View Full Version : So amazing everyone on here is cheering for Donald.

old steel
25th February 2017, 09:16 PM
Can't wait for him to get all those fuckers running for their lives.


25th February 2017, 09:33 PM
crumbs these days are enough

the import tariff, stop the invasion, destroy the nyc.media....low expectations. pathetic that those items make him a radical. but after bush, clinton, bush, obomba/clinton crumbs seem like boulders

Twisted Titan
26th February 2017, 05:15 AM
Trump is no saint,and has more skeletons in his closet than most.

But that man is determined to give the average Jane and Joe just a small piece of the action.

And because of that small act of kindness he will be favorably looked on by me.

26th February 2017, 05:51 AM
He's not gonna drain the swamp because he's one of the alligators. You'll see. The end result will reveal the original intention.

26th February 2017, 06:00 AM
He's not gonna drain the swamp because he's one of the alligators. You'll see. The end result will reveal the original intention.

It would be nice if you are wrong, too many indicators support your position.

26th February 2017, 08:19 AM
"So amazing everyone on here is cheering for Donald."

If you mean by "on here" that everyone on this GS forum, you certainly have no basis for saying "everyone" on here is "cheering for Donald." Just tain't so.

Also not sure what you mean by "cheering" for Donald.

All the so-called "choices" regarding DT that have been set before we the people are of the "lesser of two evils - much lesser" nature.

Our purported "cheering" of Donald is not of a positive nature. It is of the negative nature of cheering AGAINST worldwide nuclear war and killing off of human life on this planet, and the concomitant capture of eternal human souls for Satan.

Things may be just too far gone to the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit operatives and individuals with whatever perceived "power" they possess as individuals in a powerful office.

So I am hoping in and praying for Donald Trump in a most negative / positive way.

26th February 2017, 12:27 PM
But that man is determined to give the average Jane and Joe just a small piece of the action.

Do you have any evidence of that whatsoever?

old steel
26th February 2017, 12:56 PM
Truth bombs are coming.

We will have to unlearn a whole pile of fake news going back in time.

Way back.

26th February 2017, 04:00 PM
Do you have any evidence of that whatsoever?

He killed the TPP.


26th February 2017, 04:42 PM

26th February 2017, 04:43 PM
China may have wanted the TPP dead, as it is a boon for them that it is dead.

While TPP was advertised as a threat to U.S. sovreignty. (of which there is 0) it were most likely more a threat to those Asian nations sovreignty.

They probably would only agree since it were a bullwork designed against china.

26th February 2017, 07:39 PM
China may have wanted the TPP dead, as it is a boon for them that it is dead.

While TPP was advertised as a threat to U.S. sovreignty. (of which there is 0) it were most likely more a threat to those Asian nations sovreignty.

They probably would only agree since it were a bullwork designed against china.

What ever it is you have no clue, you running the ship?

26th February 2017, 07:40 PM
He killed the TPP.


Her Majesty had already declared it dead, as well. The real rulers decided to cancel the TPP before Trump occupied the Oval Office. And it will be replaced with something else. Just like TIA/IAO. And so many other "canceled" abominations.

27th February 2017, 06:11 AM
Globalists realize their mass trade agreements in bloques were becoming vulnerable to scrutiny/derision on mass scale.

So they've reverted to the individual bilateral ones, the only thing they really care about is that the agreements are done at a state level and keep everyone guessing to ante up and thru the state.

imo, The eventual goal is to turn U.S. into a more 3rd world trade setup and China/Mexico reigned into a nanny states income tax n all.

European nations already are 3rd world, 1st world free trade is long gone. Many umbrella inc. groups already jew state bank/insurance controlled.

Alex Drone
27th February 2017, 04:12 PM
I was never on the Trump bandwagon. However like the OP, I was surprised so many were on it.

27th February 2017, 04:18 PM

27th February 2017, 04:47 PM

The Trump Train, July 20, 2017:


27th February 2017, 05:33 PM
One of Trumps best speeches, worth watching again.


