View Full Version : I Never Believed Trump Was Chosen By God Until I Saw This Prophecy

14th January 2017, 12:40 PM
I Never Believed Trump Was Chosen By God Until I Saw This Prophecy, Now It All Makes Sense

http://2.gravatar.com/avatar/b3d40848f85ed8a795836e3f311c1179?s=24&d=mm&r=gDude Named Ben (http://qpolitical.com/author/brandon/) Faith 2 days ago

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Donald Trump has already cause more controversy than pretty much any President ever. He’s caused even a bigger stir over his interactions with high profile evangelical preachers. But we found something from 2007 that’ll cast everything in a new light.

Kim Clement was a well known and respected prophet. Back in 2007 he gave at the time a very unusual prophecy in that he said Trump would be come God’s Trumpet, and would be placed in the highest office in the land.

Points were given that even though he has “hot blood,” he would be used to protect our country’s borders, and would be used of God to fool the world.

The full prophecy is as follows. Keep in mind this was given in 2007, before Obama’s second term began! Who was thinking about Donald Trump being President back then? No one, except the Lord.

“This that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing, a transfiguration, a going into the marketplace, if you wish into the news media…”

“Where Time magazine will have no choice but to say what I want them to say, Newsweek, what I want them to say, The View, what I want them to say,”


“Trump shall become a trumpet, says the Lord. Trump shall become a trumpet. I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the Church, says the Lord.”


“For God said, ‘I will not forget 9/11. I will not forget what took place that day, and I will not forget the gatekeeper that watched over New York, who will once again stand and watch over this nation, says the Spirit of God.”


“It shall come to pass that the man that I place in the highest office shall go in whispering my Name. But God said, when he enters into the office, he will be shouting out by the power of the Spirit,”

“There will be a praying President, not a religious one. For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes I will. God says, the one that is chosen shall go in and they shall says, ‘He has hot blood.’”

“For the Spirit of God says, Yes, he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of this country shall change rapidly, says the Lord of Hosts.”

“Listen to the Word of the Lord. God says, ‘I will put at your helm for two terms a President that will pray, but he not be a praying President when he starts.’”

“’I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power, says the Lord of Hosts.’”
It’s amazing that these prophecies were given many years ago, and the accuracy they hold within them.

There will still be plenty that find ways to dismiss what was being prophesied here and look for ways to be critical of Trump’s Presidency, but what would be easier? Cut down Trump every chance you have? Or pray for and bless President Trump as the man that God has chosen to lead this country to a place its never been before?

14th January 2017, 12:52 PM
Mumbo Jumbo bullshit! (with all due respect of course Cebu)

14th January 2017, 01:20 PM
"God’s Trumpet" :)

14th January 2017, 02:42 PM
all prophecies have connection to insider knowledge and the awareness of the cosmic laws.

15th January 2017, 03:08 AM
This prophecy couldn't have been made more recently?

15th January 2017, 04:35 AM
all prophecies have connection to insider knowledge and the awareness of the cosmic laws.
This isn't prophecy, it's bullshit! Can't you tell the difference?

Twisted Titan
15th January 2017, 04:40 AM
There is going to be a Ton and I mean a ton of Monday morning quarter backing saying they knew Trump was going to win.

All of them are liars

Or made their predictions when the odds were 50/50 and even then they only gave it a passing posibility

there is only ONE MAN who correctly predicted trump would win MONTHS in Advance and gave sound reasoning every step of the way.

The creator of Dilbert, Dan Scott (?)

He had trump pegged as far back the primaries when he started knocking of opponents one by one and he was doing it through labeling.

He also gave a sound explanation the night before the election why trump was going to win. ( I remember because I agreed with his reasoning but I knew the fix was in , and so did everyone else)

The articles where on zero hedge.

Every body else is blowing smoke up your hind quarters

15th January 2017, 07:10 AM
all set for judgement day ???


Meet Mike Pompeo, the Far-Right Christian Zealot Who Will Lead Trump's CIA
15 January 2017 GMT

15th January 2017, 07:12 AM
This isn't prophecy, it's bullshit! Can't you tell the difference?

one does not need to be a prophet to make a prediction based on the observation to condition (brainwashing) human beings, that is mainly what I meant. Most, if not all, religions are predictive programing in that sense. In fact, they all warn about an upheaval that will be inevitably caused by "mind control" inducing the fear of freedom.

