View Full Version : Pope Francis: ‘Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist’

18th February 2017, 04:46 AM

18th February 2017, 05:17 AM
it does and does not, depending on if one is looking at the glass half-full/empty.

Terrorism if 85% of the time financed, what gives?

18th February 2017, 05:23 AM
He figured out that 9/11 was done by international jewry?

18th February 2017, 05:44 AM

18th February 2017, 05:52 AM
He figured out that 9/11 was done by international jewry?
Never! Fagpope Francis was using the "True Scotsman" fallacy. In that a Muslim committing an act of terror, can't be a true Muslim, as true Muslims don't use terror. For instance profit-pirate Muhammed wouldn't be considered a true Muslim today, as Islam is the "religion of peace", and his acts of looting, wars of aggression and rape could hardly be considered "peaceful", even if done with the best of intentions.

18th February 2017, 06:15 AM
He figured out that 9/11 was done by international jewry?

Yeah, those tricky jewsters in saudi arabia. Why, they are so tricky, they even got all the muslims to worship a meteorite in mecca.

18th February 2017, 06:31 AM
Pope (any of them) = Biggest hypocrite on the face of the earth
Islam would not be here WITHOUT the Catholic church, it is one of her "children"


18th February 2017, 06:42 AM
Good thing this 'pope' is behind a wall. He should be dragged into the streets and horsewhipped

18th February 2017, 12:04 PM
Yeah, those tricky jewsters in saudi arabia. Why, they are so tricky, they even got all the muslims to worship a meteorite in mecca.

Don't tell me you are actually so stupid that you believe there were actual hijackers?

midnight rambler
18th February 2017, 12:10 PM
Don't tell me you are actually so stupid that you believe there were actual hijackers?

Do you really think that we're all so fucking stupid as to buy into this horseshit that Islam (literal meaning: submit!) is 'the religion of peace'? You're doing the work of your father Satan, that much is abundantly clear. In my neck of the woods you'd be just another moozlem asshole getting sent on his way to his 72 virgin farm animals.


18th February 2017, 12:13 PM
Don't tell me you are actually so stupid that you believe there were actual hijackers?

Why is there a reason to believe there were no Mooslim patsies who thought they were were successfully attacking the Great Satan?

Twisted Titan
18th February 2017, 12:18 PM
Don't tell me you are actually so stupid that you believe there were actual hijackers?

Have you ever heard of Domeneh??

Must be one of those things like leprechauns

You know are real but you never seen one.

18th February 2017, 12:22 PM
Angela Merkel says Europe must take MORE refugees and Islam 'isn't source of terror'


midnight rambler
18th February 2017, 12:29 PM
Do you really think that we're all so fucking stupid as to buy into this horseshit that Islam (literal meaning: submit!) is 'the religion of peace'? You're doing the work of your father Satan, that much is abundantly clear. In my neck of the woods you'd be just another moozlem asshole getting sent on his way to his 72 virgin farm animals.


I had to look up what 'Fidayan' means, somehow I was not at all surprised, it means to kill all those who criticize the criminal child molester, mo-HAM-ed, may feces be upon him, and the criminal enterprise death cult he established for those who are inclined to marry their first cousins, thereby intentionally making themselves the dumbest shitheads on earth via inbreeding the worst of the worst over and over again -


18th February 2017, 12:41 PM
I'm a little surprised that longtime members of this forum still havent figured out that the official 9/11 story is pure jewish fantasy, but i guess some never learn.

midnight rambler
18th February 2017, 12:43 PM
We totally see that you're trying to gaslight the shit out of us, like we would ever trust a moozie for good info. lol

18th February 2017, 01:36 PM
We totally see that you're trying to gaslight the shit out of us, like we would ever trust a moozie for good info. lol

Weak much? Talk for yourself?

18th February 2017, 01:37 PM
I'm a little surprised that longtime members of this forum still havent figured out that the official 9/11 story is pure jewish fantasy, but i guess some never learn.

9/11 = Mooslims looking to hurt the Great Satan via a fantasy hijacking plan hook up with CIAMossad operatives, who want to "help" them with their mission. Mooslim patsies think they are going to "do something great for Allah." but CIAMossad has something else in mind, just like they do with ISIS. CIAMossad use remote control airliners to destroy two buildings and damage the Pentagon. One plane is shot down when things don't go according to plan (passenger revolt, which cannot succeed lest remote control nature of operation be exposed). A third building is blown up to eliminate evidence. Ultimately, the willing Mooslims alone are blamed for the events.

