View Full Version : Israel to Amazon: Stop selling Holocaust denial literature

Alex Drone
27th February 2017, 04:17 PM
Israel urges Amazon to stop selling books that deny the Holocaust or promote anti-Semitism

Israel's official Holocaust memorial, Yad Vashem, has asked Amazon to stop selling literature on its site that denies the genocide of 6 million Jews during World War II.

Yad Vashem's director of libraries Robert Rozett says he has dispatched a letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos in the hopes that the mega-company will cease distributing books that he believes promote Antisemitism.

Rozett referenced reviews raving for two books in particular, True History of the Holocaust: Did six million really die? and The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry.


27th February 2017, 04:21 PM
Don't play the Jew card, Larry. Seriously, it's used up.

I'm not playing any Jew card.

You can't use up a Jew card. That's the whole point of a Jew card.

That's right. You can't use it up, it goes forever.


Alex Drone
8th March 2017, 09:07 AM
I did a search for Thomas Dalton, Germer Rudolph, and Arthur Butz on Amazon and none of their revisionist books came up. So whatever they're doing apparently is working. I think this was out of desperation. People nowadays are more receptive to Jewish conspiracies than say ten years ago.

8th March 2017, 09:37 AM
I'm tired...really really tired of the jewery that is being uncovered more and more every day. There was no jewish holocaust any more than there was a Bulgarian holocaust or an American holocaust or a french holocaust. People died from every religion and ethnic background. That's what happens during world wars, sadly people die. What the jews did was parlay their WWII dead into a business opportunity. We now know why jews have been thrown out of over 100 countries over the centuries. They simply don't play well this others because they have their hands in everyone's pocket!!

8th March 2017, 10:57 AM
I did a search for Thomas Dalton, Germer Rudolph, and Arthur Butz on Amazon and none of their revisionist books came up.

Yup, they've been memory holed.

If you type in Hoax of the Twentieth Century or Did Six Million Really Die, the search suggestions show both, but the search results return nothing.

Hoffman's books still come up, though:



Alex Drone
8th March 2017, 01:23 PM
Well he may be next along with Douglas Reed and E Michael Jones. But anyway a lot of these books can be ordered directly from the author or the publisher - for now.

8th March 2017, 01:49 PM
Every time I think of trying to work with them I hear of shit like this controlling human thought and ideas and they just prove every single bad quality is true.

8th March 2017, 05:53 PM
Every time I think of trying to work with them I hear of shit like this controlling human thought and ideas and they just prove every single bad quality is true.

People have embraced leftist-controlled operations like amazon, out of laziness and "convenience," and, in so doing so, made it far easier to memory hole things.

However, it's found easily enough if someone takes the 3 seconds to search for it, even with (((Google))):



Alex Drone
9th March 2017, 07:22 AM
By Michael Hoffman

Today Amazon, the huge, Seattle-based online book distributor, has removed from sale “dangerous” books authored by Dr. Arthur R. Butz of Northwestern University, Carlo Mattogno of Italy, and other eminent dissident scholars who dare to ask scientific and technical questions about the operation of alleged homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz. These heretics have trespassed on the sacred liturgy of Holocaustianity and their troubling treatises must be forbidden so as to preserve the holiness of World War II dogma.

Amazon has been selling these and similar books for years, but in the past 20 months rabbis and the Yad Vashem “Holocaust” museum have pressured Amazon to remove these and cognate titles. Moreover, Amazon’s owner, Jeff Bezos, purchased the Washington Post and fashioned it into a beachhead of Left wing orthodoxy. The process may have politicized and neutralized his formerly Libertarian instincts.

Books advocating Satanism and sodomy, and denying the Allied holocaust against German civilians, and the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians, continue to be sold by Amazon.

The censorship is conducted under the rubric of “fighting hatred” and “combatting anti-Semitism.” But this is just special pleading. Books evincing hatred for Germans, Arabs, Iranians and white southern “deplorables” are all on offer at Amazon, as are books denying that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. So it all depends on whose ox is being gored. As many of you know, there’s one sacred cow that is more equal than others. Its name is the Golden Calf.


