View Full Version : Saudi Arabia Caught Paying Sources Within U.S. To Increase Votes On McCain And Graham

12th February 2017, 06:16 PM
JUST IN: Saudi Arabia Caught Paying Sources Within U.S. To Increase Votes On McCain And Graham
Posted by Allison Hillman | Feb 8, 2017 | Liberal Corruption

A traitor to his party

Last year an important bill was passed in hopes of easing some of the burden on survivors of the vicious 9/11 attacks. Entitled the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), it states that, “A U.S. national may file a civil action against a foreign state for physical injury, death, or damage as a result of an act of international terrorism committed by a designated terrorist organization.”

Basically it would allow the survivors or families of victims of terrorist attacks such as 9/11 to sue the foreign government where the terrorists originated. This would enable them to recover some money to help with the financial burdens the attacks caused.

To rational people, this seems like common sense. These victims and families are suffering physically and emotionally, they should not have to struggle financially as well. Unfortunately, the government is full of uncaring individuals and the bill is already being attacked.

Republican Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have apparently turned Democratic while nobody was looking. They recently proposed an amendment to the JASTA bill that would severely cripple the ability of Americans to sue those foreign governments. Their amendment allows suits only if the nations “knowingly engage with a terrorist organization directly or indirectly, including financing.”

That is giving the government quite a lot of wiggle room when presented with a pending lawsuit. Officials could easily claim that they can’t prove the foreign governments were involved. Politicians looking to protect a country they are friendly with or those that are hard-core Muslim supporters could find many explanations for not allowing a lawsuit under this amendment.

As if their un-patriotic actions were not enough, the Saudis have stepped up to help the amendment pass and it would be negligent to not question if McCain and Graham were working with them all along.

The amendment benefits the Saudi Arabian government. Lawsuits filed for 9/11, against Saudi Arabia could be dismissed with this amendment. Saudi’s government has always argued that they had nothing to do with the attacks, despite evidence to the contrary.

It is depressing to see McCain and Graham advocating so desperately for an amendment they know would hurt Americans and benefit Saudi Arabia.

It has now been uncovered that Saudi Arabia is paying a public relations firm to convince American veterans to go to Washington, D.C. and tell members of Congress they oppose the JASTA act. In addition to paying the lobbyists, they are financing the lavish trips to Washington for the veterans that are recruited.

Qorvis MSLGROUP is the money hungry firm that is representing the Saudis. The group has already employed Eric Eisenhammer, founder and CEO of Dauntless Communication in California, to assist in their efforts.

Qorvis is also paying Tennessee-based consultant Paul Stanley $12,000 and possibly Sarah Durand, a former president of the Louisville Tea Party although ties between her and Qorvis are not definitively known yet.

A spokesman for Qorvis MSLGROUP says there has been no intent to deceive veterans, “This is not some back-stage, behind-the-scenes maneuver. This is totally out in the open. This is totally transparent.”

That may be the case (doubtful), but mainstream media outlets are not reporting it and it is likely that some veterans do not understand what they are actually being recruited to do.

An email from Sarah Durand to combat veteran, Malachias Gaskin of Tennessee, does not exactly seem transparent. He told the Daily Caller that he received a recruiting email from a friend, also an ex-soldier, looking for veterans to speak in Washington.

Durand was the source of the email that also asked whether he could sign a petition. Not surprisingly, the petition supports the McCain-Graham amendment.

Terry Strada, national chair for the 9/11 Families & Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorist has a different view of the suspicious funding from Saudi Arabia, “We believe Saudi Arabia is funding the flights and paying for hotels for these veterans.”

This is not the first time that McCain and Graham attempted to disable this bill. They argued for key provisions to be cut from the original draft. Strada states that they, “were trying to sneak something in that would definitely turn everything around. It’s the defense the Saudis want to use.”

Strada and other 9/11 advocates worked desperately hard to get this bill passed, 13 years to be exact. She feels particularly betrayed by Graham who was an original supporter of JASTA. Strada said, “Senator Graham was an original co-sponsor on the bill when it was introduced seven years ago. He’s been on the bill ever since. When it was being voted on to come out of the Senate back in May earlier this year he put a hold on the bill specifically to look at it close and make sure that everything was accurate and fine and when he lifted the hold…the bill went forward.”

Double-crossed from within, Strada and the others have a new fight with the McCain-Graham amendment. It is extremely unfair that they will not be allowed some rest from their war against the corrupt politicians and their Saudi cohorts.


12th February 2017, 08:01 PM
We'll see McCain dragged crying and weeping under a tree on the Day of the Rope

12th February 2017, 08:06 PM
We'll see McCain dragged crying and weeping under a tree on the Day of the Rope

Not the first time he failed.