Hinduism for example warns about Maya, the Illusion, do its followers listen or see anything? NOPE. Yes, Shiva is the god of destruction but we understand why destruction is gonna happen.

15th January 2017, 07:33 AM
I have always believed Trump to be "chosen".

15th January 2017, 08:58 AM
I have always believed Trump to be "chosen".

By the people...

15th January 2017, 09:20 AM
“For God said, ‘I will not forget 9/11. I will not forget what took place that day, and I will not forget the gatekeeper that watched over New York, who will once again stand and watch over this nation, says the Spirit of God.”

Quotes LIKE THIS are junk!
When did God say this?
Prove it!
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Hold fast to that which is good, this is not so PITCH IT, in the garbage where it belongs!

15th January 2017, 09:25 AM
Quotes LIKE THIS are junk!
When did God say this?
Prove it!
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Hold fast to that which is good, this is not so PITCH IT, in the garbage where it belongs!

Apparently God said it to him and not you. Who are you to judge?

15th January 2017, 10:00 AM
By the people...By Diebold and the "chozun vuns" who run it.

15th January 2017, 10:07 AM
I have always believed Trump to be "chosen".

"chosen" at the last minute, resulting from the tip of the pizzagate iceberg emerging in late Oct. TPTB scrambled, suddenly deploying their emergency (((Fake News Crisis))) psyop with all major JSM & social media platforms uniting around the "crisis"; & made a last minute change of horses to install DT instead of their former intention of installing Killery (http://archive.is/erucC). :)

15th January 2017, 11:14 AM

15th January 2017, 01:32 PM
This analysis is subject to mathematical criticism, when you take into account the angle to the face from which the photo is taken.

If your face is held rigid so that it can be considered looking completely horizontal to the earth plane, and you imagine a line extending from the center of this "eyepupil-eyetooth-rectangle" along parallel to the earth plane, then, the camera that took the photo that you are considering must have been held so that the camera lens (and film behind) was directly ON THIS LINE. If the camera is off this line, either above, below, to the right, or to the left, then this ratio, as derived by ruler onto the photo, will NOT BE EQUAL to these three digits. In this short video clip, they dare be so bold as to include at least two photos, for comparison, in which it was obvious the faces were photographed by cameras held OFF THIS LINE.

I hate to make a nuisance of myself against what would seem to be a sure-fire slam dunk for identity deception, but, these things (mathematical and trigonometrical) definitely make a difference in the real world of precision, or even close (three digits), measurements.

I am satisfied that a "double" was used at least for the lady that emerged (chipper, in a blue suit) a short time after collapsing (seemingly?) at the 9/11 remembrance, but, this could only be proven by insider testimony in a court of law, should the occasion ever arise to go back and explore the shenanigans that went on leading up to the election last November.

The veracity of this premise ("a deal was struck") will be confirmed, or denied, flatly, if

a) a wall, AS DESCRIBED IN THE CAMPAIGN, gets built or not, and,

b) Hillary gets INVESTIGATED for fraud in her not-for-profit Clinton Foundation (Chelsea's wedding expense), or not.

We won't have to wait too long to find out.

15th January 2017, 02:21 PM
Quotes LIKE THIS are junk!
When did God say this?
Prove it!
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Hold fast to that which is good, this is not so PITCH IT, in the garbage where it belongs!

Apparently God said it to him and not you. Who are you to judge?

God never said any of that drivel, men did!

Twisted Titan
16th January 2017, 01:14 AM
Apparently God said it to him and not you. Who are you to judge?

God knows EXACTLY who did 9/11 and those ((((people))) have not been puninshed

16th January 2017, 07:55 AM
The only thing left to do with this bitch is to hang her

18th January 2017, 04:30 AM

how far can predictive programing go ???



Radical Leftists Target DC Metro Rail Line to Block Inauguration Access


18th January 2017, 04:39 AM
Full episode here



18th January 2017, 11:31 AM
familiar with "jason a." ? here is his latest.... 1+ million hits. Since he is into the biblical revelation, maybe this can fit right here too?

Something Weird is Going On with Donald Trump's Inauguration! (2017)


ps: if sound stops working after 1 min or so, you can enable the auto-generated subtitles. Or reload the page

18th January 2017, 05:13 PM
Full episode here


I'd bang that bar chick...