View Full Version : Ron Pail: Get out of Seria

11th April 2017, 04:52 AM
can you read this? Misspelled words, gibberish sentences etc...

Ron Paul: Get Out of Syria (http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/ron-paul-get-out-of-syria)

4 Comments (http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/ron-paul-get-out-of-syria#comments)

By Liberty Report Staff
Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com (http://video.foxbusiness.com)

4 Comments (http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/ron-paul-get-out-of-syria#comments)
Aleta (http://Aleta_goree@yahoo.com)
link (http://Aleta_goree@yahoo.com)
4/11/2017 12:27:40 am
Robert Rigert
4/11/2017 01:41:05 am

Remember under obama the us military bombed Asads military base for 2 hours and claimed it was a mistake. Is it possible Russia was right and they were bombing a terrorst chemical factory. Since the CIA was involved in Kennedies death, the Iraq war, death of M Montoe, Vienam war, is it possible they are involved. Take Kennedies advicc and scatter them to 4 winds. Stop all this secret stup and made information available ro rhe public. What good is the FBI, obama was in office for 8 years and we still don't know who he is or where he came from? I have requested the FBI to investige numerous times and they refuse. If we get rid of the CIA maybe we won't have any more wars.

4/11/2017 05:30:25 am

The interviewer applies the same carte blanche approach with no discernable proof, evidence, its all heresay, someone should ask her and others of her contracted ilk, are you willing to swear that on oath in a court of law...in laymans terms its called lying. Most on SM know it was a false flag under Syrias flag, that the MSM have been given their orders, blow hard or lose your job...which sinister masterminds behind the most to gain from a destablized Golan Heights? Join the dots...

11th April 2017, 05:26 AM
Looks like Nigerian scammer English

11th April 2017, 05:37 AM
Fake news but it does have resemblance to real news.

11th April 2017, 07:27 AM