View Full Version : Rense.com blasts Trump in 180 degree switch Feb 6 2017

6th February 2017, 05:20 PM
Rense.com Monday Feb 6 2017

Is Trump A War President?

Do Netanyahu & The Zionists Now Control Trump? Is He Being Forced Into Another War For Israel? Watch Trump's Irrational Threats To Iran Which Has Never Been Involved With ISIS Terror - Iran & The Russians Have Been The Sole Force Along With The Syrian Army That Have Seriously Fought ISIS - Who Created ISIS? The US & Israel With American Money - Who Treated Thousands Of Wounded ISIS Fighters? ISRAEL - Notice How There Has Never Been An ISIS Terror Attack Against Israel - Watch For False Flag Rockets From Gaza Into Israel Which Gives Israel The Excuse To Eradicate All Palestinians In Gaza - Liberman Has Said The Next War With Gaza Will Be The LAST ONE - Wake Up America…Trump And His Cabinet Are Heavily Threatening Iran, China, Russia & North Korea


6th February 2017, 09:16 PM
Trump is a tool. This is made completely clear by his immigration executive order follow-up.

If the immigration order was necessary to protect the country (it is), then the President would not heed the "order" of no authority from a faggot in a black dress. However, he has responded with the usual cowardly and impotent attitude of a System tool. Sure, file an appeal with the Ninth Circus, but continue to enforce the lawful order!

And yes, all the talk of "Hillary will start World War III" was stupid, since this current "leader" will simply ignite one in the Middle East instead. It wasn't really unforeseen, since he clearly liked to fellate a donkey for "Israel."

6th February 2017, 09:17 PM
weird, rense was a big DT fanboy all last year, and in the few months since his election & inauguration.

midnight rambler
6th February 2017, 10:15 PM
What's 'weird' is Trump now going into warmongering mode after spending the entire campaign talking about how we should cultivate good relations with other countries and not go to war at the drop of a hat, which is what things are looking like now.

6th February 2017, 10:26 PM
What's 'weird' is Trump now going into warmongering mode after spending the entire campaign talking about how we should cultivate good relations with other countries and not go to war at the drop of a hat, which is what things are looking like now.

Its not weird, you got conned. Now time to admit it and move on like rense.

6th February 2017, 11:10 PM
What's 'weird' is Trump now going into warmongering mode after spending the entire campaign talking about how we should cultivate good relations with other countries and not go to war at the drop of a hat, which is what things are looking like now.

& boy-bush didn't want to be a "nation builder" lol :D

here's rense's show tonight; looks like hrs 1 & 2 discuss their DT dismay.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2017.02.06 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2017/02/jeff-rense-radio-show-20170206.html)

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=https://archive.org/download/Rense.20170206/Rense.20170206.1of3.mp3) Download (https://archive.org/download/Rense.20170206/Rense.20170206.1of3.mp3) Hour 1 - Tim Rifat (http://mindovermatter.ru/) - Is Trump Being Pushed Into War By Israel?

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=https://archive.org/download/Rense.20170206/Rense.20170206.2of3.mp3) Download (https://archive.org/download/Rense.20170206/Rense.20170206.2of3.mp3) Hour 2 - James Fetzer (http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/) - War Talk…What's Going On?

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=https://archive.org/download/Rense.20170206/Rense.20170206.3of3.mp3) Download (https://archive.org/download/Rense.20170206/Rense.20170206.3of3.mp3) Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Dana Durnford (http://www.thenuclearproctologist.org/) - Fukushima Update

6th February 2017, 11:25 PM
What's 'weird' is Trump now going into warmongering mode after spending the entire campaign talking about how we should cultivate good relations with other countries and not go to war at the drop of a hat, which is what things are looking like now.

Consider that Trump is most powerful when people think he's out of his fucking mind.

If he takes war off the table, he loses all his leverage. These other nations will think he's a joke.

I won't be surprised if he takes aggressive actions that are quick and shocking, but without much loss of life. Then he'll back off. And perhaps do it again. He won't get mired in a real war, but he will throw his weight around.

