View Full Version : Jesus on "Extreme Vetting"

4th March 2017, 07:49 AM

When it comes to extreme vetting, no one expresses it like Jesus the Christ, hated by just about everyone, Orthodox Jews, Die hard Jesus cookie eating Roman Catholics, Muslims, (some) GSUS forum members, etc.
John 10:1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


4th March 2017, 08:23 AM
Your acting like you already got your residence permit...

I think pride is your deadly sin...

7th trump
4th March 2017, 08:58 AM
Your acting like you already got your residence permit...

I think pride is your deadly sin...

Streets and I may not agree on a few topics, but I trust him more than I will ever you.

You have more pride than he has. At least his pride emanates from and to Christ....you?
You are the example of what not to do or be. You have a deep stench of all seven sins.

4th March 2017, 10:26 AM
Streets and I may not agree on a few topics, but I trust him more than I will ever you.

You have more pride than he has. At least his pride emanates from and to Christ....you?
You are the example of what not to do or be. You have a deep stench of all seven sins.

Coming from you I take it as a compliment! ;D It has been demonstrated to you many times you are not a Christian. And if I had to decide between you and streety, you are definitely the worse Christian. You read the Bible with hate in your heart, streety just decides to misunderstand some parts, usually pertaining to the Synagogue of Satan and Babylon and how it relates to the Jews and the Catholics.

Do you really think God would need/want a person like you at his side, helping him to shove people you dislike into hellfire? Btw, why didn't you go to the Middle East yet, to kill Muslims? Are you just a coward loudmo7th?

4th March 2017, 10:32 AM
Your acting like you already got your residence permit...

I think pride is your deadly sin...

mind splainin to me how you arrived at that idea? I did not see that at all in his post.

It is not the sinners who are kept out of heaven but those who are happy with their sins. Because such people cannot love the Messiah who made it clear that He hates sins. And those sins are a separation between us and God. But one who has a close relationship with Messiah know they can trust in His promises. That is not pride, but faith.

4th March 2017, 11:34 AM
mind splainin to me how you arrived at that idea? I did not see that at all in his post.

It is not the sinners who are kept out of heaven but those who are happy with their sins. Because such people cannot love the Messiah who made it clear that He hates sins. And those sins are a separation between us and God. But one who has a close relationship with Messiah know they can trust in His promises. That is not pride, but faith.

Being happy with extreme vetting, and thus implying you are certain of your place, at least suggests that you think you are better than most who will not go through the pearly gates. I think I need to work harder to get closer to God. Do you or do Streety? Or do you think you already know/do enough to be certain of your place in the kingdom of heaven? That is pride!

4th March 2017, 01:09 PM
Being happy with extreme vetting, and thus implying you are certain of your place, at least suggests that you think you are better than most who will not go through the pearly gates. I think I need to work harder to get closer to God. Do you or do Streety? Or do you think you already know/do enough to be certain of your place in the kingdom of heaven? That is pride!

It is not about knowing things or doing enough things. It is about knowing the Messiah personally. He gave us His Spirit that we can communicate and have the mind of God at any moment of our lives. It is not about intelligence, otherwise only the most intelligent would be saved. It is not about the best workers or only those who could work most would impress God. He made it simple so that even the simplest among us could be saved.

The extreme vetting Streets alludes to is the surrender of self to Messiah to be washed in His blood for the works He did on our behalf. It is the opposite of pride. It is the admission that we have nothing to boast of, except Messiah.

We are not in the kingdom of heaven until we leave these tainted bodies. But we are in the kingdom of God even while we exist temporarily in this enemy kingdom.

4th March 2017, 01:34 PM
Being happy with extreme vetting, and thus implying you are certain of your place, at least suggests that you think you are better than most who will not go through the pearly gates. I think I need to work harder to get closer to God. Do you or do Streety? Or do you think you already know/do enough to be certain of your place in the kingdom of heaven? That is pride!

