View Full Version : Panic at the Post Office

1st March 2017, 03:51 PM
So, our mailman fraudulently listed a package due for delivery yesterday as "No Access," so I went to the PO to pick it up (the mailbox is very much accessible). The desk clerk admitted that when the carrier misses delivery, they have to close it out, so they use fraudulent reasons so as not to get reprimanded for non-delivery. This is a new trend in the last year with the USPS - it's happened several times.

Anyways, to the actual topic of my post. I'm waiting in line, and an Asian woman is very flustered that there are no passport renewal forms on the counter. Very eager to get one. I was going to offer to ask for one for her (she appeared to be a native or a legal resident), but then one of the clerks brought out a large stack of them. She appeared very relieved.

Then, a Latino woman and three kids walk in to the lobby, and despite the line, ask the clerks whether an appointment is needed for a passport. The clerk told her, "yes, and we're well into April already."

The chick had a panicked look on her face.

I felt sorry for her. The Nigger, and before him, Dumbya, gave these illegals a false sense of security, and now, Trump has brought the very real reality of deportation to them.

The illegals are trying to get passports for their anchor babies ASAP.

1st March 2017, 04:40 PM
Their ass will be back in Mexico by April!
So, our mailman fraudulently listed a package due for delivery yesterday as "No Access," so I went to the PO to pick it up (the mailbox is very much accessible). The desk clerk admitted that when the carrier misses delivery, they have to close it out, so they use fraudulent reasons so as not to get reprimanded for non-delivery. This is a new trend in the last year with the USPS - it's happened several times.

Anyways, to the actual topic of my post. I'm waiting in line, and an Asian woman is very flustered that there are no passport renewal forms on the counter. Very eager to get one. I was going to offer to ask for one for her (she appeared to be a native or a legal resident), but then one of the clerks brought out a large stack of them. She appeared very relieved.

Then, a Latino woman and three kids walk in to the lobby, and despite the line, ask the clerks whether an appointment is needed for a passport. The clerk told her, "yes, and we're well into April already."

The chick had a panicked look on her face.

I felt sorry for her. The Nigger, and before him, Dumbya, gave these illegals a false sense of security, and now, Trump has brought the very real reality of deportation to them.

The illegals are trying to get passports for their anchor babies ASAP.

1st March 2017, 05:34 PM
So, our mailman fraudulently listed a package due for delivery yesterday as "No Access," so I went to the PO to pick it up (the mailbox is very much accessible). The desk clerk admitted that when the carrier misses delivery, they have to close it out, so they use fraudulent reasons so as not to get reprimanded for non-delivery. This is a new trend in the last year with the USPS - it's happened several times.

Anyways, to the actual topic of my post. I'm waiting in line, and an Asian woman is very flustered that there are no passport renewal forms on the counter. Very eager to get one. I was going to offer to ask for one for her (she appeared to be a native or a legal resident), but then one of the clerks brought out a large stack of them. She appeared very relieved.

Then, a Latino woman and three kids walk in to the lobby, and despite the line, ask the clerks whether an appointment is needed for a passport. The clerk told her, "yes, and we're well into April already."

The chick had a panicked look on her face.

I felt sorry for her. The Nigger, and before him, Dumbya, gave these illegals a false sense of security, and now, Trump has brought the very real reality of deportation to them.

The illegals are trying to get passports for their anchor babies ASAP.

CT, in my quote, I bolded what I feel is God talking to you. You felt sorry for her because she's a fellow person, she's in a bad situation, and what Christ teaches us, is to help and take them in.

We want to help humanity.

This is where I disagree with Trump. We have probably close to a million, if not more, or illegals in our country. We want the good ones. Not the bad ones. That woman, in your post, is probably one of the good ones. She wants to raise her family with good morals. Heck they are already here.

I've said before, the key to a happy life, is to let the good people into your life...and remove the bad ones. Do that, you've got it right. We ought to be doing that as a nation.

1st March 2017, 05:50 PM
CT, in my quote, I bolded what I feel is God talking to you. You felt sorry for her because she's a fellow person, she's in a bad situation, and what Christ teaches us, is to help and take them in.

We want to help humanity.

