View Full Version : Op-Ed: The travel ban is a win-win proposition

7th February 2017, 06:32 AM
I'm not convinced, but posting this for "fairness" -


Appearances are deceiving, and President Trump, although the launch of the 90-day travel ban was botched, cannot lose on the issue. His opponents, in the U.S. and the world, have absurdly overreacted; an arriving onlooker would imagine that the president had caused great loss of life in some frightful act of malice or negligence. He will almost certainly be upheld legally eventually, given the immigration legislation from 1952 and the constitutional powers of the president, which his six immediate predecessors have used. His abiding by the legal processes, if it does lead to judicial legitimization, will severely undercut his opponents. Even if he is ultimately unsuccessful, he has made the gesture, which the apparent majority of Americans support as a national-security measure. His opponents will bear the responsibility if there are any incidents that could arguably have been avoided if his measure had not been challenged. Senator Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) and others will regret their fatuous histrionics (“The statue of Liberty is weeping,” as Schumer himself pretended to do).

7th February 2017, 08:35 AM
The article makes some good points. I agree that its' very likely the high court will confirm Trump's order, leaving the left in hysterics once again.

I still can't believe how big a deal the left is making over this, when their man Obama did the same thing a few short years ago.

7th February 2017, 12:09 PM
I still can't believe how big a deal the left is making over this, when their man Obama did the same thing a few short years ago.

Nobody was paying attention back then.

7th February 2017, 12:26 PM
I still can't believe how big a deal the left is making over this

They are, as many of us have discussed and asserted, literally insane.

Even their leaders recognize it:

Mayor Rahm Emanuel has warned Democrats they need to "take a chill pill" and realize that they are not going to take back national power anytime soon.

"It ain't gonna happen in 2018," Emanuel said Monday at Stanford's Graduate School of Business in California. "Take a chill pill, man. You gotta be in this for the long haul."


7th February 2017, 12:47 PM
Nobody was paying attention back then.

No, it's because when a progressive democrat does it, it's fine. When a republican does it, it's racist, xenophobic, unconstitutional, etc.

7th February 2017, 04:42 PM
No, it's because when a progressive democrat does it, it's fine. When a republican does it, it's racist, xenophobic, unconstitutional, etc.

Exactly what I said. No one paid attention because it was a non issue and not broadcast 24/7 by all means possible.