View Full Version : man cave

12th April 2017, 04:15 AM
every time i hear somebody say that i want to punch them in the forehead {--->)

is it just me?

12th April 2017, 04:31 AM
It used to be called a den. It's often the last place in a house where a man can still be a man. It's the last refuge from bad furniture and white carpet. It's sad but not a cause for anger. You should show sympathy for the men driven into their holes.

12th April 2017, 06:28 AM
It used to be called a den. It's often the last place in a house where a man can still be a man. It's the last refuge from bad furniture and white carpet. It's sad but not a cause for anger. You should show sympathy for the men driven into their holes.Men don't need refuge, men are not driven by women, men don't need sympathy. That stuff is for boys.

12th April 2017, 08:10 AM
A man's house used to be his castle, now just the basement is.

12th April 2017, 08:40 AM
“Give not thy strength [or sovereignty] unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings.” Prov. 31:3

12th April 2017, 10:01 AM
man cave = henpecked

this guy has a really nice man cave, complete with tv and beer adverts on the wall because nothing says MAN more than watching tv while eating a plate of nachos


12th April 2017, 10:21 AM
Girly men don't need a cave... they can't even change a tire, they are whipped.

Real men that build & repair things... need a cave, where the women are not to enter, without express permission

12th April 2017, 11:13 AM
the man cave popularity is just at the beginning stages, they are installing them in colleges and providing training


12th April 2017, 11:16 AM
and no shortage of 'men' to inhabit these caves just like college taught them


12th April 2017, 12:35 PM
real man cave

girly man cave

12th April 2017, 12:38 PM
real man cave

girly man cave

old steel
12th April 2017, 12:44 PM
Got to have some guns in there or it isn't a man cave.

12th April 2017, 01:27 PM
every time i hear somebody say that i want to punch them in the forehead {--->)

is it just me?

No, it's not just you.

12th April 2017, 02:29 PM
Back ~15 years ago, when I still watched a little talmudvision outside of Warriors basketball; there was "The Man Show" on Comedy Central, hosted by Adam Corrola and Jimmy Kimmel. Anyone remember? With their standard closing segment, running behind the credits, "girls jumping on trampolines" ??

I'm sorry but, that show was some funny shit! :D

We know what Kimmel's doing today, but did Adam C ever go anywhere? Or just suckin' on the bottle & crack pipe mostly today?



12th April 2017, 03:44 PM
Back ~15 years ago, when I still watched a little talmudvision outside of Warriors basketball; there was "The Man Show" on Comedy Central, hosted by Adam Corrola and Jimmy Kimmel. Anyone remember? With their standard closing segment, running behind the credits, "girls jumping on trampolines" ??

LOL, that was a great show, one of the few on TV worth watching. They always ended with girls on trampolines and the crowd would cheer. They would also take beer chugging breaks....ziggy zaggy oi oi oi!!!!


12th April 2017, 03:57 PM
yeah you can still watch whole shows, ad free (IE ~22 mins long) on YT.. I watched a few other short clips after I found the trampoline segment above; still cracks me up! Even though through my new red pilled eyes today, (((Adam Corolla))) looks like a total pedo. At least The Man Show didn't have any children around...

Adam doing his own children's show today, perhaps? :(??

12th April 2017, 05:08 PM
yeah you can still watch whole shows, ad free (IE ~22 mins long) on YT.. I watched a few other short clips after I found the trampoline segment above; still cracks me up! Even though through my new red pilled eyes today, (((Adam Corolla))) looks like a total pedo. At least The Man Show didn't have any children around...

Adam doing his own children's show today, perhaps? :(??

think there is a corolla doing an alt right radio show these days. him or his cuzin?

edit: http://adamcarolla.com/

looks like not alt-right, more current events

12th April 2017, 06:03 PM
When I hear "man cave", it conjures up images of overgrown boys with overpriced toys stuck in a perpetual state of frat boyishness and trying to impress their equally immature friends.

