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19th January 2017, 01:07 PM
46 Universities To Take Part In Trump Defiance, Teaching Literal Hate Class Against President Trump

Posted by Allison Hillman (https://conservativedailypost.com/author/allison-hillman/) | Jan 16, 2017 | Liberal Corruption (https://conservativedailypost.com/category/liberal-corruption/)



Freedom of speech doesn’t include violence

When Barack Obama was elected, a big deal was made over the fact that he was the first black President. There were two groups making it controversial; the minorities who expressed that they had felt underrepresented and liberals who assumed it would be a problem for all the racist white people in America.

The group not making a big deal? White people. Now there were many objections to Obama, there still are. He was accused of being a Muslim, a non-American citizen, and of course the usual political disagreements. The biggest problems came from liberals who are highly skilled at causing issues where there are none.

Obama ruled, often unilaterally for 8 years. His behavior and policies helped destroy the Democratic Party and contributed to Hillary’s loss. America came to its senses and elected Donald Trump.

Before and during the election, Trump accusations (https://conservativedailypost.com/white-house-and-democrats-trump-is-illegitimate-and-the-american-people-will-not-follow-him/) became good sport for liberals. He was accused of everything from racism and bigotry to sexual assault and terrorism. There was no issue too big or small to smear Trump’s campaign with. Despite their best efforts, he won.

That should have been the end of it. But let’s give it to the Democrats for their tenacity, they have kept at it and even ramped up their attacks. At no time in modern history have we seen so much organized hatred towards a President. Speeches, opinion articles, protests, are all acceptable and reasonable ways to express disagreement and dislike of the next leader of our country.

Instead the left has launched recounts, petitions to do away with the Electoral College, hate rhetoric in all forums, and violence.
Martin Luther King Jr. would be ashamed to be associated with groups such as Black Lives Matter or people like Michael Moore, who seem to be unable to protest without violence.


This is not “free speech”

They have tried to blame it on Trump, his supporters, whites, Russians, pretty much everybody, but when the flag is done burning the people holding the matches are the liberals.

College campuses (https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=8635) are filled with this. Colleges (https://conservativedailypost.com/jihadi-professor-demands-refugees-assault-white-women-u-s-allah/) such as University of California have become prime places for violent protests and outright brutality. Teachers excused students from classes after Trump’s win, officials declared campuses as sanctuaries for illegals; the whole left is combining to create an atmosphere of hate.

In December, students in Professor April Sizemore-Barber’s class, “The Cultural Politics of HIV in the US and South Africa (https://www.campusreform.org/index.cfm?ID=8581),” were scheduled to get credit if they attended a World AIDs Day event and wrote a 2-3 page paper on the event.

The professor then sent an email to her students telling them they had an alternative, “You also have the option of attending this teach in event tomorrow and reflecting on its approach to activism, teaching, and on-campus advocacy. Though it does not directly reflect on HIV, your write up should make an effort to relate it to the class and to world events more generally. What will activism look like under trump?”

The event was called “Teach-In for Radical Hope: Sowing Seeds for Liberation,” and described itself as a workshop to “channel all the anti-Trump rage…”

One attendee explained that they cannot work with Trump because “There’s a sentiment like, ‘oh well he’s in the presidency and we have to work together…’ he has literal, literal, white supremacists on his cabinet…That’s what they tried to do with Hitler and it didn’t work…they tried like ‘oh we’ll give him this and we’ll give him that and let him do this’ and then WWII and the Holocaust.”

Throughout the session, attendees listed police brutality, capitalism, ableism, “everyday microaggressions,” and “misgendering” as things worth resisting. In order to confront these issues, declared one attendee, “violence may be necessary.”
A facilitator of the discussion responded that, “I agree wholeheartedly,” but warned the attendee that it takes privilege to be violent because “some people can’t afford to do that illegal shit.”

The newest movement, known as “Teach, Organize, Resist (http://teachorganizeresist.net/),” is set to kick-off on January 18.

The latest college teachings

Princeton University is among the 17 colleges participating. All told, nine of the participating schools are public, and a total of 46 teach-ins are currently scheduled to take place. That means that tax payers are footing the bill for these protests during class time.

UC Santa Barbara, is asking “all UCSB faculty to actively support” the teach-in, even suggesting that they “insert a note” about it in syllabi.

Scripps College will be hosting a teach-in on “conservatism and right wing movements,” which will discuss Republican “strategies and tactics of mobilizing support, producing consent, and fragmenting opposition.”

Their intent is “to teach about the agendas and policies of the new administration, be it the proposed dismantling of economic and environmental regulations or the threatened rollback of the hard-won rights that form the fragile scaffolding of American democracy. On that day, we intend to organize against the proposed expansion of state violence targeting people of color, undocumented people, queer communities, women, Muslims, and many others. On that day, we intend to resist the institutionalization of ideologies of separation and subordination, including white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, Islamophobia, and virulent nationalism.

Let’s summarize: they are going to teach college students, on taxpayer dollars, how to oppose, probably violently, our incoming President who was lawfully elected.

College classes have certainly changed, and liberal agendas are now working to injure Trump and his supporters. We cannot allow our youth to experience this.

19th January 2017, 01:42 PM
cannot wait for my departure to the V.I

19th January 2017, 01:45 PM
That's OK, let them twist and wither on the vine. They've lost and they know their slimy socialist agenda is all going to get shut down now. They'll simply die off and become reborn as critical thinkers

Twisted Titan
19th January 2017, 02:11 PM
This is glorious.

This is the most honest america has been in a loooooong dam time.

There is no middle ground or fence sitting

The battle lines are drawn and your enemy is staring you dead in the eyes.

I absolutely love it.

Get loaded for bear.....shit is gonna get thick.

19th January 2017, 05:32 PM

Defund - Arrest - Shutdown

19th January 2017, 05:33 PM
cannot wait for my departure to the V.I

Are you staying there?

19th January 2017, 07:21 PM
i wish dc would stop giving those pathetic losers my money so they can live on the dole for 4-6 years while posing as students. trump, repugs...do you hear me?