View Full Version : Revelation 18:11
8th February 2017, 05:15 AM
wanna monetize Nature, The Gift of Life... here is what you get: material and moral bankruptcy
looks also that the Bible equates Earth to a feminine element... new age ???
Revelation 18:11 ►
New International Version
"The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn overthere is no one left to buy their cargo — … her because no one buys their cargoes anymore
(12cargo of gold, silver, precious stones, and pearls; of fine linen, purple, silk, and scarlet; of all kinds of citron wood and every article of ivory and precious wood, of bronze, iron, and marble)
I heard this verse in a presentation this morning explaining COMMERCE and all the loopholes that allow us to escape the commerce of **birth certificates** to start with and why we are "LOST AT SEA" after 6 years of age because we didnt claim our sovereignty to stop being the object of commerce. But commerce itself has to go also.
The guy is right : *commerce* is inherently malevolent because the commerce of Nature systematically implies that man is a stock asset from birth (regulated by man) , and worth at least 1 million dollar at birth according to the lecturer, which the corporations use to project their estimates.
But of course, what I am saying here is entertainment ;D
King James Bible
And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buys their merchandise any more:
8th February 2017, 08:41 AM
The verse is in the context of the collapse of the Mystery Babylon System, headquartered in New York City. When it collapses, indeed, the merchants of the Earth will be unable to transact nor will most be able to afford to buy.
7th trump
8th February 2017, 10:27 AM
The verse is in the context of the collapse of the Mystery Babylon System, headquartered in New York City. When it collapses, indeed, the merchants of the Earth will be unable to transact nor will most be able to afford to buy.
To say mystery Babylon is headquartered in NYC is calling yourself a fool.
Mystery Babylon is a mystery clear up to its demise.
Buying and selling is not a mystery.
Hint: you have no clue
8th February 2017, 10:58 AM
The verse is in the context of the collapse of the Mystery Babylon System, headquartered in New York City. When it collapses, indeed, the merchants of the Earth will be unable to transact nor will most be able to afford to buy.
I believe this.
8th February 2017, 11:01 AM
The verse is in the context of the collapse of the Mystery Babylon System, headquartered in New York City. When it collapses, indeed, the merchants of the Earth will be unable to transact nor will most be able to afford to buy.
I find it strange there are 2 cities named Babylon on the planet.
1 is of course the ancient city in Iraq.
The other is in New York.
Babylon, New York zip 11702
Sorry Crimethink. I think I inadvertently hit the report post when I wanted to hit the Thanks button... "My bad"
8th February 2017, 11:10 AM
Fairy tales!!! Jez, you folks are gullable
8th February 2017, 01:30 PM
The origins of the 5 pointed star... it symbolizes the Babylonian system.
"At the head of the Babylonian mythology stands a deity who was sometimes identified with the heavens, sometimes considered as the ruler and god of heaven. This deity is named Anu, his sign is the simple star, the symbol of divinity, and at other times the Maltese cross. Anu represents abstract divinity, and he appears as an original principle, perhaps as the original principle of nature. He represents the universe as the upper and lower regions, and when these were divided the upper region or heaven was called Anu, while the lower region or earth was called Anatu; Anatu being the female principle or wife of Anu. Anu is termed the old god, and the god of the whole of heaven and earth;"
8th February 2017, 02:38 PM
Just another euphemism for JESUS, which makes sense as you seem to insist on taking every opportunity to making fun of the Bible as well as those who profess belief in the Bible.
This is essentially, taking the Lord's name in vain, which anyone, who at least has an IOTA of respect for the Bible and the God of the Bible (Jesus Christ) would not do!
8th February 2017, 02:48 PM
Just another euphemism for JESUS, which makes sense as you seem to insist on taking every opportunity to making fun of the Bible as well as those who profess belief in the Bible.
This is essentially, taking the Lord's name in vain, which anyone, who at least has an IOTA of respect for the Bible and the God of the Bible (Jesus Christ) would not do!
8th February 2017, 03:03 PM
I find it strange there are 2 cities named Babylon on the planet.
1 is of course the ancient city in Iraq.
The other is in New York.
Babylon, New York zip 11702
Sorry Crimethink. I think I inadvertently hit the report post when I wanted to hit the Thanks button... "My bad"
The entire world bases its trading on the "Federal" Reserve Note, controlled by the "Federal" Reserve Bank of New York, and the Wall Street Casino's moneychanging system. The modern world can function without Rome, without Frankfurt, without Tel Aviv, even without the City of London...but not without New York City. The destruction of - the fall of - New York City would bring the world's economy to a grinding halt. New York is fallen...fallen...that great's coming.
7th trump
8th February 2017, 03:40 PM
The entire world bases its trading on the "Federal" Reserve Note, controlled by the "Federal" Reserve Bank of New York, and the Wall Street Casino's moneychanging system. The modern world can function without Rome, without Frankfurt, without Tel Aviv, even without the City of London...but not without New York City. The destruction of - the fall of - New York City would bring the world's economy to a grinding halt. New York is fallen...fallen...that great's coming.
Sure do think you're a somebody dont ya?
