View Full Version : Knights of Malta head has 'agreed' to resigns after dispute with Vatican

30th January 2017, 07:02 AM
there surely is more to the story. the Knights are freemasons... will make a search later

Knights of Malta head has 'agreed' to resigns after dispute with Vatican
By David on 30 January 2017 GMT

‘The head of the Knights of Malta, who has been locked in a bitter dispute with the Vatican, has resigned, a spokesperson for the Rome-based Catholic chivalric and charity institution said on Wednesday.

The spokesperson said Grand Master Matthew Festing had resigned after Pope Francis asked him to step down at a meeting on Tuesday. Grand Masters of the institution, which was founded in the 11th century, usually keep their positions for life.

“The Pope asked him to resign and he agreed,” the spokesperson said, adding that the next step was a formality in which the group’s Sovereign Council would have to sign off on the highly unusual resignation. The order would be run by its number two, or Grand Commander, until a new head is elected.’


Mr Festing and the Vatican have been locked in a bitter dispute since one of the order's top knights, Grand Chancellor Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, was sacked in December in the chivalric equivalent of a boardroom showdown - ostensibly because he allowed the use of condoms in a medical project for the poor.

Von Boeselager appealed to the Pope, who appointed a five-member commission to look into the unusual circumstances of the sacking, but Festing refused to cooperate and called the commission illegitimate.

Mr Festing, a Briton, had denounced the papal commission as intervention in the order's sovereign affairs, accused members having a conflict of interest and defiantly set up his own internal commission.....


30th January 2017, 07:14 AM
first blush makes me wonder if the knights aren't too happy with the skyped up vatican/pope of today

30th January 2017, 09:08 AM

Von Boeselager and his supporters claimed the condom issue was an excuse by Festing and the papal envoy to the order, Cardinal Raymond Burke – an American arch-conservative who has accused the pope of being too liberal – to increase their power.

Some Vatican observers have seen the Knights of Malta drama as a proxy battle between Francis and Burke. The US cardinal has been outspoken in his criticism of the pope’s efforts to reform Catholic teaching on the family, marriage and divorce. He was one of four cardinals who signed an open letter to Francis last year questioning new guidance allowing priests to decide whether divorced and remarried believers should be able to receive communion.

30th January 2017, 08:02 PM
Knights of Malta are the Hospitalliers (?) who setup "hospitals" for pilgrims to Jerusalem. I don't think now, that they the same as are the original Hospitaliers, which were apparently Christian in denomination. I think they are a Catholic replacement by some usurpation, the specifics of which I am unclear about. Not sure if it was that they were slowly infiltrated or over run and destroyed to be replace by Catholics or if the movement was always Catholic and is generally misrepresented as being Christian. What ever happened appears to have happened very close to the time of their founding and they have been under the catholic wing for most of their history.

Wiki has quite a lot of info. Who knows how solid that info is.

31st January 2017, 07:21 AM
Knights of Malta are the Hospitalliers (?) who setup "hospitals" for pilgrims to Jerusalem. I don't think now, that they the same as are the original Hospitaliers, which were apparently Christian in denomination. I think they are a Catholic replacement by some usurpation, the specifics of which I am unclear about. Not sure if it was that they were slowly infiltrated or over run and destroyed to be replace by Catholics or if the movement was always Catholic and is generally misrepresented as being Christian. What ever happened appears to have happened very close to the time of their founding and they have been under the catholic wing for most of their history.

Wiki has quite a lot of info. Who knows how solid that info is.

The crusades were a completely catholic affair, so any knight order organized around the crusades would therefore be 100% Catholic. There were not many Christian denominations to choose from in the 11th century, and if you lived in Western Europe you were catholic. Most would consider Catholicism a Christian denomination, even those who disagrees vehemently with the papacy...

31st January 2017, 09:01 AM
99.99% of Christians were Catholic Christians (or Orthodox Christians after 1054) until the protestant revolution in the 1500s.

2nd February 2017, 07:37 AM
Most would consider Catholicism a Christian denomination, even those who disagrees vehemently with the papacy...

That doesn't mean that it is. "Most" spend their whole lives without a clue about anything.

2nd February 2017, 10:48 AM
That doesn't mean that it is. "Most" spend their whole lives without a clue about anything.

Are you Christian?