View Full Version : Muslims being stopped at airports, leftists shrieking

28th January 2017, 03:26 PM



28th January 2017, 03:27 PM
Stupid bastards didn't think he was serious...

Panic at airports after Trump's order blocks immigrants


28th January 2017, 03:28 PM
Whatever shall we do?! We can't visit Iran now...LOL.


28th January 2017, 03:29 PM
Google Recalls Staff to U.S. After Trump Immigration Order


28th January 2017, 04:43 PM
that congresswomen has to be sponsored by LaRazza - somehow

Rep. Nydia Velazquez condemns the detainment of two heavily vetted Iraqi refugees at JFK airport, calling the action "an affront to American values." (Published 11 minutes ago)


Live Stream | Anti-Trump Protests at JFK Airport | Disclosure Media

midnight rambler
28th January 2017, 05:10 PM
Got ammo?

that congresswomen has to be sponsored by LaRazza - somehow

Rep. Nydia Velazquez condemns the detainment of two heavily vetted Iraqi refugees at JFK airport, calling the action "an affront to American values." (Published 11 minutes ago)


Live Stream | Anti-Trump Protests at JFK Airport | Disclosure Media

28th January 2017, 05:32 PM
is it going to spread nationwide?

sorry folks but marshall law may be getting closer than thought

Jan. 28, 2017, 3:09 p.m.
Immigration attorneys seeking to help airport travelers in Los Angeles blocked by visa ban

Thousands at JFK airport in New York protest new visa and refugee suspensions

Denver International Airport sees a protest of Trump’s refugee and travel ban
Posted on January 28, 201712:46 pm

Twisted Titan
28th January 2017, 05:40 PM
Never seen anything like it.

Only in the movies. ...or fantasy novels

midnight rambler
28th January 2017, 05:42 PM
Never seen anything like it.

Only in the movies. ...or fantasy novels

I'm guessing they want to get rid of Trump so Pence will ram it up their asses instead.

28th January 2017, 05:43 PM
Who the Fvck are these white people?

Where do you see a single muslim.


28th January 2017, 06:41 PM

28th January 2017, 08:12 PM
Oh HELL NO!!!!


28th January 2017, 08:22 PM
How dumb are people going to visit family in the middle east right after Trump takes power after he was talking about a ban for almost a year? Can they not think ahead?

28th January 2017, 08:41 PM
How dumb are people going to visit family in the middle east right after Trump takes power after he was talking about a ban for almost a year? Can they not think ahead?

We were all assured that he would never make it that far.

28th January 2017, 08:46 PM
How dumb are people going to visit family in the middle east right after Trump takes power after he was talking about a ban for almost a year? Can they not think ahead?

Delusional disorder. They really think the world works the way they hope it worked. After 8 years of the Nigger, they became used to it seeming so.

Reality is a brick wall, and they just drove into it.

29th January 2017, 01:14 AM
Federal black-robed whore attempts to interfere with the President's constitutional duty to protect America from invasion:


A federal judge issued an emergency order Saturday night temporarily barring the U.S. from deporting people from nations subject to President Donald Trump's travel ban, saying travelers who had been detained had a strong argument that their legal rights had been violated.

The Department of Homeland Security issued a statement early Sunday that said the court order would not affect the overall implementation of the White House order and the court order affected a small number of travelers who were inconvenienced by security procedures upon their return.

"President Trump's Executive Orders remain in place-prohibited travel will remain prohibited, and the U.S. government retains its right to revoke visas at any time if required for national security or public safety," according to the DHS statement. Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to the White House, said: "Nothing in the Brooklyn judge's order in anyway impedes or prevents the implementation of the president's executive order which remains in full, complete and total effect."

U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly in New York issued the emergency order after lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union filed a court petition on behalf of people from seven predominantly Muslim nations who were detained at airports across the country as the ban took effect.

29th January 2017, 01:20 AM
Trump should arrest any any "judge" who attempts to block his order. These jewdicial whores have had their way - unchecked - for far too long. They are now giving aid and comfort to enemies.

