8th March 2017, 07:33 AM
I am still having problems not laughing and taking this serious "Peter Beter" , but the info jives with my memory and knowledge of these events.
Introduction to the Dr. Peter David Beter AUDIO LETTER(R)
Web (
Excerpted from the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER(R) REFERENCE DIGEST
Copyright (C) Audio Books Inc., 1983
The AUDIO LETTER cassette tape reports were recorded over a period from June,
1975, to November, 1982, by Dr. Peter Beter. Each AUDIO LETTER tape report is
approximately one hour in length. The basic schedule of release was once a
month, but the exact date of release each month was flexible to accommodate
events. There were also two periods during which the AUDIO LETTER reports were
suspended temporarily. The first, which extended from May to August 1977,
separated AUDIO LETTER issues #24 and #25, and took place due to an action
campaign by Dr. Beter with his listeners. The second suspension extended from
February to June 1980, and separated issues #54 and #55. It was brought about
by a major heart attack which Dr. Beter suffered while in the midst of recording
Dr. Beter terminated his AUDIO LETTER cassette tape report series in
November, 1982, after recording AUDIO LETTER #80. Having fought heart-related
ailments for years, his health was declining. After conferring with doctors,
he decided that the time had come to discontinue recording the tapes.
The Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER series grew out of Dr. Beter's collaboration with
supporters who first learned about Dr. Beter by way of radio talk shows in 1974.
At that time Dr. Beter was in great demand to appear on talk shows nationwide,
which he did in most cases by long-distance telephone hookup from his residence
in suburban Washington, D.C. After many years as a highly successful
Washington attorney, government official and international legal and financial
consultant, Dr. Beter had become famous in 1973 as the author of a best-selling
book, The Conspiracy Against the Dollar.
In his talk shows Dr. Beter had a habit of saying things which sounded
preposterous at the time, but which were proven correct later on. Early in
1973 he declared that Vice President Spiro Agnew would be swept up in a sudden
scandal beginning in late summer that would lead quickly to his resignation.
At the time Agnew was flying high, and it sounded like an unlikely turn of
events. But it happened, right on schedule. In the spring of 1974, Dr. Beter
described a sequence of events by which the Watergate Scandal would make Richard
Nixon the first U.S. President in history to resign. At the time, Watergate
seemed to be running out of steam, and Nixon appeared to be "toughing it out."
Even less believably, Dr. Beter described a secret agreement which he said
existed by which then-Vice President Gerald Ford would nominate Nelson
Rockefeller to be his new Vice President after Nixon resigned. In the spring
of 1974 those things sounded hard to believe indeed. But they took place.
Dr. Beter claimed that events like these, while shocking to the public, were
planned far in advance. He said that they were known within certain
intelligence and even business circles here in America and abroad. Drawing
upon his extensive contacts with these circles, Dr. Beter was making public what
the privileged few already knew.
Having begun as skeptical listeners to Dr. Beter's radio appearances, a small
group of private citizens became increasingly concerned as they saw Dr. Beter's
revelations proven correct, time after time. They decided to investigate
further, and finally contacted him. In September, 1974, Audio Books, Inc., was
founded by these supporters of Dr. Beter to provide an avenue by which Dr. Beter
could make his reports public without censorship or cutoff by those who
controlled the radio waves. After several individual AUDIO BOOK(R) tapes, the
Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER series began in 1975.
About Dr. Beter [Note: born June 21, 1921; died March 14, 1987 (J.V.)]
Dr. Peter Beter (yes, it rhymes) first came to widespread popular attention
in 1973, through his best-selling nonfiction book, The Conspiracy Against the
Dollar (George Braziller, Inc., N.Y.). It was a gripping tale of international
economic intrigue and monetary manipulation, carried out by the coordinated
action of multinational corporations grown more powerful than many of their host
countries. The objective: to deliberately undermine and ultimately destroy the
United States dollar, as a major tool of political and economic conquest under
the banner of a "new imperialism." A crescendo of unhappy consequences were to
be expected: an accelerating economic "stagflation" (a now-popular word coined
years ago by Dr. Beter), deteriorating financial status of municipal and state
governments, deepening social unrest, increasing tensions over the Panama Canal,
and more. Events during the past decade have followed to an astonishing degree
the blueprint which Dr. Beter revealed in his book.
In September 1974 Dr. Beter acquired a new distinction as "the man who opened
Fort Knox." The previous April Dr. Beter had charged in congressional
testimony that the legendary U.S. Bullion Depository at Fort Knox had been
looted of America's monetary gold hoard allegedly stored there. He stood ready
to present evidence and witnesses to substantiate his charges. But neither a
grand jury nor a congressional inquiry into the matter Dr.
Beter then took his case directly to the public. Through lectures, radio talk
shows, and publication of his charges in a tabloid newspaper (National Tattler),
he was able to put such intense pressure on the federal government that a
completely unprecedented step was taken in order to still the public outcry.
