View Full Version : Results of stacking silver for a year <3

10th February 2017, 09:07 AM

10th February 2017, 09:37 AM
Is this from profits from searching through coinage or your personal investment? Lots of people have personal investments that would make this look like a rounding error.

10th February 2017, 09:50 AM
this 'Balvua Sales (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxWze4OR5e1Se7TlnNbXWfA)' cat is here for one sole purpose: to build his brand new, reputation-LESS (fly-by-night?) biz.

Zero participation in the 99% of not-directly-PM-related "General Discussion" threads here; only 4 new threads (http://gold-silver.us/forum/search.php?do=finduser&userid=22910&starteronly=1&contenttype=vBForum_Thread), all peddling his wares. Oh yeah, plus ONE (1) reply among those 4 threads he started, wherein he only insists he's not a skammer... accounting for his FIVE (5) total posts here, at this writing.

So far, not a good 'fit' here @ GSUS. :(

Website (http://Balvua.com) is only one month old with no real name, street address or phone contact info.


Post your real name and street address and phone number.


In the PM world, you are a scam artist be DEFAULT.

You need to prove, to us, that you are not one. A website, without any reliable contact info, triggers alarms. Folks have offered you advise, hope you learn from it.

Bottom line....If I'm going to spend $1900 for a 100 oz Englehard silver bar, I'm not taking my chances with you. I'll go to apmex, or my local guy, or other trusted metals dealers.

^ what they said :rolleyes:

Maybe we could give him the "Hypertiger Treatment" ?? I forget the details, but HT was severely curtailed in where he could post his Hyper-Babble, so he could no longer make new or wreck existing threads. :)

Camp Bassfish
10th February 2017, 11:53 AM
Make him rent my space.... we know how much exposure THAT will give him.

10th February 2017, 12:03 PM
It's a nice little stack for a year... I think i was buying 7-8 thou a year when I was stacking.

old steel
10th February 2017, 12:49 PM
Got to start somewhere.

What they have there is way ahead of the millions of dumbfounded dipshits with a maxed out credit card and no clue about PM's

10th February 2017, 02:16 PM
While still a relatively small stack, it's far better than what most Ameri -"cons" have "stacked"
Good job, now KEEP it (for now), don't be selling it!!

10th February 2017, 05:16 PM
Make him rent my space.... we know how much exposure THAT will give him.

How much you charging these days Jim?

10th February 2017, 05:21 PM
I must agree 100% with this fine observation and advice!
While still a relatively small stack, it's far better than what most Ameri -"cons" have "stacked"
Good job, now KEEP it (for now), don't be selling it!!

10th February 2017, 05:34 PM
Maybe we could give him the "Hypertiger Treatment" ?? I forget the details, but HT was severely curtailed in where he could post his Hyper-Babble, so he could no longer make new or wreck existing threads. :)

I like the porn he/she provides.