View Full Version : Collapsing the Fraud — April 15th is a National Holiday

5th April 2017, 10:26 PM
Collapsing the Fraud — April 15th is a National Holiday (https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/04/06/collapsing-the-fraud-april-15th-is-a-national-holiday/)Posted on April 6, 2017 (https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/04/06/collapsing-the-fraud-april-15th-is-a-national-holiday/)
by David Robinson (https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/author/drobin88/)
https://mainerepublicemailalert.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/12405-judge2banna.png?w=640 Judge Anna von Reitz

If someone stole your identity, would you have any trouble reporting it to the bank and whoever else was impacted by the swindle? Would it take more than a nanosecond for you to object to paying someone else’s bills? Accepting the blame for someone else’s crimes?

Well, come on, now, that is what has happened here.

The criminals in Congress swindled your grandparents and parents, stole our national identity, grabbed our credit cards, set up millions of phony escrow ACCOUNTS benefiting themselves and have spent their ill-gotten gains and time in the District of Columbia cobbling up another gigantic swindle they are attempting to unleash on you and your kids right now.

It’s time to wake up and pull the plug on this.


For starters, if you aren’t a federal civilian or military employee, an elected officer of a federal corporation, a voluntary franchise operator of a federal corporation, an African American, a federal welfare recipient, or a federal political asylum seeker— if you are Joe Average American working in the private sector, a farmer, an unincorporated business owner, etc.,—you can revoke your election to pay Federal Income Taxes.

April 15 can be a holiday. Imagine that?

That’s what it has been for me, since 1998. I have a party. We drink cheap champagne. We recite bad poetry. We hurl Shakespearian insults— “Thou burly, flap-jowled, goatish, howling miscreant! How darest Thou imply a bottomery debt!”

Get started. There is no time like now.

You write an old-fashioned letter to the Commissioners of the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and you simply tell them that you are eligible for exemption and are revoking your election to pay Federal Income Taxes. Please adjust your records accordingly and honor my exemption.

Send the revocation letter via US Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. Keep a copy of the letters and the mailing receipts. That’s it.

If anyone from the IRS or Internal Revenue Service asks about your tax status or sends you anything in the mail insinuating that you owe them money or have to file any reports, send copies of your copies of the revocation letter and mailing receipts. Certifiy that the copies are true, complete, and correct, sign and date. Stuff it in the mail, U.S. Certified, Return Receipt Requested—- and down their tubes.

If anyone calls you “Mr.” or “Mrs.” or “Miss” from now on, inform them that you are not a Warrant Officer in the Merchant Marines (that is, a Withholding Agent) and you will happily object if anyone presumes that you are.

You may have to give your employer a written and notarized Waiver absolving them of any responsibility to withhold federal taxes from your paycheck. You might have to fill out a W8 BEN for that purpose.

My point is that millions upon millions of innocent Americans can avoid paying a third or more of their earnings (which are private property, not corporate income) as a “gift and estate tax” that they don’t owe, in support of an organization that has practiced fraud, usurpation, kidnapping, press-ganging, theft, inland piracy, copyright and trademark infringement and conspiracy to murder against them.

Send those letters effective with October 1, 2015 (or on that date up to ten years prior) and keep your credit at home where it belongs.

Then, kick back. Inform your friendly local banker that you have retired from all federal service and your PERSONAL bank account is, in fact, a private bank account and all funds deposited in or transferred from that account are private funds that must be denominated as lawful money. Send that U.S. Certified Return Receipt Requested, too. Every time they try to foist off some new agreement, resend the same information.

This keeps them and the IRS from presuming that the digits in your account are Federal Reserve Notes and that in turn prevents them from confiscating your money, issuing bogus liens against it, and otherwise seeking to defraud you.

Once your revoke your “election” to pay, you can never file federal income taxes again. By law. So nobody, including Junior Woodchuck IRS Agents, can accuse you of having any such obligation or of failing to file or any of that clap-trap again.

It’s a lovely feeling to know the truth and know who you are and how to stuff corks in the mouths of those who have been extorting money out of you.

It’s downright glorious to tell an IRS Agent, “Who gave you permission to even speak to me?”

Ah, yes, sweet freedom.

It’s what our people have fought and died for, for generations. It’s what you deserve and what you have been denied.

So, why wait another ten seconds?

Join me. On April 15th this year, take off your manacles and chains. Stretch your bent back. Take a deep, deep breath…. and begin a whole new and different relationship with the IRS.

From now on, they don’t collect from you. They collect for you.

Go forth, America, and conquer.

8th April 2017, 09:50 PM
You write an old-fashioned letter to the Commissioners of the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and you simply tell them that you are eligible for exemption and are revoking your election to pay Federal Income Taxes. Please adjust your records accordingly and honor my exemption.

Send the revocation letter via US Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. Keep a copy of the letters and the mailing receipts. That’s it.

For some reason 7th trump, the biggest "I'm exempt" cheerleader here (no offense, Bigjon), won't do this. Any idea?

Two of us have even offered him two ounces of gold if he demonstrates the IRS concurs he's exempt.