The U.S. Treasury Department arranged a so-called "gold inspection" visit for a
few Congressmen and 100 invited newsmen on September 23, 1974. Significantly,
however, Dr. Beter himself was not among those invited...nor was any other
outside expert on gold. The celebrated Fort Knox visit and the so-called "gold
audit" which followed contained many irregularities which the Treasury
Department has never explained.
In AUDIO LETTER tapes #14 and #15 (July and August 1976), Dr. Beter made
public intelligence he had been given that the Soviet Union was planting
short-range underwater missiles in U.S. territorial waters in preparation for a
surprise nuclear attack. In issue #15 he listed navigational coordinates for
64 missiles which he said had been planted worldwide so far...urged his
listeners to pressure the Joint Chiefs of Staff to take counteractive
measures...and in effect dared the government to prove him wrong. The
resulting hue and cry from Dr. Beter's listeners nationwide created shock waves
within the U.S. Government which were never reported by the major news media.
In mid-September 1976, Dr. Beter and an associate met for over an hour with
General George S. Brown, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, in Gen.
Brown's Pentagon office. Only two weeks earlier, a letter over Gen. Brown's
signature had been sent to Dr. Beter (with photocopies to concerned citizens
nationwide), seeming to say that Dr. Beter's charges about Soviet underwater
missiles had been investigated and found untrue. Yet when Dr. Beter then
requested a meeting with Gen. Brown to relay to him the locations of a second
round of 48 newly-planted missiles, the meeting was granted without delay. The
Pentagon confirmed to the press that the meeting had taken place*, but never
explained this curious sequence of events.
*See, e.g., Norfolk (Va.) Ledger-Star, Sept. 27, 1976, p. E8, article by G.
Bradshaw and J. Kestner. Or see Chicago Tribune, Dec. 4, 1977, Section 2,
"Special Report: Undersea Warfare."
Professional credentials: The things made public by Dr. Beter are
extraordinary--but so is the professional background which preceded his public
visibility. He practiced general law in Washington, D.C., from 1951 to 1961,
becoming a member of the U.S. Court of Military Appeals in 1952 and the U.S.
Supreme Court in 1964. Many of his cases were against the federal government,
all of which he won--including one case in which he caught none other than the
U.S. Department of Justice burning records in an attempt to defeat him. The
resulting decision--Farley vs. U.S., 131 C. Cls. 776 (1955), 127 F Supp.
562--made new law.
In 1961 President John F. Kennedy appointed Dr. Beter Counsel to the U.S.
Export-Import Bank, the largest government-owned bank in the Western world,
where he served until 1967. After leaving the Ex-Im Bank, Dr. Beter became an
international financial and legal consultant, as well as one of the chief
developers of private international business in the Republic of Zaire. He is a
member of the Judicature Society, the Bankers' Club of America, the Royal
Commonwealth Society of London, and the United States Naval Institute. He is
listed in biographical reference works such as Who's Who in the East, the Blue
Book of London, and 2000 Men of Achievement (London).
A Bird's-Eye View of the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER(R)
Excerpted from the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER(R) REFERENCE DIGEST
Copyright (C) Audio Books Inc., 1983
Some General Remarks
The 80 cassette tapes which make up the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER series contain
an enormous amount of information. It would take the equivalent of two 40-hour
work weeks just to listen to the entire 80-tape set once through.
In those two weeks the listener would see over seven years of major current
events come to life in a unique way. He would see the unseen forces at work
which make sense out of what otherwise seem to be chaotic, irrational news
events. And he would learn many eye-opening historical background lessons
which are little known, yet which are vital to understanding how we got where we
are today.
Unfortunately, though, it would be like taking a drink from a fire hose.
The listener would absorb a lot in a hurry--but also, a lot more would get by
At the opposite extreme, those who subscribed to the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER
tapes had the advantage of absorbing each tape, one at a time, in context with
then-current news events. But the tapes were released over a period of over
seven years--from June 1975 through November 1982. It would be a rare
intellect that could keep all the salient details of all the tapes in mind,
meshing them together with each new tape, over all that time. Dr. Beter tried
to alleviate this problem by summarizing past developments from time to time,
but the basic problem remains. And when it comes to a review, even the
long-time listener is faced with somewhat the same drink-from-a-fire-hose
problem posed by the 80-tape collection.
For both the long-time subscriber and the newly acquainted listener, a
roadmap is needed. That is the purpose of the Audio Letter REFERENCE DIGEST.
In this "Bird's-Eye View" section, we will try to boil down the broad
insights of the 80-tape AUDIO LETTER report series as concisely as possible.