If you liked that one, maybe you'll like this


27th February 2017, 05:40 PM
Love the way he is shaking shit up..but sadly

Rude and crud for change, which the system in place needed it hugely.

But watch how the in place political critters instantly change stripes.

Those idiots need to be removed,

Think, despite how much it hurts your head ,and maybe you can see what I see.

One step at a time, trump is doing his job, pissing off the nation, which is a very good thing overall.

Term limits and banning any political family's from office. etc, etc.

And for dam sure, get rid of any lobbyists from big company's that can buy off the same political critters .

The very rich need not apply , mainly because they have not a clue how most of us live.

They live in their money bubbles with out a clue on how most live.

27th February 2017, 06:15 PM
Nobody with this much power has ever said anything like this before.

One of Trumps best speeches, worth watching again.


If you liked that one, maybe you'll like this


27th February 2017, 08:05 PM
Nobody with this much power has ever said anything like this before.


He lasted about two and a half years after saying that. He took on the so-called "Deep State" - and LOST.

27th February 2017, 09:21 PM
This is but a guess, or maybe a hope, but Trump seems to me like he's far smarter than any public figure we've experienced before. What I mean, not only would he score high on standard IQ tests, but, he also is probably as "street smart" as any back alley drug dealer. Trump has had the run of New York City for several decades, and, he has made deals with the lowest scum on this earth and he has gained and won and gained, and, even when he lost, he maneuvered so that he actually gained at the end.

If one can at least hold out the possibility that he is near the top in smarts, then, what he may be doing is pulling a Caesar on us - gathering around him the best of the best in the nation and then proving his prowess in a rough environment (as in the campaigns in Gaul), then tearing down the corrupt system that fears him (and for good reason), with the majority backing of the public which will hold him in high esteem.

I expect that he *KNOWS* deep in his gut what caused his youngest son's autism, and, his assignment to RFK Jr. is probably his way of making sure he has all the facts first, and then, he will go after the culprits with the full backing the the US government and courts. This will probably be when the clash goes full swing, as the parties responsible for the autism outbreak (the vaccine promoters) are very powerful and will go all out to eliminate him before he can bring them down and subject them to their proper punishment - two powerful forces going after each other for the whole shebang, where the losing side will NOT survive.

Trump will win.

old steel
27th February 2017, 10:25 PM
When the debt ceiling expires March 15th is it going to be business as usual or will they pull the rug out underneath Trump and let things implode?

I don't think any President could ride that out.

Oh and is this really Trumps man who came out with the hard line on Russia or one of Obama's people still at State Department?

US slams Russia over increased violence in Ukraine

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the United States was closely monitoring growing violence in eastern Ukraine and the failure of the combined Russian and separatist forces to abide by a ceasefire, agreed to two years ago in Minsk.
"We condemn Friday's targeting of OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) monitors and the seizure of a SMM unmanned aerial vehicle by combined Russian and separatist forces," Toner said, referring to the civilian observers with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

"It is imperative that these forces halt their attacks on civilian infrastructure, including the Donetsk water filtration station."



Senators Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota), in Lithuania, (http://www.dw.com/en/us-slams-russia-over-increased-violence-in-ukraine/a-37723192)calling for more sanctions on Russia



28th February 2017, 06:58 AM
The guy's a reality T.V. show actor, while he does have some ideas about how government regulations have destroyed U.S.

Using any same strings that were available before he arrived in office (like executive orders) to try and remove/enhance those regulations will not work.

In fact, it flies into the face of anti-regulation.

Being a "Caesar" would only strengthen regulatory strings after he is gone.

28th February 2017, 07:10 AM
Trump, although filthy rich, could never have become president without high level backers. The appropriate question to ask is "What do Trumps' backers want?" He is certainly very intelligent. Far more than the idiot Obama or Dim Son Bush before him. One must remember that although there was much malignment of him in his own party, he is a political creature and put into power, such as it is, by the same forces that have given us a long list of presidential mass murderers. Will Trump commit mass murder like almost every president before him? I would say highly likely. Less than the crazy witch Hillary though. But still, it is like women deciding on which rapist they should choose because one may be a kinder rapist than another. Don't kid yourselves.