Think about Russia. They are aggressive but yet don't get into wars. Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine, Syria, they do shit and get out quick. I think Trump will be the same way.

7th February 2017, 06:13 AM
Trump is a tool. This is made completely clear by his immigration executive order follow-up.

If the immigration order was necessary to protect the country (it is), then the President would not heed the "order" of no authority from a faggot in a black dress. However, he has responded with the usual cowardly and impotent attitude of a System tool. Sure, file an appeal with the Ninth Circus, but continue to enforce the lawful order!

And yes, all the talk of "Hillary will start World War III" was stupid, since this current "leader" will simply ignite one in the Middle East instead. It wasn't really unforeseen, since he clearly liked to fellate a donkey for "Israel."

I'm holding back judgement until I see how it plays out. He technically could tell the DHS to ignore the judges order due to Article III separation of powers. But can you imagine the screeching of the cultural marxist of trump being a dictator if he did that?

7th February 2017, 06:14 AM
Trump is a stooge and it was planned that way. They need hatred to divide and rule further for the sake of their agenda. angry and fearful people are so much more manipulable

POWER's dirty tricks are 5000 years old, yet people dont get it. Yeah muslims are coming... well guess who is mainly to blame for: the sheeple revering groupthink.

more war mongering
US tanks and infantry fighting vehicles arrive in Estonia amid NATO buildup on Russian borders.... House Armed Services Chair Says US Needs Missiles That Can Reach Iran and N Korea


Trump supporters - and those who gave him the benefit of the doubt - starting to see the reality (although many are still under his spell)

7th February 2017, 06:22 AM
Trump is a stooge and it was planned that way. They need hatred to divide and rule further for the sake of their agenda. angry and fearful people are so much more manipulable

POWER's dirty tricks are 5000 years old, yet people dont get it. Yeah muslims are coming... well guess who is mainly to blame for: the sheeple revering groupthink.

more war mongering
US tanks and infantry fighting vehicles arrive in Estonia amid NATO buildup on Russian borders

Oh look the entertainment has arrived. You can set up in the back, the adults are still trying to have a conversation.

7th February 2017, 07:31 AM
I want to thank all who have posted in this thread. I like to see real conversation, opinions and discussion and we have it here.

Here's my two cents on several related issues.

In ALL of this and these current major issues, remember that the neocon / banksters still rule all factions. It is indeed a grand chessboard. The motivations and goals and outcomes in play are hidden behind a dark veil to all of us little people. The ostensible conficts we see on the surface are not the real conflicts. And we have to remember that there are real conflicts at the top of the neocon / bankster rubble pile. I always understood that the golden rule means 'he who holds the gold rules' but I'm beginning to see that it is the most evil ones who hold the most chits from Satan, and only indidentally are multi-billionaires, who truly rule.

Regarding that Robart "Judge" in Seattle, here was some excellent commentary on that.


Media Not Telling the Truth About Judge Who Halted the Refugee Ban
Right Wing News!
Right Wing News!
Published on Feb 4, 2017

— http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/03/politic...

The problem with Rense and other Lefties and many Righties is a failure to understand that the neocons control U S foreign policy and they do not operate by PRINCIPLE or any of the standard diplomacy international law and maintenance of peace ideas.

The neocons are chameleons and they do not mind a bit destroying any nation and mass murdering hundreds of thousands in "just wars" because they don't care about concepts of truth and justice and national sovereignty and the value of human life.

Many of us have so long been trained in twisted ideologies that we no longer can recognize Truth and this makes us fall for and become a part of THEM.

The Truth is that

Islam is a false religion.

Judaism is a false religion.

Christianity has become a caricature of the religion of Jesus Christ so it looks to many to be a false religion too.

Atheism and agnosticism are just other false religions.

Putin is definitely not "all good" though he sure looks a lot better than any other player on the field in the Ukraine, China, and the Middle East. Putin is the guy who was at the top of the KGB when they blew up those two apartment buildings in Chechnya I think it was.

