View Full Version : Presidential Impeachment

2nd February 2017, 09:36 AM
First off let me say I am liking the shakeup, mainly because it is pissing off a huge many people.

Several things that make me think this can happen.

First off as a nation, not all that can vote, did, the numbers say this election maybe 60% voted, and 40% did not, I am in that 40% it is called being independent and being in the center of our political mess of beliefs.

So near 30% voted for ether one, 30 + 30 = 60% which trump won the electoral collage and the bitch won the popular vote. Trump is shaking the tree, which is very good but also very hazardous for the world.

My main thoughts are that the 40% that did not vote for anyone, will get pissed and the critters that are in power (right) will get run out of town, the repubs have hitched their coat tails to the trump star. but also the higher you get the lower you fall.

Anyone in politics can promise the moon, but doing so can Jap slap you in the long run.

I highly doubt trump will hold office more than one year, and probably less.

But he did a great blessing shaking the holy shit out of everything,

It is called as most here call waking up the masses.

That also does not bode well for the ones that are extreme nationalists, Being nationalist in general means you will fight and die for your country, and defend all citizens of your country.

I am a American nationalist that fought the lie in my war, but in the long run despite the political shit , which means defending all people that are citizens of this country and their beliefs for the great or bad.

Now for the usual suspects tear me apart. I do not give a pimple on a hogs ass care of what you think.

Trump will be driven out of office,


The repubs will lose their asses in the mid term elections , because of over reaching..

midnight rambler
2nd February 2017, 09:39 AM
Drinking again? Isn't it awfully early in the day to get started?

2nd February 2017, 09:42 AM
Drinking again? Isn't it awfully early in the day to get started? No comrade , just thinking and stinking...With thoughts of reality which many here do not have a clue of .

Trump is stepping way out of bounds , and will reap the whorl wing, along with all that are close to him.

It will be a hoot to watch the political critters that are hitched to him, when he crashes explain and justify their reasoning. I think many heads will roll, (repub) figuratively.


midnight rambler
2nd February 2017, 09:44 AM
Ok, then carry on with your brain cell massacre(s).

2nd February 2017, 09:48 AM
Ok, then carry on with your brain cell massacre(s). Thanks , from you that may allow me to buy less than one bean, for my morning coffie grind.

For what your thoughts are really worth.


2nd February 2017, 09:59 AM
I am a American nationalist that fought the lie in my war,
How is it Nationalist to fight in a war that is a lie? What wars after Vietnam did you support while they were going on? Which were proven lies?

2nd February 2017, 10:16 AM
Nah, they'll leave him there for the first full term at least.

Tptb need him as an excuse, imo. Well that and half his policy is geared towards their U.S. police state. Liberterian/Independent portion of congress will be hard pressed and then comply with any police state terms Trump imposes.

2nd February 2017, 10:24 AM
How is it Nationalist to fight in a war that is a lie? What wars after Vietnam did you support while they were going on? Which were proven lies? Vietman was my one, and at the time I was full in with the gov speak/shit. But later I learned that we really did not need to fight, other than support the french in a colonial thing. Which has been proven totally wrong.

Going after the ones that attacked on 911 I thought also was a good thing , until we went into Iraq and then let the shit really began.

There is more than one kind of nationalist, racial as you and peoples like me as long as those people want to work to make a better life for oneself and all in general.

What is not in place is social reciprocity in the or for the dead weights in society , it they draw anything/food/housing and such they will at least spend time earning their keep, as picking up trash or doing other jobs that any idiot can do.

I hold to my op....40% did not vote and I feel they are awaking, one thing is to shake the national tree, but shaking the world tree will not bode well for our nation and out safety.

Trump = Loose cannon

again I am not a lib, nor repb , but more independent picking from both sides of the political crap, more libertarian in the center.

Which many or most here are not !

Feel good now ,but also think in time, you may be "dealt/deal" with as some here want to do to many that do not march in lock step with their beliefs.

Sad, but neruo you are not a citizen here so go suck ass and do a few heil hitlers and go screw yourself, your opinion is like ass holes we all got them , tho some count more than others.