I know this sentiment sounds extremely cynical, but can it really be denied?

28th February 2017, 07:23 AM
Rich idiot born with a golden spoon that does not have a clue how "Normal" people live and scratch through life, all of his friends are rich.

He is an idiot, he does not read, he is hyper narrow minded.

Only good thing he is doing is he is shaking the holy crap out of the established system, tho mostly or so far his rich friends can or would benefit.

He is a blessing long run, to help wake up many that normally do not give a crap abt politics. And many asshats in office will lose their jobs. The extreme right and also left need not apply.

28th February 2017, 07:34 AM
Trump is YOUR president, deal with it!!!

28th February 2017, 07:49 AM
No matter what happens from here, we the American people, won!

Eight years of Obama has installed all the anti-American people needed to hand this country over to a global government. Does anyone doubt that?

Trump is removing all these people the globalists installed with their puppet Obama and is replacing them with many people, I think, actually care about saving our country.

Even if our country goes down in the next few years, we will still have the patriotic sentiment to fight for our sovereignty. If America does collapse, most likely it will be a global collapse...I'd rather be in this position, then that of a Hillary president, with all the anti-Americans the globalists had installed with Obama.

We win if we win and we win if we lose.

28th February 2017, 07:50 AM
Trump is YOUR president, deal with it!!! I am an independent and proud of it, on the other side u are less than a piss ant internet type twerp going by your posting history !

I am not nor clam being from any party other than being independent in my thinking and actions with a nod to the laws of the land.


Sadly it seems you really do hate your life..

Get over it and do some good.

28th February 2017, 07:52 AM
No mater what happens from here, we the American people, won!

Eight years of Obama has installed all the anti-American people needed to hand this country over to a global government. Does anyone doubt that?

Trump is removing all these people the globalists installed with their puppet Obama and is replacing them with many people, I think, actually care about saving our country.

Even if our country goes down in the next few years, we will still have the patriotic sentiment to fight for our sovereignty. If America does collapse, most likely it will be a global collapse...I'd rather be in this position, then that of a Hillary president, with all the anti-Americans the globalists had installed with Obama.

We win if we win and we win if we lose.

There is some turth in what you say.. But sadly most of what he is doing is helping his rich friends or they of the same class.

28th February 2017, 07:53 AM
Your president...YOUR president! Say it with me. President Trump!!!
I am an independent and proud of it, on the other side u are less than a piss ant internet type twerp going by your posting history !

I am not nor clam being from any party other than being independent in my thinking and actions with a nod to the laws of the land.


Sadly it seems you really do hate your life..

Get over it and do some good.

28th February 2017, 07:54 AM
Your president...YOUR president! Say it with me. President Trump!!!Little boy go stand in a corner until you grow up...

28th February 2017, 08:31 AM
Just funnin' with ya dogman :)
Little boy go stand in a corner until you grow up...

28th February 2017, 08:34 AM
Your president...YOUR president! Say it with me. President Trump!!!

He is the president of the corporate United States. What's not to deal with? I have not heard of any drone attacks yet with collateral damages. I sincerely hope he does well. We shall see.

28th February 2017, 08:35 AM
One thing I'll give Trump, I don't think he's in office to get more wealth for himself. It makes no sense for a 70 year old guy, who's got more wealth than he could ever possibly want, to take on the most stressful job in the whole country. He's not even accepting the salary for the job either. I think he's doing it for his legacy, and part of me believes he really wants to make the country better because of that reason alone.

Whether he does things to benefit his rich friends, that's a possibility though.

28th February 2017, 08:45 AM
There are those here who are closet Hillary/Bernie supporters and would like nothing better than to see Trump fail to satisfy their own hate filled hopes and dreams and give them the opportunity to say "haha, we told you so". Those are the people I taunt. I'd rather see Trump succeed and actually help the American people in some fashion. Since he's not a career politician I feel the chances of Trump working for the people are far greater than any of the alternative politicians who ran for office. If that makes me a sucker then so be it!
He is the president of the corporate United States. What's not to deal with? I have not heard of any drone attacks yet with collateral damages. I sincerely hope he does well. We shall see.

old steel
28th February 2017, 08:49 AM
Looks like we in uncharted territory. This is unprecedented.