This is where I disagree with Trump. We have probably close to a million, if not more, or illegals in our country. We want the good ones. Not the bad ones. That woman, in your post, is probably one of the good ones. She wants to raise her family with good morals. Heck they are already here.

I've said before, the key to a happy life, is to let the good people into your life...and remove the bad ones. Do that, you've got it right. We ought to be doing that as a nation.

Yeah, to hell with tedious and long process of legal immigration, just hop the border and hunker down, eventually you will get your way. BTW, we have probably close to 30 to 50 million illegals.

The US should only take immigrants that have special skills and talents.

1st March 2017, 05:54 PM
Yeah, to hell with tedious and long process of legal immigration, just hop the border and hunker down, eventually you will get your way. BTW, we have probably close to 30 to 50 million illegals.

No way it's that high, you are talking about 1 out of 5 people being illegal.

Lock down immigration. I'm talking about the good people All Ready Here. Why get rid of good people? Answer me that question.

Get rid off the turds, the felons, and such. Keep the people here, who are good. That was my only point.

1st March 2017, 05:57 PM
If they are here illegally then they aren't good people, they're criminals and they have to go back! My grandparents didn't come here on the boat from Italy, learn English and work their ass off to become American citizens so this Mexican trash can have a free ride!
No way it's that high, you are talking about 1 out of 5 people being illegal.

Lock down immigration. I'm talking about the good people All Ready Here. Why get rid of good people? Answer me that question.

Get rid off the turds, the felons, and such. Keep the people here, who are good. That was my only point.

1st March 2017, 06:12 PM
If they are here illegally then they aren't good people, they're criminals and they have to go back! My grandparents didn't come here on the boat from Italy, learn English and work their ass off to become American citizens so this Mexican trash can have a free ride!

Your grandparents came here illegally then. This is my whole point. Your grandparents were hard working people who want to establish a good life, right?

Why is that only right if it's anyone who's not Mexican? Lot's of Mexican's can relate to your story.

1st March 2017, 06:14 PM

Heavy D has something to say about the broken system.


1st March 2017, 06:23 PM
Ximmy. Please stop clogging up this thread with BS. Men are discussing things.

1st March 2017, 06:24 PM
Hitch, either we will have a nation, or not. We must have territorial boundaries that we must INSIST be respected, by everyone and in all circumstances. Provisions are allowed for special cases, but NOT the millions of trespassers we are currently dealing with, even, YES, the "GOOD" (so-called) ONES.

Let them go home to their beloved Mexico, which, I can assure you, is planted deep into the heart of each and every Mexican. Their version of our Frank Sinatra, one Jorge Negrete, made a smash hit with a song about how, should he die far from Mexico, tell them he is sleeping and bring him home to his beloved Mexico. We don't need these people, nor ANY uninvited (officially, not through the brush) extras crashing our party here, for whatever party it has become with so many needy we already have (how many of us have loved ones who have fallen into hard times?).

What Crimethink is referring to is the changing of the guard from one that broke the law in their advantage, to, the one now that is merely enforcing EXISTING law, to the disturbing disadvantage of those who failed to realize we americans had merely let our court nigger run loose over the land for a while, and, that we weren't about to be stuck with his tomfoolery once he got put out to pasture.

1st March 2017, 06:28 PM
No way it's that high, you are talking about 1 out of 5 people being illegal.

Lock down immigration. I'm talking about the good people All Ready Here. Why get rid of good people? Answer me that question.

Get rid off the turds, the felons, and such. Keep the people here, who are good. That was my only point.

The government has been using the 11 million illegals figure since 2005 - it is many times more. (Long article, but questions the 11 million figure)


Call any journalist, pundit, anchor, strategist or lobbyist and ask: 1. How many illegal immigrants are in the United States? 2. What is your source for that number?

Almost without exception he or she will answer: 1. 11 million. 2. The Pew Research Center.

For a decade now, no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.

Since so much of the national discourse, debate, culture and treasure hinges on the accuracy of the number 11 million, one would think that some enterprising reporter would seek his Pulitzer by validating or debunking it.

Nope. Just unquestioned faith. No curiosity as to the source for that iconic value, or the methodology creating it.

