View Full Version : Senators expand Russia investigation, amid scrutiny of House probe

29th March 2017, 12:39 PM
Senators expand Russia investigation, amid scrutiny of House probe

Published March 29, 2017 FoxNews.com (http://www.foxnews.com/)

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March 29, 2017: Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., right, and the committee's Vice Chairman Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va. meet with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP)

Leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee announced Wednesday they are expanding their investigation of Russia’s interference in the U.S. presidential campaign, scheduling interviews and reviewing thousands of documents – amid mounting controversy over a similar probe undertaken by their counterparts on the House side.

“This investigation’s scope will go wherever the intelligence leads it,” Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., told reporters, speaking alongside top panel Democrat Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

The committee is set to hold its first public hearing on the Russia issue on Thursday, a session that will feature several foreign policy experts. But on the sidelines, Burr and Warner revealed new details about the scope of their investigation.

Burr said they’ve devoted seven professional staff members to the investigation, and they’re going through “an unprecedented amount of documents.” He said they’re reviewing “thousands” of raw intelligence and other products.

Further, he said the committee this week began to schedule its first interviews -- making 20 requests so far, with five already scheduled.
He confirmed that the Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior adviser, is among those the committee will interview.
“We will get to the bottom of this,” Warner said.

The senators sought to assure the public of their independence and integrity in operating this investigation, amid questions over the way the related House probe is proceeding.

Chairman of the House intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., riled Democrats last week after claiming he learned that Trump transition team communications were incidentally collected during surveillance operations conducted under the prior administration. These comments appeared to conflict with FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to the same committee that they had no evidence of such surveillance, referring to allegations Trump made earlier this month.

While Trump claimed Nunes’ claims at least partly vindicated his widely challenged allegations, Democrats voiced concern that Nunes was too closely tied to Trump. They escalated calls for Nunes to recuse himself from the Russia probe after it emerged he viewed secret information on White House grounds.
Nunes has rejected those calls, and defended his actions.

29th March 2017, 01:15 PM
What's so shamefully obvious is this Russians shit is deflection and diversion from the real problems coming out from under the woodwork right under our noses. (ex. Pedos, Clinton crime, the Fed, 911, etc) What exactly did the Russians do again that affected the US presidential elections? No, look over here, I asked you a question.....pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!!


29th March 2017, 01:27 PM
For some ignorance can be cured, but sadly for others it is a terminal condition, which the question = Ignorance is lack of information and thought, which can be fixed and stupidly which is being hard headed/bull headed leading to preconceived thoughts despite the evidence of the contrary to withhold ones wanted views = stupidly.

But true world views does take time and study.. Which internet commandos are sadly lacking.



29th March 2017, 03:10 PM
When Comey steps down he will publish a novel on msm news talk shows about how his policing abilities of the internet were severly lacking.

29th March 2017, 04:08 PM
***DICK*** IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


‘Russia’s alleged interference in last year’s US presidential election could be considered “an act of war”, according to former US Vice President Dick Cheney.

Mr Cheney, who was George W Bush’s deputy between 2001 and 2009, said there was “no question” that Vladimir Putin had attempted to influence the election outcome.

“There’s no question there was a very serious effort made by Putin and his government, his organisation, to interfere in major ways with our basic fundamental democratic processes,” Mr Cheney said during a speech at a business conference in New Delhi, India.’

Read more: War Criminal and Neocon Dick Cheney: Russia’s interference in US presidential election ‘an act of war’http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/dick-cheney-russia-us-presidential-election-interference-donald-trump-george-w-bush-vice-president-a7653986.html

29th March 2017, 04:43 PM
For some ignorance can be cured, but sadly for others it is a terminal condition, which the question = Ignorance is lack of information and thought, which can be fixed and stupidly which is being hard headed/bull headed leading to preconceived thoughts despite the evidence of the contrary to withhold ones wanted views = stupidly.

But true world views does take time and study.. Which internet commandos are sadly lacking.



Inner peace can be expressed with this..


IN many ways other wise it beating ones head bloody with no overall result, except getting more pissed at what can not be changed when it come to majority vs minority, which world view many here are not majority

Same thing as pissing up wind into a hurricane.


For they that want blood fire the first shot and see what you will reap.

Josh comes to mind.

Sorry but true..

29th March 2017, 04:48 PM
I'm not rooting for violence, just preparing to win in the face of the threat.
Inner peace can be expressed with this..


IN many ways other wise it beating ones head bloody with no overall result, except getting more pissed at what can not be changed when it come to majority vs minority, which world view many here are not majority

Same thing as pissing up wind into a hurricane.


For they that want blood fire the first shot and see what you will reap.

Josh comes to mind.

Sorry but true..

29th March 2017, 05:05 PM
I'm not rooting for violence, just preparing to win in the face of the threat. Going by your posts u are just hoping for the world to be drenched in blood.

That is the one thing I have against you, your answer is kill them and then everything by some miracle things will be good.

Also your posts are dam near a magnet for attracting attention that in my op to this forum is unwanted because of the attention what you post will or does draw attention that the forum does not need.

Other than that I can not give a flying hoohoo..


29th March 2017, 09:10 PM
Going by your posts u are just hoping for the world to be drenched in blood.

That is the one thing I have against you, your answer is kill them and then everything by some miracle things will be good.

Also your posts are dam near a magnet for attracting attention that in my op to this forum is unwanted because of the attention what you post will or does draw attention that the forum does not need.

Other than that I can not give a flying hoohoo..