Trump says Obama is helping to organize protests against his presidency

President Trump has been dismissing the protests against his presidency and demonstrations at congressional town hall meetings across the country as concocted by his political enemies. But now he has an alleged culprit: Barack Obama.

In an interview Monday with Fox News Channel, Trump said that he believes his predecessor is helping to organize the protests.

"I think that President Obama is behind it because his people certainly are behind it," Trump said. "In terms of him being behind things, that's politics. It will probably continue."


28th February 2017, 08:53 AM
Obama needs to be arrested and taken off to prison in shackles!!
Looks like we in uncharted territory. This is unprecedented.

Trump says Obama is helping to organize protests against his presidency

President Trump has been dismissing the protests against his presidency and demonstrations at congressional town hall meetings across the country as concocted by his political enemies. But now he has an alleged culprit: Barack Obama.

In an interview Monday with Fox News Channel, Trump said that he believes his predecessor is helping to organize the protests.

"I think that President Obama is behind it because his people certainly are behind it," Trump said. "In terms of him being behind things, that's politics. It will probably continue."


28th February 2017, 09:45 AM
There are those here who are closet Hillary/Bernie supporters and would like nothing better than to see Trump fail to satisfy their own hate filled hopes and dreams and give them the opportunity to say "haha, we told you so". Those are the people I taunt. I'd rather see Trump succeed and actually help the American people in some fashion. Since he's not a career politician I feel the chances of Trump working for the people are far greater than any of the alternative politicians who ran for office. If that makes me a sucker then so be it!

I'm with you 100%.

Alex Drone
28th February 2017, 10:05 AM
Nobody with this much power has ever said anything like this before.

Those speeches are just window dressing. Like any powerful leader, they tell us what they want us to hear. I'm more interested in action.

28th February 2017, 10:26 AM
One thing I'll give Trump, I don't think he's in office to get more wealth for himself. It makes no sense for a 70 year old guy, who's got more wealth than he could ever possibly want, to take on the most stressful job in the whole country. He's not even accepting the salary for the job either. I think he's doing it for his legacy, and part of me believes he really wants to make the country better because of that reason alone.

Whether he does things to benefit his rich friends, that's a possibility though.

It's quite possible Trump is doing this partly for selfish reasons, but the only way Trump goes down in history as one of the greatest presidents, is if we the people win. His ego is too big to sell out like the last few presidents. I believe he really wants to have the title 'the greatest president'.

28th February 2017, 10:37 AM
I am an independent and proud of it, on the other side u are less than a piss ant internet type twerp going by your posting history !

I am not nor clam being from any party other than being independent in my thinking and actions with a nod to the laws of the land.


Sadly it seems you really do hate your life..

Get over it and do some good.

Someone who is so concerned about remaining in the middle in politics as you are, can't be independent, you are dependent on any way the wind blows, you don't even have your own opinion, you just use your mass media compass to determine what is the middle of the road, and then you spend the rest of your life getting angry at those that actually form an independent opinion.


28th February 2017, 10:42 AM
Those speeches are just window dressing.

A pipe dream?

28th February 2017, 11:02 AM
I think he's doing it for his legacy, and part of me believes he really wants to make the country better because of that reason alone.

Whether he does things to benefit his rich friends, that's a possibility though.

Trump's definition of great is big hair 80s.

I believe all or any presidents should be highly scrutinized into only having power to posture or veto.

He aint really doing even that part well, cause he acts with admin orders and speaks of deregulating.

Congress and its constituents will just endup regarding him as a dick and gridlock Ancient Rome money drive will habitate.

