View Full Version : Trump embraces chemtrails

midnight rambler
28th March 2017, 05:38 AM


28th March 2017, 09:34 AM
The people responsible need to be hunted down and killed. That's the only way to hope to stop this.

28th March 2017, 07:09 PM
That's Fugly.

I'm still convinced the military has some use for what is already going on.

With the quiet sun phase on top of us, there could be many lead to believe that their environment is changing due to anthro sources.

Nothing is currenly being linked to the solar phase from any .gov source U.S.

28th March 2017, 08:18 PM
A couple of weeks back I was testing my new Fenix headlamp...damn is it bright. What caught my eye, though, were the tiny white particles falling from the sky. No, not simple dust, and it wasn't moisture. The very bright light illuminated them quite well, but it was like they had no substance to them. No visible residue on my hand, either. I should have captured a sterile sample and sent it to Carnicom.

The fact "someone" is spraying "something" is beyond question. Who it is, what it is, and why are still to be determined.