View Full Version : cynthia mckinney has epic twitter

5th February 2017, 06:50 PM
cm is something else - ripping Skype, pizzagate, false flags, etc o)(~

https://twitter.com/cynthiamckinney?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5E serp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

5th February 2017, 09:36 PM
Oh my!

6th February 2017, 05:04 AM
as much as some on here are looking at the skin color, we need more women like her.

Truth operates in the realm of objectivity only, as long as one pulls the blanket toward one's side (being one sided) truth will be proven elusive. A natural law, I am afraid. That is why all these "group thinks" do not achieve anything but used against the masses instead.

6th February 2017, 08:31 AM
I saw her speak live in Vancouver a couple years ago about her boat trip that got ambushed by Israeli's. Intelligent women, not fooled by the establishment. We need more spine like hers...

6th February 2017, 08:42 AM
as much as some on here are looking at the skin color, we need more women like her.

Truth operates in the realm of objectivity only, as long as one pulls the blanket toward one's side (being one sided) truth will be proven elusive. A natural law, I am afraid. That is why all these "group thinks" do not achieve anything but used against the masses instead.

she's the real deal. it's a shame that merit has been skyped. she should be where lebron is in stature

6th February 2017, 09:21 AM
right after 911, she was out and ((they)) made her look like a delusional woman to the point she lost her seat in congress

she's the real deal. it's a shame that merit has been skyped. she should be where lebron is in stature

6th February 2017, 10:51 AM

28th July 2020, 04:18 PM
Well, looks like even Cynthia McKinney is disgusted with the Democrats (btw- she's also tweeted about how the Dems are for permanent war)


Today's Dem Party is the clear and present danger for what's left of "The Republic" and the US Constitution. Too bad only a few US citizens can see that reality: "we are fighting against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world."

And she linked to this article:

Vote Democrat... and Watch U.S. Burn
By Mike Whitney

28th July 2020, 05:06 PM
Well, looks like even Cynthia McKinney is disgusted with the Democrats (btw- she's also tweeted about how the Dems are for permanent war)


And she linked to this article:

Vote Democrat... and Watch U.S. Burn
By Mike Whitney

I'm not sure why you're posting this since you will be voting for Joe Biden?
A no vote is the same as a vote for Biden

28th July 2020, 11:01 PM
I'm not sure why you're posting this since you will be voting for Joe Biden?
A no vote is the same as a vote for Biden

If you vote you have agreed to accept the outcome. Thus you gave up your right to complain.

29th July 2020, 05:02 AM
If you vote you have agreed to accept the outcome. Thus you gave up your right to complain.

I agree to accept the outcome, but, providing Trump wins, if he were to change his position and confiscate firearms, that doesn't mean I couldn't complain about that.

On the flip side, gsus members that don't vote, should also accept the outcome. If Biden wins, your firearms will definitely be confiscated, you can't complain because you knew beforehand your non vote helped him win and you knew helping him win your firearms would be confiscated.

For you guys not voting, you do still get to complain about Trump if he wins, you just can't complain about Democrats.
That shouldn't be a problem for some of you, you haven't really complained about Democrats up to this point.

Anyone capable of critical thinking, knows Trump will need all the help he can get to overcome the cheating Democrats will be doing.
Not voting is saying you want Trump removed and for Democrat to win.

If it helps you sleep better at night by not participating in this election and saying you had nothing to do with the damage that will come by Trump losing, could be the same as saying you know a child was being raped, or murdered and you did nothing and told no one. Would that mean you had nothing to do with the rape, or murder?

Hopefully Trump will win, I'd rather listen to another four years of you guys hating every single thing Trump has done, then the alternative.

PS: You guys really are Democrats, aren't you? Why don't you just come out of the closet already.

midnight rambler
29th July 2020, 08:10 AM
If you vote you have agreed to accept the outcome. Thus you gave up your right to complain.

Additionally, if one votes one sanctions their activities and it only encourages MORE bad behavior. If there was a very low turnout then they couldn't maintain their (supposed) legitimacy and they'd see they had a big problem.

Long past time to invoke the Declaration of Independence anyway.

29th July 2020, 08:20 AM
Closet democrat? LOL! Trump will win, I mean could there be any other reason why they picked senile, creepy Joe “Moron” Biden? They want Trump to win so that after another 4 years they can put the communist dictator they really have groomed for the job. AOC. Meanwhile the economy has totally crashed Trump and any American conservative traditionalist would be seen by the masses as responsible for the massacre. That is Trumps job to bear the blame and pave the way for a fullblown communist, which really is totally counter to the “American Spirit” IMO, it needs some work to come through.