28th February 2017, 11:22 AM
For someone who holds their president accountable to such lofty criteria you haven't done much about the lineup of the esteemed administrations of Bush, Bush, Clinton,Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama and Obama. What makes Trump such a bad president again? Is it just the hair?
Trump's definition of great is big hair 80s.

I believe all or any presidents should be highly scrutinized into only having power to posture or veto.

He aint really doing even that part well, cause he acts with admin orders and speaks of deregulating.

28th February 2017, 11:31 AM
He has a congress, Josh. Any well associated President who had half a clue how to get things done in the U.S. would make better use of it.

What you have in Trump is Ringo in Tombstone.

Quick to draw, but an excitable idiot.

All presidents should be held to account. I only wish him well to deregulate his stated goal.

Not just remove 2 for any additional new 1 either, that is just silly logic.

28th February 2017, 11:42 AM
Obama was worse as he showed no love for his country while he got nothing done and signed EOs galore. Neither side likes Trump in Congress so the only way Trump will accomplish anything is through brute force and backed by the American people. It's a new game Horn. All the old rules no longer apply!
He has a congress, Josh. Any well associated President who had half a clue how to get things done in the U.S. would make better use of it.

What you have in Trump is Ringo in Tombstone.

Quick to draw, but an excitable idiot.

All presidents should be held to account. I only wish him well to deregulate his stated goal.

28th February 2017, 12:00 PM
Brute force will lead to a Nation full of Bruteses, what happens to a Caesar then is elementary.

If he were a president with True purpose, congress could easily be converted to support.

Otherwise Trump is just poppycock useless.

28th February 2017, 12:03 PM
Brute force will lead to a Nation full of Bruteses, what happens to a Caesar then is elememtary.

If he were a president with True purpose, congress could easily be converted to support.

Otherwise Trump is just poppycock useless.


28th February 2017, 12:39 PM
Trump's definition of great is big hair 80s.
He aint really doing even that part well, cause he acts with admin orders and speaks of deregulating.

When Harry Truman signed the Administrative Procedures Act in 1946 he and Congress gave the federal Exective Branch bureaucracies/agencies the power to write their own regulations. Trump is using his executive order powers the way they are intended, ie. to reign in the bureaucracies, example putting a hold the EPA and Dept. of Interior writing new regulations, executive orders for DHS to enforce laws already on the books passed by Congress, and remove two for each new one implemented unlike Obama who used them to write legislation

28th February 2017, 12:45 PM
When Harry Truman signed the Administrative Procedures Act in 1946 he and Congress gave the federal Exective Branch bureaucracies/agencies the power to write their own regulations. Trump is using his executive order powers the way they are intended, ie. to reign in the bureaucracies, example putting a hold the EPA and Dept. of Interior writing new regulations, executive orders for DHS to enforce laws already on the books passed by Congress, and remove two for each new one implemented unlike Obama who used them to write legislation
Like I told him, the rules of the game have changed! They will need more time to believe it. Hell, we're not even two months into his presidency yet! Trump will attempt to do some amazing things as time goes on and I believe he'll win more than he loses

28th February 2017, 12:50 PM
Placing holds on any departments validates their existence in the first place.

While congress introduces bills to remove them completely so that they (Congress) will be shot down. Any summary introduction will be shot down oń those grounds that it were already introduced and shot down.

I make no claim on brain surgery progressive, only to be able to read the writing on the wall.

I like to think (maybe dellusionally) that mankind has progressed governance from 900A.D.

3rd March 2017, 12:38 AM
He has a congress, Josh. Any well associated President who had half a clue how to get things done in the U.S. would make better use of it
The congress is republican dominated yes, but I would say that probably half of the republicans in congress would be more than happy to stab him in the back, and then some more stab him in the front while looking him in the eyes, Brutus like...

How do you work with a congress like that? You create a circus, so that they don't know what is up and down. Donald Trump has proven time and again he is the master of chaos. It doesn't make any sense he constantly comes out on top, still he does.

Once the senate of Rome decides to take Cesar out, they will, but if Cesar manage to keep spinning them around so they lose their bearing, he can take them out one by one.