So the correct answers are: 1. Nobody really knows. 2. It’s not Pew.

Suppose you were tasked with determining how many left-handed Swedes are in the U.S. A good statistician would come up with a survey asking: Are you a Swede? Are you left-handed?

Simple, no? You’d come up with a pretty good number after a few adjustments such as discounting the too-many Vikings in Minnesota and excluding the ambidextrous and amputees.

Now let’s give the task to the U.S. Census Bureau, a congressionally funded agency headed by a political appointee. That simple survey takes on new impedimenta.

First, you can’t actually ask the respondents if they are Swedes or left-handed. Nope, strictly forbidden. You have to do workarounds and make inferences such as “Do you like lutefisk and ABBA songs?”

Also, no enforcement process guarantees the respondents will answer the mail-in survey accurately, truthfully or completely. Just a little warning on the form, like those tags on your mattress that you rip off.

Oh, one more thing, as Columbo would say.

Imagine being a left-handed Swede is illegal. If you identify yourself as such, you will not be able to get a job legally, your family won’t get any welfare benefits, you might get thrown in jail and you could be deported back to Scandinavia.

Now fill out that form.

Ridiculous? Well, that’s how we get that 11 million figure.

Meet the Players

Three main players were involved in generating that number of 11 million illegal immigrants: Pew Research Center, the Center for Immigration Studies and the Department of Homeland Security. But they were only masseurs of the source data, which comes from the Census Bureau by means of two surveys: the Current Population Survey and the American Community Survey.

We need to identify these players.

Pew claims impartiality, but the methodologists for its numbers come from decidedly liberal roots such as the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute. The Center for Immigration Studies approaches the question from the side of more controlled and limited immigration flows. Homeland Security is a bureaucracy with a presidentially appointed secretary who carries out administration policies.

The Census Bureau’s surveys are conducted both by mail and in-person visits to selected homes. Neither asks directly, “Are you in the United States illegally?”

In fact, the instruction manual for Current Population Survey canvassers states explicitly:

We do not ask for nativity data to identify illegal immigrants. Note that we ask whether a person is a citizen, and that we do not ask whether he/she is legal or not (that is, has a green card or some other legal residence status).

Those who have followed the invasion by illegal immigrants have noticed that, in spite of their own observations and a wide-open southern border, the 11 million number has been used for more than a decade.

Pew, the most-quoted source, has used the figure since 2005. Some Homeland Security references approximating that number go back to 2003.

Rather remarkable, given that “official” sources have said the annual illegal entrants over that period range from 300,000 to 3 million in peak years. Even the low estimate means another 3 million illegals added to the 2005 estimate of 11 million, yielding at least 14 million.

Sarah Saldana, who runs Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the chief deportation agency and part of Homeland Security, testified Dec. 2 before Congress that the illegal population could be as high as 15 million. That estimate suggests a potentially bigger problem than the government generally acknowledges.

But no one really knows—illegal aliens sneak in.

The Big Unknown

To keep that 11 million a near constant, one would have to assume an equal number were repatriating themselves, or dying off in similar amounts. Has anyone reported a southbound crush on the Rio Grande bridges, or a plague attacking illegal immigrants?

Study the methodology of Pew, and that of the Center for Immigration Studies and the Department of Homeland Security, and you’ll find a lot of assumptions and circular references.

But even if all the assumptions were reasonably accurate, the original single-source data is highly flawed. The Census Bureau admits that even in the decennial census many people are missed. The enumeration has to be “adjusted” by the agency, too often for political ends rather than mathematical accuracy.

All of these estimates rely on what is called the residual method of estimation, which in Pew’s methodology equates to: C (illegal immigrants) = A (total foreign born) – B (estimated number of legal immigrants)

Border-jumpers don’t sign a register. The roughly half of illegals who have overstayed visas are not tracked in any meaningful way, since America has no worthwhile exit controls. Lack of exit controls also affects the accuracy of imputed repatriation numbers.

So the illegal component of the total foreign born (“A”) is grossly unknown, especially since illegal aliens tend to hide or to deny their status to government officials.

