View Full Version : historically have leftists been globalists?

8th March 2017, 09:42 AM
i dont remember them being such rabid globalists in previous years. a good chunk of their base was factory workers in the midwest and northeast that have been crying for import tariffs for years and years. trump swooped and grabbed them with his tariff talk.

my question is re the last 100 years -- has the left been pushing the globalist crap equally or more so than right? seemed to me like over recent history the right was pushing harder for it. this includes the open border libertarians -

perhaps the change when nyc/dc allowed/legalized the california invasion....which turned the state hard left? i think reagan legalized them?

is my impression off base?

8th March 2017, 09:57 AM
There are many examples of socialism/communism in history. Globalism is jewish backed socialism/communism on steroids. Globalism is not new, it's an old bad idea extrapolated out on a global scale
i dont remember them being such rabid globalists in previous years. a good chunk of their base was factory workers in the midwest and northeast that have been crying for import tariffs for years and years. trump swooped and grabbed them with his tariff talk.

my question is re the last 100 years -- has the left been pushing the globalist crap equally or more so than right? seemed to me like over recent history the right was pushing harder for it. this includes the open border libertarians -

perhaps the change when nyc/dc allowed/legalized the california invasion....which turned the state hard left? i think reagan legalized them?

is my impression off base?

8th March 2017, 11:05 AM
No, i dont think yur offbase, with it.

What was foisted upon the left, imo was a national sense of a global royalty.

Or whoever made it into the door U.S. (not being an uneducated indian) was "made" to consider themselves Royal guardians to the planet.

Their undying support of China and foreign made items is more perplexing to me, coming from a civil rights perspective.

I guess they thought their $ purchasing power were being held as some counterweight to improve those civil rights, idk?

Royalty is most often an easier transition from Democratic left than Republican right.

Trump is much more a leftist liberal in many ways than anyone here has a notion of.

8th March 2017, 03:11 PM
Woodrow Wilson.

8th March 2017, 03:24 PM
"my question is re the last 100 years -- has the left been pushing the globalist crap equally or more so than right? seemed to me like over recent history the right was pushing harder for it. this includes the open border libertarians -

perhaps the change when nyc/dc allowed/legalized the california invasion....which turned the state hard left? i think reagan legalized them?

is my impression off base?

No, it is not off base but it goes much deeper than that and really is quite complex.

The characteristics of "the Left" took a hard left in the last 30 years or so, but the good ole Democrat mid west factory workers were given Hegelian Dialectic "treatment" since the end of WWII. That "cold war" thing and the anti-commie thing were all varying sides in the ongoing dialectic. The Dialectic operates in cycles and the first synthesis is the next cycle's thesis.

One example:The social engineers changed the neighborhoods and created "White flight" from Catholic inner-city, Detroit, Boston, Philly, ethnic neighborhoods of Poles, Irish, Italians, Germans etc. Seargent Schriver, JFK's brother in law, was one of those social engineers that busted up that large Catholic Democrat voting block that were those neighborhoods.

There were so so many social engineering projects operated upon middle America in the last 75 years, many of them of the Saul Alinsky kind, but others of other kinds.
All were very successful.

Around 1985 of so the college kids protesting wars in the early 60's turned "conservative" Right wing and that's when the whole talks about globalism and the New World Order stuff started.


I do not believe that America was founded as a "Christian nation" or that our "founding fathers" were Christians, or that the Great Enlightenment was a good thing.

Big government, central government is bad and statist ideas and principles are bad for the COMMON GOOD of the people. People are entities with eternal souls. Being able to make a living wage, raise a family and have some private property increases the chances of each individual of saving their soul.

Most of the Left people I have known don't know from nuthin about this globalism stuff. You gotta get some honest talk goin about the international bankster cabal before before there can be any honest talk about the one world death and slavery system for all.

Seeking and finding and speaking the truth is what will get you on track with the One Who is Truth and that's all that matters.