Sorry but your interpretation isn't even close.
Babylon, when you really get down to it is nothing more than confusion.
Whats the confusion and whos perpetrating this confusion will tell you what babylon really is.
Its a mystery.............and a mystery to those who dont really listen to the bible. Its not "system" nor a "city"....nor money.
Whos the father of all lies?
Satan is (also goes by other names (roles) such as lucifer, the old dragon, the son of perdition, the devil and so on and so forth.
What do lies do crimethink? You're good at saying your opinion which isnt necessarily the truth so this should come easy to you.
You intelligent enough to answer what do lies do?
Lies are told to confuse the truth.
Theres a false christ (antichrist) coming to fool the world into thinking hes the real Christ and in order for this to be accomplished lies must be told.
Take for instance the so called "chosen people"....they arent really the chosen but fake imposters prepping for the day their father of lies arrives.
Any light bulbs turning on?
Probably not as you dont really know what you're reading. You just regurgitate what think you read because you're oh so smart in your eyes.
Remember you're just 30% intelligent and 70% giving lip service and stroking your ego.
Anyway have you ever checked out what time frame this fall of babylon occurs?
8th February 2017, 05:23 PM
The origins of the 5 pointed star... it symbolizes the Babylonian system.
"At the head of the Babylonian mythology stands a deity who was sometimes identified with the heavens, sometimes considered as the ruler and god of heaven. This deity is named Anu, his sign is the simple star, the symbol of divinity, and at other times the Maltese cross. Anu represents abstract divinity, and he appears as an original principle, perhaps as the original principle of nature. He represents the universe as the upper and lower regions, and when these were divided the upper region or heaven was called Anu, while the lower region or earth was called Anatu; Anatu being the female principle or wife of Anu. Anu is termed the old god, and the god of the whole of heaven and earth;"
The five-pointed star is the overt Star of America:
(and used plenty of other places besides the US roundel)
The cryptic star of America is the Star of Remphan:
(also known as the Star of Saturn, but David had nothing to do with it)
Put them together:
Pay no heed to these symbols at your eternal peril.
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 13:15-18
8th February 2017, 05:34 PM
Babylon, when you really get down to it is nothing more than confusion.
The land of Amaruca - the land of the plumed serpent - has destroyed all cultures across the planet, and replaced them with an homogenized, race-mixed "culture" based on Hollywood, New York, and McDonalds. Most by anti-human warfare, some by licentious propaganda.
Race-mixing is confusion. Bastardization of tradition and sterile "culture" is confusion. Faggotry is confusion. Gender-bending is confusion. All brought to you by the bearers of the Star of Remphan, whose headquarters are Jew York City, the real capital of Amaruca.
Whats the confusion and whos perpetrating this confusion will tell you what babylon really is.
The Jew does most of the confusion. You, however, are helping in their satanic mission.
Its a mystery.............and a mystery to those who dont really listen to the bible. Its not "system" nor a "city"....nor money.
Jewish lies, of course. It is no mystery to those who have ears to hear. The keys are clear, since St. John refers to "the merchants of the Earth" being distraught over its destruction, and, the whoredom and blasphemies which it has peddled to the world...the whole world "drunk" on its satanic sewage. Nothing else on Earth matches the warnings...not the Vatican, not the EUSSR. Only America. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
The entire planet is addicted to "Federal" Reserve Notes and Holowood anti-culture. All nations - even America's "enemies" - lust for FRNs and Hollywood.
7th trump
9th February 2017, 04:31 AM
The land of Amaruca - the land of the plumed serpent - has destroyed all cultures across the planet, and replaced them with an homogenized, race-mixed "culture" based on Hollywood, New York, and McDonalds. Most by anti-human warfare, some by licentious propaganda.
Race-mixing is confusion. Bastardization of tradition and sterile "culture" is confusion. Faggotry is confusion. Gender-bending is confusion. All brought to you by the bearers of the Star of Remphan, whose headquarters are Jew York City, the real capital of Amaruca.
The Jew does most of the confusion. You, however, are helping in their satanic mission.
Jewish lies, of course. It is no mystery to those who have ears to hear. The keys are clear, since St. John refers to "the merchants of the Earth" being distraught over its destruction, and, the whoredom and blasphemies which it has peddled to the world...the whole world "drunk" on its satanic sewage. Nothing else on Earth matches the warnings...not the Vatican, not the EUSSR. Only America. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
The entire planet is addicted to "Federal" Reserve Notes and Holowood anti-culture. All nations - even America's "enemies" - lust for FRNs and Hollywood.
You dont get it.
How have the merchants of the earth become rich from FRN's?
FRN's are not a mystery.
The mystery is a mystery all the way up until her demise. Shes clothed in purple and scarlet.
Go back and think some more grasshopper!