9th April 2017, 07:38 AM

For starters, if you aren’t a federal civilian or military employee, an elected officer of a federal corporation, a voluntary franchise operator of a federal corporation, an African American, a federal welfare recipient, or a federal political asylum seeker— if you are Joe Average American working in the private sector, a farmer, an unincorporated business owner, etc.,—you can revoke your election to pay Federal Income Taxes.

April 15 can be a holiday. Imagine that?

Get started. There is no time like now.

You write an old-fashioned letter to the Commissioners of the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and you simply tell them that you are eligible for exemption and are revoking your election to pay Federal Income Taxes. Please adjust your records accordingly and honor my exemption.

Send the revocation letter via US Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. Keep a copy of the letters and the mailing receipts. That’s it.

If anyone from the IRS or Internal Revenue Service asks about your tax status or sends you anything in the mail insinuating that you owe them money or have to file any reports, send copies of your copies of the revocation letter and mailing receipts. Certifiy that the copies are true, complete, and correct, sign and date. Stuff it in the mail, U.S. Certified, Return Receipt Requested—- and down their tubes.

If anyone calls you “Mr.” or “Mrs.” or “Miss” from now on, inform them that you are not a Warrant Officer in the Merchant Marines (that is, a Withholding Agent) and you will happily object if anyone presumes that you are.

You may have to give your employer a written and notarized Waiver absolving them of any responsibility to withhold federal taxes from your paycheck. You might have to fill out a W8 BEN for that purpose.

My point is that millions upon millions of innocent Americans can avoid paying a third or more of their earnings (which are private property, not corporate income) as a “gift and estate tax” that they don’t owe, in support of an organization that has practiced fraud, usurpation, kidnapping, press-ganging, theft, inland piracy, copyright and trademark infringement and conspiracy to murder against them.

Send those letters effective with October 1, 2015 (or on that date up to ten years prior) and keep your credit at home where it belongs.

Then, kick back. Inform your friendly local banker that you have retired from all federal service and your PERSONAL bank account is, in fact, a private bank account and all funds deposited in or transferred from that account are private funds that must be denominated as lawful money. Send that U.S. Certified Return Receipt Requested, too. Every time they try to foist off some new agreement, resend the same information.

This keeps them and the IRS from presuming that the digits in your account are Federal Reserve Notes and that in turn prevents them from confiscating your money, issuing bogus liens against it, and otherwise seeking to defraud you.

Once your revoke your “election” to pay, you can never file federal income taxes again. By law. So nobody, including Junior Woodchuck IRS Agents, can accuse you of having any such obligation or of failing to file or any of that clap-trap again.

It’s a lovely feeling to know the truth and know who you are and how to stuff corks in the mouths of those who have been extorting money out of you.

It’s downright glorious to tell an IRS Agent, “Who gave you permission to even speak to me?”

Ah, yes, sweet freedom.

It’s what our people have fought and died for, for generations. It’s what you deserve and what you have been denied.

So, why wait another ten seconds?

Join me. On April 15th this year, take off your manacles and chains. Stretch your bent back. Take a deep, deep breath…. and begin a whole new and different relationship with the IRS.

From now on, they don’t collect from you. They collect for you.

Go forth, America, and conquer.

I am fairly certain the Federal Mafia will take everything I own and put me in prison. Too much to lose. I guess what I'm saying is that I can't afford to gamble. I've seen case after case where the Federal Mafia has set it's sights on someone and turned them into an example. I believe the only reason anyone has gotten away with not paying taxes is because they are far enough under the radar and it is not in the interest of the Federal Mafia to persue them. I will point out here Crimethink's offer of an ounce of gold to 7th if he will write the IRS. 7th won't do it because he knows the outcome of shaking your dick at the Federal Mafia.

9th April 2017, 09:53 AM
I am fairly certain the Federal Mafia will take everything I own and put me in prison. Too much to lose. I guess what I'm saying is that I can't afford to gamble. I've seen case after case where the Federal Mafia has set it's sights on someone and turned them into an example. I believe the only reason anyone has gotten away with not paying taxes is because they are far enough under the radar and it is not in the interest of the Federal Mafia to persue them. I will point out here Crimethink's offer of an ounce of gold to 7th if he will write the IRS. 7th won't do it because he knows the outcome of shaking your dick at the Federal Mafia.

I wish I had a clear cut example of someone I know who pulled off this strategy, but I don't. I do have conflicting evidence where on one hand a guy I know lost his farm to the IRS, but it seems like they kind of wore him down to where he didn't do the things that he needed to do to put them off. He tried just ignoring their threatening letters, a real bad strategy as it turns out.

On the other hand another guy has stopped the IRS in their tracks, they attacked and got nothing. I'm not certain that his strategy was this State National one.

My tax papers are sitting on my desk ready to be signed. I'm a coward.

A slave of the UNITED STATES INC.

9th April 2017, 10:44 AM
Tax Court judgement against Anna M. Reitzinger-Von Reitz and her husband James C. Belcher