We will keep details to a minimum, aside from examples to illustrate particular
points. Given the broad outlines of this section, we believe that all the
details in Section 2 and Section 3--not to mention in the tapes themselves--will
be easier to grasp and far more meaningful than they would be if viewed in
In the long term, it is this broader picture of the basic forces behind
current events which is the most important of all to understand. Even though
some of the developments discussed in the tapes have run their course, the
forces which brought them about continue to operate today. Comprehending how
those forces led to yesterday's events is the key to seeing through countless
new events today and tomorrow.
Politics: The Three Rival Factions for World Power
Decades ago Franklin D. Roosevelt said: "Nothing in politics ever happens
by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
Decades earlier Benjamin Disraeli, famed as the Victorian-era Prime Minister
of Britain, wrote: "The world is governed by people far different from those
imagined by the public."
Taken together, these two statements illustrate the basic premise which
underlies all of the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER tape reports. This premise is that
major events in politics, economics and international relations are the products
of deliberate moves by largely unseen power factions in the world. All of
these factions seek to increase their influence over us, the general population
of the world. Each one also wishes to increase its own power at the expense of
the other power factions.
Thus there is an ongoing power struggle of titanic dimensions which
constantly shapes the news, yet which is little understood--indeed
unsuspected--by most people. If these forces are not recognized or understood,
current events are inherently baffling, no matter how diligently one may follow
the news. This leaves even the best-educated and most intelligent of persons
vulnerable to manipulation to suit the purposes of those who pull the strings
behind the scenes. By contrast, if the largely unseen forces are known and
understood, major events become far more understandable and even, to some
extent, predictable. Those informed about these things become far less
vulnerable and more difficult to fool by manipulated news and news events.
To choose just one of the many dramatic examples from the AUDIO LETTER
series, consider the Guyana Massacre at Jonestown in November, 1978. From
start to finish, the Guyana story was filled with anomalies, unanswered
questions, conflicting government statements, and news reports that did not
quite add up. It began with the slaughter of a U.S. Congressman and
accompanying newsmen, yet there was never a subsequent congressional
investigation. The victims died of cyanide poisoning, an excruciating death
which leaves the face contorted in agony, yet the victims were found arranged in
neat, peaceful-looking rows...face-down. A few days after the massive infusion
of American military teams supposedly for clean-up operations, there were sudden
huge jumps in body-bag counts. Hurried explanations by Pentagon spokesmen were
so incredible that they were withdrawn and replaced by different stories.
These and many more oddities about the Guyana episode were never resolved, but
simply left to fade away from the public memory with time. For those unaware
of the behind-the-scenes forces at work in the world, Guyana will remain forever if events so bizarre, major and chilling can happen for no
reason at all.
The key missing ingredient in all the news reports about Guyana was the
existence of a secret Soviet intermediate-range missile base, not far from
Jonestown. Dr. Beter had reported publicly about the base on many occasions
for over four years prior to the sudden headlines from Guyana. He had also
reported on the collapse of a cooperative arrangement formerly in effect between
the true rulers of the United States and those of the Soviet Union. These were
the factors which led directly to the Jonestown tragedy--a mass murder, staged
as a cover to enable covert military action against the Russian missile base.
Within days after the Jonestown tragedies, Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER #40 made
public exactly what had taken place and why. In that tape Dr. Beter answered
in detail questions which otherwise remain unanswered to this day.
Over the course of the 80 AUDIO LETTER tape reports, Dr. Beter reveals that
three primary power factions are at work in the world today:
1. The Rockefeller Cartel
2. The Bolshevik-Zionist Axis
3. The New Kremlin Rulers
These factions as such have existed for the past century or so, and their
relationships with one another have been in a constant state of flux. Their
roots, however, are much older and can be traced backward in time for many
The Rockefeller Cartel
The Rockefeller Cartel is the first of the three great power factions to be
dealt with extensively in the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER reports, for at least two
reasons. First, while its scope is worldwide, it is headquartered in the
United States. Second, it was indisputably the most powerful of the three
factions when Dr. Beter began recording his AUDIO LETTER reports in 1975. This
situation changed dramatically later on.
The Rockefeller Cartel today embraces several hundred of the world's largest
multinational corporations--big oil, big banking and big business. It is a new
kind of empire, with economic assets so great as to be beyond effective control
by mere governments. Its headquarters are American, but its perspective is
global, with allegiance neither to the United States nor to any other country.
It is an empire unto itself.
What is today the Rockefeller Cartel was started over a century ago by John
D. Rockefeller, Sr. By his well-known cutthroat business tactics Rockefeller
created the Standard Oil trust and made himself America's first billionaire by
the turn of the century.
Such blatantly unethical practices led to public opposition which culminated
in the Supreme Court decree of 1911 dissolving the Standard Oil trust. By
then, however, Rockefeller was becoming more sophisticated, finding ways to hide
the true extent of his wealth and power while continuing to expand it. The
"trust-busting" era had little lasting effect: by the use of nominees and other
devices it was possible to retain effective control and coordination of the
superficially dismantled Standard Oil empire.
