View Full Version : Cold Immigrates to Southern Europe - Vegetables in Short supply

8th February 2017, 11:04 PM
SALAD SHORTAGEWhat is the 2017 vegetable shortage, which supermarkets are rationing lettuce and broccoli and what’s the cause of the crisis?

THESE are dark times times for British vegetable lovers.
A veggie shortage plaguing UK supermarkets has worsened – with Tesco and Sainsbury’s now forced to ration iceburg lettuces and broccoli.
Customers will only be allowed a maximum of three lettuces per visit (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2773682/vegetable-rationing-lettuce-broccoli-courgettes-supermarkets-uk/) after poor growing conditions in Europe caused a shortage.


Maybe for the Next 1400 years, nobody knows.

Related - https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/02/07/the-new-maunder-minimum-vegetable-shortages-strike-london/

9th February 2017, 02:16 AM
Ok. I'm going to go - out there. Hopefully not too off topic... or whacky. Aside from looking up in the sky and seeing all the chemtrailing which they say could be dimming the sun light reaching earth by upto 20%... here's a few things I'd like to link up.

They have been talking about dark patches appearing on the Sun since about mid 2015. This seems to coincide with talk about the Maunder Minimum but they might be different things, although both occurring at the same time. This dark spots on the sun story surfaced again in mid late 2016 and I am 100% positive I saw another story about this about 3 weeks ago , where the Dark patches. had now grown very large. About 1/3 the suns surface in some places. I'm positive this was 2017 information but for the life of me I can't seem to dig it up again.

Also - again, the story of a possible large body entering our orbital path was being touted. This is also a story that has popped up several times since 2015. That is in addition to the Nubiru - Planet X stories that have been doing the rounds. Those stories have been relegated to the froot loop fringe However "Science" seems to think there is actually some large planet object (http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/planetx/indepth) that could be on a very long orbit cycle. They are suggesting tens of thousands of years. The planet object appears to be dark, in that it is either too far out to reflect light or absorbing any light hitting it so it is not visible. And they are also saying they are using mathematical models to try and explain other strange orbital variations being detected in the solar system. Another planet is a good fit for an explanation.

I followed a guy on YT who was tracking earth quake activity and pinning it on the projected location of such a planet in relation to us. I have not watched his stuff in a while but based on time lines I would say this body should be to the north and rear of the sun at sun set. If I said the sun was the 12 o'clock at sun set and I was in the middle of the clock face, this other planet would be between 2 and 3 o'clock and heading around behind the sun.

Now.... some people have suggested that while this object has a lot of mass, which suggests it could be the size of neptune, it might actually not be very big, it might have a lot of mass but it might be very small which is why we can detect effects but not see it. There is some suggestion it could be another sun, but a dark one, or an old one or one in another phase of life. If that were true, then it could be sucking energy from our Sun as it gets closer.

There is one last thing to throw in this mix to whacky-afy it all the way to 11. The Freemasons and others run on a different calendar. Their calendar has about 4000 more years on it than the Gregorian one. While the Gregorian uses a base event of the "Death of Jesus" ... not really but lets go with that. The Freemasons goes with a celestial event whereby a very bright light appeared in the sky that was so bright it outshone our Sun. A supernova perhaps?

Here's a quote:

Behind the Dean here you can see the Black Hole Sun eclipses in the framed picture on the mantle. As well as more globes. The Luciferians want the Sun to be blacked out. They use Anno Lucis for their dating system. The A.L. date is based on a calendar created by an Isis cult from ancient Egypt. In the year 4000 the star Vela went supernova, and for months, if you were located near in the lattitudes of Egypt, you would have seen two suns. They believe that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6000 years. According to the Freemason’s calendar it will occur in the year 2000, so off schedule a bit but still anticipated. So appear and block out our sun.

My point, finally. We are talking about Fukishima and Wormwood (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?94650-What-does-it-mean-now-that-Fox-News-reports-this) in this thread and how St John received foretelling about Wormwood - the translation of the name for Chernobyl.

I'm beginning to think that the prophecy of the Second Coming, is not the Second Coming of the Son, but the Coming of the Second Sun.

And this is why they are rationing lettuce. :D

9th February 2017, 07:30 AM
On Orbital variations, just recently I found a research article on that same watsupwithat site linked above where they have proven that natural orbital variations in Earth are The explanation for Ice Ages like clockwork and shift is relatively swift into.

The research appeared to have all the answers on natural orbital variations of Earth, but then gave no prediction when the next ice phase would be entered.

9th February 2017, 07:36 AM
Check out Suspicious Observers...and see what is happening on the sun day by day..

9th February 2017, 07:43 AM
On the other hand I talked last week to a farmer from west central Wisconsin. He was telling me if they don't get 250 bushels per acre of corn they don't feel like they accomplished anything. This from an area where 20 years ago they had a hard time producing 100 bushels per acre.

9th February 2017, 07:45 AM
The Earth is going to do what the Earth is going to do. Humans are simply insignificant!

9th February 2017, 07:59 AM
The Earth is going to do what the Earth is going to do. Humans are simply IRRELEVANT!

Fixed it for you.

9th February 2017, 09:13 AM
The Earth is going to do what the Earth is going to do. Humans are simply insignificant!

Mother Earth will swallow you, lay your body down!

9th February 2017, 10:27 AM
man I thought southern europe were cold, yous dudes are even colder... :)

9th February 2017, 09:44 PM
On the other hand I talked last week to a farmer from west central Wisconsin. He was telling me if they don't get 250 bushels per acre of corn they don't feel like they accomplished anything. This from an area where 20 years ago they had a hard time producing 100 bushels per acre.

I see so any spot of low turnout and they would not even bother for 80, demand price inflation might help that.

Rationing should exacerbate it