The pride of Streets of Geld is best expressed in this: "Jesus the Christ, hated by just about everyone...Die hard Jesus cookie eating Roman Catholics."

Without Jesus Christ, we are all equally worthless. The idea that because someone is a Catholic they hate Jesus Christ is insane and evil. The false doctrine of the Eucharist is no more sinful than shifting the Sabbath to Sunday, as Streets of Geld adheres to.

The man who loves God always wants to become closer to Him (the Father) and His Son.

That said, what Christ is saying is that one may not attempt to circumvent the Only Way into Heaven, the Door that is Jesus Christ personally. That includes "certain people" around here that subscribe to the saved by race schemes proposing "the Jews" are "favored" by God despite refusing to go through the only door, and are, instead, burglars ("thieves and robbers").

4th March 2017, 02:24 PM
It is not about knowing things or doing enough things. It is about knowing the Messiah personally. He gave us His Spirit that we can communicate and have the mind of God at any moment of our lives. It is not about intelligence, otherwise only the most intelligent would be saved. It is not about the best workers or only those who could work most would impress God. He made it simple so that even the simplest among us could be saved.

The extreme vetting Streets alludes to is the surrender of self to Messiah to be washed in His blood for the works He did on our behalf. It is the opposite of pride. It is the admission that we have nothing to boast of, except Messiah.

We are not in the kingdom of heaven until we leave these tainted bodies. But we are in the kingdom of God even while we exist temporarily in this enemy kingdom.

I wish I had your certainty!

4th March 2017, 03:15 PM
"the Jews" are "favored" by God despite refusing to go through the only door, and are, instead, burglars ("thieves and robbers").

Being "favored" does not necessitate and equate to AN INDIVIDUAL being saved.
Israel, THE NATION is favored in SPITE of particular Jews that are PART OF that nation.

4th March 2017, 04:18 PM
I wish I had your certainty!

You can have more. I have no monopoly on the market. You have all you need in knowledge. Sometimes knowledge gets in the way because we want to be in control. We are not. We only control our own choices and even then we are subject to deception and confusion. The curse of knowing good and evil is understood when wisdom is applied.

Messiah said- I stand at the door and knock. He who opens the door for Him will have the blessing of being in His presence. Give yourself entirely to the only One who loves you completely regardless of your performance. He values a pure heart. Open every door of your heart- no secret hidden things. He will become your best friend if you let Him. No relationship will last without perfect trust and full honesty. Do it now and watch the world change... watch yourself change.

4th March 2017, 05:38 PM
Spectrism, your contributions to this thread are fantastic. God has given you a gift with words and explaining things, and personally threads like this make this forum such a great place to read and learn.

4th March 2017, 06:20 PM
Being "favored" does not necessitate and equate to AN INDIVIDUAL being saved.
Israel, THE NATION is favored in SPITE of particular Jews that are PART OF that nation.

The "nation of Israel" ended its separate existence when Christ said, "It is Finished!" about 30-33 AD.

Since then, there is only the Body of Christ.

The satanic entity in the Middle East pretending to be "Israel" is fulfillment of the invasion of the Land of Israel by Gog and Magog.

The religion of Moses (based on the Torah and then also the Tankakh) is now called Christianity - not "Judaism."

4th March 2017, 06:31 PM
Spectrism, your contributions to this thread are fantastic. God has given you a gift with words and explaining things, and personally threads like this make this forum such a great place to read and learn.

Thanks for the kind words Hitch. I have made so many mistakes that I can tell others what not to do- because I already did it. And I have found a few successes. Most of all, I have felt the pure love and lack of condemnation from Jesus the Messiah. When you are certain you deserve nothing but condemnation, He is there to lift you up with a smile on His face. There is no other religion or spiritual following that offers this escape from our fallen nature.