18th February 2017, 01:38 PM
Weak much? Talk for yourself?

He speaks for me as well.

18th February 2017, 01:38 PM
Why is there a reason to believe there were no Mooslim patsies who thought they were were successfully attacking the Great Satan?

Because most of the supposed hijackers turned out to be alive.

18th February 2017, 01:39 PM
9/11 = Mooslims looking to hurt the Great Satan via a fantasy hijacking plan hook up with CIAMossad operatives, who want to "help" them with their mission. Mooslim patsies think they are going to "do something great for Allah." but CIAMossad has something else in mind, just like they do with ISIS. CIAMossad use remote control airliners to destroy two buildings and damage the Pentagon. One plane is shot down when things don't go according to plan (passenger revolt, which cannot succeed lest remote control nature of operation be exposed). Ultimately, the willing Mooslims alone are blamed for the events.

Why did the towers collapse? Let me guess.. muslims planted explosives LOL!

18th February 2017, 01:40 PM
He speaks for me as well.

Who gives a doodoo? It's a weak form of communication.

18th February 2017, 01:47 PM
Why did the towers collapse? Let me guess.. muslims planted explosives LOL!

Jews planted the explosives.

This does not exonerate the Mooslims who wanted to kill Americans, and willingly participated.

midnight rambler
18th February 2017, 02:06 PM
Us country boys are ready for you dumber than dirt Satan worshiping goatfuckers, looking forward to it actually. Bring it.

18th February 2017, 02:38 PM
911 is jewish lightning, he meant to say.

18th February 2017, 02:52 PM
Us country boys are ready for you dumber than dirt Satan worshiping goatfuckers, looking forward to it actually. Bring it.

Country boys? I'm of the impression that you are beyond your expiration date. Looking forward to what? Your delusional violent fantasies coming to fruition? Quite telling about your character talking about such things on an online forum. LOL.

midnight rambler
18th February 2017, 02:55 PM
Apparently you're a very lost and very naive member of the Satan worshiping, livestock sodomizing death cult, not at all surprising since it's the 'religion' of the stupidest assholes in the world.

18th February 2017, 02:57 PM
Apparently you're a very lost and very naive member of the Satan worshiping, livestock sodomizing death cult, not at all surprising since it's the 'religion' of the stupidest assholes in the world.


midnight rambler
18th February 2017, 03:03 PM
Oh the irony - condemning joos while fully embracing jooish hogwash. lol

You must be one of Satan's favorite tools.

18th February 2017, 08:10 PM
pope should've said: "when the global joozmedia kvetches in unison about about the latest 'scary moozlem ter'st attack', it should be considered a dinjoo-nuffin staged/FF/hoaxed event, until proven otherwise. :)

Good thing this 'pope' is behind a wall. He should be dragged into the streets and horsewhipped

Behind the walls of the country-within-a-country which is the vatican, there are only s'posed to be various catholic clergy living, who are therefore s'posed to be CELIBATE.

I think it was 2009, vatican raised their "age of consent" from 12, all the way up to 14. :o Why in this jurisdiction of "celibacy", does there need to an age of consent law at all?!

Celibate on the outside; active pedos on the inside. :(

18th February 2017, 08:13 PM
Oh the irony - condemning joos while fully embracing jooish hogwash. lol

but the dinjoo-nuffins most favoritest tool in their deception tool box, IS their "Flip the Script & Project" gambit. :rolleyes:

19th February 2017, 06:55 AM
They're very good at it too
but the dinjoo-nuffins most favoritest tool in their deception tool box, IS their "Flip the Script & Project" gambit. :rolleyes:

19th February 2017, 07:05 AM
If Muslim terrorism does not exist for the reasons stated (I don't really agree), then Arab terrorism is a big problem.

Let's go back 30 years. Back them we didn't call those people Muslims. If we were referring to their religion, we called them Moslems. But we seldom called them Moslems because we knew them as ARABS.

How did it change? Why are we now calling them Muslims instead of Arabs? I would guess the answer is social engineering, which is a Jewish phenomenon.

What do Jews gain by stopping us from calling them Arabs?

19th February 2017, 07:44 AM
If Muslim terrorism does not exist for the reasons stated (I don't really agree), then Arab terrorism is a big problem.