Israel has been in bed with the Saudis and the Wahabis for a very long time. Assange is on a video interview somewhere where he says that the leaks prove Hillary gave mega bombs to the Saudis so that is the same as her neocon Judaic owners / handlers giving bombs to the Saudis who we are supposed to believe are Israel's arch enemies.

And the USA has been doing unjust mass murdering wars for centuries based on created false precipitaing events so the USA does not "have God on our side."

What I find kind of funny now is that you hear Lefties now like Rense and Dr. James Fetzer and a bunch of others using words of the Righties like "sovereignty" and "national sovereignty" and the Constitution and the "rule of Law" and true investigative journalism and the Bill of Rights, like all the stuff that is Alex Jones et al. stock in trade. Some leading Lefties are expressing outrage at some forms of sexual misconduct like pederasty and pedophilia but not other forms of sexual misconduct such as their favored homosexual practice. And you even hear the Lefties using words like Satanic and diabolical, but we need to remember that even Saul Alinsky believed in Lucifer.

While rense has been reveling in a drunken Trumpaholism for many recent months, he also seemed concurrently to cool down his usual rage at Israel, Netanyaho, Zionism, and the Jews, but now is back to focusing on those subjects. Again, we see shifting sands, no principles, or what is perceived to be a 180 degree change in position.

And regarding all this "at least there is no record of Trump being in any way involved in PedoGate, I would point out that more than one of the Lolita Express underage girls are supplied through the man who is a manager at Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club, including even that maintenance manager's underage daughter who allegedly is one of the Lolita Express "victims."

"Roberts, now in her 30s, says she first encountered Epstein and Prince Andrew (Duke of York) through Maxwell. She met Maxwell at Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago country club and residence in Florida, where, at only 15 years of age, she worked as a changing room assistant in the club’s spa (her father also worked there as a maintenance manager)."


So Trump's Club may have been a pimp operation a whole lot connected to Mossad blackmail operations just as many hotels and gambling casinos are used by pimps of various kinds related directly or indirectly to "the MAFIA."

(Timothy Fitzpatrick has an interesting series of articles on all this but he goes wrong with at least two of his hypotheses so I don't go there anymore.)

One thing his articles brought to mind was the heretofore unanswered question "For what reasons did Joseph McCarthy take Roy Cohn as his attorney?" Guess I'll never get the real inside information on that but I repected Senator McCarthy and what he did, and what he did being for the right reasons.

7th February 2017, 07:38 AM
Oh look the entertainment has arrived. You can set up in the back, the adults are still trying to have a conversation.

yeah sure, anybody disagreeing with your support for trump is considered "entertainment"

power will forever be wrong and immoral and you seem to have a problem with that statement. Fine by me though

wait and see, I dont think I will be sorry in 6 months from now for having said that. A 5000 year scam and expecting different results is not a sign of wisdom.

7th February 2017, 07:45 AM
yeah sure, anybody disagreeing with your support for trump is considered "entertainment"

power will forever be wrong and immoral and you seem to have a problem with that statement. Fine by me though

wait and see, I dont think I will be sorry in 6 months from now for having said that. A 5000 year scam and expecting different results is not a sign of wisdom.

Disagree with Trump all you want I don't care. When you start spouting bullshit I'm going to call you an entertainer.

Doesn't matter if you are sorry, your other predictions haven't panned out yet you make new ones just like a harlot. Keep predicting whatever you'd like. Watch as the world marches on past your bullshit.

By the way, how does a farmer volunteer his time, knowledge and property to be reimbursed with nothing again?

Yeah that's what I thought. STFU already.

7th February 2017, 07:53 AM
You are still upset because I established the identity of the moors. I understand. That was excellent entertainment, wasnt it?

Disagree with Trump all you want I don't care. When you start spouting bullshit I'm going to call you an entertainer.

Doesn't matter if you are sorry, your other predictions haven't panned out yet you make new ones just like a harlot. Keep predicting whatever you'd like. Watch as the world marches on past your bullshit.

By the way, how does a farmer volunteer his time, knowledge and property to be reimbursed with nothing again?

Yeah that's what I thought. STFU already.

