View Full Version : Spencer thrown out of C(uck)PAC ! Alt Right are left wing Fascists.
23rd February 2017, 04:24 PM
Dan Schneider: The Alt-Right Are ‘Nothing But Garden Variety, Left-Wing Fascists’
Does Schneider require ((())) ?
24th February 2017, 02:14 AM
Neo-cons are talking about themselves. Clear grounding in Trotskyist left wing fascism. Besides that speech from (((Schneider))) was seriously one of the most uninspiring and boring shticks ever. He has a friend at the treasury department who sits and stare at Bills all day everyday to be able to determine the counterfeit ones. If his cuckservitude buttbuddy at the treasury actually had read and understood the constitution, he would realize that any bill coming his way with the "Federal Reserve Bank" printed on it he would realize these were counterfeit and +99% of what they deal with at the treasury department is even worse counterfeits as they didn't even bother to print it on paper. Those (((banksters))) that underwrit the (((Fed))) is also the same ones that underwrit the (((Bolshevik revolution))).
So there you have it (((Schneider))), who is the garden variety left wing fascist now? That's right they pay your salary, and you do what they tell you to do, within your very limited capacity of course, MORON!
24th February 2017, 05:11 AM
cpac speaker calls alt right sinister organization, racists, anti semites...more!
25th February 2017, 03:35 PM
cpac speaker calls alt right sinister organization, racists, anti semites...more!
Spending + $2 Trillion on wars for Israel is of course the hallmark of the "benign" neo-con organization you belong to. In the process of war profiteering killing and maiming millions in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen, while getting million more to run away into Europe and other middle eastern countries, and radicalizing these with the aid of the wahabi allies in Saudi Arabia!
Fuck you very much! Burn in the hell of your own creation!
25th February 2017, 04:24 PM
Bill Still, who someone here said was a dinjoo-nuffin... haven't watched: ( 48:51
President Trump at CPAC, 1521 (
10 hours ago
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