When “A” is underrepresented by an admitted short count and “B” is an estimate, it takes a lot of assumptions, outright guesses and much chutzpah to pretend that “C” can be fixed to a hard number of 11 million. These studies are eloquent in substituting “imputation techniques” and other esoteric words for “guesses.”

Other equally credible studies have produced numbers quite different from the now doctrinal 11 million.

In 2005, a Bear Stearns study estimated the total number of illegal immigrants at 20 million using other data perhaps more valid than sole reliance on Census Bureau surveys. These include remittances, school enrollments, housing statistics in immigrant enclaves and Border Patrol apprehension data.

Why Sacrosanct?

Though now dated, these numbers implied many more illegal immigrants in 2005 than were acknowledged by Pew and the Center for Immigration Studies.

Why, then, has the 11 million figure become so sacrosanct?

Well, professional and institutional reputations are invested heavily in the number, perhaps because with its longevity the public has become comfortable or apathetic. Were it 20 million or more–a larger population than New York state–Americans might be getting really angry.

Imagine the reaction if the media reported daily that this 20 million cohort, supplemented by chain migration and family reunification mandates, would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade.

A few years ago, I suggested that if 11 million were so accurate, then Congress should pass an amnesty bill strictly limited to exactly 11 million. Everyone beyond that would be committing a felony and subject to imprisonment and deportation. The idea got no takers, suggesting that the experts and their political allies know quite well that the number is much higher.

President Ronald Reagan’s much-heralded amnesty of 1986 estimated about a million illegal immigrants would be eligible. The number turned out to be about 3 million. Would amnesty for 11 million turn out to be 33 million? There is that precedent.

Existential Decisions

A full exposé on the dogma of 11 million requires much more space than possible here. It would make for a score of Ph.D. dissertations and millions of dollars in studies by a government that is reluctant to challenge the conventional political wisdom.

But major, indeed existential, decisions are being made regarding illegal immigrants that affect the wide spectra of laws, culture, budgets, sovereignty, security, language, economy, health care and voting.

The Heritage Foundation has suggested that if given amnesty, 11 million illegal immigrants would cost taxpayers $6 trillion or more over the immigrants’ lifetimes.

While not exactly linear, those costs would double or more should the real count be in the range of 20 million to 30 million. That money could buy a lot of high schools, highways and health care for Americans.

With such impacts and the prospect of changing America in so many ways, shouldn’t we have a better way and greater urgency to identify the scope of the problem, so that we can address and develop solutions rationally?

Let’s question that 11 million. It’s not Scripture. It’s a guess.

1st March 2017, 06:29 PM
You're on crack or you're into the sipping brandy again! My grandparents came here legally and many Mexicans have done the same. You put a lot of words in my mouth however; you refuse to see the point. I friggin' hate obtuse deflecting narrow minded people
Your grandparents came here illegally then. This is my whole point. Your grandparents were hard working people who want to establish a good life, right?

Why is that only right if it's anyone who's not Mexican? Lot's of Mexican's can relate to your story.

1st March 2017, 06:33 PM
Hitch, either we will have a nation, or not. We must have territorial boundaries that we must INSIST be respected, by everyone and in all circumstances. Provisions are allowed for special cases, but NOT the millions of trespassers we are currently dealing with, even, YES, the "GOOD" (so-called) ONES.

Let them go home to their beloved Mexico, which, I can assure you, is planted deep into the heart of each and every Mexican. Their version of our Frank Sinatra, one Jorge Negrete, made a smash hit with a song about how, should he die far from Mexico, tell them he is sleeping and bring him home to his beloved Mexico. We don't need these people, nor ANY uninvited (officially, not through the brush) extras crashing our party here, for whatever party it has become with so many needy we already have (how many of us have loved ones who have fallen into hard times?).

What Crimethink is referring to is the changing of the guard from one that broke the law in their advantage, to, the one now that is merely enforcing EXISTING law, to the disturbing disadvantage of those who failed to realize we americans had merely let our court nigger run loose over the land for a while, and, that we weren't about to be stuck with his tomfoolery once he got put out to pasture.

Jerry, if they did a lockdown and stopped everyone from entering our country, temporarily, I'm 100% for it. Let's lockdown our borders, rebuild, and become better.