Let's go back 30 years. Back them we didn't call those people Muslims. If we were referring to their religion, we called them Moslems. But we seldom called them Moslems because we knew them as ARABS.

How did it change? Why are we now calling them Muslims instead of Arabs? I would guess the answer is social engineering, which is a Jewish phenomenon.

What do Jews gain by stopping us from calling them Arabs?

As you have pointed out before, it is a form of virtual gatekeeping. Words are very important. Without words, definitions cannot be pinned down and it is harder to identify objective reality in a manner that is useful to an organism; Whether that organism is an individual or a society. There is such a thing as group ego.

This same thing is in effect for using words as targets to frame individuals or societies in a bad way. Racism is a term that is used in such a manner. It all depends on what the general meaning is construed to be.

19th February 2017, 07:46 AM
Terror in Islam works so far in those Islamic Nations that whatever favored regime can call the U.S. in to wipeout any competition to the central bank.

Current Rothchild Central banking and Islam do not peacefully coexist as they do in Christianity, so it will continue until central banking has remedied the religion. Usury toads (The Pope) in the West work towards enabling those ends.

A singular enemy/country will exist in any sector of course to enable the Central banking network, as it requires an enemy to operate. Rohtchild has as a much interest in maintaining a enemy in any general sector as they do their own banks.

Why mother nature is touted as the new enemy when those sector enemies are too distant or weak. If mother nature is put in place international Islamaphobia persists.

19th February 2017, 09:40 AM
As you have pointed out before, it is a form of virtual gatekeeping. Words are very important. Without words, definitions cannot be pinned down and it is harder to identify objective reality in a manner that is useful to an organism; Whether that organism is an individual or a society. There is such a thing as group ego.

This same thing is in effect for using words as targets to frame individuals or societies in a bad way. Racism is a term that is used in such a manner. It all depends on what the general meaning is construed to be.All true. Is this specific case just political correctness, switching from a racial distinction to a religious distinction or is there another underlying motive for not calling them Arabs anymore? "Arab" seems to have vanished from our vocabulary in the eighties or so.
Was this done to manufacture our consent to import Arab Christians? Or import lots of Arabs under the guise of them being mostly Christians?

19th February 2017, 10:56 AM
First of all this guy is not "the pope" and there has been no "Pope" since 1958.

Chaos Frank is a communist, a Marxist, and probably atheist and not a believer in any Christian sense of the word.

The guy has said so many ridiculous things since he took up occupation that there is a whole monthly radio program devoted with shining the light of truth of every one of his ridiculous pronouncements.
But please stop biting the MSM bait of "the pope said this and the pope said that." It all falls under the category of fake news.

I THINK there are several of these Francis Watch radio shows that you can listen to for free. Let me know if this does not work. Digital Membership used to be free but now it is looking like they are charging a one time $35 fee so I am not sure you can get these free. There are several YouTube shows under channel Novus Ordo Watch or search Donald Sanborn. Not sure if any of the Francis Watch shows are copied and shared anywhere other than True Restoration but it is worth a search. The shows explain WHY these comments by Francis are so anti-Christ.

Go to


Click on Radio tab
then on Free Episodes

Then at bottom click on Last so you can scroll the different shows backwards from oldest ending in newest. Click on Francis Watch shows and listen chronologically and move to present.

It is very educational and entertaining. Two very intelligent learned traditional Catholic priests comment on the latest in-the-news ridiculous thing Francis has said -- Father Cekada and Bishop Donald Sanborn. This is a perspective that is important to learn about because most people think all Catholics buy in to what this "Pope" is spouting and that Catholics think this "pope" is Catholic.


One other thing.

Islam is a false religion and it has a long history of hideous mass violence and enslavement of Africans -- since the 600s A.D. Still is a violent false religion but that does not make what the Israelis are doing in the Middle East to the Palestinians right. No that is more evil and wrongdoing violent behavior by another false religion.

There are many religious spokespersons who claim to be "Catholic" and teach and promote many anti-Christ ideas. Pray for the gift of discernment.

Christ established One Church and you cannot have Vatican II "ecumenism" where many different "religions" are in one big-tent Church.

19th February 2017, 11:26 AM
... claiming a monopoly on God is ludicrous, which is why God has been monetized since ever. All wars -- and any form of enslavement -- derive from this fallacious premise.

So things are going to get a lot worse before they get better

19th February 2017, 11:31 AM
"claiming a monopoly on God is ludicrous"