The way is simple, but not easy. It is not like the TV evangelists would like you to believe. Our prosperity is in heaven, not of this world. There is a cost, but the reward is millions of times better.

old steel
4th March 2017, 10:53 PM
The fucking jews are not the chosen ones, they are the ones who chose who they would worship out of all the gods that came here in our past and tweaked our DNA.

5th March 2017, 02:04 AM
The fucking jews are not the chosen ones, they are the ones who chose who they would worship out of all the gods that came here in our past and tweaked our DNA.

John 8:44 explains who the Talmudists worship.

As for "tweaking our DNA," you don't believe in the "aliens came to create man" bullshit, do you?

5th March 2017, 05:59 AM
The "nation of Israel" ended its separate existence when Christ said, "It is Finished!" about 30-33 AD.

Since then, there is only the Body of Christ.

The satanic entity in the Middle East pretending to be "Israel" is fulfillment of the invasion of the Land of Israel by Gog and Magog.

The religion of Moses (based on the Torah and then also the Tankakh) is now called Christianity - not "Judaism."

That is the thing I have most against Streets of Gold. How can you be with Christ and at the same time be an avid supporter of the Synagogue of Satan?

5th March 2017, 07:09 AM
John 8:44 explains who the Talmudists worship.

As for "tweaking our DNA," you don't believe in the "aliens came to create man" bullshit, do you?

This is coming on strong. While I am open to the concept of other beings created throughout the universe, I think there is a grand deception coming where portals are opening up and the fallen angels are scratching to get out of their holding cells. 2017 will probably be the year that this is all brought out for public acceptance. Serious stuff is breaking loose. We already know what to expect:
2Th 2:9 His coming is according to the working of Satan in all power and miraculous signs and lying wonders,
2Th 2:10 and in all deceit of unrighteousness in those being lost, because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved.
2Th 2:11 And because of this, God will send to them a working of error, for them to believe the lie,
2Th 2:12 that all may be judged, those not believing the truth, but who have delighted in unrighteousness.

Miraculous signs and lying wonders. People will be amazed by the "technology" and things that we cannot understand. When you see people flock like lemmings to some far-reaching wonder, be careful.

5th March 2017, 08:30 AM
This is coming on strong. While I am open to the concept of other beings created throughout the universe, I think there is a grand deception coming where portals are opening up and the fallen angels are scratching to get out of their holding cells. 2017 will probably be the year that this is all brought out for public acceptance. Serious stuff is breaking loose. We already know what to expect:
2Th 2:9 His coming is according to the working of Satan in all power and miraculous signs and lying wonders,
2Th 2:10 and in all deceit of unrighteousness in those being lost, because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved.
2Th 2:11 And because of this, God will send to them a working of error, for them to believe the lie,
2Th 2:12 that all may be judged, those not believing the truth, but who have delighted in unrighteousness.

Miraculous signs and lying wonders. People will be amazed by the "technology" and things that we cannot understand. When you see people flock like lemmings to some far-reaching wonder, be careful.

My intuition is that all Hell will break loose when man has finally trespassed against God's most masterful creation: man himself, specifically, the masterpiece of human DNA. I read that "artificial humans" are soon to be created in the lab via genetic engineering:


I can't imagine God will remain quiet for that.

I don't think Project Blue Beam is an idle "conspiracy theory," either. All the "aliens" propaganda over the last several decades has a purpose; a very sinister one. People have been primed to accept an "arrival," and they will fall down and worship them (in some cases, literally). "As in the days of Noah." Complete with Nephilim again.

5th March 2017, 09:25 AM
Many here might find this video interesting.


old steel
5th March 2017, 01:03 PM
When Constantine had his big conference and people from all over the lands showed up for their consensus on Christianity with all their various scripture books they were not all in agreement.

In fact there was a lot of disagreement with some agreeing to what Constantine was offering.

Then there were those who agreed to a point but wanted more out of Constantine.

Then there were 40 individuals who totally disagreed with Constantine and it had to be their way, not his.

Constantine had those 40 individual put to death by the sword instantly on the spot in front of everyone.