Still trump will wake up the 40% or so that do not in the past gave a shit,

LBJ, called them the "silent majority" but in this case it will be the silent ones that will chime in and both partys will pay, but the political whores I hope will pay the most.

Term limits would be a great start for all political critters would be a healthy start.

2nd February 2017, 10:41 AM
Nah, they'll leave him there for the first full term at least.

Tptb need him as an excuse, imo. Well that and half his policy is geared towards their U.S. police state. Liberterian/Independent portion of congress will be hard pressed and then comply with any police state terms Trump imposes. That is the huge question?

I think he will not make a year, unless he learns to keep his fucking mouth shut and let his minion do his bidding, with some intelligence used, which is sorely lacking at this time.

Feel the ptb is small time maybe right but big time , more myth than real in the greater picture.

2nd February 2017, 11:00 AM
the more dumb Trump appears the better looking the U.N. appears in 2020.

for when California tears away from the union and the chinese parachute into it.

2nd February 2017, 11:42 AM
Vietman was my one, and at the time I was full in with the gov speak/shit. But later I learned that we really did not need to fight, other than support the french in a colonial thing. Which has been proven totally wrong.

Going after the ones that attacked on 911 I thought also was a good thing , until we went into Iraq and then let the shit really began.

There is more than one kind of nationalist, racial as you and peoples like me as long as those people want to work to make a better life for oneself and all in general.

What is not in place is social reciprocity in the or for the dead weights in society , it they draw anything/food/housing and such they will at least spend time earning their keep, as picking up trash or doing other jobs that any idiot can do.

I hold to my op....40% did not vote and I feel they are awaking, one thing is to shake the national tree, but shaking the world tree will not bode well for our nation and out safety.

Trump = Loose cannon

again I am not a lib, nor repb , but more independent picking from both sides of the political crap, more libertarian in the center.

Which many or most here are not !

Feel good now ,but also think in time, you may be "dealt/deal" with as some here want to do to many that do not march in lock step with their beliefs.

Sad, but neruo you are not a citizen here so go suck ass and do a few heil hitlers and go screw yourself, your opinion is like ass holes we all got them , tho some count more than others.

Still trump will wake up the 40% or so that do not in the past gave a shit,

LBJ, called them the "silent majority" but in this case it will be the silent ones that will chime in and both partys will pay, but the political whores I hope will pay the most.

Term limits would be a great start for all political critters would be a healthy start.

Nice Nationalist fantasies you have moosecunt! ;D

2nd February 2017, 12:10 PM
Someone here is very negative on Trump and wants him to fail, along with our country.
Our country was going over a cliff and was in need of radical change. We are getting that change. This is not business as usual like we've had since JFK.

2nd February 2017, 12:12 PM
Someone here is very negative on Trump and wants him to fail, along with our country.

Chuck has always wanted this country's death and destruction.

2nd February 2017, 12:57 PM
Nice Nationalist fantasies you have moosecunt! ;D

Man lay off the Surströmming you are smelling up things.. ;D

Someone here is very negative on Trump and wants him to fail, along with our country.
Our country was going over a cliff and was in need of radical change. We are getting that change. This is not business as usual like we've had since JFK. Said by one that said he loves russia..

Chuck has always wanted this country's death and destruction. Go back searching for snuff films that I suspect you beat off getting a rock watching.


JFK , I doubt you were not even a gleam in your fathers eye when JFK was living...

I Fought for this country, did any of you ass hats do the same? Gave the oath to bleed and die for this country with out any guarantee of survival.

Did any of you ?

Bunchoffuckingpunks,lotsofwordsbutnoballsasslickin gheadsscrewedononsidewaysnumnutsmutherfuckers...

But I still



2nd February 2017, 01:00 PM
Bunchoffuckingpunks,lotsofwordsbutnoballsasslicksh eadsonsidewaysnumnuts...

Easy on the jug sailor, it's still early.

2nd February 2017, 01:06 PM
Easy on the jug sailor, it's still early.Kool, u pimple on the south end on the ass of a northbound pig that is over stressed and masquerades as a human.

Go beat off some more , watching your snuff films of human pain and misery.


Half Sense
2nd February 2017, 02:17 PM
Dogman, since you sat on the sidelines for this election, your words carry no conviction. You should know by now to not look at what they SAY but what they DO.