29th January 2017, 02:54 AM
the problem with man-made laws is that coercion quickly becomes a slippery slope, does not work and then eventually leads to revolutions, which have always played out in their favor because masses do not understand that. Will the next revolution be different? If you/we want more laws, certainly not.

Federal judge grants emergency stay of Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’
29 January 2017 GMT

Trump should arrest any any "judge" who attempts to block his order. These jewdicial whores have had their way - unchecked - for far too long. They are now giving aid and comfort to enemies.

Twisted Titan
29th January 2017, 07:45 AM
Delusional disorder. They really think the world works the way they hope it worked. After 8 years of the Nigger, they became used to it seeming so.

Reality is a brick wall, and they just drove into it.

something about cherished delusions being shattered has a very nice ring to it

29th January 2017, 08:42 AM
Trump should arrest any any "judge" who attempts to block his order. These jewdicial whores have had their way - unchecked - for far too long. They are now giving aid and comfort to enemies.
He's simply ignoring them. Can you imagine a career politician doing what Trump has done in 8 days?

29th January 2017, 08:47 AM
Trump needs to tell the country about those fellow citizens and some newer immigrants out doing these protests..... tell them that these protestors don't care for the safety of America and show they don't care for the lives of fellow countrymen. He needs to blast them with bright lights, exposing their leaders, like Soros.

29th January 2017, 08:49 AM
Trump needs to tell the country about those fellow citizens and some newer immigrants out doing these protests..... tell them that these protestors don't care for the safety of America and show they don't care for the lives of fellow countrymen. He needs to blast them with bright lights, exposing their leaders, like Soros.
Trump isn't shy. He's very good at timing and I'm sure he has a plan for dealing with these idiots at the right time and in the right way

29th January 2017, 08:56 AM
Trump isn't shy. He's very good at timing and I'm sure he has a plan for dealing with these idiots at the right time and in the right way

I'm hoping and praying to the almighty creator that Soros gets arrested and is charged and convicted of Sedition. Fucking worthless globalist parasite.

29th January 2017, 08:58 AM
I'm hoping and praying to the almighty creator that Soros gets arrested and is charged and convicted of Sedition. Fucking worthless globalist parasite.
That would be a good start and signal the beginning of a new era in the world however; I fear that new era will be a very violent bloody one

29th January 2017, 09:01 AM
This seems like an amateurish move by team Trump. The immediate simple move by his "opposition" should have been expected. The amount of available protesters makes one one how much of this is all staged.

29th January 2017, 09:04 AM
This seems like an amateurish move by team Trump. The immediate simple move by his "opposition" should have been expected. The amount of available protesters makes one one how much of this is all staged.
Amateurish in what way? I'm not following

29th January 2017, 09:06 AM
This seems like an amateurish move by team Trump. The immediate simple move by his "opposition" should have been expected. The amount of available protesters makes one one how much of this is all staged.

You can thank Soros for the "protestors". It's his money that funds these out of work Cultural Marxist losers to show up when and where his organization needs them to be.

29th January 2017, 09:23 AM
Amateurish in what way? I'm not following

Politically speaking, if the reaction wasn't anticipated, then they were amateurs issuing edicts without understanding their opponents countermove.

Every action/reaction seen so far, looks like another staged event. Since I don't think of team Trump as a bunch of amateurs, then I can only see the whole thing as an event that will be used for something more sinister. Never let a crisis go to waste.

I am extremely disappointed that team Trump didn't pull out of Yemen. Having a guy get killed over there does not look good. Yemen is one of Barry's wars.

29th January 2017, 09:28 AM
Trump cannot do everything first. He's been quite a busy guy over the first 8 DAYS of his presidency. I say things are moving along swiftly but with purpose, firm resolve and calculation on Trump's part. Give the man more time. The politicians before him did a lot of damage that needs to be unravelled.
Politically speaking, if the reaction wasn't anticipated, then they were amateurs issuing edicts without understanding their opponents countermove.