What I'm hoping and advocating for, is the illegals who are currently in our nation. Currently raising families, Christian families, currently working long hours and paying taxes, but getting little back for it. Good people, in our nation, right now.

We all come from different cultures. If Trump can get rid of the turds, and find a way to integrate the GOOD, hardworking illegal immigrants, who are currently here (they are here, it's their home)...I'm all for it.

1st March 2017, 06:38 PM
I friggin' hate obtuse deflecting narrow minded people

You've got to be the most obtuse deflecting narrow minded person on this forum!

1st March 2017, 08:27 PM
If the invasion of nonwhite people isn't stopped this country will brown out. History repeats and what is shown to have happened in the past in this video is happening again in this country. This nation created by the white race will eventually be destroyed by the invasion of non white races as others have been in the past.


1st March 2017, 08:54 PM
If the invasion of nonwhite people isn't stopped this country will brown out. History repeats and what is shown to have happened in the past in this video is happening again in this country. This nation created by the white race will eventually be destroyed by the invasion of non white races as others have been in the past.

I don't think we will be here to see the end of the white race in the US, but we can be sure it's our destiny. What if there's a mass die off of the global population. Maybe not in our lifetime, but I believe it's not too far in the future.
I wonder how the brown people will survive the die off, compared to the white's? Maybe white's will dominate some areas of the planet again?

1st March 2017, 09:07 PM
If Trump has a pair, I'd like him to say since when does being born in the United States to illegal alien parents qualify you for automatic citizenship? Keep in mind that the Supreme court has NEVER ruled on birth right citizenship regarding illegal aliens who are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States who have Children on U.S. soil and automatically become citizens.

Although considering the jumbling gymnastics they used to keep obamacare "legal" I don't really want to see this court rule on Birth right citizenship.

1st March 2017, 09:26 PM
I have no idea, where the notion came from that you can get a passport in less than 6 weeks.

You can go to certain city centers and receive on within an hour, but not anywhere outside those locations.

As for anyone but a criminal illegal, they have nothing to worry about in Trump. They're going to get second class resident status to U.S. just like the globalists like it.

1st March 2017, 10:09 PM
CT, in my quote, I bolded what I feel is God talking to you. You felt sorry for her because she's a fellow person, she's in a bad situation, and what Christ teaches us, is to help and take them in.

We want to help humanity.

This is where I disagree with Trump. We have probably close to a million, if not more, or illegals in our country. We want the good ones. Not the bad ones. That woman, in your post, is probably one of the good ones. She wants to raise her family with good morals. Heck they are already here.

I've said before, the key to a happy life, is to let the good people into your life...and remove the bad ones. Do that, you've got it right. We ought to be doing that as a nation.

Pete, let's say you win the trip of a lifetime, an all-expenses paid world cruise for a year, and a stack of cash to cover your annual wages, too.

You put your home's utilities on autopilot, pack up, and take off on your great journey.

Two days after you leave, I come to your home, force my way in, and set myself up in your cozy pad.

I eat all your stored food, I run the utilities as long and as high as I like, invite friends and family over, pretty much make myself completely at home. I even decide to drive your vehicle stored in the garage, since I found the keys.

Oh, and when I get sick or injured, I go to the ER, tell them I don't have my documentation, but my name is Pete Hitch, use your Social Security Number I found on some paperwork in your house, and give your address as mine.

When you get home, and find me in your home, what do you do? Every consumable in the house is gone, there's a stack of bills in your name - several thousand in utilities, among them - and the house is a disaster.

Or, how about this, you have your eyes on the concert of a lifetime, and are #297 in line, there are 300 tickets left, and you're guaranteed to get one. But then, one after another, 29 people cut in line at different points ahead of you. You lose out on your ticket, which you've been in line for 8 hours already.

How do you feel?

I don't wish evil on the illegals, but neither do I wish to reward them for not merely coming across an invisible line, but for stealing other peoples' Social Security Numbers, collecting American taxpayers' monies for healthcare and other benefits, and undermining the job opportunities for Americans. Their actions have consequences. It is not a matter of mercy to just let things go. It's stupid, and it's unfair to those who wait in line. It's unfair to our fellow Americans who have been victimized by even the "hard-working" illegals who have used someone else's Social Security Number. Have you ever been the victim of identity theft? Imagine getting a bill from the IRS for the taxes you failed to pay for wages you didn't know you "earned."