You sound more triggered than Madonna. Time to trade the camo cap for a pink pussy hat?

2nd February 2017, 02:34 PM
I Fought for this country, did any of you ass hats do the same? Gave the oath to bleed and die for this country with out any guarantee of survival.
Did any of you?

Rumble in the jungle to Gulf 1 and every thing in between. You know the rules, if I tell you any more, I'd have to kill ya.

I used to say we've got a front row seat to the circus, now it's to the freakshow. Sit back and enjoy the show!

2nd February 2017, 02:46 PM
Dogman, since you sat on the sidelines for this election, your words carry no conviction. You should know by now to not look at what they SAY but what they DO.

You sound more triggered than Madonna. Time to trade the camo cap for a pink pussy hat?Bullshit, when faced with two eviles , my choice was a good one, look at the numbers on my op..

a tad more than half, voted,

I can see a bitch slap comming.


Madonna ?

Really, ?

Read my post again ass hat, What I can see is a huge back lash from the ones that normally do not vote, not all think as many on this forum,

thank god..

One thing trump is doing is pissing off the world, which will wake up they that are asleep,

Then the fun will betgain , all legal and no blood shed (hopefully) think of my numbers which I think are still correct.

100% of they that can ,, non..

60% did vote

Near equal split, tho popular vote went to the bitch.

Trump won..

Ok, lets see, out of the total 100% that could or can only 60% did so..

So out of the 60% that voted leaves the 40% that did not..

And i suspect that 40% is waking up..

Trump is going strong, now, but I suspect as all his political supporters now, will feel the burn

Look now at what is happening now, watch the political whores doing their thing, some do stand their ground on true beliefs . but many many are whoring themselfs in keeping themselfs with power at the time,

all forget that every two and four years they can be replaced..smart ones stay because they do

work with the people that voted for them..

I am getting tired saying I am not a dem, nor a repub...what I am closer to being independent, and can see both sides for the good and the bad..

Trump will as he is going will piss off one two many and ...

He will be history..Along with they that backed him..


2nd February 2017, 02:48 PM
Rumble in the jungle to Gulf 1 and every thing in between. You know the rules, if I tell you any more, I'd have to kill ya.

I used to say we've got a front row seat to the circus, now it's to the freakshow. Sit back and enjoy the show! No shit, I have popcorn, and am throughly enjoying the show.

nothing I can do, but I can hope..

Are you a navy puke?

Thought you were af, but second thoutht you must be a squid..


Half Sense
2nd February 2017, 03:00 PM
I am getting tired saying I am not a dem, nor a repub...what I am closer to being independent, and can see both sides for the good and the bad..

Trump will as he is going will piss off one two many and ...

He will be history..Along with they that backed him..


Most of us here are not strongly affiliated with either party, yet most managed to find a clear choice. The 40% you claim will rise up did not have the sack to rise up on Election Day and go vote. Now you think they will grow balls enough to remove a sitting President?

2nd February 2017, 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by EE_ View Post
Someone here is very negative on Trump and wants him to fail, along with our country.
Our country was going over a cliff and was in need of radical change. We are getting that change. This is not business as usual like we've had since JFK.

Said by one that said he loves russia

Damn right I support allying with Russia. What has Russia done in recent times to harm our country? Compared to the liberals that hate America?

Russia may be the key to controlling Iran and between the US, Russia and Iran, we can wipe out ISIS. I'd rather see something like that then taking out Assad and creating another humanitarian crisis, or vacuum for Islamic terrorists to take over. Too many are chanting death to Iran for my liking.

Also, I'm going to say I think Rex Tillerson will be the best Sec of State this country has ever seen. He is amazing pick by Trump and we are lucky to have him.

Jeff Sessions is my next favorite pick for AG. We haven't had as strong a cabinet like this, as long as I can remember.

Ya gotta love Gen. James Mattis and Gen. John Kelly too.

2nd February 2017, 03:18 PM
Yup, pointy end of the spear. My ol' man who was a combat vet of II and Korea upon seeing my draft notice for Christmas 70", said don't be a fool, USN or AF, 3 squares and a bunk. I didn't listen much in those days but I'm sure glad I took the advice back then.