Every action/reaction seen so far, looks like another staged event. Since I don't think of team Trump as a bunch of amateurs, then I can only see the whole thing as an event that will be used for something more sinister. Never let a crisis go to waste.

I am extremely disappointed that team Trump didn't pull out of Yemen. Having a guy get killed over there does not look good. Yemen is one of Barry's wars.

midnight rambler
29th January 2017, 10:03 AM
I'm fantasizing about Trump setting a trap to draw Soros into.

Politically speaking, if the reaction wasn't anticipated, then they were amateurs issuing edicts without understanding their opponents countermove.

Every action/reaction seen so far, looks like another staged event. Since I don't think of team Trump as a bunch of amateurs, then I can only see the whole thing as an event that will be used for something more sinister. Never let a crisis go to waste.

I am extremely disappointed that team Trump didn't pull out of Yemen. Having a guy get killed over there does not look good. Yemen is one of Barry's wars.

29th January 2017, 11:57 AM
Looks like a Canadian plot to have all U.S. tech companies relocate to subfreezing tempuratures.

29th January 2017, 01:18 PM
Looks like a Canadian plot to have all U.S. tech companies relocate to subfreezing tempuratures.

Hey, resolving thermal issues in dense data centers is much easier- just open the windows.

30th January 2017, 03:32 AM
Liberal imbeciles (redundant) calling for leftist governors to use the National Guard against Trump - LOL:


John Smith · President at Government Executive
When will a brave governor send in the national guard? If we don't turn everything up to 11 then this entire thing will continue to drudge on long enough to exhaust the opposition.

Jason Grant
Send in the National Guard for what? To remove Trump and his entire clan from the White House? Because I'd support that 110%.

Margaret Paine
Oh boy we had better nip this in the bud now before it blossoms into a dictatorship which we will not be able to reel in. We'd better not let alternative facts lead us astray. This needs some serious attention. I think defiance of orders in the south to integrate lead to the national guard enforcing the law. So how do we do this with an executive branch who thinks it has all power? This is unprecedented.

(check out the rest of the spew from leftists at that link...they're gone totally bonkers beyond bonkers...this is going to turn violent soon enough, and it will be them who light it off)

30th January 2017, 07:38 AM
Liberal imbeciles (redundant) calling for leftist governors to use the National Guard against Trump - LOL:


John Smith · President at Government Executive
When will a brave governor send in the national guard? If we don't turn everything up to 11 then this entire thing will continue to drudge on long enough to exhaust the opposition.

Jason Grant
Send in the National Guard for what? To remove Trump and his entire clan from the White House? Because I'd support that 110%.

Margaret Paine
Oh boy we had better nip this in the bud now before it blossoms into a dictatorship which we will not be able to reel in. We'd better not let alternative facts lead us astray. This needs some serious attention. I think defiance of orders in the south to integrate lead to the national guard enforcing the law. So how do we do this with an executive branch who thinks it has all power? This is unprecedented.

(check out the rest of the spew from leftists at that link...they're gone totally bonkers beyond bonkers...this is going to turn violent soon enough, and it will be them who light it off)

Most on the right are not looking for that fight, but if it happens they would be slaughtered mercilessly.

30th January 2017, 11:54 AM
I wonder who can take this seriously but the leftist...

it is really the asylum out there


Top Iraqi cleric wants Americans out over Trump's ban on Muslims
30 January 2017 GMT


30th January 2017, 12:03 PM
I dont think Iraquis will choose an even # of days like 90, more likely it is odd at 91.

30th January 2017, 03:39 PM
Demonstrations at Portland, Oregon airport



Pro Trump Supporters Attacked at Anti Trump Airport . . (https://youtu.be/jf008xA1x1Q)

30th January 2017, 03:41 PM
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9sRgXyFisTM/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=RexgpqK4BFzk1nfbgwV89_fImYg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sRgXyFisTM)

1 hour ago

30th January 2017, 03:53 PM
Starting to look like U.S. of Ukraine. Tillerson should be a familar.

