View Full Version : Robert Stanley - Eye-popping wide ranging interview

midnight rambler
11th April 2017, 08:09 PM
Transhumanism, transgenderism, AI, chemtrails, climate change/crazy weather, nanobots, Lucifier & the war in Heaven, documented UFO sightings over DC spanning many decades, Vatican & UN preparing for 'return of the gods', etc., etc.

Yeah, it's two whole hours but check it out, your reality will never be the same -


old steel
11th April 2017, 11:39 PM
So these Anunnaki (https://www.google.ca/search?safe=images&q=Anunnaki&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiy0emfp57TAhUl94MKHa9jD-MQ7xYIICgA&biw=1920&bih=1030), are they fallen angels?

12th April 2017, 03:12 AM
New Age crap.

The original explanation remains true: these "aliens" are demons. If one needs a "modern" trapping, "malevolent interdimensional beings." But they're the same damned thing the ancients knew. They are not "from other planets." They are not "genetic scientists."

These "aliens" tales serve to bolster the occult narrative, so that when they actually deploy Project Blue Beam (or something even more advanced), the vast majority will fall for it:

For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.

I couldn't get much farther than the false "a black helicopter landed at my home" claim. "They" have no fear of us, so they don't need unmarked helos. And a plain sedan with two goons makes the same point. Although Stanley is only important within his own mind.

12th April 2017, 03:14 AM
So these Anunnaki (https://www.google.ca/search?safe=images&q=Anunnaki&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiy0emfp57TAhUl94MKHa9jD-MQ7xYIICgA&biw=1920&bih=1030), are they fallen angels?

"Sons of Anu," or, generically, "Sons of God." Supposedly the Mesopotamian model for the "Sons of God" in Genesis that brought forth the half-breed Nephilim.

12th April 2017, 03:28 AM
For those who are interested in serious, credible research on "unidentified flying objects" and related paranormal phenomena, start with the works of these men:




(and yes, I know Missler is a Judeophile, but his work on "aliens" is the best available from a quasi-Christian perspective - but then "the Leak Project" is Jewish-run, so...)

7th trump
12th April 2017, 05:24 AM
For those who are interested in serious, credible research on "unidentified flying objects" and related paranormal phenomena, start with the works of these men:




(and yes, I know Missler is a Judeophile, but his work on "aliens" is the best available from a quasi-Christian perspective - but then "the Leak Project" is Jewish-run, so...)

Why do you bring man and his theories into the equation?
That's adding to Gods word which is leading them astray.
Why do you do that?

Its all in the Bible. God hasn't left nothing out.
May not be what you're wanting to read or hear, but just enough what God wants you to know.

12th April 2017, 06:18 AM
yes, anything that is NOT in the bible or directly interpreted from the bible is NEW AGE CRAP

what darwinism didnt tell you. It is not the smartest nor the fittest that survive but which is the most adaptable to change. Society has been coned since ever. Every elite has told their own nations who great they were.... look at the picture today... what fittest, what smartest... time to smell the coffee. RIP DARWIN!!!!!


while we fight for DNA supremacy on earth, another one is taking place in the outer space and the etheral realm... and by fighting among ourselves we are giving these other dimensions the rope to perpetuate our 3D slavery... that is the ultimate reality, and that is why most believe systems (drafted by the same culprits and usual suspects) warn us about it in their own words

so keep up with the fight to empower the absolute evil. Chistianity, like most religious systems, rests on a blood ritual and this (predictive programming) will need to be addressed at some point

the only free will we will ever have is TO NOTICE... OR NOT... the genesis (great flood) is a sumerian copycat, so what do we do from there ??? ??? ???

midnight rambler
12th April 2017, 07:29 AM
Fred holds the contrarian position that Lucifer is not in control of this world. lol

Anyone who listens to the entire video will get a clearer picture of the Luciferian agenda aka globalist NWO (where man is god).

old steel
12th April 2017, 09:23 AM
From what i understand these Anunnaki (https://www.google.ca/search?safe=images&q=Anunnaki&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiy0emfp57TAhUl94MKHa9jD-MQ7xYIICgA&biw=1920&bih=1030) didn't create us but they seriously messed and tweaked with our DNA. Bunch of nasty bastards.

The Nummo or Nommo which information goes back to the Dogon tribe in Africa and the Sirius star system it is said, are our original creators.

They combined their DNA with life which was present here on earth to create humans.


12th April 2017, 09:29 AM
For those who are interested in serious, credible research on "unidentified flying objects" and related paranormal phenomena, start with the works of these men:




(and yes, I know Missler is a Judeophile, but his work on "aliens" is the best available from a quasi-Christian perspective - but then "the Leak Project" is Jewish-run, so...)

I read "John Keel's" book, "Operation Trojan Horse".

It was an eye opener.

I'll check out the other 2.

12th April 2017, 09:30 AM
You are either food or a super hero clone, not both.

Loki (being the bad guy that her were) has abandoned you to this fate.