Throughout the Twentieth Century, from World War I onward, Rockefeller
economic power has translated increasingly into Rockefeller political power.
This, in turn, has been used to increase Rockefeller economic power still
further. For example, oil has played a key role in all of America's major wars
of this century, with the Rockefeller oil interests profiting handsomely. Yet
this role has been generally obscured both in current news accounts during each
war and in historical accounts written later on. The obscuring of key
information of this type is a symptom of Rockefeller power expansion into the
realms of journalism and teaching. Power is always most secure when it is not
recognized, so every effort is made to keep information about it from becoming
In a related vein, Rockefeller-style "public relations" has been developed
and refined since the turn of the century for similarly deceptive purposes. It
began when John D. Rockefeller, Sr., famous primarily for his greed, started
changing his image by handing out dimes to people he chanced to meet on the
street. At the same time he also began making donations to charitable causes,
always with great fanfare and publicity, to curry public favor as an alleged
philanthropist. This led to the creation of tax-exempt foundations: these
enabled Rockefeller money to be invested in organizations which looked
philanthropic, yet which were actually avenues for further expanding Rockefeller
power. The Rockefeller-controlled major foundations have been used to
transform American life and values in directions which make America more
susceptible to Rockefeller control. At the same time, the foundations serve an
invaluable purpose as a disguised means for interlocking the various business
interests which constitute the Rockefeller Cartel.
John D. Rockefeller, Sr., founded a true dynasty, passing on his plans and
programs to be carried on by succeeding generations. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
carried forward the Rockefeller program of ever-expanding power with particular
emphasis upon subverting the Christian faith which, historically, is the
foundation of basic American ideals. But it was the Rockefeller "Third
Generation" who expanded and developed the Rockefeller Cartel to its zenith of
power. Of the six members of the Third Generation, sister Abby and brother
Winthrop did not much care for the grand plan (although Winthrop did become
Governor of Arkansas). But the other four brothers--John D. 3rd, Nelson,
Laurance and David--threw themselves with crafty zest into the project of
expanding the Rockefeller empire. They carved up the world into spheres of
influence, each concentrating upon his own areas but coordinating his actions
with the others. They worked together as a unit, and throughout his AUDIO
LETTER tapes Dr. Beter often refers to them simply as "the four Rockefeller
From about World War II onward, it was the four Rockefeller brothers who held
the reins of what had become the worldwide Rockefeller Empire. It was they who
created the modern multinational corporation, and used American taxpayer money
under the guise of "foreign aid" after World War Il to build up their corporate
empire worldwide. World War II had been fought over Saudi Arabian oil, and it
gave them an unprecedented financial windfall. The Rockefeller oil companies
obtained Saudi oil at a net cost (after charge-backs and various devices) of
about 5 cents per barrel for nearly 30 years, until the Arab oil embargo of 1973
finally put a halt to it. The awesome profits generated by Saudi Arabian oil
enabled the Rockefeller brothers to buy up much of the industrial base of the
United States, Europe and Japan. At the same time Rockefeller power throughout
Latin America, which had been established by Nelson Rockefeller during World War
II, was expanded and deepened during the postwar years. John D. Rockefeller,
3rd, masterminded the Rockefeller Cartel economic takeover of much of black
Africa: revolutions created black governments which, lacking expertise, had to
turn to Rockefeller multinational corporations to "manage" their resources.
Laurance Rockefeller busied himself with control of America's aerospace and
defense industry, major airlines, and massaging the stock market. David, the
youngest but most powerful, became the kingpin of the Rockefeller banking empire
whose tentacles reach into business circles the world over. He also
specialized in intelligence matters, although Nelson also was involved in this
For decades the four Rockefeller brothers had things pretty much their own
way. They made plans, set up timetables, and generally carried them out
without a hitch. But by the time Dr. Beter launched his AUDIO LETTER tape
report series, the Rockefeller brothers were beginning to show signs of slippage
in their power. They had made mistakes, and some of their timetables were
starting to slide. During 1974-75 they were tripped up in certain plans by
partial public exposure of massive irregularities surrounding America's monetary
gold supply. Next during 1976-77 their long-standing secret alliance with the
Kremlin fell apart, as their former allies--the Bolsheviks--were overthrown by a
new ruling group in Russia. The four Rockefeller brothers made the mistake of
welcoming expelled Bolsheviks from Russia into positions of power here in the
United States. This led by early 1979 to the overthrow of the four Rockefeller
brothers by the Bolsheviks here. First John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, died in an
alleged auto "accident" in July 1978. Then in late January 1979, Nelson
Rockefeller was murdered in the beginning of a full-fledged Bolshevik coup
d'etat behind the scenes.
Today the Rockefeller Cartel is no longer under the direct control of the
Rockefeller family as it was under the four Rockefeller brothers, but it remains
a formidable force. As Dr. Beter ended his AUDIO LETTER report series in
November 1982, the regrouped Rockefeller Cartel was gradually regaining some of
its lost power in a bitter struggle against the Bolsheviks here.
