View Full Version : pittsburgh mayor has executive order power? to do this?!

14th February 2017, 10:48 PM
as if shitsburgh isn't affordable already :|~



PITTSBURGH - Following recommendations from a task force, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto issued executive orders Tuesday to build affordable housing.

Peduto issued two executive orders to start implementing recommendations by the City's Affordable Housing Task Force. The moves are intended to protect people from losing their housing.

Peduto’s executive orders expand upon the three goals of the task force and seek ways to reach those goals. His orders are:

Order #01: To provide and expand resources, policies, and programs to increase housing security for existing City residents. This order asks the Finance Department to work with Allegheny County and the Pittsburgh Public Schools to protect longtime homeowners by reviewing proposals to implement an anti-gentrification measures, increase pro bono legal resources for homeowners, provide financial literacy programs, and adopt tenant protection programs.

Order #02: To increase and improve the opportunities for public housing residents. This order asks the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh to adopt similar goals to those of the City and Task Force.

Since the task force made its recommendations last year, there has been a community driven process around defining equitable development in Pittsburgh, led by Neighborhood Allies, Urban Innovation21, and the UrbanKind Institute, along with the national expertise of the team at PolicyLink.

Additionally, work by the Heinz Foundation and community stakeholders has been integrated into the p4 program, which seeks to put people and place at the center of the new wave of development in Pittsburgh.

The Mayor’s Office said the efforts underscore the recommendations put forth by the Affordable Housing Task Force.

"My administration is committed to creating a livable city for all," Peduto said in a letter attached to the orders. "These executive orders are the first step in a long process to solve not only the challenges of today but to lay the foundation for an equitable Pittsburgh in the future. To do that, we will need the support of the whole City - residents, advocates, developers, financiers, nonprofits, and others must join together to implement local changes and speak with a unified voice in Harrisburg and Washington."

A spokesperson for the Mayor’s Office said Peduto is expected to issue more executive orders on Wednesday. Stay with Channel 11 News and WPXI.com for continuing coverage.

15th February 2017, 12:53 AM
wouldn't anti-gentrification and increasing public housing = pro slum?

Pittsburgh, staying true to it's name?

15th February 2017, 07:03 AM
wouldn't anti-gentrification and increasing public housing = pro slum?

I do not know anything about Pittsburgh but I do know a little about Detroit and my answer to your question probably applies.

There is no such thing as an "Excecutive Order" by a mayor. This is straight out of the Obama / HUD playbook. This scheme to keep people in their mortgages and in their rentals even for those who cannot pay is just of one of many national laws that need to be repealed. The general plan is to push more urban poor out of the cities and into middle-class suburbs in various ways, including turning existing middle class homes into low-income qualified Section 8 Housing. Homes that are for rent or lease and those who own those homes have to rent to Section 8-qualified low income renters, and if these laws are not wiped out now by the new administration, the banks who own many of these properties will go ahead and rent or lease homes and have the taxpayers pay subsidies to the banks to make up the full rental or lease amount.

This is more socialist / communist Agenda 21 / Smart Growth to make everybody equal and turn everything to level living standards for all at the lowest common level and turn the entire city land mass into an inner city slum. A whole host of order ordinances and codes of cities will have to be vigorously ignored and / or selectively enforced to keep this scheme to divide and destroy going.

In 2016 Housing and Urban Development (HUD) began enforcing the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule,” (AFFH).


Home AFFH Listen This Time or HUD Will Destroy Your City
• DeWeese Report
• Property Rights
Listen This Time or HUD Will Destroy Your City
By Tom DeWeese -
July 20, 2016

What this HUD rule, if Trump does no ditch it right now, means it that many statistics will be taken on those who occupy thier own homes in nicer suburbs. It there is not the right mix of people of all colors and income levels, then homes for rent or for lease, will have to become occupied by people of the right stuff.

Here is another article about turning houses into Section 8 houses and I do not know if this guy named Castro's plan ever came to pass.

"As reported by the New York Post, Obama’s Housing Secretary Julian Castro is looking to create a new program that will “reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for being too white and too wealthy.”


by Warner Todd Huston9 May 2016

Castro’s plan is to “super-size” the federal Section 8 housing vouchers that provide rental funding for low-income people. The increased vouchers are intended to help poor people move out from increasingly expensive urban districts to the suburban areas that are currently middle and upper middle class."

If there is a big housing bubble that will pop soon, that means the big banks who hold the defaulted mortgages that will happen will be the owners enforcing this HUD garbage and we the dying overtaxed tax payer will have to pay the banks for the poor to be able to move in.