2nd February 2017, 03:25 PM
Most of us here are not strongly affiliated with either party, yet most managed to find a clear choice. The 40% you claim will rise up did not have the sack to rise up on Election Day and go vote. Now you think they will grow balls enough to remove a sitting President?

I did not vote. I assure you that my balls are intact and full of testosterone. Aint Skeered! That said, I'll just sit this out and shove lead up anyone's ass who feels they can feed off me or mine. I have had enough of this two party joke that passes as legitimate to all you fools who think you have a choice.


You don't have a choice. If you voted for president and your pick won, then you are responsible for their actions and have no room to bitch because you made the 'choice". It works the other way too. If the opponent wins then you are bound by participation to agreement with their actions. This is what is silly about all these protesters. What are they bitching about? They played and lost and now they want to moan about it after the fact.

2nd February 2017, 03:30 PM
Most of us here are not strongly affiliated with either party, yet most managed to find a clear choice. The 40% you claim will rise up did not have the sack to rise up on Election Day and go vote. Now you think they will grow balls enough to remove a sitting President?Yes I do

2nd February 2017, 03:31 PM
Damn right I support allying with Russia. What has Russia done in recent times to harm our country? Compared to the liberals that hate America?

Russia may be the key to controlling Iran and between the US, Russia and Iran, we can wipe out ISIS. I'd rather see something like that then taking out Assad and creating another humanitarian crisis, or vacuum for Islamic terrorists to take over. Too many are chanting death to Iran for my liking.

Also, I'm going to say I think Rex Tillerson will be the best Sec of State this country has ever seen. He is amazing pick by Trump and we are lucky to have him.

Jeff Sessions is my next favorite pick for AG. We haven't had as strong a cabinet like this, as long as I can remember.

Ya gotta love Gen. James Mattis and Gen. John Kelly too.Trator...nice and clean..

2nd February 2017, 03:42 PM
Yup, pointy end of the spear. My ol' man who was a combat vet of II and Korea upon seeing my draft notice for Christmas 70", said don't be a fool, USN or AF, 3 squares and a bunk. I didn't listen much in those days but I'm sure glad I took the advice back then. I honor you..

My family goes back and has fought in all the wars for this nation, family history is we were all navy pukes, I jumped the fence when I whent af..

Thank god, that my training could be directly be translated into civilian.

You served, unlike most here, I honor you, at least can understand (maybe) Ground pounder/squid/af/ depends on what?

Af we had bombers/rockets , navy had subs that could teriform the world into pure crap,

But you should understand the brotherhood that the military slams us together and we end up watching and trusting our backs, and likewise to them.

Race/creed and color , what ?

We were all green or tan and more importantly were all grunts serving idiots that the power that was and is could waste our lifes for something and or nothing.

I do honor all that serve , despite the invisible chains around our necks at the time, because the gov owned us and our lifes..

Peace bro.

2nd February 2017, 03:43 PM
Trator...nice and clean..

What don't you like about what I said? What is a Trator?

Most of us here know what the outcome of Hillary winning would have been. Trump is still an unknown, but I'm happy to see the things he's done so far, especially with the wall, immigration and refugees.

2nd February 2017, 03:46 PM
What don't you like about what I said? What is a Trator?

Most of us here know what the outcome of Hillary winning would have been. Trump is still an unknown, but I'm happy to see the things he's done so far, especially with the wall, immigration and refugees. You are...

nuff said..

Trump is showing his colors and I suspect the 40% that did not vote will do so in time

You embraced Russia vs our presently screwed up country, man you ether are a total idiot, or just were born into your ways. Russia as it stands , is totally against freedom, but they speek a nice bunch of bullshit

Oh sorry. I forgot ..

Most reading this are traitors and hate this country and want to drag it down into a form of hell that you all would call heaven.

But for the majority would call hell.

2nd February 2017, 03:50 PM
You don't have a choice. If you voted for president and your pick won, then you are responsible for their actions and have no room to bitch because you made the 'choice". It works the other way too. If the opponent wins then you are bound by participation to agreement with their actions. This is what is silly about all these protesters. What are they bitching about? They played and lost and now they want to moan about it after the fact.