Introduction to the Dr. Peter David Beter AUDIO LETTER(R)
Web (
Excerpted from the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER(R) REFERENCE DIGEST
Copyright (C) Audio Books Inc., 1983
The AUDIO LETTER cassette tape reports were recorded over a period from June,
1975, to November, 1982, by Dr. Peter Beter. Each AUDIO LETTER tape report is
approximately one hour in length. The basic schedule of release was once a
month, but the exact date of release each month was flexible to accommodate
events. There were also two periods during which the AUDIO LETTER reports were
suspended temporarily. The first, which extended from May to August 1977,
separated AUDIO LETTER issues #24 and #25, and took place due to an action
campaign by Dr. Beter with his listeners. The second suspension extended from
February to June 1980, and separated issues #54 and #55. It was brought about
by a major heart attack which Dr. Beter suffered while in the midst of recording
Dr. Beter terminated his AUDIO LETTER cassette tape report series in
November, 1982, after recording AUDIO LETTER #80. Having fought heart-related
ailments for years, his health was declining. After conferring with doctors,
he decided that the time had come to discontinue recording the tapes.
The Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER series grew out of Dr. Beter's collaboration with
supporters who first learned about Dr. Beter by way of radio talk shows in 1974.
At that time Dr. Beter was in great demand to appear on talk shows nationwide,
which he did in most cases by long-distance telephone hookup from his residence
in suburban Washington, D.C. After many years as a highly successful
Washington attorney, government official and international legal and financial
consultant, Dr. Beter had become famous in 1973 as the author of a best-selling
book, The Conspiracy Against the Dollar.
In his talk shows Dr. Beter had a habit of saying things which sounded
preposterous at the time, but which were proven correct later on. Early in
1973 he declared that Vice President Spiro Agnew would be swept up in a sudden
scandal beginning in late summer that would lead quickly to his resignation.
At the time Agnew was flying high, and it sounded like an unlikely turn of
events. But it happened, right on schedule. In the spring of 1974, Dr. Beter
described a sequence of events by which the Watergate Scandal would make Richard
Nixon the first U.S. President in history to resign. At the time, Watergate
seemed to be running out of steam, and Nixon appeared to be "toughing it out."
Even less believably, Dr. Beter described a secret agreement which he said
existed by which then-Vice President Gerald Ford would nominate Nelson
Rockefeller to be his new Vice President after Nixon resigned. In the spring
of 1974 those things sounded hard to believe indeed. But they took place.
Dr. Beter claimed that events like these, while shocking to the public, were
planned far in advance. He said that they were known within certain
intelligence and even business circles here in America and abroad. Drawing
upon his extensive contacts with these circles, Dr. Beter was making public what
the privileged few already knew.
Having begun as skeptical listeners to Dr. Beter's radio appearances, a small
group of private citizens became increasingly concerned as they saw Dr. Beter's
revelations proven correct, time after time. They decided to investigate
further, and finally contacted him. In September, 1974, Audio Books, Inc., was
founded by these supporters of Dr. Beter to provide an avenue by which Dr. Beter
could make his reports public without censorship or cutoff by those who
controlled the radio waves. After several individual AUDIO BOOK(R) tapes, the
Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER series began in 1975.
About Dr. Beter [Note: born June 21, 1921; died March 14, 1987 (J.V.)]
Dr. Peter Beter (yes, it rhymes) first came to widespread popular attention
in 1973, through his best-selling nonfiction book, The Conspiracy Against the
Dollar (George Braziller, Inc., N.Y.). It was a gripping tale of international
economic intrigue and monetary manipulation, carried out by the coordinated
action of multinational corporations grown more powerful than many of their host
countries. The objective: to deliberately undermine and ultimately destroy the
United States dollar, as a major tool of political and economic conquest under
the banner of a "new imperialism." A crescendo of unhappy consequences were to
be expected: an accelerating economic "stagflation" (a now-popular word coined
years ago by Dr. Beter), deteriorating financial status of municipal and state
governments, deepening social unrest, increasing tensions over the Panama Canal,
and more. Events during the past decade have followed to an astonishing degree
the blueprint which Dr. Beter revealed in his book.
In September 1974 Dr. Beter acquired a new distinction as "the man who opened
Fort Knox." The previous April Dr. Beter had charged in congressional
testimony that the legendary U.S. Bullion Depository at Fort Knox had been
looted of America's monetary gold hoard allegedly stored there. He stood ready
to present evidence and witnesses to substantiate his charges. But neither a
grand jury nor a congressional inquiry into the matter Dr.
Beter then took his case directly to the public. Through lectures, radio talk
shows, and publication of his charges in a tabloid newspaper (National Tattler),
he was able to put such intense pressure on the federal government that a
completely unprecedented step was taken in order to still the public outcry.
