View Full Version : The future is man hating women

7th February 2017, 12:08 PM

7th February 2017, 12:15 PM

Beast with the head smashed in, can still read from a script.

7th February 2017, 12:18 PM
Just a reminder that the "choice" in November was a giant douche vs. a shit sandwich.

7th February 2017, 01:50 PM
She has been wrong about everything - expect men to reclaim the future and women to embrace motherhood :)

7th February 2017, 03:12 PM
Good video on feminism in the context of the "women's march" after Trump's victory.


Buried in the sordid and socialized mess of the Women’s March is an essential truth that is worth evaluating and understanding. It is a cliché that feminists are physically unattractive, but there is solid science and research behind it.

One study of American women indicated that women generally pursue careers because they fear they are too unattractive to land a man. In another study, the more attractive a woman thought she was, the less feminist she was. Whenever there is a clear pattern that is almost never discussed, it is worth pursuing to the end.


7th February 2017, 07:59 PM
That woman has schizoaffective disorder. She is so phoney it hurts. Sadly, most contemporary women are utter phonies and are so narcissistic and entitled that any relationship they enter into (with a man) is surely doomed. I'm glad I'm past that stage in my life. To the young men out there: I feel your pain. But a man's first duty above all is to be a man: independent, self-sufficient, confident, honest, trustworthy, most generous and gracious to friends, most inert to his enemies unless provoked.

7th February 2017, 09:12 PM
She has been wrong about everything - expect men to reclaim the future and women to embrace motherhood :)

The Bible warns us that growing degeneracy is the future. "As in the days of Noah." Bull dykes, flaming faggots, trannies, and effeminate, cuckolded males will be the future.

Men who act like men, men who keep their word and commitments, men who built and sustain civilization...will continue to be purged from society, and proscribed "by law." Another two generations of this, and the only men in Western civilization will be living in shacks in dense forests.

Don't make the mistake of assuming Trump is a harbinger of the future. Trump, the friend to Jews, liars, and faggots.

7th February 2017, 09:28 PM
But a man's first duty above all is to be a man: independent, self-sufficient, confident, honest, trustworthy, most generous and gracious to friends, most inert to his enemies unless provoked.

It should be a man's goal to go through life, with this exact attitude and well being. I fear this knowledge is not taught in schools, or single parent homes, nor the media. Men are shamed, and blamed, for the world's problems. Our current time, we need more men and if you look around, there's less and less to be seen.

7th February 2017, 09:32 PM
For a chick that never sucked a dick off she has the nerve to include males as part of her agenda? Snowflakes... Enter crimethink / Fred.

8th February 2017, 05:41 AM
Just a reminder that the "choice" in November was a giant douche vs. a shit sandwich.
You want a little mustard with that shit sandwich Fred?

8th February 2017, 07:17 AM
Testosterone at war with estrogen. Maleness is not to be tolerated. Must convert 'em all to make 'em gay, cross-dresser, UNISEX, transgender or NEUTER.

This is not a recent trend. Go back to Sampson and the gal who shaved him and stole his maleness (strength).

Shaving is still used today to make a man look more womanish.

Estrogen is a chemical that controls emotions. Testosterone is a chemical that controls rational actions.

8th February 2017, 07:35 AM
You don't need to have a vagina to be a pussy, but it helps!

8th February 2017, 07:44 AM

8th February 2017, 01:40 PM
YTer barry soetoro:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1dsVVCggHlw/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=b5BSWpzpH8XVbuHlNCrfzvhoXxU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dsVVCggHlw)
Pelosi Thinks BUSH Is President! DRUNK KOOK Nancy, it's President TRUMP! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dsVVCggHlw)

1 hour ago

8th February 2017, 05:18 PM
"But a man's first duty above all is to be a man: independent, self-sufficient, confident, honest, trustworthy, most generous and gracious to friends,"

This comment seems to imply that a only a man has those named characteristics.

I think a woman should also be

independent, self-sufficient, confident, honest, trustworthy, most generous and gracious to friends, qualities admirable in every human being.

I do not think a man or a woman should be any of the following.


not self-sufficient and always using and depending on other people,

lacking in the right kind of Godly "self confidence"

not trustworthy - sneaky, manipulative and not to be trusted or relied upon even in the smallest matters

Stingy, not generous in thought word or deed or a wrong kind of fake generosity for self aggrandizing purpose

bad-tempered to everyone

And living righteously under God in the role that God has ordained for you in this life is what is most important for every individual.

8th February 2017, 05:29 PM
"But a man's first duty above all is to be a man: independent, self-sufficient, confident, honest, trustworthy, most generous and gracious to friends,"

This comment seems to imply that a only a man has those named characteristics.

I think a woman should also be

independent, self-sufficient, confident, honest, trustworthy, most generous and gracious to friends, qualities admirable in every human being.

I do not think a man or a woman should be any of the following.


not self-sufficient and always using and depending on other people,

lacking in the right kind of Godly "self confidence"

not trustworthy - sneaky, manipulative and not to be trusted or relied upon even in the smallest matters

Stingy, not generous in thought word or deed or a wrong kind of fake generosity for self aggrandizing purpose

bad-tempered to everyone

And living righteously under God in the role that God has ordained for you in this life is what is most important for every individual.

Well said. I believe when Mamboni said that, he generally expects all persons to be such.
But I understand a man is to be manly in every way including his strange love of caves and tanks.