11th March 2017, 05:09 PM

On March 8, 2017, we received an email notification from Amazon.com that our book, Holy Serpent of the Jews, has been suspended from sale on their website. This smacks of the censorship that they claim they do not condone.

11th March 2017, 08:19 PM
So Amazon basically believes in censorship and the destruction of free speech. If they sold paper books, instead of digital, would they support book burning as well?

12th March 2017, 09:13 AM
I remember a few years ago helping a group of workers in an Amazon warehouse in the US, I think it was a Dallas warehouse, and they were protesting and attempting to "go on strike" though they had no formal union. Amazon was running a slave sweatshop and would not turn on the air conditioner. It was destroying the health of the workers in the warehouse and Amazon could care less. Now Amazon is replacing employment for humans with drones.

We the people, if we care about people and a basic level of decency and civility, should drop Amazon altogether. We should not even comment on their actions. Amazon is no better than the Western mainstream media and just use a slightly different form of propaganda.

I think another strategy of the evil ones in our society is to obliterate the reading and owning of paper books and continue to make everything cyber and digital.

Words and ideas and thinking, the high literary skills of letters, rhetoric and logic, have been a primary target for a very long time of the
Judaic moneyed elites who were merged with Freemasonry in Germany.

https://books.google.com/books?id=tm1i0qk9gnkC&pg=PA173&lpg=PA173&dq=founding+of+illuminati,+publishing+houses,+read ing+rooms&source=bl&ots=IQTX_K4Nab&sig=u4sks86GLlx9xBjrk7FPSdc6u_c&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiaibzQqtHSAhUIPCYKHRZTAFYQ6AEIHDAA#v=on epage&q=founding%20of%20illuminati%2C%20publishing%20hou ses%2C%20reading%20rooms&f=false

Front Cover

0 Reviews
Write review
Illuminati Manifesto of World Revolution (1792)
By Nicholas Bonneville

"Under the cover of reading rooms and literary clubs which the German Union instituted, it was sought to control the thinking public by decrees issued from Leipzig [the publishing capital of German.]

Alex Drone
12th March 2017, 06:09 PM
I think Amazon bowed down to pressure from Jewish groups. If Amazon didn't comply those groups would probably start to play the "anti-semite" race card.

12th March 2017, 06:26 PM
I think Amazon bowed down to pressure from Jewish groups. If Amazon didn't comply those groups would probably start to play the "anti-semite" race card.

That makes a lot of sense on the surface, but since the "Jewish groups" ARE the U.S. media, including the Washington Post also owned by Bezos, what we are beginning to understand is that Amazon IS the Jewish controlled mainstream media. One and the same. No difference. Amazon banned Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, first edition, about three years ago and that book contained nothing about Jews or the holocaust. Amazon, like the whole of MSM, does not like any truth about any false flag event, especially more recent ones like Sandy Hook and Boston., but Amazon is perfectly fine with distributing nonsense books on various false event.

12th March 2017, 06:53 PM
They Must Go, by Rabbi Meir Kahane


This title advocates forcible ethnic cleansing/genocide. Surely offensive to the "progressives" in amazonia, right?

Many other titles of terrorist Kahane are offered for sale.

Alex Drone
13th March 2017, 07:13 AM
How Amazon Became a Branch of Israel’s Ministry of Propaganda

Adolf Hitler’s seminal Mein Kampf survived this purge, as did Henry Ford’s scurrilous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, leaving it quite clear that the theme of this action was not Nazism, not anti-Semitism, but the Holocaust, or rather, a particular angle of approach to the subject (many hundreds of titles taking the opposite approach, objectionable though it is, are doing just fine, thank you). Other alternative views of history, not to mention geocentrism, creationism, and the assertion that the earth is flat rather than round, likewise escaped this mopping-up.


(Before) I trace out how Amazon.com became the Largest Zionist Mouthpiece on Planet Earth, first let me dispose of a typical diversionary action launched by the huge contingent of Israel’s sayanim currently operating within the United States. Under the ironic pretext of the election of the “anti-Semitic” Donald Trump, an extensive wave of vandalism was launched against tombstones in Jewish cemeteries (tipping them over) and calling in bomb threats to synagogues and Jewish community centers all over the United States. This all serves as a pretext for covert actions such as delisting the entire revisionist canon from Amazon, and the launch of this huge false-flag operation is in turn covered by the election of a president whose chief of staff is none other than Orthodox Jew Jared Kushner, bringing an enormous cadre of Jewish and Israel-sympathetic operatives into the administration in his train.