7th February 2017, 07:55 AM
You are still upset because I established the identity of the moors. I understand. That was excellent entertainment, wasnt it?

LOL HA HA HA HA Yeah that's it. You truly do live in your own fantasy world.

You espouse individuality, yet demand group think. You're such a fucking hypocrite, or you're a moron. So which is it?

You cannot have individuality, and your commie utopia the 2 are polar opposites.

7th February 2017, 08:12 AM
;D bingo... case point. I have no one to defend but Truth that power corrupts and is the root cause of ALL human ills

i cannot go wrong with that and you KNOW it

LOL HA HA HA HA Yeah that's it. You truly do live in your own fantasy world.

You espouse individuality, yet demand group think. You're such a fucking hypocrite, or you're a moron. So which is it?

You cannot have individuality, and your commie utopia the 2 are polar opposites.

7th February 2017, 08:15 AM
;D bingo... case point. I have no one to defend but Truth that power corrupt and is the root cause of ALL human ills

i cannot go wrong with that and you KNOW it


What you have spoken can barely even be considered truth. Humans are social creatures, group think comes with it. Sorry to burst your fantasy bubble.

7th February 2017, 08:19 AM

What you have spoken can barely even be considered truth. Humans are social creatures, group think comes with it. Sorry to burst your fantasy bubble.

you missed what I said in many occasions: the only valuable group think that is valuable is the recognition that power is inherently amoral.

enough said in this thread.

7th February 2017, 08:24 AM
you missed what I said in many occasions: the only valuable group think that is valuable is the recognition that power is inherently amoral.

enough said in this thread.

:rolleyes: I agree, power is amoral. But I'm also a realist and realize it's never going away.

7th February 2017, 09:57 AM
Power is given to each of us by our Creator.

It is how we use that power in our lives that determines the value and right use of power.

Use our power to do right and to do good for the "common good", that is, make laws and policies that do the most amount of good for the most number of people.

Some people want to amass power ad infinitum simply for the sake of wielding power.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of sobriety. (KJV ...and of a sound mind. Note that a "sound" mind is a right thinking, or full of truth, sober way of thinking.)

2 Timothy 1:17

7th February 2017, 11:03 AM
power will forever be wrong and immoral

What's your home address? I'd like to move in. And use whatever is in your home as I so desire.

Remember, power is wrong and immoral, so you may not force me to move out.

7th February 2017, 05:25 PM
Fred, you've been flip flopping on just about everything Trump. I believe most everyone here knows how much of a shit stirrer you are
Trump is a tool. This is made completely clear by his immigration executive order follow-up.

If the immigration order was necessary to protect the country (it is), then the President would not heed the "order" of no authority from a faggot in a black dress. However, he has responded with the usual cowardly and impotent attitude of a System tool. Sure, file an appeal with the Ninth Circus, but continue to enforce the lawful order!

And yes, all the talk of "Hillary will start World War III" was stupid, since this current "leader" will simply ignite one in the Middle East instead. It wasn't really unforeseen, since he clearly liked to fellate a donkey for "Israel."

Alex Drone
8th February 2017, 07:23 AM
Michael Jones in May 2016 has been warning about Trump's Jewish ties for awhile (start watching from the 26 minute mark):


Alex Drone
8th February 2017, 07:41 AM
Atheism and agnosticism are just other false religions.

Atheism isn't a religion. It's a lack of beliefs.

8th February 2017, 08:05 AM
Thank you so much. Dr. Jones does give us much wisdom.

I knew it was a bad sign when Newt Gingrich name started coming to the front of the stage with Trump but I could not remember what I remember was so bad about him. I did not realize he was a Sheldon Adelson product. I wonder how much Trump took from Adelson. We are given to believe that trump is his own man, and outsider, and pays 100 percent for his own campaign costs.

8th February 2017, 08:07 AM
Atheism is belief that there is no God so it is belief in the No-God.

Agnosticism is the belief that there are no beliefs.

8th February 2017, 08:42 AM
Atheism isn't a religion. It's a lack of beliefs.

Wrong. "Atheism" is autotheism; the deification of self.