The U.S. Treasury Department arranged a so-called "gold inspection" visit for a
few Congressmen and 100 invited newsmen on September 23, 1974. Significantly,
however, Dr. Beter himself was not among those invited...nor was any other
outside expert on gold. The celebrated Fort Knox visit and the so-called "gold
audit" which followed contained many irregularities which the Treasury
Department has never explained.
In AUDIO LETTER tapes #14 and #15 (July and August 1976), Dr. Beter made
public intelligence he had been given that the Soviet Union was planting
short-range underwater missiles in U.S. territorial waters in preparation for a
surprise nuclear attack. In issue #15 he listed navigational coordinates for
64 missiles which he said had been planted worldwide so far...urged his
listeners to pressure the Joint Chiefs of Staff to take counteractive
measures...and in effect dared the government to prove him wrong. The
resulting hue and cry from Dr. Beter's listeners nationwide created shock waves
within the U.S. Government which were never reported by the major news media.
In mid-September 1976, Dr. Beter and an associate met for over an hour with
General George S. Brown, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, in Gen.
Brown's Pentagon office. Only two weeks earlier, a letter over Gen. Brown's
signature had been sent to Dr. Beter (with photocopies to concerned citizens
nationwide), seeming to say that Dr. Beter's charges about Soviet underwater
missiles had been investigated and found untrue. Yet when Dr. Beter then
requested a meeting with Gen. Brown to relay to him the locations of a second
round of 48 newly-planted missiles, the meeting was granted without delay. The
Pentagon confirmed to the press that the meeting had taken place*, but never
explained this curious sequence of events.
*See, e.g., Norfolk (Va.) Ledger-Star, Sept. 27, 1976, p. E8, article by G.
Bradshaw and J. Kestner. Or see Chicago Tribune, Dec. 4, 1977, Section 2,
"Special Report: Undersea Warfare."
Professional credentials: The things made public by Dr. Beter are
extraordinary--but so is the professional background which preceded his public
visibility. He practiced general law in Washington, D.C., from 1951 to 1961,
becoming a member of the U.S. Court of Military Appeals in 1952 and the U.S.
Supreme Court in 1964. Many of his cases were against the federal government,
all of which he won--including one case in which he caught none other than the
U.S. Department of Justice burning records in an attempt to defeat him. The
resulting decision--Farley vs. U.S., 131 C. Cls. 776 (1955), 127 F Supp.
562--made new law.
In 1961 President John F. Kennedy appointed Dr. Beter Counsel to the U.S.
Export-Import Bank, the largest government-owned bank in the Western world,
where he served until 1967. After leaving the Ex-Im Bank, Dr. Beter became an
international financial and legal consultant, as well as one of the chief
developers of private international business in the Republic of Zaire. He is a
member of the Judicature Society, the Bankers' Club of America, the Royal
Commonwealth Society of London, and the United States Naval Institute. He is
listed in biographical reference works such as Who's Who in the East, the Blue
Book of London, and 2000 Men of Achievement (London).
A Bird's-Eye View of the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER(R)
Excerpted from the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER(R) REFERENCE DIGEST
Copyright (C) Audio Books Inc., 1983
Some General Remarks
The 80 cassette tapes which make up the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER series contain
an enormous amount of information. It would take the equivalent of two 40-hour
work weeks just to listen to the entire 80-tape set once through.
In those two weeks the listener would see over seven years of major current
events come to life in a unique way. He would see the unseen forces at work
which make sense out of what otherwise seem to be chaotic, irrational news
events. And he would learn many eye-opening historical background lessons
which are little known, yet which are vital to understanding how we got where we
are today.
Unfortunately, though, it would be like taking a drink from a fire hose.
The listener would absorb a lot in a hurry--but also, a lot more would get by
At the opposite extreme, those who subscribed to the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER
tapes had the advantage of absorbing each tape, one at a time, in context with
then-current news events. But the tapes were released over a period of over
seven years--from June 1975 through November 1982. It would be a rare
intellect that could keep all the salient details of all the tapes in mind,
meshing them together with each new tape, over all that time. Dr. Beter tried
to alleviate this problem by summarizing past developments from time to time,
but the basic problem remains. And when it comes to a review, even the
long-time listener is faced with somewhat the same drink-from-a-fire-hose
problem posed by the 80-tape collection.
For both the long-time subscriber and the newly acquainted listener, a
roadmap is needed. That is the purpose of the Audio Letter REFERENCE DIGEST.
In this "Bird's-Eye View" section, we will try to boil down the broad
insights of the 80-tape AUDIO LETTER report series as concisely as possible.
We will keep details to a minimum, aside from examples to illustrate particular
points. Given the broad outlines of this section, we believe that all the
details in Section 2 and Section 3--not to mention in the tapes themselves--will
be easier to grasp and far more meaningful than they would be if viewed in
In the long term, it is this broader picture of the basic forces behind
current events which is the most important of all to understand. Even though
some of the developments discussed in the tapes have run their course, the
forces which brought them about continue to operate today. Comprehending how
those forces led to yesterday's events is the key to seeing through countless
new events today and tomorrow.