Suddenly all the rest who had an ax to grind with Constantine were suddenly totally on board with his agenda, no more disagreement, none.

Learning anything yet?

5th March 2017, 02:14 PM
When Constantine had his big conference and people from all over the lands showed up for their consensus on Christianity with all their various scripture books they were not all in agreement.

In fact there was a lot of disagreement with some agreeing to what Constantine was offering.

Then there were those who agreed to a point but wanted more out of Constantine.

Then there were 40 individuals who totally disagreed with Constantine and it had to be their way, not his.

Constantine had those 40 individual put to death by the sword instantly on the spot in front of everyone.

Suddenly all the rest who had an ax to grind with Constantine were suddenly totally on board with his agenda, no more disagreement, none.

Learning anything yet?

Yes. Men come and go. All things of this world will pass away but the word of God lasts forever.

One more little thing... don't hold onto things that are dying.

Hold firmly to things that are growing, alive and will last forever. Make these things your life.

7th trump
5th March 2017, 08:28 PM
Coming from you I take it as a compliment! ;D It has been demonstrated to you many times you are not a Christian. And if I had to decide between you and streety, you are definitely the worse Christian. You read the Bible with hate in your heart, streety just decides to misunderstand some parts, usually pertaining to the Synagogue of Satan and Babylon and how it relates to the Jews and the Catholics.

Do you really think God would need/want a person like you at his side, helping him to shove people you dislike into hellfire? Btw, why didn't you go to the Middle East yet, to kill Muslims? Are you just a coward loudmo7th?

I'm the worst Christian?
I read the Bible with hate in my heart? But yet I understand more of the Bible than you or anyone here.
I'm going to tell you this again.....God doesnt need you...you need Him.

Your judgement of me is initially a result of your nosing around in a thread between Palani and myself about why he never gives a straight up answer. Ximmy thought she could pop in and commence insults which you came to her aid. Before that I really had no interaction from you nor cared to ever have one with you.
Since then you continue judging me from your nosing around.
Why didnt you just leave well enough alone?
Theres plenty of threads where you and Goldy go at it and I dont ever step in like you stepped aiding ximmy.
You're like a typical nigger...you start your own troubles and then want to blame them on someone else.
Why didnt you just leave well enough alone? You wouldnt have this trouble from me.
Judge not least ye be judge...and you judged first by stepping in where you really ought not to have. So go stick it where the sun doesnt shine pal!

As far as me openly speaking about throwing douchebags into the lake of fire for being sinners.
Heck if thats what they want then I'll openly agree and discuss throwing them into the lake of fire...its their will after all.
I get more people interested in faith that werent before discussing throwing sinners in the lake of fire than I do discussing Christ. Yeah..they actually get a real life experience knowing they are in the mist of someone serious. After talking with me they understand the Bible is real and there are people who take it serious.
Besides there is no sin discussing cleaning up the trash by throwing such trash in the heavenly incinerator....thats Gods plan and will to incinerate them in the lake of fire anyway.
Why and where you get this idea its a sin to discuss and agree with tossing sinner trash in the incinerator I have no idea. You judge me for being faithful...what does that say about you?
Your opinion of me agreeing and openly discussing sinners being destroyed is well ...... you're no real Christian at the core, but someone who thinks they know God because they heard from a church goer and how its all suppose to be just peachy, pussy and flowery.....well its NOT!

Here I'll tell you something about the end times.....the church goers will be the first to accept the number of the beast. The faithless will be the last to accept.

7th trump
5th March 2017, 08:40 PM
Many here might find this video interesting.


Little green men huh?

yeah spec I thought it was entertaining. I wouldnt have posted it here discussing God...you can be judged as a false prophet by doing so.

No such "little green things" exists.
Sure theres mention of UFO's in the Bible, but according to scripture the UFO had God inside. God's spirit was felt and a face in the window and sounded like a whirlwind. Had engines of some sort for propulsion. It did not move like an ass. It just went in the direction with no pulling on any reins like riding a horse or donkey.
Who cares tho...God is master of all science and math so why wouldn't He have technology beyond the fleshes knowledge?