30th January 2017, 04:12 PM
I think trump represents the total end game (with either very good or tragic ending)... going further than that into "divide and conquer" is almost impossible, the whole planet is getting involved now, from beauty pageant to iraqui hard line cleric...

and I doubt trump is innocent, but most likely a stooge

30th January 2017, 04:22 PM
this guy says exactly what i have said for years.... DO NOT REACT TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Evil needs the use of FORCE to prosper.

if you act at an objective level, the NWO collapses, if you act at a 3D level/subjective, you fall into the trap

5000 years that we have been had

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9sRgXyFisTM/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=RexgpqK4BFzk1nfbgwV89_fImYg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sRgXyFisTM)

1 hour ago

30th January 2017, 07:03 PM
another sign that it may go out of hands much quicker than thought. The PTB themselves now stir up the pro-migrant pot, actor crisis or not

Wells Fargo sued by immigrant students over loan denial
In federal court, they accuse the bank of illegally denying education loans.
January 30, 2017 — 6:13pm

Mitzie Perez, a plaintiff in a lawsuit against Wells Fargo, came to the U.S. illegally in 1997 from Guatemala at age 5. Now 25, Perez is a junior at the University of California, Riverside, where she studies gender and sexuality studies.

30th January 2017, 07:15 PM

Fact #1) there is no "Illumnati." Anyone who seriously uses that term does so to avoid naming the Jew.
Fact #2) Islam was not, is not, and can never be our friend or ally for any purpose.
Fact #3) there is no "divide and conquer" strategy. The actual strategy is marshaling all satanic elements against the White race and Western Christian civilization, including Talmudism and Islam.
Fact #4) anyone who preaches the "unity" with our natural enemies line is promoting the Jew World Order's Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan of genocide of the White race.

30th January 2017, 07:27 PM
DO NOT REACT TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Evil needs the use of FORCE to prosper.

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Our non-reaction is what they depend on, and this is why "they" have made the false prophet of "non-violent resistance" (sic), Marxist Lucifer Koon, into a deity.

Even Jesus Christ used violence in the face of evil. And He promises a whole lot more to come.

If we do not resist, "they" win without a fight.

30th January 2017, 07:28 PM
Mitzie Perez, a plaintiff in a lawsuit against Wells Fargo, came to the U.S. illegally in 1997 from Guatemala at age 5.

Time to revoke DACA, and send her back.

30th January 2017, 11:08 PM
Recognizing a foe is half the battle, if handled gracefully they have no defense.

30th January 2017, 11:08 PM
Goldman CEO takes lead on Wall Street in slamming Trump travel ban


In a voicemail to employees on Sunday, Blankfein said diversity was a hallmark of Goldman's success, and if the temporary freeze became permanent, it could create "disruption" for the bank and its staff.

30th January 2017, 11:15 PM
Amazon Is Working With Lawmakers to Counter Trump’s Immigration Order


30th January 2017, 11:28 PM
According to Mother Jones (http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2008/04/whats-your-babys-carbon-footprint), Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s daughter Zahara will likely produce 45,000 pounds of CO2 yearly, but that number would shrink to 221 pounds had Zahara stayed in Ethiopia.


30th January 2017, 11:42 PM
Bill Still just published, cheers AG firing, < 18 mins

Beth & Bill Discuss the Fake Muslim Ban (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrT9JtZj0C8)

2 minutes ago

Bill Still from Jan 21 (so before immig EO), 4 mins but you can kill it at 2:12, the rest is on screen bible stuff and donation info ?!?


Twisted Titan
31st January 2017, 12:15 AM
Goldman CEO takes lead on Wall Street in slamming Trump travel ban


In a voicemail to employees on Sunday, Blankfein said diversity was a hallmark of Goldman's success, and if the temporary freeze became permanent, it could create "disruption" for the bank and its staff.

cause their is a whole lot of diversity at the top of goldman sucks right???

31st January 2017, 04:05 PM
cause their is a whole lot of diversity at the top of goldman sucks right???

Yep, ran by a bunch of neighborhood rats and muzzies... what a joke this has all become.