Politics: The Three Rival Factions for World Power
Decades ago Franklin D. Roosevelt said: "Nothing in politics ever happens
by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
Decades earlier Benjamin Disraeli, famed as the Victorian-era Prime Minister
of Britain, wrote: "The world is governed by people far different from those
imagined by the public."
Taken together, these two statements illustrate the basic premise which
underlies all of the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER tape reports. This premise is that
major events in politics, economics and international relations are the products
of deliberate moves by largely unseen power factions in the world. All of
these factions seek to increase their influence over us, the general population
of the world. Each one also wishes to increase its own power at the expense of
the other power factions.
Thus there is an ongoing power struggle of titanic dimensions which
constantly shapes the news, yet which is little understood--indeed
unsuspected--by most people. If these forces are not recognized or understood,
current events are inherently baffling, no matter how diligently one may follow
the news. This leaves even the best-educated and most intelligent of persons
vulnerable to manipulation to suit the purposes of those who pull the strings
behind the scenes. By contrast, if the largely unseen forces are known and
understood, major events become far more understandable and even, to some
extent, predictable. Those informed about these things become far less
vulnerable and more difficult to fool by manipulated news and news events.
To choose just one of the many dramatic examples from the AUDIO LETTER
series, consider the Guyana Massacre at Jonestown in November, 1978. From
start to finish, the Guyana story was filled with anomalies, unanswered
questions, conflicting government statements, and news reports that did not
quite add up. It began with the slaughter of a U.S. Congressman and
accompanying newsmen, yet there was never a subsequent congressional
investigation. The victims died of cyanide poisoning, an excruciating death
which leaves the face contorted in agony, yet the victims were found arranged in
neat, peaceful-looking rows...face-down. A few days after the massive infusion
of American military teams supposedly for clean-up operations, there were sudden
huge jumps in body-bag counts. Hurried explanations by Pentagon spokesmen were
so incredible that they were withdrawn and replaced by different stories.
These and many more oddities about the Guyana episode were never resolved, but
simply left to fade away from the public memory with time. For those unaware
of the behind-the-scenes forces at work in the world, Guyana will remain forever if events so bizarre, major and chilling can happen for no
reason at all.
The key missing ingredient in all the news reports about Guyana was the
existence of a secret Soviet intermediate-range missile base, not far from
Jonestown. Dr. Beter had reported publicly about the base on many occasions
for over four years prior to the sudden headlines from Guyana. He had also
reported on the collapse of a cooperative arrangement formerly in effect between
the true rulers of the United States and those of the Soviet Union. These were
the factors which led directly to the Jonestown tragedy--a mass murder, staged
as a cover to enable covert military action against the Russian missile base.
Within days after the Jonestown tragedies, Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER #40 made
public exactly what had taken place and why. In that tape Dr. Beter answered
in detail questions which otherwise remain unanswered to this day.
Over the course of the 80 AUDIO LETTER tape reports, Dr. Beter reveals that
three primary power factions are at work in the world today:
1. The Rockefeller Cartel
2. The Bolshevik-Zionist Axis
3. The New Kremlin Rulers
These factions as such have existed for the past century or so, and their
relationships with one another have been in a constant state of flux. Their
roots, however, are much older and can be traced backward in time for many
The Rockefeller Cartel
The Rockefeller Cartel is the first of the three great power factions to be
dealt with extensively in the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER reports, for at least two
reasons. First, while its scope is worldwide, it is headquartered in the
United States. Second, it was indisputably the most powerful of the three
factions when Dr. Beter began recording his AUDIO LETTER reports in 1975. This
situation changed dramatically later on.
The Rockefeller Cartel today embraces several hundred of the world's largest
multinational corporations--big oil, big banking and big business. It is a new
kind of empire, with economic assets so great as to be beyond effective control
by mere governments. Its headquarters are American, but its perspective is
global, with allegiance neither to the United States nor to any other country.
It is an empire unto itself.
What is today the Rockefeller Cartel was started over a century ago by John
D. Rockefeller, Sr. By his well-known cutthroat business tactics Rockefeller
created the Standard Oil trust and made himself America's first billionaire by
the turn of the century.
Such blatantly unethical practices led to public opposition which culminated
in the Supreme Court decree of 1911 dissolving the Standard Oil trust. By
then, however, Rockefeller was becoming more sophisticated, finding ways to hide
the true extent of his wealth and power while continuing to expand it. The
"trust-busting" era had little lasting effect: by the use of nominees and other
devices it was possible to retain effective control and coordination of the
superficially dismantled Standard Oil empire.
Throughout the Twentieth Century, from World War I onward, Rockefeller
economic power has translated increasingly into Rockefeller political power.