Herbert Hoover was blamed for the Great Depression and paved way to 4 term communist dictator FDR. Same agenda

29th July 2020, 08:23 AM
Additionally, if one votes one sanctions their activities and it only encourages MORE bad behavior. If there was a very low turnout then they couldn't maintain their (supposed) legitimacy and they'd see they had a big problem.

Long past time to invoke the Declaration of Independence anyway.


29th July 2020, 08:29 AM
Closet democrat? LOL! Trump will win, I mean could there be any other reason why they picked senile, creepy Joe “Moron” Biden? They want Trump to win so that after another 4 years they can put the communist dictator they really have groomed for the job. AOC. Meanwhile the economy has totally crashed Trump and any American conservative traditionalist would be seen by the masses as responsible for the massacre. That is Trumps job to bear the blame and pave the way for a fullblown communist, which really is totally counter to the “American Spirit” IMO, it needs some work to come through.

Herbert Hoover was blamed for the Great Depression and paved way to 4 term communist dictator FDR. Same agenda

It's always the same crew. Amanda (Today),midnight rambler (Today),monty (Today),Tumbleweed (Today),woodman (Today)

29th July 2020, 10:08 AM
Closet democrat? LOL! Trump will win, I mean could there be any other reason why they picked senile, creepy Joe “Moron” Biden? They want Trump to win so that after another 4 years they can put the communist dictator they really have groomed for the job. AOC. Meanwhile the economy has totally crashed Trump and any American conservative traditionalist would be seen by the masses as responsible for the massacre. That is Trumps job to bear the blame and pave the way for a fullblown communist, which really is totally counter to the “American Spirit” IMO, it needs some work to come through.

Herbert Hoover was blamed for the Great Depression and paved way to 4 term communist dictator FDR. Same agenda

29th July 2020, 10:38 AM
Closet democrat? LOL! Trump will win, I mean could there be any other reason why they picked senile, creepy Joe “Moron” Biden? They want Trump to win so that after another 4 years they can put the communist dictator they really have groomed for the job. AOC. Meanwhile the economy has totally crashed Trump and any American conservative traditionalist would be seen by the masses as responsible for the massacre. That is Trumps job to bear the blame and pave the way for a fullblown communist, which really is totally counter to the “American Spirit” IMO, it needs some work to come through.

Herbert Hoover was blamed for the Great Depression and paved way to 4 term communist dictator FDR. Same agenda

yes, this is what I have been saying all along--to me, it looked like the Democrats were deliberately throwing the election by picking a senile old man who doesn't even know what state he's in.

29th July 2020, 11:23 AM
yes, this is what I have been saying all along--to me, it looked like the Democrats were deliberately throwing the election by picking a senile old man who doesn't even know what state he's in.

And we all know the polls are BS, and the democrat primaries are rigged--it's a selection show. The DNC already admitted in open court that it was their 1st amendment right to rig the primaries. I just assume TPTB told the DNC, throw it, pick Biden (who was only able to gather a crowd of maybe 20 people at a "rally").

29th July 2020, 04:32 PM
Amazing how clueless some of you people are. The Democrats have every intent on winning.
They picked Joe for name recognition, but their election is really about voting against Trump, much like you guys are doing.
The Dems have been setting the stage for this for over a year now, they will be using the internet as a weapon, having Google, facebook, twitter and youtube working for them.
They have mail in ballots to cheat in key states and they will also have illegals voting. The Dems will do anything to win this, even destroy their own cities to create misery to wear people down. So much is at stake for them, like 2 supreme court picks and Barr and Durham exposing their crimes of treason.
They are getting ready to throw the kitchen sink at us soon.
You guys are either out of touch, or you really are Democrats hiding behind a false facade.

29th July 2020, 05:07 PM
It's always the same crew. Amanda (Today),midnight rambler (Today),monty (Today),Tumbleweed (Today),woodman (Today)

Dude, everybody is more or less flying your vectors. Give it a rest! This Trump-O-Doxy thing is not helping. No one here, that I can tell, is a "secret democrat". While they remain skeptical at times of Trump's actions (warranted!), no one wants to see the far left take the control they seek. So stop please.

29th July 2020, 05:14 PM
Dude, everybody is more or less flying your vectors. Give it a rest! This Trump-O-Doxy thing is not helping. No one here, that I can tell, is a "secret democrat". While they remain skeptical at times of Trump's actions (warranted!), no one wants to see the far left take the control they seek. So stop please.
I put him on ignore. That is a very rare thing for me to do. The only time I see his insane posts is when someone quotes him.

