View Full Version : Majority of 230 protesters arrested on Inauguration Day will face 10 years in prison

21st January 2017, 11:29 PM
Majority of 230 protesters arrested on Inauguration Day will face 10 years in prison and $25k fine as US attorney says they will be charged with felony rioting

230 people have been arrested and six police officers injured in the D.C.protests against President Trump
Many any of those arrested will reportedly face up to a 10 year prison sentence and $25,000 fine
A violent rampage started two blocks from the White House in McPherson Square and along K Street
A limo was set on fire after destructive demonstrators threw a flare into its shattered windows
Police with shields lined up and blocked the parade route as riots broke out around the city
Officials have used tear gas, pepper spray and flash bang grenades on the mob
Windows have been smashed at Starbucks, McDonald's and Bank of America buildings
Broadcaster Larry King said the windows of his SUV were smashed by protesters while he was in studios

By Anna Hopkins (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Anna+Hopkins) and Cheyenne Roundtree For Dailymail.com (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Cheyenne+Roundtree+For+Dailymail.com)
Published: 01:57 GMT, 22 January 2017 | Updated: 04:10 GMT, 22 January 2017
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Most of the 230 rioters arrested after violent protests erupted in Washington D.C. following Donald Trump (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/donald_trump/index.html)'s inauguration will be charged with felony rioting, federal prosecutors said on Saturday.
The charge carries a punishment of up to ten years in jail and a $25,000 fine.
Thousand of protesters launched a violent rampage just blocks away from the White House as anti-Trump demonstrators smashed store windows, set fire to cars and threw bricks at police.


More than 95 people have been arrested so far during the riots. Hundreds of protesters dressed in black marched through the streets of D.C. breaking windows and hurling projectiles

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/01/21/01/3C5647C800000578-4141514-A_Washington_D_C_Metro_Police_Officer_arrests_an_a nti_Trump_prot-a-53_1484963967406.jpg

A Washington D.C. Metro Police Officer arrests an anti-Trump protester, after a confrontation that led to several dozen protesters being cornered and then arrested for vandalism


A young male rioter kicked in a car's windshield as fellow protesters watched on

Many of those arrested are due to appear in court on Saturday, according to WUSA 9. (http://www.wusa9.com/news/politics/national-politics/inauguration/some-trump-protesters-to-face-rioting-charges/389677955)
Heated clashes broke out in McPherson Square and along K Street as hundreds of riot police fired tear gas and drew their nightsticks to contain the masked mob.
As the rioting unfolded, Trump (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/donald_trump/index.html) and his family were arriving at a review stand at the White House to see the end of the inaugural parade.

Militant anti-Trump protesters gave a foretaste of what could follow during the violent outbreaks, which has so far seen 217 people arrested and at least six police officers injured.


Rioters set fire to a limousine and scrawled 'We the people' on the side of the vehicle

More here:

21st January 2017, 11:52 PM
how many nigs from st louis, baltimore, etc are getting same?

midnight rambler
21st January 2017, 11:55 PM
Worth noting is that in the incident photographed below gold metallic paint was used...gold metallic and silver metallic spray paint are the two prevalent spray paints colors favored by paint huffers 'cause those two have the highest percentage of VOCs that gets one 'stoned' on spray paint.


Rioters set fire to a limousine and scrawled 'We the people' on the side of the vehicle

21st January 2017, 11:59 PM
illiterate handiwork - note the upper/lower cases of the letters. smells like monkey

22nd January 2017, 12:15 AM
How many of these retards are niggers? Less then 2% tells you a bunch of who and why they were there,

Twisted Titan
22nd January 2017, 04:29 AM
how many nigs from st louis, baltimore, etc are getting same?

they gonna get it now.....
plenty of room once the illegals get sent back.

Jeff Sessions isn't playing

22nd January 2017, 04:29 AM
so I notice that someone "brings" a baseball bat to smash windows.

Another guy is face down on the ground cuffed with those special "arrest" cable ties. He has duct taped his trousers just below his knees and at his ankles. Wearing sturdy boots. Also has reinforced knuckle gloves a lot like motorcycle gloves but the index and middle fingers cut or missing from both gloves.

The guy trying to kick in the windscreen has brand new shoes. Of the crowd watching him nearly all of them are TV or professional camera people. There are a couple people in the back ground who might be regular people but everyone else is either a TV pro or has some kind of social media filming kit. Only one of the people watching him looks anything like regular people... the one wearing the bandana over his face oh and the guy in the hoodie.

22nd January 2017, 04:43 AM
will soros help them get out of jail, escape punishment?

midnight rambler
22nd January 2017, 11:10 AM
The guy trying to kick in the windscreen has brand new shoes.

