View Full Version : Trump in his own words: "I am a mason"

midnight rambler
18th March 2017, 07:06 PM

18th March 2017, 07:34 PM
He said that's really amazing, I wouldn't know that.

18th March 2017, 07:43 PM
How utterly disappointing.

Never met a mason I didn't dislike.

18th March 2017, 08:49 PM
The purpose of Freemasonry is to protect the Marranos at the top of the pyramid. But since Trump is at the top of the pyramid, his being a Mason is irrelevant. His admission of it helps Jews by diverting blame away from them.
Most Masons don't know anything about the upper echelons of their society. I have known a couple of them who were otherwise pretty good people and somewhat aware of the Jewish problem.

18th March 2017, 09:02 PM
he better be something to function in skypeville. if not skype, mason next best thing

18th March 2017, 10:17 PM
How utterly disappointing.

Never met a mason I didn't dislike.

George Washington? (though to your point you never met him)

Though actually youtube comments are saying he said "Its actually amazing, I wouldn't know", which is plausible.

19th March 2017, 12:08 AM
there seems to be some strange or inconsistent rules with Masonry. It's generally not allowed to reveal yourself as a mason, however once departed it seems ok if it is revealed. But then I'm not sure everyone is revealed even once dead. And they obviously appear in the news from time to time seeming to be enticing new membership. It might be a ranking thing as to who is allowed to reveal or in some situations it might be concern of not knowing if more was revealed than just membership. I do know though that it can swiftly lead to your demise. It is taken very seriously.

We can remember Bush and cousin Kerry seriously dodging the question. They know the consequences. I expect they've seen them up close.

there are also other fraternal associations, odd fellows, taverners, those idiots with turkish hats and tiny cars..... although I must admit clowning around is not a definitive sign of being an idiot. You should never under estimate the court jester.

19th March 2017, 02:45 AM
The audio is not conclusive, but warrants professional audio analysis (Trump's voice needs to be cleaned up to ascertain exactly what he said). It sure sounds highly suspicious, given the context.

Ultimately, it really doesn't matter, since Trump is either a crypto or a Shabbos Goy who has become a "brother" of the self-chosen Master Race.

19th March 2017, 02:47 AM
George Washington? (though to your point you never met him)

People worship George Washington, and most of it is not deserved. He was no Thomas Jefferson (Washington presided over the conversion of America from a true republic under the Articles to a budding empire under the Constitution). The New Atlantis.

Though actually youtube comments are saying he said "Its actually amazing, I wouldn't know", which is plausible.

Hence, my suggestion of professional audio analysis.

19th March 2017, 04:15 AM
Why are you guys even listening to videos put out by liberals? 'The Underground Resistance Network'
He did not say he's a Mason. That makes no sense and doesn't fit the conversation. Just more liberal bullshit.

Case closed!

19th March 2017, 04:43 AM
At 3:07...


"I'm actually a mason." Camera was not on Trump but the words were pretty clearly uttered by him.

I think it is perfectly plausible that Trump is a mason.


"Trump was chosen by FREEMASONS ILLUMINATI & JEWS ZIONISTS Has their third option to deceive people
Luis Times
Luis Times

There are many "masons" who just think it is a fun fellowship in their communities for the guys to get together. But the Shriners take higher degree blood oaths and wear dark red fez hats as symbolism of when Muslims overran city of Fez in Morocco, I think it was, and there was so much carnage that the blood was actually running deep in the streets so that the hats of the Muslim marauders turned blood red.

A majority of the supreme court justices for about a thirty year period were Freemasons and gave unequal fake justice out to their fellow, wink wink nod nod, mason defendants.

19th March 2017, 05:22 AM
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Boundary_Markers_of_the_Original_District_of_Colum bia

The south boundary stone (first in the list) was erected accompanied by a masonic ceremony. This stone is called the cornerstone of the District of Columbia. In the same manner today politicians make a show of dragging out shiny shovels to excavate the first soil of any project. This ceremony is masonic.

19th March 2017, 08:18 AM
He probably felt the need to associate himself to his heirarchy religion, cause he was surrounded by black power.

Even though those weren't the words he actually said, it came out that way.

19th March 2017, 11:27 PM
I think he says, thats amazing, I didnt know that.


Prince Hall?
2nd row 4th from the right side of the photo? is supposed to be someone, a rapper perhaps? I can't find the details about it. Someone who recently died like Notorious or someone like that.

20th March 2017, 04:24 PM
I don't understand why we should be worried about Trump being a mason. Many of my uncles were masons and they were good men. My father was one for a while but quit - he suggested to me that I might consider joining if I were going to try to run a business. I was invited to join after I retired but didn't have any interest. As long as Trump puts america first, him being a mason isn't anything I worry about. And I read he is taking bids for that wall, so, maybe he's going to do what he said in his campaign after all. Anyway, it seems to be going OK for now. I still say we're better off with Trump than with Hillary. We get to decide in four years whether or not we want another four, or somebody else, so, lets wait and see what he does.