Heck I'll even go as far as the Bible mentioning the dinosaurs...because its does.
A behemoth with the tails as big as the cedars of Lebanon that ate the tops of the trees....if that doesnt describe dinosaurs I dont know because hippo's have a little tail like a pig and cant eat the tops of trees and rhino the same.
Cedars of lebanon can grow and do grow up to 8ft wide. That's a massive tail that can only be attached to a massive animal which is being dug up in the rock as proof.

5th March 2017, 09:35 PM
I'm the worst Christian?
I read the Bible with hate in my heart? But yet I understand more of the Bible than you or anyone here.
I'm going to tell you this again.....God doesnt need you...you need Him.

Your judgement of me is initially a result of your nosing around in a thread between Palani and myself about why he never gives a straight up answer. Ximmy thought she could pop in and commence insults which you came to her aid. Before that I really had no interaction from you nor cared to ever have one with you.
Since then you continue judging me from your nosing around.
Why didnt you just leave well enough alone?
Theres plenty of threads where you and Goldy go at it and I dont ever step in like you stepped aiding ximmy.
You're like a typical nigger...you start your own troubles and then want to blame them on someone else.
Why didnt you just leave well enough alone? You wouldnt have this trouble from me.
Judge not least ye be judge...and you judged first by stepping in where you really ought not to have. So go stick it where the sun doesnt shine pal!

As far as me openly speaking about throwing douchebags into the lake of fire for being sinners.
Heck if thats what they want then I'll openly agree and discuss throwing them into the lake of fire...its their will after all.
I get more people interested in faith that werent before discussing throwing sinners in the lake of fire than I do discussing Christ. Yeah..they actually get a real life experience knowing they are in the mist of someone serious. After talking with me they understand the Bible is real and there are people who take it serious.
Besides there is no sin discussing cleaning up the trash by throwing such trash in the heavenly incinerator....thats Gods plan and will to incinerate them in the lake of fire anyway.
Why and where you get this idea its a sin to discuss and agree with tossing sinner trash in the incinerator I have no idea. You judge me for being faithful...what does that say about you?
Your opinion of me agreeing and openly discussing sinners being destroyed is well ...... you're no real Christian at the core, but someone who thinks they know God because they heard from a church goer and how its all suppose to be just peachy, pussy and flowery.....well its NOT!

Here I'll tell you something about the end times.....the church goers will be the first to accept the number of the beast. The faithless will be the last to accept.
I think some Church goers, have already accepted the number of the beast, you especially. As usual you conflate fearless with being heartless. You are no Christian.

old steel
5th March 2017, 09:36 PM
Mauro Biglino, world class linguist was hired by the Vatican to translate their earliest written copies of the books that became the old testament. Tells the true story.

Vatican fired him and locked the books back up in the Vatican Secret Archives for wanting to reveal the truth of what really happened at the creation going forward.

Just because a being possesses access to power so fantastic it appears as magic, doesn't make them gods.

It has come to the point in my life that i realize the more i know the less i really do know.


5th March 2017, 10:30 PM
When Constantine had his big conference and people from all over the lands showed up for their consensus on Christianity with all their various scripture books they were not all in agreement.

In fact there was a lot of disagreement with some agreeing to what Constantine was offering.

Then there were those who agreed to a point but wanted more out of Constantine.

Then there were 40 individuals who totally disagreed with Constantine and it had to be their way, not his.

Constantine had those 40 individual put to death by the sword instantly on the spot in front of everyone.

Suddenly all the rest who had an ax to grind with Constantine were suddenly totally on board with his agenda, no more disagreement, none.

Learning anything yet?