Not the first time we've seen the EXACT same scene. A fat paycheck from Soros, Inc. facilitates new shoes or boots (and designer jeans) to kick in windshields with.

He has duct taped his trousers just below his knees and at his ankles.

Actually he's wearing some sort of jumpsuit/coveralls over black jeans.

22nd January 2017, 12:01 PM
I guess they forgot Loretta Lynch is no longer the Attorney General? Lock their fuking asses up for the next decade and we will see how much rioting, property destruction, and violence they perpetuate when released. Personally, I'm OK with charging them with Sedition - and applying the punishment.

22nd January 2017, 03:27 PM
I guess they forgot Loretta Lynch is no longer the Attorney General? Lock their fuking asses up for the next decade and will see how much rioting, property destruction, and violence they perpetuate when released. Personally, I'm OK with charging them Sedition - and applying the punishment.

Is it the president appointed AG that decides the penalties for crimes?

22nd January 2017, 04:03 PM
Is it the president appointed AG that decides the penalties for crimes?

The AG prosecutes and the Court/Judge determines the penalty - if convicted.

22nd January 2017, 05:03 PM
so I notice that someone "brings" a baseball bat to smash windows.

Another guy is face down on the ground cuffed with those special "arrest" cable ties. He has duct taped his trousers just below his knees and at his ankles. Wearing sturdy boots. Also has reinforced knuckle gloves a lot like motorcycle gloves but the index and middle fingers cut or missing from both gloves.

The guy trying to kick in the windscreen has brand new shoes. Of the crowd watching him nearly all of them are TV or professional camera people. There are a couple people in the back ground who might be regular people but everyone else is either a TV pro or has some kind of social media filming kit. Only one of the people watching him looks anything like regular people... the one wearing the bandana over his face oh and the guy in the hoodie.Astute observations. This is a high production value protest. Spare no expense Mr. Soros.

22nd January 2017, 05:08 PM
if it is that much staged, and I believe it is, soros will have to bail them out with the help of rogue lawyers

22nd January 2017, 05:25 PM
if it is that much staged, and I believe it is, soros will have to bail them out with the help of rogue lawyers

It might not be so easy now that they don't control the justice department.

23rd January 2017, 12:46 AM
The AG prosecutes and the Court/Judge determines the penalty - if convicted.

That's what I thought too, so there is no way anyone will get 10 years or even close to it. Liberal Jew judges thinks that looting, destruction of property, and violence against white people are quite acceptable forms of protesting.

23rd January 2017, 12:49 AM
if it is that much staged, and I believe it is, soros will have to bail them out with the help of rogue lawyers

Why? Do you think he care about people?

Twisted Titan
23rd January 2017, 12:59 AM
Why? Do you think he care about people?

I was just about to say the same thing.........

This Man drinks fresh newborn blood like a slurpee from 7 11 why should he give a rats ass about useful idiots???

23rd January 2017, 01:43 AM
I was just about to say the same thing.........

This Man drinks fresh newborn blood like a slurpee from 7 11 why should he give a rats ass about useful idiots???

This is the guy who has admitted on CBS 60 minutes he took great pleasure and pride in his work expropriating his fellow Jews property in Budapest in the early 40's, pretending to be Christian..


He'll just pay another hood-ape the equivalent of a pair of Nike sneakers and a weeks worth of crack cocain and McD to go out and smash windows, it's not like they are in short supply...

Funny how that video was successfully suppressed by Soros until a couple of days beyond the election of Trump.

23rd January 2017, 07:21 PM
Lol think they're starting to get the point?


23rd January 2017, 08:44 PM
Lol think they're starting to get the point?

That is hard hitting stuff. I actually feel sorry for the kid.

And Trump may have inadvertently set a concrete precedent to deter future "Bohemians" from wandering from their comfortable lairs.

Soros et al. have been knocked back on their heels.

23rd January 2017, 08:47 PM
Lol think they're starting to get the point?


That can't be real.

23rd January 2017, 08:49 PM
Soros et al. have been knocked back on their heels.

Funny thing is it was Obama who signed into law the 10 year felony when rioting in vicinity of the Secret Service.

That can't be real.

Doesn't really matter if one of them actually wrote this or not, there are definitely a couple hundred people facing 10 years right now.

24th January 2017, 02:04 AM
Funny thing is it was Obama who signed into law the 10 year felony when rioting in vicinity of the Secret Service.

Doesn't really matter if one of them actually wrote this or not, there are definitely a couple hundred people facing 10 years right now.
And if it is applied, anywhere close to maximum penalty, which we'll see, but I'll remain doubtful, until then, it would certainly have a dampening effect on Soros professional rioters. They sure didn't sign up for this shit... ;D