13th March 2017, 09:40 AM
Look forward to reading that article by Jett Rucker. Assume that is not you.

Here is a great article by Texe Marrs about Sayanim.


Legions of American-born Jews and Zionists Betray the U.S.A. as Undercover Agents for the Nation of Israel

Sayanim Everywhere

“Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than the intelligence agents of all other countries on earth combined... They are the gravest threat to our national security.”

Admiral Bobby Inman
Former Deputy Director of the CIA

At this very moment, throughout America, in every city and town of even moderate size, dedicated undercover agents are hard at work. These spies are everywhere, stealing classified material, filching “secret” documents, plotting terrorist attacks, and devising new means of how America can best be conquered and its citizens subjugated.
The Sayanim Among Us

Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star
This army of enemy spies is, surprisingly, not made up of Arabs or Iranians. They’re not Russians or Chinese either. They are the Sayanim. Jews born and raised in America, who, regardless of the blessings and financial rewards bestowed on them as Americans, are turncoats and traitors.

These Benedict Arnold-types willingly collude with a foreign power and plot to damage America by serving that foreign power, the nation of Israel, as undercover spies, saboteurs, and intel agents. To most Jews, their origin of birth is of no consequence. They are Israel-firsters and are traitors.

Wherever a Jew resides, he or she is an Israeli. When the Israeli Mossad or Shin Bet, Israel’s intelligence and secret police organizations, ask for his assistance, he jumps into action. SNIP"


Just a thought percolating in my head...

Seems to me the term "false flag" has developed over time a much more loose meaning. I tried using "false event" to preserve the original true defintion but now I see that there are "operations" and "schemes" happening that are really "false flags" but do not on the surface involve any kind of display of what we call violence. I think that right now in the White House and throughout our entire government, there are many many subversive infiltrative sub-plots playing out, and looks like every one of them is to support what the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit wants to support.


If Yellon is kicked out, I bet this Israeli - USA dual citizen...

Stanley Fischer Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank will step in.


Some people might interpret that possible change at the FR as a sign that DT is trying to drain the FR swamp, but that would be wrong. That swamp is too far gone and needs to be eliminated altogether.

9th May 2017, 05:04 AM
always enjoy interviews with Kaminski :) Host here is Brian Ruhe of Canada; check his YT channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/BrianRuhe/videos), many interesting sounding titles. Ruhe is a small fry, sometimes quirky... 6875 YT sub's... this vid was published 6 days ago yet only 577 views atm.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fgS7Lx3nNNs/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=yfoSca6G-Lf14-7WOyavacLH1w8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgS7Lx3nNNs) 57:50
John Kaminski, Censorship at Amazon, Facebook, and YouTube - the Truth is Now Against the Law (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgS7Lx3nNNs)

5 days ago

Twisted Titan
9th May 2017, 07:17 AM
I'm tired...really really tired of the jewery that is being uncovered more and more every day. There was no jewish holocaust any more than there was a Bulgarian holocaust or an American holocaust or a french holocaust. People died from every religion and ethnic background. That's what happens during world wars, sadly people die. What the jews did was parlay their WWII dead into a business opportunity. We now know why jews have been thrown out of over 100 countries over the centuries. They simply don't play well this others because they have their hands in everyone's pocket!!

Silence Shylock!!!

Lest I garner from thee a pound of flesh!!!

9th May 2017, 07:56 AM
"What the jews did was parlay their WWII dead into a business opportunity. "

But even that is backfiring now, at least as far as their schemes making them rich, as the people are waking up at least in part.

They use EVERYTHING including things that are all lie, part lie part truth, and things that are wholly true, and then twist it and spin it and weaponize it against the people.

Right now THEY are using pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse to spin and use and destroy souls and destroy the useless eaters.

In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas.

"In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity.