View Full Version : What does it mean now that Fox News reports this?
8th February 2017, 09:03 PM
This sounds bad...
8th February 2017, 09:08 PM
This sounds bad...
It means we're fucked! Of course it may also be a diversion from all the Trump stuff too. You never know with these fake news organizations just what their motives are.
8th February 2017, 09:21 PM
It is logical to presume the extremely high levels of radiation - nearly six years after the disaster - indicates continued criticality of the fuel mass.
A non-critical mass would not be that "hot" at the distance measured this long after. Lethal, yes; 500+ Sv/hr, no.
To compare, the highest radiation measured at the exposed-to-the-air reactor core at Chernobyl #4 was 300 Sieverts/hour. The Chernobyl reading was of a critical reactor, complete with the blue Cherenkov radiation glowing in daylight.
They need to test for neutron radiation.
8th February 2017, 09:31 PM
It is logical to presume the extremely high levels of radiation - nearly six years after the disaster - indicates continued criticality of the fuel mass.
A non-critical mass would not be that "hot" at the distance measured this long after. Lethal, yes; 500+ Sv/hr, no.
They need to test for neutron radiation.
More articles at Rense
Gosh - One MSM Outlet Talks About Fukushima
'Unimaginable' Levels Of Radiation Pouring Out
Northern Hemisphere In Great Danger As Fukushima
Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels
New Fukushima Radiation Level Dwarfs Highest At Chernobyl
Fukushima Catastrophe Worsening - Leakage Increases 24/7
8th February 2017, 09:43 PM
"Nobody knew at the time"
This is and has been a global catastrophe since the beginning and there should have been a global disaster response. Instead of going to the Middle East and bombing people and going to Crimea and fighting - where another nuke disaster occurred, and moving tons of weapons into Europe, the world should have gone to Japan and if need be, the world military should have forced their way in there and got stuck into concreting the place over.
The fact that Japan did not and still have not declared a national emergency and the leading powers did not declare a global emergency is very telling in my mind. This problem should have been dealt with in the 1st 12 months and now they are saying 40 years and hundreds of billions of dollars. I've said before Japan is toast now. It's already too late for them. I think they will die out as a race because of this. The question is, how much of the rest of us will be killed by this?
8th February 2017, 09:44 PM
we need a gigantic global emergency management org. something like the US' dhs
d w s. dept of world security
8th February 2017, 09:45 PM
More articles at Rense
Gosh - One MSM Outlet Talks About Fukushima
'Unimaginable' Levels Of Radiation Pouring Out
Northern Hemisphere In Great Danger As Fukushima
Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels
New Fukushima Radiation Level Dwarfs Highest At Chernobyl
Fukushima Catastrophe Worsening - Leakage Increases 24/7
The professional liars have been telling everyone from March 2011 that the radiation released is "far below the levels of concern."
"Non-reputable" sources like ENEnews have been reporting this type of stuff since then, and ignored by most. But this one can't be ignored.
I-131 is still showing up in milk along the Pacific coast, and Fukushima isotopes continue to show up in sealife.
We won't know until people start dropping dead from cancer just how bad Fukushima was, and continues to be.
8th February 2017, 09:47 PM
we need a gigantic global emergency management org. something like the US' dhs
d w s. dept of world security
Perhaps we could call it "International Rescue".
8th February 2017, 09:48 PM
This is and has been a global catastrophe since the beginning and there should have been a global disaster response. Instead of going to the Middle East and bombing people and going to Crimea and fighting - where another nuke disaster occurred, and moving tons of weapons into Europe, the world should have gone to Japan and if need be, the world military should have forced their way in there and got stuck into concreting the place over.
The fact that Japan did not and still have not declared a national emergency and the leading powers did not declare a global emergency is very telling in my mind. This problem should have been dealt with in the 1st 12 months and now they are saying 40 years and hundreds of billions of dollars. I've said before Japan is toast now. It's already too late for them. I think they will die out as a race because of this. The question is, how much of the rest of us will be killed by this?
Both the Russians and the Ukrainians volunteered assistance to both Japan and the US, emphasizing that they had experience with this, and even some of the "liquidators" - the heroes who tackled Chernobyl at risk to health and life - offered to do it again.
Both the Japs and Washington refused the help. I suspect because Fukushima was both a civilian power plant and a nuclear weapons fissile material processing plant (hence, the MOX fuel there, which is part of the problem).
I suspect no one will know just how bad this is until a few more years when cancers and other radiation-induced illnesses start showing up en masse. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I wonder if my Dad's fatal melanoma was a "gift" from Japan.
8th February 2017, 09:51 PM
we need a gigantic global emergency management org. something like the US' dhs
d w s. dept of world security
The means was available to tackle Fukushima properly. The will was not there from the Japs and the Americans (GE-designed reactors). Volunteers across the world offered help, some of it great ideas, and even potential self-sacrifice.
8th February 2017, 09:55 PM
Nearly two thousand years ago, God gave St. John a vision. The vision showed him things he could not understand, but he described as best as he could. He said "wormwood" would poison a third of the waters of the Earth, and kill many.
The name Chernobyl is Ukrainian for wormwood. Fukushima completed the prophecy.,204,203,200_.jpg
8th February 2017, 10:29 PM
what does this mean? Oscar party replaced by regugee rally and donation to aclu
Instead of throwing its annual glitzy Oscar party, this year the United Talent Agency will host a pro-immigration rally to support refugees and the American Civil Liberties Union.
The event will take place at the company’s Los Angeles headquarters on February 24, just two days before the ceremony, according to The Hollywood Reporter; the agency plans to donate $250,000 to the American Civil Liberties Union and to the International Rescue Committee.
“This is a moment that demands our generosity, awareness and restlessness,” U.T.A. C.E.O. Jeremy Zimmer wrote in a letter to employees. “Our world is a better place for the free exchange of artists, ideas, and creative expression. If our nation ceases to be the place where artists the world over can come to express themselves freely, then we cease, in my opinion, to be America.”
“When fear and division get the better of a society, artists are among the first to feel the impact—and to denounce the ill winds,” he continued.
This is just the latest example of how the current administration has changed business as usual in Hollywood.
================================================== ====
Skype don't know when to quit and regroup -
Trump's travel ban and sanctuary city plans are his most popular executive orders, and ALL of them have more support than disapproval
8th February 2017, 10:50 PM
I wonder if there's an accurate source for learning Jap cancer levels, perhaps graphed longer term (10+ yr), with map showing clusters?
My understanding, from the first ~year (2011) when I used to pay closer attention, was Jap were in epic criminal cahoots blacking out the real danger.
Of course it may also be a diversion from all the Trump stuff too. You never know with these fake news organizations just what their motives are.
good point, like how last week they allegedly made 474 pedo trafficking arrests in LA CA & more in DC; but the (((JSM))) was all about the simultaneous (((soros berkeley riots))), and they've continued the same pedo story blackout since.
Now that Sessions is seated, it may be we can look forward to mass pedo arrests moving forward? Watch for some big, (((JSM))) dominating FF/hoax(s), to distract... ( 8:51
Bad Guacamole TV Says : Be Suspicious Of Major News Developments This Next Week. (
4 days ago
8th February 2017, 10:51 PM
Nearly two thousand years ago, God gave St. John a vision. The vision showed him things he could not understand, but he described as best as he could. He said "wormwood" would poison a third of the waters of the Earth, and kill many.
The name Chernobyl is Ukrainian for wormwood. Fukushima completed the prophecy.
yes Basically I agree and I think prophecy is pretty strong but it might need some small amount of "out of the box" thinking like you are suggesting. Prophecy is probably not 100% directly literal and some degree of cipher is involved or as you point out, some language translation we don't know about because of our own lack of knowledge.
I wonder about the 7th Trumpet and the closeness of the Trump Pence duo to this sort of Phonetic sound...(someone will know the correct term for that). And taking into account the 7 numberology of Trump as President. 70 years 7 months and 7 days old that Cheka or Cebu bought to our attention.. sorry I don't remember which one of you guys posted that....but it seems interesting to me when you combine them you could conceivably come up with the 7 Trumpets.
It makes me think of the Nostradamus interpretations about Hitler and whether he did or not because the translation came out as Hister, not Hitler. Some people said it referred to a River and it might have but obviously Hitler seems more logical on the face of it.
I've been wondering if something like this might apply to the Second Coming. Based on some things that have come to light this past week or so AND some things in the media these past couple years. I'm hoping to add something to the Secret is in the Code thread soon on this.
9th February 2017, 04:07 AM
Thank god that this one today is safe...
Explosion reported at Flamanville Nuclear Power Plant in France, injuries feared
9th February 2017, 08:22 AM
Anyone see a problem here?
9th February 2017, 08:33 AM
Anyone see a problem here?
The "good" I think that can be looked at is that Cesium-137 has a half life of 30 years, so in 30 years AFTER they finally contain it (if they ever do) the radiation levels should drop. The bad thing is, how much ocean life will be left after being completely decimated by radiation poisoning?
9th February 2017, 10:39 AM
Anyone see a problem here?
Yes, that NOAA map is of the Tsunami threat that occurred after the earthquake. NOT radiation.
The map was shopped to remove the key and location IDs, as seen on this original:
The little triangles are wave height buoys, which is why they're also in the Atlantic on the map.
The one near Hawaii:
9th February 2017, 11:01 AM
I could see how this map could be misconstrued as the pervasiveness of the radioactive leakage into the Pacific. It's ironic how the only country in history that has ever been nuked is now nuking the rest of the world.
Yes, that NOAA map is of the Tsunami threat that occurred after the earthquake. NOT radiation.
The map was shopped to remove the key and location IDs, as seen on this original:
The little triangles are wave height buoys, which is why they're also in the Atlantic on the map.
The one near Hawaii:
10th February 2017, 06:15 AM
Lou Dobbs did a segment on Fukushima last night, sounded very serious. Can't find the clip, but this is going more main stream news every day.
To quote Ponce, "they only tell you what they can no longer hide".
I think we are being warned for more news that is coming out on this disaster.
10th February 2017, 09:44 AM
I could see how this map could be misconstrued as the pervasiveness of the radioactive leakage into the Pacific. It's ironic how the only country in history that has ever been nuked is now nuking the rest of the world.
Except that .Gov nuked us in our own country 100's of times and the Bolsheviks nuked the Russians 100's of times.
10th February 2017, 09:57 AM
Lou Dobbs did a segment on Fukushima last night, sounded very serious. Can't find the clip, but this is going more main stream news every day.
To quote Ponce, "they only tell you what they can no longer hide".
I think we are being warned for more news that is coming out on this disaster.
Nothing from Steve Quayle is of value.
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