7th trump
12th April 2017, 10:24 AM
From what i understand these Anunnaki (https://www.google.ca/search?safe=images&q=Anunnaki&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiy0emfp57TAhUl94MKHa9jD-MQ7xYIICgA&biw=1920&bih=1030) didn't create us but they seriously messed and tweaked with our DNA. Bunch of nasty bastards.

The Nummo or Nommo which information goes back to the Dogon tribe in Africa and the Sirius star system it is said, are our original creators.

They combined their DNA with life which was present here on earth to create humans.


Nobody has ever messed with human DNA in the past except satans attempt with the fallen angels that mated with the daughters of man.

LMAO......an African tribe and a star system is it.
Please go to the cover page and tell me what the name of the comic book is.

old steel
12th April 2017, 10:42 AM
The Salish people of the PNW also talk of the Nummo, the creators of human beings.

The Bible is totally mistranslated.

Listen to any of the world class linguists like Mario Biglino who was hired by the Catholic church to translate their oldest Bible scrolls from the original ancient Greek and Latin.

One example is the the scripture about Gods spirit resting upon the water.

The exact word for it is "rauch" which when broken down into it's parts reveals the exact translation of something that hovers or flies above the water without moving it's wings.

There is no getting around what it really means.

When he started to write and talk about what he had discovered the church fired him and back into storage went the ancient texts.

We have been lied to about everything, especially our ancient beginnings as a species.

12th April 2017, 12:59 PM
Fred holds the contrarian position that Lucifer is not in control of this world.

You think you can lie about what I have clearly stated (to the direct contrary of what you claim) and get away with it.

Yes, Lucifer is in control of this world, and garbage like you posted is demonstration thereof.

Anyone who listens to the entire video will get a clearer picture of the Luciferian agenda aka globalist NWO (where man is god).

Anyone who wastes their two hours on these two kooks will be confused and mislead. Which is, of course, the Master of Lies' hope.

12th April 2017, 01:06 PM
From what i understand these Anunnaki didn't create us but they seriously messed and tweaked with our DNA. Bunch of nasty bastards.

The Nummo or Nommo which information goes back to the Dogon tribe in Africa and the Sirius star system it is said, are our original creators.

They combined their DNA with life which was present here on earth to create humans.

Our original Creator is Yahweh Almighty.

What you say here proves my point: the purpose of these lies, such as in the OP video, is to disparage His Great Work, replacing it with demons "created" humans.

12th April 2017, 01:08 PM
Nobody has ever messed with human DNA in the past except satans attempt with the fallen angels that mated with the daughters of man.

LMAO......an African tribe and a star system is it.
Please go to the cover page and tell me what the name of the comic book is.

Wow, 7th trump and I agree on something!

Might not be a comic book...probably Star Trek instead:


12th April 2017, 01:17 PM
Listen to any of the world class linguists like Mario Biglino who was hired by the Catholic church to translate their oldest Bible scrolls from the original ancient Greek and Latin.

Mauro Biglino is a world-class fraud, just like Erich von Däniken.

One example is the the scripture about Gods spirit resting upon the water.

The exact word for it is "rauch" which when broken down into it's parts reveals the exact translation of something that hovers or flies above the water without moving it's wings.

There is no getting around what it really means.

When one wants to "find" something preconceived, one usually succeeds.

What does it "really" mean? It means exactly what the Bible said it does.

However, if one wants to use what one has seen from Hollywood, and project that onto Genesis, one will come away with a very distorted vision.

When he started to write and talk about what he had discovered the church fired him and back into storage went the ancient texts.

He didn't "discover" anything. He blasphemed the holy work he was commissioned to do, and was rightly dismissed.

We have been lied to about everything, especially our ancient beginnings as a species.

We are being lied to right now, by the Luciferians whose purpose is to destroy our faith in our Father, and usher in a "New Age" of "enlightenment." And with it, a new order of one race, one religion, one government, under the aegis of "benevolent visitors from another world."

old steel
12th April 2017, 01:45 PM
Our original Creator is Yahweh Almighty.

What you say here proves my point: the purpose of these lies, such as in the OP video, is to disparage His Great Work, replacing it with demons "created" humans.

So where is this Yahweh of yours?

Shy creature no doubt, no one ever seems to catch a glimpse.

Oh wait, Joseph Smith saw him, i stand corrected.


12th April 2017, 02:16 PM
So where is this Yahweh of yours?

Shy creature no doubt, no one ever seems to catch a glimpse.

Yes, of course, you demand God show Himself on your terms. Who's in charge, you, or Him?

God is seen in everything He has made. You choose not to see.

old steel
12th April 2017, 02:34 PM
Yes, of course, you demand God show Himself on your terms. Who's in charge, you, or Him?

God is seen in everything He has made. You choose not to see.

I never said i didn't believe in a supreme being/intelligence whatever you want to call it.

Look around you, we have people saying they are Gods representative here on earth cause they preach about him from behind a pulpit.

No one’s got Christ more wrong than the Christians.

“With few exceptions our clergymen joined in the clamor to kill, kill, kill.” Marine Gen. Smedley Butler 1937

The militarization of "christian" pulpits is truly sad and disgusting.