An alleged certainty that a Creator does not exist, defaulting to the belief in oneself as the sovereign force of one's life.

8th February 2017, 08:43 AM
Agnosticism is the belief that there are no beliefs.

Agnosticism is the belief that one can not be certain of the existence of God or His nature.

8th February 2017, 08:47 AM
Fred, you've been flip flopping on just about everything Trump. I believe most everyone here knows how much of a shit stirrer you are

I really can't expect a Wop to understand the Celto-Germanic form of government we have. Alas...

Alex Drone
8th February 2017, 10:10 AM
I know many atheists or agnostics, particularly from Europe, that was never raised with a religious belief. It's not that they rejected a higher being but because they were raised without belief they have none.

8th February 2017, 10:11 AM
I really can't expect a Wop to understand the Celto-Germanic form of government we have. Alas...
Mr. Wop to you a$$hole! Show some respect!

8th February 2017, 10:23 AM
I know many atheists or agnostics, particularly from Europe, that was never raised with a religious belief. It's not that they rejected a higher being but because they were raised without belief they have none.

A rational mind that ponders the Universe accepts that a Creator or at least a creative force brought order from chaos. Refusal to accept that is not a matter of reason, but a matter of emotion.

I never "went to church" growing up. One's exposure to "religion" is not relevant to whether one is able to perceive reality. Romans 1:20

8th February 2017, 10:24 AM
Mr. Wop to you a$$hole! Show some respect!

Whatever, Dago Boy.

To receive respect, one must be respectable.

8th February 2017, 11:13 AM
Whatever, Dago Boy.

To receive respect, one must be respectable.

That let's you out. How's that Fukushima radiation treating you guys out there in Komieland? Feeling a little woozy yet?

8th February 2017, 12:24 PM
Trump has made it pretty clear his thoughts of Israel. This video at Liveleak shows a WWII vet confronting Trump and telling him "no more wars for Israel. Trumps response turns my stomach.

Jews are not the true Israelites. They are Canaanites and Edomites that Jesus called the children of the Devil.

Live leak link here. https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8d7_1486169708

8th February 2017, 02:22 PM
Here is what atheists and agnostics believe in... especially most all the professors and intellectuals


As the name implies, this tendency consists essentially in looking upon nature as the one original and fundamental source of all that exists, and in attempting to explain everything in terms of nature. Either the limits of nature are also the limits of existing reality, or at least the first cause, if its existence is found necessary, has nothing to do with the working of natural agencies. All events, therefore, find their adequate explanation within nature itself. But, as the terms nature and natural are themselves used in more than one sense, the term naturalism is also far from having one fixed meaning.

(I) If nature is understood in the restricted sense of physical, or material, nature, naturalism will be the tendency to look upon the material universe as the only reality, to reduce all laws to mechanical uniformities and to deny the dualism of spirit and matter. Mental and moral processes will be but special manifestations of matter rigorously governed by its laws.

(II) The dualism of mind and matter may be admitted, but only as a dualism of modes or appearances of the same identical substance. Nature includes manifold phenomena and a common substratum of the phenomena, but for its actual course and for its ultimate explanation, it requires no principle distinct from itself. In this supposition, naturalism denies the existence of a transcendent cause of the world and endeavours to give a full account of all processes by the unfolding of potencies essential to the universe under laws that are necessary and eternal.

(III) Finally, if the existence of a transcendent First Cause, or personal God, is admitted as the only satisfactory explanation of the world, Naturalism claims that the laws governing the activity and development of irrational and of rational beings are never interfered with. It denies the possibility, or at least the fact, of any transitory intervention of God in nature, and of any revelation and permanent supernatural order for man.

(Dachsie says III here means God may have created all in the beginning but then He sort of puts the world and nature on auto pilot. This is called "theistic evolution." Traditional Catholics and many Protestants, but not "mainstream Protestants" and not Novus Ordo Catholics believe the book of Genesis teaches plainly "special creation" and a "young earth", that is, none of that "billions and billions of years" nonsense.

