View Full Version : Bundy Ranch and Malheur Infiltrators Unmansked

5th February 2017, 09:29 AM
Was the Malheur refuge takeove an elaborate trap masterminded by the federal government to corral and arrest patriots? These videos are all several hours long. Damion Maynard with assistance from Laurie Alexander has been digging into this for a year. He reveals much of what he has uncovered. I have only listened to the first video at this time.
http://youtu.be/P4yui6t2Rls https://youtu.be/P4yui6t2Rls
http://youtu.be/yvA8lTqY2BU https://youtu.be/yvA8lTqY2BU
http://youtu.be/K2lmFEwo_X0 https://youtu.be/K2lmFEwo_X0

5th February 2017, 10:47 AM

Al Hinds
In all Honesty.... I have a lot of unanswered questions, More speculation, circumstantial evidence..... with no sold evidence.... So in complete Honesty, I can not agree with everything, but my personal belief is that Gray Hunt, Mark McConnell and Melvin Lee is dead on......... Now I have located something that supports that

Ryan Payne, may also be involved.... and """IF''' so, this ALONE will help to establish that the 3% of Idaho, PPN leadership that was in Burns are True Patriots. Every one of us have problems, we all have things that when looked at under a microscopic may not be perfect.... That said, If he is a agent, and based on this recording, and how he manipulated Ammon... and not listening to there advice.... tells me that I am correct that what has been going on with them, and My own vetting of these "attacks" to there creditably is DEAD on...For the record he was not aware that he was being Recorded...

http://www.seditionists.com/OMDpayne.mp3 (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.seditionists.com%2FOMDpay ne.mp3&h=ATPRAGbOYwuTcRjCIyhEaqy_OB73BiHscUdS5ldsPMQF2tQI uIpkC8XKn2hL1BaJlWcE_6HZqNf9rlnjxfaJ3UEcVGmOrJDkdv VpifnwFWHkQHsT6K7Fitc)
OMDpayne (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.seditionists.com%2FOMDpay ne.mp3&h=ATMJX_7vpDJtmX9XtCIy_HJi6ag8VscC2UEXaYvvsLrXF-doOVMwkmu8-7AilmNOO7cV_Xm79u8GWwGvaZoNyFv8rxifdMGfvnk6KKvqDHe QaGTkfQ_mS-A&enc=AZNsgUYYaG03sYjJLN3SKBtUtifqlVdG3_xlVou5YjZtHt gVFS4OOSYlKHMVJE9CRQbStQIXkuXSxStc2T2-EALKBEwMYd-svRATMrwAHTQ0oyNTxY_TS3K4iwoYMg8OunQtLerhpaslO-HP-9EzQG0XrJh_vi9djEj4psYCxbhhYg&s=1)

5th February 2017, 01:00 PM
Thom Davis, Harney County Oregon resident, is a rodeo stock contractor, bucking horses etc., posted this -
Thom gave an interview a few days ago that is in 2 youtube videos about 20 minutes each. I didn't watch them, I think those is the videos referred to in this post.


Thom Davis15 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1553246854990477/permalink/1746539795661181/)

A friend sent this to me I thought it hit the nail on the head about the going on in Burns last yr.

thanks for the new videos of what you saw in Burns, took the liberty of sharing.
Burns was a test run, again of Federalist controls, FBI Psyops units came from SLC utah as well I hear, Burns was treated much like the psyops used in war zones, so yes this should be a heads up. To see how the people can be brainwashed or ? to accept their propaganda. and how much control they can use.. the people like good trained serfs acted like the Fed Corps desired for the most part.
Question, last year there were rumor's of possible Non usa mercs/soldiers who also participated UN style is that accurate or not? Just seeing how the NWO is training all their forces for the attempt of a future crack down on all of us as per their game plans.
Well thanks for standing best you can, and for your AF service, my Bro in law about due to return from Afghanistan again, hope last combat tour (been in 22yrs now) every time he goes over we worry, but they are all happy Trumps their new Com in Chief.
Well have a good week.

5th February 2017, 07:54 PM
After listeneing to all the videos I don't see any concrete evidence, only circumstantial and speculation. I have had doubts about Ryan Payne and Blaine Cooper since LaVoy was murdered.