View Full Version : Jorge Ramos: America Is ‘Our Country, Not Theirs’—‘And We Are Not Going to Leave’

27th February 2017, 12:41 PM

Ramos took an unusual tack, pivoting from talk of diversity and togetherness into boasts of conquest. Mass immigration, particularly illegal immigration, was a fait accompli. There is nothing the U.S. can do about it, and they must accept that America is “not their” country and that illegal aliens, particularly Latinos, “are not going to leave,” he said.

27th February 2017, 01:13 PM
Yup, this turns the screws even tighter, daring the Americans to strike back. The days of peace are numbered in this country. We live in a sad but exciting time.

Ramos took an unusual tack, pivoting from talk of diversity and togetherness into boasts of conquest. Mass immigration, particularly illegal immigration, was a fait accompli. There is nothing the U.S. can do about it, and they must accept that America is “not their” country and that illegal aliens, particularly Latinos, “are not going to leave,” he said.

Twisted Titan
27th February 2017, 01:13 PM
There is nothing the U.S. can do about it, and they must accept that America is “not their” country.

Tell that to American Families out of Virginia and the Carolinas That PRE Date THE Revolution.

See what they tell you.

27th February 2017, 01:18 PM
Bill White (in jail for an anti-jew website) has a current essay which predicts (as one outcome of two possibles) a violent outbreak between the muds and the whites, which, under Trump's presidency, will be bloody but over quickly with the muds loosing and flooding both Canada and Mexico in flight from the wrath of awakened, and enraged, whites finally fighting back. Reminds me of Rudyard Kilpings' poem about when the Saxon learns to hate.

Anxious times...stay tuned...


27th February 2017, 01:30 PM
Yes, if we are to act we MUST act now while we have the advantage!
Bill White (in jail for an anti-jew website) has a current essay which predicts (as one outcome of two possibles) a violent outbreak between the muds and the whites, which, under Trump's presidency, will be bloody but over quickly with the muds loosing and flooding both Canada and Mexico in flight from the wrath of awakened, and enraged, whites finally fighting back. Reminds me of Rudyard Kilpings' poem about when the Saxon learns to hate.

Anxious times...stay tuned...


27th February 2017, 01:37 PM
All these wars the U.S. has 'won' have gained nothing. Maybe we should be looking at being on the losing side once?

27th February 2017, 01:53 PM
Bill White (in jail for an anti-jew website) has a current essay which predicts (as one outcome of two possibles) a violent outbreak between the muds and the whites, which, under Trump's presidency, will be bloody but over quickly with the muds loosing and flooding both Canada and Mexico in flight from the wrath of awakened, and enraged, whites finally fighting back. Reminds me of Rudyard Kilpings' poem about when the Saxon learns to hate.

Anxious times...stay tuned...


My prediction: nothing will change. Trump has already indicated he won't revoke DACA. And that is, as Whorehay says, a fait accompli. Raygun gave us Obama. Trump's failure to deport the DACA desperadoes will give us something far worse in a generation.

America is DONE.

The alternative would be open civil war, and before anyone gets excited about that, one must understand just how fragile this modern society is. A new civil war would not be over "quickly," and it would be far more devastating than the War of Northern Aggression. You think Atlanta being burned to the ground was bad? Think about the total collapse of electronic infrastructure that maintains not only communications, but food & fuel distribution. We'd be looking at 100,000,000 dead within 90 days.

27th February 2017, 02:17 PM
Bill White (in jail for an anti-jew website)

Oh, and Bill Weiss is not in jail for overthrow.com, but because he couldn't control his temper in real life. And, he failed to understand Brandenburg vs. Ohio.

27th February 2017, 04:33 PM
America is DONE.

The alternative would be open civil war, and before anyone gets excited about that, one must understand just how fragile this modern society is. A new civil war would not be over "quickly," and it would be far more devastating than the War of Northern Aggression. You think Atlanta being burned to the ground was bad? Think about the total collapse of electronic infrastructure that maintains not only communications, but food & fuel distribution. We'd be looking at 100,000,000 dead within 90 days.

So what is the bad part?

27th February 2017, 05:24 PM
So what is the bad part?

25,000,000 of those dead will be people you know or would enjoy knowing. Tens of millions more injured, sick, or destitute. Permanent, rapid decline of the standard of living, and a general without meaningful rule of law scenario for the rest of your lifetime.

Don't think for a second that "external parties" would not take advantage of a new civil war. China already has millions of agents here, in all major cities.

Enemies have had 50 years to set up shop inside America.

If we armageddon this bastard, that's fine if it is rational decision, with a reasonable expectation of something better coming afterward. But, at this point, we can have a Third World America where there are pockets of civilization, or a Third World America with uniform despair and sorrow. America chose to slit the throats of Western Civilization's saviors in 1941-1945. Then it slit its own throat in 1965. We are utter fools to think this can be reversed back to 1952, with a largely White, prosperous America. The shitter is America's future, either swirling in the bowl for some time to come, or going rapidly down the hole.

In any case, Shabbos Goy Trump won't be making America great again.

27th February 2017, 05:32 PM
Race in the US Armed Forces:


Hispanics in the US Armed Forces (keep in mind most Hispanics are counted as "White" in the above):
