousness, and in this state they are open to receiving outside information. If, in this state, a demon feeds you lies and tell you how you used to be a WWII pilot, how is that proof of reincarnation?

Hebrews 9:27 King James Version (KJV): And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment

12th January 2017, 11:10 AM
there are many truths in the bible but they also are buried under an abundant imagery that every human can interpret at his own level. In this sense the bible is a master piece. Pick you own verses and make them your own reality so to speak. And anybody with critical thinking will notice that, many verses are dual, either contradict or void one another.

although bible believers can unite when the bible is being looked at critically, if you leave them between themselves, they start disagreeing strongly. Most of the followers do not follow debate between scholars. They just stick to their favorites verses.

The bible has caused more divide and rule than any other propaganda, just as any other religious monopoly, for its propensity to distort subjectivity vs objectivity. Ultimately blind faith is required. There are only a small % that can read between the lines, explore it scientifically and use it for peace.

I only go by Natural Laws because they can be materially observed 24/7.

The Bible? The Bible is very heavily edited and plagiarized from much earlier sources.

Maybe i should start throwing out quotes from the Book of Mormon while we're at it?

12th January 2017, 11:53 AM
The Bible? The Bible is very heavily edited and plagiarized from much earlier sources.

Maybe i should start throwing out quotes from the Book of Mormon while we're at it?

Reincarnation is generally understood to be a religious belief; why then is it a problem to use religious sources when discussing this?

12th January 2017, 11:54 AM
with the reply you wrote earlier, you are not inclined to listen anyway.

the law of cause and effect, karma, is an immutable laws, and since macro and micro are alike, the karma plays out in all dimensions that reality may comprise.

because you surely believe a textbook that has swiped under the rug 18 years of a leader it preaches about? We all know how badly corrupt is Rome but the bible (drafted by rome) is without a doubt the word of God?

Can you tell me on what basis stories about jesus can be deemed apocryphal, what can be canonized or not? because of course to make your point you must thus resort to blind faith.

My beliefs in reincarnation are not based on faith but a deep comprehension of Nature, Consciousness and Objective Reality.

so before throwing the stone at the reincarnation believers, investigate your belief system, that is all I meant.I'm not throwing stones, please don't take this personally. I'm having a discussion on the merits of the theory of reincarnation, which I do not believe.

12th January 2017, 11:58 AM
there are many truths in the bible but they also are buried under an abundant imagery that every human can interpret at his own level. In this sense the bible is a master piece. Pick you own verses and make them your own reality so to speak. And anybody with critical thinking will notice that, many verses are dual, either contradict or void one another.

although bible believers can unite when the bible is being looked at critically, if you leave them between themselves, they start disagreeing strongly. Most of the followers do not follow debate between scholars. They just stick to their favorites verses.

The bible has caused more divide and rule than any other propaganda, just as any other religious monopoly, for its propensity to distort subjectivity vs objectivity. Ultimately blind faith is required. There are only a small % that can read between the lines, explore it scientifically and use it for peace.

I only go by Natural Laws because they can be materially observed 24/7.

The purpose of the bible is not for scientific gratification or world peace.

An infinite God would have to be greater than all of his creation. Any god that can be fully understood or intellectually mastered is not the true God. Of course people cannot agree entirely on God or the word of God. It is superior to human understanding. For example, describe to me what the 6th dimension looks like. Too hard? OK... describe to me a tree using only the letters in the first half of the alphabet. I think there will be some confusion in that endeavor.

Someone who sets criteria on discovery to include only what you already think you can observe is bound to have a very small amount of discovery.

12th January 2017, 12:01 PM
I'm not throwing stones, please don't take this personally. I'm having a discussion on the merits of the theory of reincarnation, which I do not believe.

Reincarnation is one of those natural laws that goldi says she can observe 24/7. Hmmm... I would like to see those volumes of evidence. Having done "past life hypnotic regressions", I would caution that people can claim to be living in two bodies during the same times.

old steel
12th January 2017, 12:14 PM
Reincarnation is generally understood to be a religious belief; why then is it a problem to use religious sources when discussing this?

Don't have a problem as long as it's verifiable.

12th January 2017, 12:20 PM
Don't have a problem as long as it's verifiable.

Don't you believe in blind faith? I hope not. Blind faith is stupidity. Faith has an object. The object of your faith must be sure and true. To know the quality of the object, you must have evidence that is verifiable. I can make guesses about the future and even guess right once in a while. Someone who is given true information consistently about the future, near and/or distant, has a level of credibility that weigh into that evidence of reliability.

12th January 2017, 12:41 PM
Don't have a problem as long as it's verifiable.

I think that takes us back to square one then. Is reincarnation verifiable? I don't think it is.

12th January 2017, 12:50 PM
I'll just leave this here:

Religious psychology and human physiology simply don't align! If you had to make a choice which one would have a greater chance of being more accurate? One is created by man and the other is a fact of life!

old steel
12th January 2017, 01:16 PM
I think that takes us back to square one then. Is reincarnation verifiable? I don't think it is.

I never said it was.