20th March 2017, 04:57 PM
I basically have nothing again anybody using knowledge for the greater good of mankind (anti-chosen ones). Falling for the labels is dangerous.

his son-in-law is more of a worry I think as he is a soros' front man

20th March 2017, 08:48 PM
I don't understand why we should be worried about Trump being a mason. Many of my uncles were masons and they were good men. My father was one for a while but quit - he suggested to me that I might consider joining if I were going to try to run a business. I was invited to join after I retired but didn't have any interest. As long as Trump puts america first, him being a mason isn't anything I worry about. And I read he is taking bids for that wall, so, maybe he's going to do what he said in his campaign after all. Anyway, it seems to be going OK for now. I still say we're better off with Trump than with Hillary. We get to decide in four years whether or not we want another four, or somebody else, so, lets wait and see what he does.

Freemasonry is a murderous child molesting satanic cult.

21st March 2017, 02:54 AM
I don't understand why we should be worried about Trump being a mason. Many of my uncles were masons and they were good men. My father was one for a while but quit - he suggested to me that I might consider joining if I were going to try to run a business. I was invited to join after I retired but didn't have any interest. As long as Trump puts america first, him being a mason isn't anything I worry about. And I read he is taking bids for that wall, so, maybe he's going to do what he said in his campaign after all. Anyway, it seems to be going OK for now. I still say we're better off with Trump than with Hillary. We get to decide in four years whether or not we want another four, or somebody else, so, lets wait and see what he does.

Your family were likely "blue lodge" Masons. The low echelons from which the sinister operators are recruited.

Think about the statement I highlighted in your quote. Why was that?

As for if Trump is a high(er)-level Mason, he cannot "put America first" and serve the goals of Judaism for Gentiles, aka Freemasonry. The goals of Freemasonry are one world, one religion, one race. The same as "globalism," which is, of course, the product of Masons.

Masonry serves Satan, whom they call "Jah-Bul-On" - a blasphemous composite of Yahweh (a Gnostic version, "Jah"), Baal, and On (variant name of the Egyptian god Orisris). Freemasons are not permitted to worship Jesus Christ / Yeshua ha-Massiach openly, only the generic "God" or "the GAOTU" (Great Architect of the Universe). This is because Masonry is a daughter of Talmudism, which considers Jesus Christ an "anti-Semitic" "sorcerer" and "bastard" (son of a prostitute and a Roman soldier).

There are countless videos and books available to educate you on Judeo-Freemasonry, if you're ready to learn the Truth.

21st March 2017, 03:42 AM
Freemasonry is a murderous child molesting satanic cult.
Child/human sacrifices are not unique to masonry, many ancient civilizations in latin america practiced it. And other pagan ones (sacrificing the kids of their enemies) It has to do with the "virgin energy" that is considered pure. Mary was herself very young (11-14) when she gave birth. Joseph was in his 70's or older. The problem has just gotten worse because people do not understand the "virgin concept" on a metaphysical level. Krishnamurti once said something like: the answer always lies in the understanding of the question. Look at the world today, most christians still approve wars/rackets by government because they do NOT understand their bible. And that represents 80-85% of the bible followers.

also keep in mind that king james was a masonic bloodline king after all - just like all the windsors. Constantine was a high ranked in the pre-masonic order. Only if you can take it. Masonry has made sure to hide the Truth by burying it in a pile of lies because masonry knows the Truth. But like I have said earlier, lies cannot exist without Truth, so lies are the Truth twisted. And what do people when they see a lie. they run away and reject it... well sorry, the lie must be confronted and untwisted, and we must throw ourselves into the fire to UNdo it. That is precisely why the NWO has been winning so far... people hate to hear about rituals sacrifices, so this evil has just grown exponentially. Just like anything else we will not address or refuse to understand (denial)

overall, I am not keen on any spiritual teaching using metaphors or parables because that is where the problem starts. Their interpretations are too stretchable and people will adapt them to their own level of understanding. Spirituality always has a scientific explanation. But hey that is why science and religions have always been at war

21st March 2017, 05:25 AM
Back in the mid seventies I was thrown in jail for drunk driving. My ex wife went to our neighbor and friend who was a Mason and told him my troubles. He drove 50 miles to the town I was incarcerated in, shook hands with the Constable and I was out in minutes (still had to go to court though). This neighbor was employed in a law enforcement related profession himself.
In the late eighties I had a boss who was a Mason. Although he hired and promoted fellow Masons ahead of me, and had a blind eye to their shortcomings, he liked me as a person probably better than he did the Masons there.

I knew both of these Masons well enough to discuss the topic of race, which BTW was much easier to discuss back then than now. Both of these Masons despised Jews and Blacks.
Just as most professionals are incapable of discovering how corrupt their occupation is, I think most low level Masons are in complete denial about what goes on at higher levels. The only corrupt thing they ever do is favor fellow Masons in accordance with their vows.

There is a "cui bono" to this, as the upper echelons of Freemasonry, probably 100% Jewish, have not only silenced everyone who was recruited into their organization, but are assured they will protect them from prosecution should they ever be subject to their scrutiny as Jurors, police officers, prosecutors etc. which is why law enforcement and related occupations are most aggressively recruited into the organization.

So when a low level Mason goes to jury duty and a high level Mason is being tried, I think the low level Mason, who understands his vows, goes into denial about the evil of the high level Mason and assumes the latter is of the same character as the fellows he goes out and raises money for children's hospitals with.

I suspect that the vast majority of Masons are like the ones I knew. They probably lived their entire lives not having any suspicion that Freemasonry was run by Jews.