This, in turn, has been used to increase Rockefeller economic power still
further. For example, oil has played a key role in all of America's major wars
of this century, with the Rockefeller oil interests profiting handsomely. Yet
this role has been generally obscured both in current news accounts during each
war and in historical accounts written later on. The obscuring of key
information of this type is a symptom of Rockefeller power expansion into the
realms of journalism and teaching. Power is always most secure when it is not
recognized, so every effort is made to keep information about it from becoming
In a related vein, Rockefeller-style "public relations" has been developed
and refined since the turn of the century for similarly deceptive purposes. It
began when John D. Rockefeller, Sr., famous primarily for his greed, started
changing his image by handing out dimes to people he chanced to meet on the
street. At the same time he also began making donations to charitable causes,
always with great fanfare and publicity, to curry public favor as an alleged
philanthropist. This led to the creation of tax-exempt foundations: these
enabled Rockefeller money to be invested in organizations which looked
philanthropic, yet which were actually avenues for further expanding Rockefeller
power. The Rockefeller-controlled major foundations have been used to
transform American life and values in directions which make America more
susceptible to Rockefeller control. At the same time, the foundations serve an
invaluable purpose as a disguised means for interlocking the various business
interests which constitute the Rockefeller Cartel.
John D. Rockefeller, Sr., founded a true dynasty, passing on his plans and
programs to be carried on by succeeding generations. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
carried forward the Rockefeller program of ever-expanding power with particular
emphasis upon subverting the Christian faith which, historically, is the
foundation of basic American ideals. But it was the Rockefeller "Third
Generation" who expanded and developed the Rockefeller Cartel to its zenith of
power. Of the six members of the Third Generation, sister Abby and brother
Winthrop did not much care for the grand plan (although Winthrop did become
Governor of Arkansas). But the other four brothers--John D. 3rd, Nelson,
Laurance and David--threw themselves with crafty zest into the project of
expanding the Rockefeller empire. They carved up the world into spheres of
influence, each concentrating upon his own areas but coordinating his actions
with the others. They worked together as a unit, and throughout his AUDIO
LETTER tapes Dr. Beter often refers to them simply as "the four Rockefeller
From about World War II onward, it was the four Rockefeller brothers who held
the reins of what had become the worldwide Rockefeller Empire. It was they who
created the modern multinational corporation, and used American taxpayer money
under the guise of "foreign aid" after World War Il to build up their corporate
empire worldwide. World War II had been fought over Saudi Arabian oil, and it
gave them an unprecedented financial windfall. The Rockefeller oil companies
obtained Saudi oil at a net cost (after charge-backs and various devices) of
about 5 cents per barrel for nearly 30 years, until the Arab oil embargo of 1973
finally put a halt to it. The awesome profits generated by Saudi Arabian oil
enabled the Rockefeller brothers to buy up much of the industrial base of the
United States, Europe and Japan. At the same time Rockefeller power throughout
Latin America, which had been established by Nelson Rockefeller during World War
II, was expanded and deepened during the postwar years. John D. Rockefeller,
3rd, masterminded the Rockefeller Cartel economic takeover of much of black
Africa: revolutions created black governments which, lacking expertise, had to
turn to Rockefeller multinational corporations to "manage" their resources.
Laurance Rockefeller busied himself with control of America's aerospace and
defense industry, major airlines, and massaging the stock market. David, the
youngest but most powerful, became the kingpin of the Rockefeller banking empire
whose tentacles reach into business circles the world over. He also
specialized in intelligence matters, although Nelson also was involved in this
For decades the four Rockefeller brothers had things pretty much their own
way. They made plans, set up timetables, and generally carried them out
without a hitch. But by the time Dr. Beter launched his AUDIO LETTER tape
report series, the Rockefeller brothers were beginning to show signs of slippage
in their power. They had made mistakes, and some of their timetables were
starting to slide. During 1974-75 they were tripped up in certain plans by
partial public exposure of massive irregularities surrounding America's monetary
gold supply. Next during 1976-77 their long-standing secret alliance with the
Kremlin fell apart, as their former allies--the Bolsheviks--were overthrown by a
new ruling group in Russia. The four Rockefeller brothers made the mistake of
welcoming expelled Bolsheviks from Russia into positions of power here in the
United States. This led by early 1979 to the overthrow of the four Rockefeller
brothers by the Bolsheviks here. First John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, died in an
alleged auto "accident" in July 1978. Then in late January 1979, Nelson
Rockefeller was murdered in the beginning of a full-fledged Bolshevik coup
d'etat behind the scenes.
Today the Rockefeller Cartel is no longer under the direct control of the
Rockefeller family as it was under the four Rockefeller brothers, but it remains
a formidable force. As Dr. Beter ended his AUDIO LETTER report series in
November 1982, the regrouped Rockefeller Cartel was gradually regaining some of
its lost power in a bitter struggle against the Bolsheviks here.