(not an unqualified endorsement of the video/song, but just some interesting things to think about)

5th March 2017, 10:52 PM
Mauro Biglino, world class linguist was hired by the Vatican to translate their earliest written copies of the books that became the old testament. Tells the true story.

Vatican fired him and locked the books back up in the Vatican Secret Archives for wanting to reveal the truth of what really happened at the creation going forward.

Biglino is an heretic by any definition. His book, La Bibbia non è un libro sacro, means "the Bible is not a holy book" in English.

He insists the miracles of the Bible are best explained as "extraterrestrial technology." In other words, his primary heresy is attributing to the New World Order religion that which is simply Godly technology not yet understood.

7th trump
6th March 2017, 04:25 AM
I think some Church goers, have already accepted the number of the beast, you especially. As usual you conflate fearless with being heartless. You are no Christian.


Naaa you fool!
Knowing what the number is (obviously you dont) and excepting it is a sin that's unforgivable and is punishable only by the lake of fire. That knowledge is not given out to the Sunday church warriors. God does put a stupor on some of those He loves for their own protection.
For your education neuro...I can not except the number of the beast after knowing what it is. But with knowing what the number is (actually who to look for) there are so so many blessings that come with knowing.
One blessing is ...I'm not lead down to a ditch from following the blind and doubtful.
Another blessing is the devil, lucifer, satan, the old dragon (which ever name he goes by) cant lay a hand on those who know what the number of the beast is or harm one hair of them. he has no power over them because he cant fool them. In fact, he'll run with his tail between his legs from them once he figures out who they are.
Maybe that'll clear up your judgement of me? See jack ass I dont have to stand here and take any of your shit or from anyone else like palani who'd rather muddy up the waters of truth than search for it sincerely. Or that cunt ximmy for stepping in and acting like shes some sort of "mall cop" defending palani's foolishness. Or your stupid silly ass defending ximmy's stupidity of defending another fool just like you.
To the very wise, you defend ximmy who's defending a fool....making all three of you nothing but fools!......IE: the blind leading the blind into a ditch of fools!

They say ignorance is bliss....at least you have that going for you....well kind of anyway!
Being ignorant doesnt give anyone a free ticket to salvation...you're still judged, but you may have a second crack at it. What I mean is the sting of the second death still applies when the serpent is released for a short time. You might have to do this all over again if you're lucky enough to qualify for a second chance. BUT....... you still may fail anyway and end up in the lake of fire after all.

6th March 2017, 06:28 AM
7th- I really don't think those you accosted have asked for such retorts. I am all for a good fight when one is warranted but I am not seeing what you intend to gain by insulting those who really are searching out the truth. Would you please consider what you are saying with the understanding that you don't know everything? You are ensnaring yourself.

7th trump
6th March 2017, 07:08 PM
7th- I really don't think those you accosted have asked for such retorts. I am all for a good fight when one is warranted but I am not seeing what you intend to gain by insulting those who really are searching out the truth. Would you please consider what you are saying with the understanding that you don't know everything? You are ensnaring yourself.

I havent mentioned anything thats not in the Bible. Doesnt make me all knowing. I do not yap my mouth off on anything I do not know. I do not claim to know everything but I do chime in on subjects I know about. I do not chime in on every thread like a few here...just threads I know a thing or two about.
Ive spent years reading the bible just as I have read the internal revenue code. I'm very good with both.
I dont have an eloquence of speech...and I dont care to have one either.
Times running short and I dont have the patience for assholes and their feelings. Time will be here soon enough when they will face some tuff decisions. If they want to trip over their feelings and cry foul about it then so be it.....I dont care. Its written to not bother yourself with such pettiness. They had plenty of time to get their shit together. When their lamp oil runs out and they knock on your door begging for more oil what are you instructed to do?
You tell them to buy their own....its too late for them. Just as it was too late for those wanting to get into Noahs Ark when the rains fell.
I will and do help those who can help themselves...but the haughtiness of neuro and ximmy and a few others?

