View Full Version : Nazi dog takes a Dump on holocaust memorial

4th April 2017, 07:29 PM

A Jewish woman has told dog owners to ‘have some respect’ after dog mess was found on the Holocaust Memorial in Beach House Park.
Sarah Lewis-Hammond was walking through the Worthing park on Tuesday when she noticed the mess next to a Yahrzeit candle that had been placed by the Holocaust Memorial tree.
According to Sarah, a Yahrzeit candle is lit every year on the anniversary of a death to commemorate and remember the person who died, and is an important part of Jewish tradition.
Because it is by the memorial, it was most likely put there by the loved one of someone who died in the Holocaust.
Sarah said she was ‘really upset’ by the incident, as the tradition was close to her heart.http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/11j2a2.jpg