All three points above agree in rejecting every explanation which would have recourse to causes outside of nature. The reasons of this denial — i.e., the philosophical views of nature on which it is based — and, in consequence, the extent to which explanations within nature itself are held to suffice, vary greatly and constitute essential differences between these three tendencies.



Things really get funny when you ask an atheist or an agnostic about their so called ethics and morality.

Here is how Dr. James Fetzer, agnostic, defines moral action.

According to what is known as Deontological Moral Theory, in particular, actions are moral when they involve treating other persons with respect. More formally expressed, it requires that other persons should always be treated as ends (as intrinsically valuable) and never merely as means (instrumentally). Let us adopt this standard here.


I think you can drive a truck through Dr. Fetzer's definition of "moral action."


Jesus says our every thought, word and deed will be taken into account. What we have done and what we have failed to do can be serious offenses against God.

8th February 2017, 02:47 PM
How's that Fukushima radiation treating you guys out there in Komieland? Feeling a little woozy yet?

No surprise a dumb Terrone like you would think the radiation magically stops in California, not contaminating the entirety of North America.

8th February 2017, 02:54 PM
No surprise a dumb Terrone like you would think the radiation magically stops in California, not contaminating the entirety of North America.
You're my canary in the mine. When you start to show symptoms it's time for us in the east to head for the shelters ;D

8th February 2017, 02:56 PM
Trump has made it pretty clear his thoughts of Israel. This video at Liveleak shows a WWII vet confronting Trump and telling him "no more wars for Israel. Trumps response turns my stomach.

Jews are not the true Israelites. They are Canaanites and Edomites that Jesus called the children of the Devil.

Live leak link here. https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8d7_1486169708

With "allies" like "Israel," who needs enemies?


8th February 2017, 03:29 PM
Thread: gnosticism discussion on veritas radio (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?40538-gnosticism-discussion-on-veritas-radio)

separately; I've long since labeled myself "Agnostic", based on my understanding of the word; essentially that "I DON'T KNOW" the truth of these esoteric spiritual truths; and it's impossible for me to "know" from my present earthly human vassal; therefore, while allowing for the possibility of a vast array of truly true truths, I "marry" none of them.

Recall, JLash defined a "Gnostic" as "one who knows." So, as surely as "Atheist", A-Theist is a statement of non-belief in "Theology"; it follows that "Agnostic", A-Gnostic, is a statement of simply "not knowing."

Just food for thought! http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/300%20%28114%29.gif

So my understanding of "A-Theist" is, it's solely a statement of non-belief/adherence to "Theism" or Theology, or the belief in one or multiple "(off planet) god(s)." Think, "A-Moral" or "A-Political." A-Theism is NOT a statement of what the label-embracer DOES believe, regardless of the endless mis-impressions by "Theists" (and others) in wanting to attribute a "set of beliefs" to atheists-- IE they're materialists, or self-centered, or, or, or... :rolleyes:

By that ^ definition, one could say "A-Gnostics" fall under the umbrella of A-Theism, coz there is no defined "set of beliefs" which atheists DO uniformly adhere to. Agnostics are simply a little more explicit in embracing an "I don't know, & don't believe I can know (at least not from my present, finite earthly vassal)" attitude.

Both atheists & agnostics can "allow for the possibility" of any number of diverse "truths", including that, for example, RC-Christianity is 100% bang on correct (as I was raised, one time altar boy lol :D); and I DO ALLOW for that possibility; I just don't marry it or preach it to others, coz I simply don't KNOW it to be truth. :|~

Alex Drone
21st February 2017, 07:36 AM

So Trump's Club may have been a pimp operation a whole lot connected to Mossad blackmail operations just as many hotels and gambling casinos are used by pimps of various kinds related directly or indirectly to "the MAFIA."

(Timothy Fitzpatrick has an interesting series of articles on all this but he goes wrong with at least two of his hypotheses so I don't go there anymore.)

What's wrong with Fitzinfo?

21st February 2017, 08:44 AM
Trump is a dozen moves ahead of all of us. I love all the 'informed' people who still think they have it down that he's a stooge. Yet he keeps winning and winning. Suckers!