View Full Version : French Socialist Primary Winner Proposes Tax On Robots,

Twisted Titan
23rd January 2017, 12:54 AM
French Socialist Primary Winner Proposes Tax On Robots, Universal Income, Right Of Foreigners To Vote

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com, (https://mishtalk.com/2017/01/22/hamon-socialist-agenda/)

France24 reports Benoît Hamon and Manuel Valls take top spots (http://www.france24.com/en/20170122-france-live-blog-first-round-socialist-left-presidential-primary-valls-montebourg-hamon) in first round of left-wing primary in a field of seven candidates.

Let’s take a look at other reports, then we will look at Hamon’s amazing platform.

Bloomberg notes Valls, Hamon Qualify for French Socialist Primary Run-Off (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-01-22/hamon-valls-lead-in-french-socialist-primary-early-count-shows).

In the first round of voting Sunday night, Hamon was first with 35.2 percent with Valls on 31.6 percent, with about one-third of voting stations reporting, the primary authority said. Former Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg, who was third with 18.7 percent, endorsed Hamon saying that the primary shows that Socialist voters want more leftist policies.

The voters “have massively and seriously condemned” the government’s policies, Montebourg said. They “want the left to return to the path of the left.”

https://mishgea.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/hamon.png?w=529&h=507 (https://mishgea.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/hamon.png)
Benoît Hamon’s Platform
Benoît Hamon is a 49-year-old former education minister. Here is his platform.

Universal basic income.

Tax on robots.

Progressive taxation of wealth.

Reduction of tax loopholes.

32-hour working week.

Legalization of marijuana.

National conference on “environmental democracy”.

50% renewable energy by 2025.

Differentiated VAT for the “most virtuous products”.

Ban on pesticides.

Better repayments for dental care.

A “Sixth Republic”.

Transformation of the Senate into “college of territories”.

The right of foreigners to vote in local elections.

“Humanitarian visa” and redo of France a land of asylum.

Consideration of the white vote. If the white vote is a majority vote, the election must be postponed.

Media antitrust law.

Labor law repeal to provide additional protection to employees.

Help facilitate the takeover of SCOP companies by employees.

Recognize burn-out as an occupational disease.

That reads like it came from The Onion. However, it’s translated from Benoît Hamon, favorite of the primary: his very left program (http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/politique/presidentielle-2017-primaire-gauche/20170122.OBS4162/benoit-hamon-favori-de-la-primaire-ce-que-contient-son-programme-tres-a-gauche.html).

According to the Financial Times (https://www.ft.com/content/b112903e-e095-11e6-8405-9e5580d6e5fb), “Mr Hamon’s proposals have been criticized as unrealistic and costly by rivals including Arnaud Montebourg”.

Now, Montebourg backs Hamon because voters “want the left to return to the path of the left.”

Amazing Twitter Performance

In a field of seven candidates, that platform got Hamon 35% of the vote. Amazing.

How did he get there? The new-fashioned way. Hamon has a huge following on Twitter.

Looking Ahead

Don’t rule out le Pen.
Should Hamon square off against Marine le Pen, I believe le Pen would win. Le Pen might also win in the widely-expected final match-up against François Fillon, the Republican winner and former Prime Minister of France.
Recent political events are such that anything could happen.

Twisted Titan
23rd January 2017, 12:56 AM
16 Consideration of the white vote. If the white vote is a majority vote, the election must be postponed

what a fair and equitable request ......what could possibly go wrong?

23rd January 2017, 02:03 AM
Robots got a LEGAL electronic persona status last week in EU, and all what people see is the loss of jobs around the corner. When they follow the money first because of insecurity, they will agree to put up with more BS as long as they get their universal income.

Corrupting minds is so easy... just foreshadow fear

It has little to do with skin color since the plan to genocide 80% of humans is still on the table.

people have to quit functioning within their bubble of perception, only addressing the big picture can resolve all other issues. That is why we are being eaten alive at every street corner.

23rd January 2017, 02:15 AM
Let's hope this upstanding gentleman wins the socialist primaries. It would practically guarantee a Marine Le Pen win.

23rd January 2017, 02:18 AM
That is why we are being eaten alive at every street corner.

That sounds Jewish!

23rd January 2017, 03:48 AM
Universal basic income.

Tax on robots.

Progressive taxation of wealth.

Reduction of tax loopholes.

32-hour working week.

Legalization of marijuana.

National conference on “environmental democracy”.

50% renewable energy by 2025.

Differentiated VAT for the “most virtuous products”.

Ban on pesticides.

Better repayments for dental care.

A “Sixth Republic”.

Transformation of the Senate into “college of territories”.

The right of foreigners to vote in local elections.

“Humanitarian visa” and redo of France a land of asylum.

Consideration of the white vote. If the white vote is a majority vote, the election must be postponed.

Media antitrust law.

Labor law repeal to provide additional protection to employees.

Help facilitate the takeover of SCOP companies by employees.

Recognize burn-out as an occupational disease.

I only have a problem with those in red. In particular, the disenfranchisement of White people.

It's clear that the Master Race has created tools like this to befuddle the masses, confusing them about how to extricate themselves from Kosher models of society.

Notice how you never see social "conservatism" paired with economic "liberalism" among the "choices" we are given?

You are allowed social "conservatism" with economic "conservatism" (Jewish Capitalism or so-called "Libertarianism") or social "liberalism" with economic "liberalism" (Jewish Marxism).

You are not allowed nationalist and socialist fusion ideas or movements (National Socialism or Christian/Catholic Socialism). Of course, these are the only models of society that have liberated, albeit temporarily, societies from the entire spectrum of the Jewish menaces.

The Jews have done a great number on the very term "socialism," as well, giving it the meaning in the naive popular mind of either something to use as a weapon against the White race (e.g., "racial justice"), or, as an epithet for the very real exploitation of the productive and beneficial elements of a society [e.g., Obama's "socialism" (sic)].

23rd January 2017, 09:13 AM
The day of the rope cometh across the globe, and that right quick!