30th July 2020, 02:31 AM
Dude, everybody is more or less flying your vectors. Give it a rest! This Trump-O-Doxy thing is not helping. No one here, that I can tell, is a "secret democrat". While they remain skeptical at times of Trump's actions (warranted!), no one wants to see the far left take the control they seek. So stop please.

Interesting comment "far left"? That would imply you are open to someone here possibly wanting to see the "left" take control. You seem to see a difference.
I know you are not "far left", but are you on the left? You don't sound like a conservative.

The fact is, anyone that wants Trump gone are advocating for the left to take control. Can you dispute this statement?

Outside of tumbleweed, I don't believe the others in this crew own precious metals, or firearms. I'm not sure what they are even doing here on a precious metals forum.

There's plenty of anti-Trump forums out there they can join. The problem is they don't want to be where they all agree, they want to be where they can persuade others to buy their bullshit, change minds, to help them win.

Democrats have infiltrated websites throughout the internet, they all have an agenda and they will do anything to achieve it. They lie, deceive and hide behind false facades. They all have one thing in common, they hate America and want to see it fall.

Funny you've never told these Charlatans to to give their attacks on Trump and people that support him, a rest?
You see, you are taking it personal what I say, much like I take these scumbags woodman's and midnight's attacks on Trump, some directed at me.
It's okay for them to say anyone that supports Trump is an idiot, but not okay for me to say anyone that supports the Democrats winning are idiots? Is that about the size of it?

Jeff, I think it's time for you to put me on ignore too, please do.

30th July 2020, 02:36 AM

This message is hidden because EE_ is on your ignore list (http://gold-silver.us/forum/profile.php?do=ignorelist).View Post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?94611-cynthia-mckinney-has-epic-twitter&p=970217#post970217)

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30th July 2020, 02:46 AM

This message is hidden because EE_ is on your ignore list (http://gold-silver.us/forum/profile.php?do=ignorelist).View Post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?94611-cynthia-mckinney-has-epic-twitter&p=970217#post970217)

Remove user from ignore list (http://gold-silver.us/forum/profile.php?userlist=ignore&do=removelist&u=3658)

You've spent your life on your knees, why don't you just stay there you little bitch!

30th July 2020, 12:28 PM

Telling the truth about Trump does not mean that a person is voting for Biden.

You Cultists are really fucking pathetic!

19th August 2020, 11:21 PM
I'll probably find another thread to put this on, but here's the latest from Cynthia McKinney....

Medical tyranny is here:

Cynthia McKinney PhD@cynthiamckinney
(https://twitter.com/cynthiamckinney)Coming to YOUR Legislature Soon! Read this and shudder!


23rd November 2020, 11:38 AM
Saw this https://twitter.com/cynthiamckinney/status/1330910690807255040 (McKinney in 06 calling out voting machines as a threat to our democracy)

Decided to go through more of her twitter and OMG!!!!! Look at this:


"Western" science is more depraved than ever! I reject it all and the originators who try to destroy the value of freedom and human dignity! They Told us Soylent Green was humans! You didn't think they'd let a useful idea (for them) go to waste, did you?

We're up against absolute PSYCHOPATHS!!!

midnight rambler
23rd November 2020, 11:44 AM
Well, we ARE being told that "technically it's not cannibalism"...they'd never lie to us, right??

23rd November 2020, 12:19 PM
Decided to go through more of her twitter and OMG!!!!! Look at this:


"Western" science is more depraved than ever! I reject it all and the originators who try to destroy the value of freedom and human dignity! They Told us Soylent Green was humans! You didn't think they'd let a useful idea (for them) go to waste, did you?

We're up against absolute PSYCHOPATHS!!!

^ There's a pretty good rant at the link below I'll post of a fellow who's pretty fed up with these devils and what they're doing and planning for us. Some rough language and talk but it comes from his righteous anger.

A Warning for All Americans


7th July 2021, 09:00 AM
Cynthia tweets out image saying Zionists did 9/11. So apparently now, there is a highway named after her and they are trying to undo that because she outed the Israelis as the true perps.

The Final Piece of the Puzzle . . .

Also, fwiw- at top of her twitter is post saying the US installed puppet leader of Haiti was assassinated. So, I guess he wasn't being an obedient puppet. Perhaps he wasn't doing enough of the bioweapon injections

7th July 2021, 12:42 PM
This is cute, especially post 1-6:

Cynthia McKinney (literally) dodges [CNN] questions