The illegals are Mexico's responsibility (or the responsibility of the respective governments of the nationals, if not Mexicans). They must cooperate in resettling them, or be forced to cooperate with resettlement. I don't believe in boxcars at gunpoint. But their governments must take them back, and provide them humane provisions when they return. We gringos have been taken advantage of for decades, and the governments of these nationals are rightly laughing at us. A plan to resettle them in their respective countries within 24 months is humane, do-able, and completely reasonable...and moral.

1st March 2017, 10:14 PM
Get rid off the turds, the felons, and such. Keep the people here, who are good. That was my only point.

Every illegal who is working in a borderline white economy job is an unconvicted felon. You need a Social Security Number, and that means they're using someone else's. Felony identity theft.

1st March 2017, 10:36 PM
If the invasion of nonwhite people isn't stopped this country will brown out. History repeats and what is shown to have happened in the past in this video is happening again in this country. This nation created by the white race will eventually be destroyed by the invasion of non white races as others have been in the past.


In the short term, it comes down to this:

Do we want to live in Mexico?

2nd March 2017, 12:13 AM
Thanks, crimethink, for explaining it in as humane terms as needed. No, I ain't trying to be hard ass and I DO care about needy folks, here and everywhere. Nobody wants to uproot someone who has just snuggled in and gotten settled - it is disrupting and the poor children got no idea why this is happening. But, we gotta' look after ourselves, or we don't even got a nation. I remember the days of the 50's, and, well, I can report to you youngsters that america ain't never going to be like that again. The best we can hope for is to totally HALT this invasion, reverse it in its totality so that anyone that stays is LEGITIMATE, and, prosecute those americans who KNOWINGLY broke the residency requirements for employment, residence, etc. We have to take our nationhood seriously or else just quit pretending and let the whole world come flooding in, whatsoever. This attitude may sound harsh, but, when the very life of an organism is threatened, harsh terms are what is called for.

PS. Mexico is a wonderful place to visit AS A GUEST (from 50 years ago). I grew up and worked on the border and was very familiar with Mexicans (they would come shopping in the store from all the way down from Mexico City) and their loving attitude towards their land of Mexico. But I would NEVER even think of crashing their party full-time to cheat someone down their out of their benefits - not in me. But, in their own place, they are a loving and have great parties with laughing, singing, eating, and really enjoying life (if you can stand the heat).

2nd March 2017, 07:53 AM
[QUOTE]If the invasion of nonwhite people isn't stopped this country will brown out. History repeats and what is shown to have happened in the past in this video is happening again in this country. This nation created by the white race will eventually be destroyed by the invasion of non white races as others have been in the past./QUOTE]

And the elites are well too aware of the Law of the Pendulum... what come around goes around..

... so before you do something bad (enslave, invade, etc) just think twice because the SWING will return it back to you by 10... 100... 1,000 folds, depending on how long we/you have neglected the issues.

Satan can only use Natural Laws against us, because the Laws are absolute Truth. Evil subverts Truth. Those Laws are also the Laws of all Good when understanding that: good actions are returned by 10... 1000... 1,000 folds. Laws are exponential.

Judgement is day is going to be epic. We all can get a sent about it now.

The problem is that the origin of ALL RACE MIXING was achieved through wars, invasions, economic pillage/supremacy... race mixing is not the problem but its VERY FOUNDATION

Race mixing in a non coercive and voluntary environment is a complete different story, which is UNdocumented in the world history. Even multiculturalism is coercive, right?, so the end result can only be negative.

So this video is only a HALF-TRUTH

Look for Mark Passio and his seminar on the 7 Natural Laws

Voluntarism and self-responsibility (the premise of Free Will) are the way of God. The Law of Rhythm is a property of electricity, waves and vibrations repeating themselves just like a tide, coming in then going. Everything in Nature has cycles repeating over and over however. Nothing new age here but physics