I have no problem taking responsibility for Trumps actions as I voted for him. Like I said before, I'd rather see every nuke launched in the world then to see the cancer of unlimited immigration and United Nations rule.
Had Hillary have won, I believe no other party/non-liberal would ever had a crack at running the country again.

2nd February 2017, 03:51 PM
You are...

nuff said..

You're a God damn liberal and you know it! Suck it!

2nd February 2017, 03:56 PM
Thin skin ,

Punk..in so many ways...

enjoy your life..



liberal think again...



2nd February 2017, 04:02 PM
Thin skin ,

Punk..in so many ways...

enjoy your life..


Ya know, you throw your service time out there to make yourself sound credible. Just because you served doesn't make you a great man. Being a great man, makes you a great man.
I've met many whom I consider great men that served, including my father. You sir, would not be one of them.
You are shit on my shoes.

2nd February 2017, 04:07 PM
Ya know, you throw your service time out there to make yourself sound credible. Just because you served doesn't make you a great man. Being a great man, makes you a great man.
I've met many whom I consider great men that served, including my father. You sir, would not one of them.
You are shit on my shoes.

Thank you !

Your skin is as I said is thin,

You still are a traitor..

at the very least in thought.

Deal with it,


What did you do to K on your ride to Zaps and back that caused her to not want to have anything to do with you on the forum later, or when we were in chat, she was there , but when you logged in she would run?

plus shortly after her mystery tour and she got home, she quit the forum?

But she avoided you like the black plague ?

Upstanding citizen that you are...


2nd February 2017, 04:13 PM
Thank you !

Your skin is as I said is thin,

You still are a traitor..

at the very least in thought.

Deal with it,

Just stay out of my tree and I'll stay out of yours. Then we're good.

2nd February 2017, 04:16 PM
Just stay out of my tree and I'll stay out of yours. Then we're good.


Half Sense
2nd February 2017, 04:24 PM
I have had enough of this two party joke that passes as legitimate to all you fools who think you have a choice.

Preaching to the choir. This is not a partisan forum. Yet, somebody was gonna be elected in 2016 whether you or I participated or not. I was totally suspicious of Trump, but "by their enemies ye shall know them". When the most evil entities on the planet came out against him, I started paying attention. Trump already had wealth, power and fame. Yet at age 70, he puts his neck on the line by taking on all the established powers in the world? If he is working with them, he has a strange way of showing it.

2nd February 2017, 04:37 PM
Preaching to the choir. This is not a partisan forum. Yet, somebody was gonna be elected in 2016 whether you or I participated or not. I was totally suspicious of Trump, but "by their enemies ye shall know them". When the most evil entities on the planet came out against him, I started paying attention. Trump already had wealth, power and fame. Yet at age 70, he puts his neck on the line by taking on all the established powers in the world? If he is working with them, he has a strange way of showing it.He is a total idiot.

But also it is known he other than what he was born into, does not read does not do any research, does not have a clue to how how normal people live (what in the hell is normal?)

He is very good at what he grew up in, building, using the system and such. but he is an idiot when it comes to the world. He has spent all his life in privilege and rubbing and more with the elite.

He was born with a golden spoon , unlike they that were lucky to be born with any spoon.

He is a idiot, good at what he was raised to do, but he does not have a clue of real life other than the world of the rich which is all he knows which is a total danger to our way of life, (not rich)

Time will tell, but his colors are already flying.

And for us prions, well we will still end up tiding up behind him

He being the idiot he is showing , will not walk but run us into destruction and or war.

Which the people will not allow, he will be lucky going the way he is to hold office one year , and for sure not the 8 years that he hopes for.

Half Sense
2nd February 2017, 04:39 PM
Trump is showing his colors and I suspect the 40% that did not vote will do so in time

Russia as it stands , is totally against freedom, but they speek a nice bunch of bullshit

Putin is a nationalist, not a globalist. Trump will seek common ground, like teaming up with Russia to remove ISIS. That is in each nation's best interest.

And I'd love to hear your theory on this 40% gonna rise up. They were too apathetic to vote but are going to impel the impeachment process. How?

2nd February 2017, 04:45 PM
Putin is a nationalist, not a globalist. Trump will seek common ground, like teaming up with Russia to remove ISIS. That is in each nation's best interest.

And I'd love to hear your theory on this 40% gonna rise up. They were too apathetic to vote but are going to impel the impeachment process. How? Agree with the nationalist..But disagree with the globalist .

But his brand of nationalism wants to return his country back in the old ways and gather all the now independent peoples , drag them back into the soviet ways in many ways.


2nd February 2017, 04:48 PM
Chucks' having a party!


2nd February 2017, 04:49 PM
Prior to your reply "Fuck You!"

2nd February 2017, 04:54 PM
Trump's strategy is not as horrible as his execution.

I doubt either will work to fix the world, let alone the U.S. unless it slips from the precipise of global leader. It / Trump would have a hard time to do both

Just like Putin or China could do something to fix the globe, but they do not.

Imo, Trump has been placed at this point to support / lend creedance for the separtism inherent in Israel.

2nd February 2017, 04:55 PM
Prior to your reply "Fuck You!" Seeing how high and outstanding your morality is and high standards are..

Thank u.and

2nd February 2017, 04:58 PM
Trump's strategy is not as horrible as his execution.

I doubt either will work to fix the world, let alone the U.S. unless it slips from the precipise of global leader. It / Trump would have a hard time to do both

Just like Putin or China could do something to fix the globe, but they do not.

Imo, Trump has been placed at this point to support / lend creedance for the separtism inherent in Israel.

Your statement says you have very little/no hope anyone can fix the US or the world...that we are in a downward spiral that can't be stopped.
You've just set a very very low bar for Trump and his people.

2nd February 2017, 05:13 PM
I've always learned to set the bar low for any group/troop leader. That way if anything they do works I can be pleasently suprised.

In my lifetime and on most historical records I have not seen anything that would lend towards thinking otherwise.

2nd February 2017, 05:18 PM
I've always learned to set the bar low for any group/troop leader. That way if anything they do works I can be pleasently suprised.

In my lifetime and on most historical records I have not seen anything that would lend towards thinking otherwise.

You have not experienced a good life. I feel for people like this.

midnight rambler
2nd February 2017, 05:38 PM
I Fought for this country


2nd February 2017, 05:43 PM
You have not experienced a good life. I feel for people like this.

You're not feeling hard enough for me then, cause you have not found me. :)

I dont live my life through group leaders, that is for sure.

midnight rambler
2nd February 2017, 05:50 PM
He is a total idiot.

Sayeth the broke dick sot.

2nd February 2017, 05:55 PM

Yell all you want,

You are still a traitor!

2nd February 2017, 06:04 PM
Internet forums are interesting.

They can bring folks together, in a good way, yet drive them apart at the same time.

2nd February 2017, 06:25 PM
Internet forums are interesting.

They can bring folks together, in a good way, yet drive them apart at the same time. also a good way to determine if worth having as a neighbor!

2nd February 2017, 06:46 PM
also a good way to determine if worth having as a neighbor!

That's not what I meant. Remember, divide and conquer is a real agenda!

On this journey we call life, we meet folks with all sorts of opinions, some personal, some not. Take boats (my life passion, as some know..) Everyone who looks at a boat, has an opinion, this sucks, this needs to be changed, this part is great. Everyone is an "expert" on boats, instantly.

Same here. We all have the freedom of the internet, complete freedom of speech. That's what this forum is, and should fight to keep.

2nd February 2017, 06:49 PM
You sound more triggered than Madonna. Time to trade the camo cap for a pink pussy hat?

A pink pussy hat atop a giant pussy?

2nd February 2017, 06:54 PM
And for us prions

Surely the prions have conquered what was your brain.

2nd February 2017, 07:06 PM
That's not what I meant. Remember, divide and conquer is a real agenda!

On this journey we call life, we meet folks with all sorts of opinions, some personal, some not. Take boats (my life passion, as some know..) Everyone who looks at a boat, has an opinion, this sucks, this needs to be changed, this part is great. Everyone is an "expert" on boats, instantly.

Same here. We all have the freedom of the internet, complete freedom of speech. That's what this forum is, and should fight to keep.

Many here ignore that freedom of thought and speach rules in this nation! And still has more freedom choices compared to any nation on earth!

But some are not happy, unless they drag this nation into into dirt!!

Very very sad!

Many trators here , and what is frightening is if they can come into power, freedom will become history and let the killing begain!


History backes me up!

I bet Trump will be lucky to make a year in office, he is a rich puppet!

I still love the uproar, call it a correction to be I pray at least!

Very much needed

The right and left need to meet in the middle!

That 40% of non voters will if pissed enough will hopefully make the difference​!

Interesting times!

2nd February 2017, 07:09 PM
Surely the prions have conquered what was your brain.

LOL. Now that's some funny shit.

2nd February 2017, 07:10 PM
Dipping into the wine cabinet I see!
Many here ignore that freedom of thought and speach rules in this nation! And still has more freedom choices compared to any nation on earth!

But some are not happy, unless they drag this nation into into dirt!!

Very very sad!

Many trators here , and what is frightening is if they can come into power, freedom will become history and let the killing begain!


History backes me up!

I bet Trump will be lucky to make a year in office, he is a rich puppet!

I still love the uproar, call it a correction to be I pray at least!

Very much needed

2nd February 2017, 07:13 PM
Dipping into the wine cabinet I see!


Rare time I truthfully speak my thoughts!

2nd February 2017, 10:00 PM

Rare time I truthfully speak my thoughts!


2nd February 2017, 10:03 PM
be nice. you all are talking to one of the elite philosophers of east texas

and no i'm not raysis, some of my people are there...been there for 150 years. that's how i know..

2nd February 2017, 10:18 PM
be nice. you all are talking to one of the elite philosophers of east texas

and no i'm not raysis, some of my people are there...been there for 150 years. that's how i know..

I still want a full version of that

2nd February 2017, 10:26 PM
I still want a full version of that

makes my head hurt to read the words. so i don't. :)

2nd February 2017, 11:12 PM
I still want a full version of that


3rd February 2017, 12:54 AM
I honor you..

My family goes back and has fought in all the wars for this nation, family history is we were all navy pukes, I jumped the fence when I whent af..

Thank god, that my training could be directly be translated into civilian.

You served, unlike most here, I honor you, at least can understand (maybe) Ground pounder/squid/af/ depends on what?

Af we had bombers/rockets , navy had subs that could teriform the world into pure crap,

But you should understand the brotherhood that the military slams us together and we end up watching and trusting our backs, and likewise to them.

Race/creed and color , what ?

We were all green or tan and more importantly were all grunts serving idiots that the power that was and is could waste our lifes for something and or nothing.

I do honor all that serve , despite the invisible chains around our necks at the time, because the gov owned us and our lifes..

Peace bro.
Good stuff...


3rd February 2017, 05:02 AM
Man lay off the Surströmming you are smelling up things.. ;D

That is below the belt you herringfucker you. I may not speak to you again... ;D

3rd February 2017, 07:25 AM

Better then thought!


3rd February 2017, 09:13 AM
i am not sure what to make of that photo, is it an invitation?

3rd February 2017, 09:29 AM
i am not sure what to make of that photo, is it an invitation?

I assume it means Putin has gone there so many times it's just like home?

3rd February 2017, 09:38 AM
working for skype in their ukraine overthrow? is that the flag down there? surrounded by skype photogs..

3rd February 2017, 01:16 PM
this what dogman refers to as traitor. Those Ruskies think completely opposite from you and I.

Where they may see that as rejection, Trump and I would see it as an "grab" bag invitation. ;)


Half Sense
3rd February 2017, 07:35 PM
It's a traditional dance - so what? The girls do not have dancers' legs - they are dumpy peasants. Not that this is a bad thing. Women are largely the same once you get them horizontal.

For Dogman, I got nuthin' except do you really want to bet that Trump is gone within one year? You should demand 500-1 odds or you are a fool. I once had a guy bet me that the National League MVP would be Barry Larkin. The idiot gave me every other player in the NL and he had Larkin. Larkin had a season-ending injury and he paid off 3 months before the MVP was even announced, LOL.