9th February 2017, 04:38 AM
sorry, monetizing Nature is monetizing God
remember that God's words only work in the **objective realm**
additionally I do not recognize the bible as the word of God but men who understood this objective reality (and operate within it) and planted conflicting verses on purpose in it. No apostle wrote the bible but a bunch or men who decided what they deemed to the word of God for the masses. Early christianity has very little to do with the bible/rome in fact.
and actually when we can grasp that we also see that the babylonians (or whoever controls the deception) incarnate all we hate about ourselves, our limitations and fear of death, which are the emotions range the archons or satanists feed on. And of course from there humans look at each other as animals... and see nothing wrong with the COMMERCE OF DEATH, enslaving/raping other races to get their natural resources or economically invading their culture. Darwin is the ultimate con-game to make people regard themselves as animals while the bible says that man received the dominion over Nature to avoid (the curse of) animal behaviors.
Gosh I am so glad that I spent those last 3 years UNtwisting and DEocculting this important knowledge.
Only God can grant us our birth right. When men do it, absolute darwinism is the end result and the end game. It also is in the US constitution but the founders didnt create slavery and being against slavery would have cost them their status of leaders. They made it nonetheless clear, maybe hoping that one day, we'd get it.
Regarding another species as inferior is the main drive behind all wars and the commerce of death.
The bible does a lot more harm than good. People should go back to the teachings of early christianity instead, which I support. The bible only makes sense and tells the whole truth when one is aware of objective reality.
Just move on, what I am saying is just entertainment. ;D
The guy is right : *commerce* is inherently malevolent because the commerce of Nature systematically implies that man is a stock asset from birth (regulated by man) , and worth at least 1 million dollar at birth according to the lecturer, which the corporations use to project their estimates -- SO THEY CAN OBTAIN AND MAINTAIN THE ZERO SUM GAME AT THE END OF THE DAY ON THEIR END. WE ARE THE COLLATERAL, ALL MONEY, EVEN GOLD, IS BACKED BY SWEAT.
The deception is running absolutely very deep.
The verse is in the context of the collapse of the Mystery Babylon System, headquartered in New York City. When it collapses, indeed, the merchants of the Earth will be unable to transact nor will most be able to afford to buy.
7th trump
9th February 2017, 04:56 AM
sorry, monetizing Nature is monetizing God
remember that God's words only work in the **objective realm**
additionally I do not recognize the bible as the word of God but men who understood this objective reality (and operate within it) and planted conflicting verses on purpose in it. No apostle wrote the bible but a bunch or men who decided what they deemed to the word of God for the masses. Early christianity has very little to do with the bible/rome in fact.
and actually when we can grasp that we also see that the babylonians (or whoever controls the deception) incarnate all we hate about ourselves, our limitations and fear of death, which are the emotions range the archons or satanists feed on. And of course from there humans look at each other as animals... and see nothing wrong with the COMMERCE OF DEATH, enslaving/raping other races to get their natural resources or economically invading their culture. Darwin is the ultimate con-game to make people regard themselves as animals while the bible says that man received the dominion over Nature to avoid the curse of animal behaviors.
Gosh I am so glad that I spent those last 3 years UNtwisting and DEocculting this important knowledge.
Only God can granted us our birth right. When men do it, absolute darwinism is the end result and the end game.
The bible does a lot more harm than good. People should go back to the teachings of early christianity instead, which I support.
Just move on, what I am saying is just entertainment. ;D
It's always about you isn't it?
And yes your opinion is just that.
Remember this.......God doesn't need you but you need him.
9th February 2017, 05:54 AM
New York is fallen...fallen...that great's coming.
MUNICIPALITY. The body of officers, taken collectively, belonging to a city, who are appointed to manage its affairs and defend its interests.
All cities, towns, villages and townships, counties, states and even (yes) the U.S. of A. are not a THING that can collapse.
These things are all legal fictions created by and for a 'body of officers, taken collectively'. A COMMITTEE if you will.
The only way New York can fall is if the mayor and all other officers climb to the top of the Empire State building and jump off.
9th February 2017, 06:12 AM
All cities, towns, villages and townships, counties, states and even (yes) the U.S. of A. are not a THING that can collapse.
These things are all legal fictions created by and for a 'body of officers, taken collectively'. A COMMITTEE if you will.
The only way New York can fall is if the mayor and all other officers climb to the top of the Empire State building and jump off.
They have my blessing to do just that!!!
9th February 2017, 07:53 AM
It's always about you isn't it?
And yes your opinion is just that.
Remember this.......God doesn't need you but you need him.
Satanists puts the cart before the horse...
7th trump
9th February 2017, 11:05 AM
Satanists puts the cart before the horse...
OMG.....Your feelings are still hurt from the other day.
It makes my day your ego received a crushing blow.
And to think if you didn't open that yap of yours and start in it wouldn't of been crushed.
You did it yourself fool!
I sincerely mean that too...... I got a good chuckle watching you fall apart!
9th February 2017, 11:44 AM
OMG.....Your feelings are still hurt from the other day.
It makes my day your ego received a crushing blow.
And to think if you didn't open that yap of yours and start in it wouldn't of been crushed.
You did it yourself fool!
I sincerely mean that too...... I got a good chuckle watching you fall apart!
You idiot I thanked you for your post. The quote was directed towards Goldie the satanist, are you defending her now?
Do you think it is always about you? Huh?
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