View Full Version : skype build tribute to baal in nyc

24th March 2017, 10:25 AM
a little background info on baal


If there was one god above all the ancient gods of this time period, it was Baal who was the half-bull, half-man god of fertility. Baal is the god that is most often referred to in the Bible. Baal apparently had many powers.

At Ras-Shamar, Baal was referred to as the son of Dagon, the Philistines chief god. The Bible tells us that there were dire consequences for Israel worshiping a false god (Judges 2). Today, that might be a job, car, status, possessions, money, and such things that can “do” things for us. It’s still idolatry and we’ve all been guilty of it, but the point is that Baal is no god at all.

The cult of Baal was widespread in the ancient Semitic nation of Israel due to the surrounding nation’s influences. Baal was the pagan god of choice because Baal controlled (supposedly) so much of what was vital for the people to survive that he was worshiped more than any other, however, when you discover their religious practices, you can see why they are condemned so strongly in Scripture.

The worshippers would gather around a statue or figure of Baal (a half-bull, half man god), but apparently, to get Baal’s undivided attention, they would sacrifice live infants into the burning hands of Baal with fire in his belly. When his hands would reach a white-hot temperature, the infant would be placed into Baal’s white-hot hands. While the infant was being burned alive, the worshippers were engaging in sexual intercourse with multiple partners (orgies) in the hopes of enticing Baal to bring life-giving rains for their crops, gardens, and orchards.

Of course, these practices caused many unwanted pregnancies, but then they solved that problem by making these unwanted babies, babies that conceived during their “religious services,” part of the following Baal worship where these infants would also be burned alive. How evil can it get!? Today, none worship that way (that we know of), but we are still sacrificing unwanted babies and placing them onto the altar of convenience. Is no price too high to pay, just so we can preserve a lifestyle (often, one of sexual immorality)?

Why would Israel choose Baal over God?

What was it about Baal that the Israelites were drawn too?

24th March 2017, 10:29 AM
old one destroyed so they immediately built a new one and erected in the perfect place - nyc


Replica Of Ancient Arch Destroyed By ISIS Is Now At City Hall Park

by Gaby Del Valle in Arts & Entertainment on Sep 20, 2016 9:50 am

Earlier this year, one of the Internet's myriad conspiracy corners was abuzz with rumors that the 2,000 year old Temple of Baal would be rebuilt as a house of worship in Times Square. These rumors were nonsense but not without some vague connection to the truth—on Monday, a replica of the Triumphal Arch of Palmyra, the entrance to the temple, was unveiled in City Hall Park.

The actual Arch of Palmyra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Syria, was destroyed last year in a terrorist attack by the Islamic State. It was originally the entryway to the Temple of Baal, but was later converted to a Christian church and, eventually, an Islamic mosque. In August 2015, ISIS militants destroyed the temple with explosives and beheaded the archeologist who had served as its caretaker for 40 years, claiming that pre-Islamic religious objects or structures are "sacrilegious."

Going up in #CityHallPark! Come check out the #TriumphalArch tomorrow from 1:00pm. pic.twitter.com/tYljIbzVsZ
— Digital Archaeology (@DigiArchaeo) September 18, 2016

A 3D-printed replica of the arch, created shortly after the original was destroyed, is now on display in City Hall Park where it will stand until the end of this week before being moved to Dubai. It was previously installed in London's Trafalgar Square. The replica arch was created by the Institute for Digital Archeology as part of the Million Image Database, a joint venture between the Institute and UNESCO which gives 3D cameras to volunteers so they can photograph and preserve threatened sites in Middle Eastern and North African conflict zones.

Some particularly vehement critics feared that reconstructing the temple would lead to ritualistic "child sacrifice, sexual orgies, and homosexual debauchery," and presumably the end of the free world as we know it. So far, none of the above has happened, but we'll be sure to update if that changes.

For IDA and the Million Image Database, the replicated arch is a symbol of the world's resiliency in the face of terror.

"We hope to signal the potential for triumph of human ingenuity over violence and celebrate images from the past that unite the cultures they represent," said Roger Michel, the IDA's executive director. "We also hope that visitors to the installations will consider the role of physical objects in defining their history and weigh carefully the question of where precisely history and heritage reside."

24th March 2017, 12:33 PM
The Wall Street Casino...bull market...bear market? Nah, it's always a Baal market.

24th March 2017, 12:53 PM
House built out of flimsy cards with no real foundation might be bull but in time, will fail . As we have now all digits and paper with no foundation.

Bears eat bulls, besides they have a longer potential lifetime


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25th March 2017, 08:37 AM
These types of park projects are apparently still very neccessary to give an impression of "oneness" to any nation.

You just would not feel part of a successful nation unless strange and new to you structures popped up on the corner every now and then.

25th March 2017, 10:56 PM
I'm pretty sure that a lot of the "fighting" going on in these middle east countries/cities from Baghdad Iraq through to Mosul Syria are also providing cover for archaeological raids. Remember all the "antiquities" that were sacked from Baghdad as soon as the Iraqi army capitulated. The same has been going on across the whole region under the cover of the fighting.

I've got a couple bits and pieces that have come together synchronously in the past month or so. There is definitely some linkage to this story. The events of the middle east, these archaeological raids and the terror group ISIS revolve around the esoterica of the Goddess ISIS, Osiris and Horus and specifically ISIS's quest to recover the dismembered parts of Osiris and bring him back from the dead.

I posted a thread on the NASA mission Osiris Rex, we don't know dick. Journey to an asteroid which just so happens to be the exact same shape as Isis's own temple island.

The terror group ISIS was given that name for a reason.