View Full Version : MIT Offers $250K To Best Act Of DISobedience

19th March 2017, 06:18 AM
Maybe disobedience is rejecting this NWO offer ;D

‘Throughout history, humans across the world have engaged in innumerable courageous acts of rebellion, resistance and dissent against authority, many of which have led to revolutions and meaningful progress in society. There is now a financial incentive for such movements involving disobedience with the creation of an unusual contest from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

On March 6, MIT’s Media Lab began accepting applications for individuals and groups presenting an act of “responsible disobedience,” with a $250,000 prize awarded to the winner. Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, is funding the award. Hoffman serves on the advisory board of the Media Lab.’

Read more: MIT Ups The Activism Ante — Offers $250K To Best Act Of DISobedience

19th March 2017, 06:26 AM
Responsible disobedience. Yeah, right.

19th March 2017, 06:57 AM
WOW, organized sedition and treason yet we still sit back and watch our country get compromised bit by bit. These people who think of this shit need to be found in dumpsters. Fear is a great motivator and fear what is needed here.

19th March 2017, 06:33 PM
I wonder if marching across campus with a sign "Deport all Leftist Traitors!" would count?