View Full Version : Express Plane Boarding Coming, Passports Soon Obsolete

25th March 2017, 09:57 AM
there is always a GOOD incentive of course... gotta love the Nietzsche's quote below. groupthink causes insanity

British Airways introduces boarding without passports as it installs facial recognition at Heathrow

25 March 2017 • 12:48am

British Airways is introducing technology that will allow passengers to go through boarding gates at Heathrow using facial recognition.

Biometric devices in Terminal 5 will capture a traveller’s features along with the boarding pass, and then a facial scan at the gate verifies the person’s identity, allowing them to get on the plane without showing documents, BA said in a letter to staff.

The system is designed to speed up boarding and reduce errors, it said. Three gates are now using the equipment, with another 33 planned in the coming months.

Chairman Chaffetz Q&A - Reviewing Law Enforcement’s Policies on Facial Recognition Technology


A World Without Statist Conditioning

“The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue.” ~Antisthenes

Raised, as most of us are, within nation states, it is extremely difficult to think outside the statist box. It’s tantamount to cognitive dissonance; Might as well ask a fish to breathe outside water, it’s so counterintuitive. But, and here’s the rub, we are not fish, and if we want to continue to be a progressively evolving species on this planet, we are going to have to think outside the box.

The thing is, it’s perfectly okay if “the box” is healthy, sustainable, and moral. But when it’s unhealthy, unsustainable, and immoral, like the statist box is, then it becomes imperative that we think outside of it. If we cannot do this, then we cowardly give in to indifference and ignorance, and we will be ruled by those who know how to gain power over indifference and ignorance. As Plato pointed out, “The price of apathy toward public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

In order to recondition our statist conditioning, we’re going to have to imagine a world without masters and rulers. No mastery except for self-mastery; no rulers except for self-rule. This seems counterintuitive to our statist conditioning, but it’s not. We simply need to be a little more imaginative about the ways in which we approach the ideas of leadership and rules. Leadership does not imply the need for masters, and rules do not imply the need for a ruler. We simply need a fresh perspective, preferably one that can see past statist driven propaganda. As Plotinus said, “We must close our eyes and invoke a new manner of seeing… a wakefulness that is the birthright of us all, though few put it to use.”

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs, it is the rule.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche


25th March 2017, 10:11 AM
Big Brother, Another video on Chaffetz's and face recognition software ~ Chairman Chaffetz "This is a database comprized of primarily law abiding Americans" ~ uploaded by Lorri Anderson



25th March 2017, 10:39 PM
We already have this in Australia. I've used it 2 times. First time there was this femonazi screaming at people to stand there and do this. You had to stand in front of a pole with a camera and sensors in it. About 5 feet away. It was only for Australians. Everyone else had to go through regular immigration.

The 2nd time I went through one it was not working so we had to go through regular immigration.

People think it's wonderful because it's so fast. But people here also love checking their own groceries, using tap and pay, submitting to unlawful roadside searches and DNA sampling. blah blah etc.