And I didnt accost anyone.
What would you think would happen to you if you stepped in between two people arguing?
You would expect to get it at least by one of them if not both. Ximmy and nuero are no exception. They both should have let good enough alone but they didnt. Both are narcissists and racists. Both will and do inject themselves in other threads to crap all over it when I and palani go at it.
I cant help it if they dont like the way I deal with Palani whos nothing more than a snake oil salesmen peddling lies.....they can get over it.
They can be judged for defending a known liar and I'll be more than glad to be a witness to their deeds if thats what they want.

In a nut shell...I dont negotiate with assholes.

6th March 2017, 08:07 PM
But yet I understand more of the Bible than you or anyone here.

I know more about the bible than you, and I'm a girl. :p

old steel
6th March 2017, 10:02 PM
Bunch of freaking Bible thumpers, check this out ;)


7th March 2017, 05:43 AM
I know more about the bible than you, and I'm a girl. :p

Sure "Bob"


7th March 2017, 08:00 AM
Bunch of freaking Bible thumpers, check this out ;)

It is because the freaking bible thumpers that you are alive today. You have liberty because of those enlightened by God and whose evil human nature has been tempered by the just laws and Spirit of God.

You are free to believe whatever you fancy. That freedom was afforded to you by the sacrifice of bible thumpers.

Without the bible and christianity, you have savagery. Without God, we are all just lawless animals who should take what we can to satisfy ourselves.

7th trump
7th March 2017, 09:46 AM
Bunch of freaking Bible thumpers, check this out ;)


In all honesty knowing what I know and understand of the Bible it doesnt surprise me the least seeing all these faiths or "religions" from different times, geography and race have a common denominator.

If you are a reader or even a novice of the Bible you soon get the feel of Gods personality. You wont pick it up right away using today's version of the English language, but eventually you get to know your Creator as if Hes your mom, dad, brother or sister.
With that said all the races are His creation. We see each race as cultural diversity which sometimes we dont understand from our own race and culture.
I dont believe someones made up "religion" was adopted into each culture and race as civilizations came and went. It is too difficult for one civilization on a completely different continent to influence another civilization 1200 years later.
Rome, Greece, Eqypt, some I've never heard of before. All of which were at their peaks 100's if not 1000's of years apart from each other all share the son of God (or equivalent) who dies and then is resurrected 3 days later is a little too far fetched to say its by chance or adopted as a hand me down man made religion.
To my understanding of the Bible its proof God makes himself known to all.

The only reason we are in the flesh is to be tested since the rebellion caused by lucifer. Before that we were all in a spiritual body (absent the flesh body). The world then was a completely different earth as it is now. It will return to its original glory after the testing is done. We will not be in the flesh when that happens.
You wont pick it up as a beginner reader of the Bible as its not Gods point to make nor does it serve any purpose to your individual salvation but the Bible mentions (3) three earth ages. The first age was the earth before and during the rebellion. The earth then (the foundation of the earth) was pristine and all technology (far greater than todays) worked hand in hand with nature.
This age was when everyone was created and not born in the bag of waters (birth). God already had earth set up for His creation, but He soon destroyed all of it to test you in the flesh. So when God created man (flesh) He created man in "our" image. "Our" meaning you look almost exactly as you did in the first earth "age". Aside from the flesh being corrupt with disease and chemicals (for the unfortunate) you look somewhat the same.

The second age began when God completely wiped the face of the earth clean (He shook the foundation of the earth). There was to be no physical evidence of Him to influence anyone in the flesh. He wants to know from your individual hearts who has faith and who doesnt and who you will follow....lucifer or Christ. We are all going to go into the bag of waters and be tested and its going to take time doing so.
And so while there are many different races which we are all going to be born from the bag of water God makes Himself known to all as the civilizations come and go over thousands of years.
I'm not the least bit surprised you see the one person (Christ), that we all have to go through to gain salvation, in all civilizations and cultures from around the world from different times and languages.

God is everywhere