A real man ought to be acting like an adult. Most of his time should be spent either working to provide for his family (current of future) or interacting with his family in order to raise the next generation. Real men don't have much time or money for their own indulgence.

12th April 2017, 06:54 PM
yeah you can still watch whole shows, ad free (IE ~22 mins long) on YT.. I watched a few other short clips after I found the trampoline segment above; still cracks me up! Even though through my new red pilled eyes today, (((Adam Corolla))) looks like a total pedo. At least The Man Show didn't have any children around...

Adam doing his own children's show today, perhaps? :(??

Kimmel would have to be the slimiest wet fish handshaking disingenuous guy around and thats saying something when you consider there's Obrien, Williams and O'reily. I can't remember where I saw some ads for a talk show he does. maybe YT before I got a blocker. How anyone isn't repulsed by that guy I don't know. I figured they were propping him up with fake audiences but maybe not.

12th April 2017, 07:32 PM
A man's house used to be his castle, now just the basement is.



12th April 2017, 07:38 PM
think there is a corolla doing an alt right radio show these days. him or his cuzin?

edit: http://adamcarolla.com/

looks like not alt-right, more current events

yeah that's him, pic pinned to the right edge of the homepage

12th April 2017, 07:43 PM
especially disturbing is hearing wives use the word 'man cave'. mama lets her little man have his own play room with a big tv and a poster with the dallas cowboys cheerleaders on it. her little man is lucky to have such a supportive wife. BOYS will be BOYS ya know

imo a man wanting privacy sends the rugrats and woman to their caves. man has the commons and the kitchen to himself....not vice versa

12th April 2017, 08:04 PM
imo a man wanting privacy sends the rugrats and woman to their caves. man has the commons and the kitchen to himself....not vice versa

https://st.hzcdn.com/fimgs/f65126440078797f_7451-w500-h400-b0-p0--traditional-home-office.jpg http://blog.crazysales.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/kids-cooking-supplies-tools-and-accessories.jpg

Vice versa


13th April 2017, 10:57 AM
When I hear "man cave", it conjures up images of overgrown boys with overpriced toys stuck in a perpetual state of frat boyishness and trying to impress their equally immature friends.

A real man ought to be acting like an adult. Most of his time should be spent either working to provide for his family (current of future) or interacting with his family in order to raise the next generation. Real men don't have much time or money for their own indulgence.

A real man has toys. Knows how to use them, maintain them, build them, think of new ones and gets them.
Unemployed men and men without goals have none.






13th April 2017, 11:00 AM
mom is teaching her future man cave dweller how to make cookies :)

13th April 2017, 11:22 AM
mom is teaching her future man cave dweller how to make cookies :)

I had to learn how to cook/bake, otherwise I couldn't get fed enough to sustain me. I had a huge appetite growing up. I couldn't imagine the cost of food today for what I ate back then.

Half Sense
13th April 2017, 12:15 PM
My friend who died recently was kinda into overkill, and I inherited a truly man-cave worthy audio system this week. I have no man-cave to put it in so I set it up in the garage where my car usually sits. It's a pro-quality system using fully balanced XLR connections. There are four 31-band equalizers, four of Yamaha's best pro amps, each bridged to mono, powering a large stereo set of custom speakers with four 15" JBL woofers. The source is 24-bit files fed through a Benchmark DAC 1 HDR.

The noise floor with the system at idle was very high...lots of hiss coming from the mids and tweeters. I had to crank it to fairly high levels just to mask the hiss. Luckily, the amps have calibrated volume controls and I backed them each down about halfway. That cut the noise down to very quiet at idle. Next, I played with the EQ to get rid of a mid-bass bump and the sound really started coming together. Even with the amps at 50% there was gobs of power. These amps can deliver up to 3200 watts in bridged mode and I was running TWO of them into each speaker, a potential 6400 watts per channel, but into the roughly 6-ohm load I estimate I'm getting maybe 4000 watts per channel.

My wife was not crazy about this system coming into our house and we really have no place to put it. But she was singing and dancing her ass off within a few minutes and is now trying to figure how we can keep it and where we might put it.

This system absolutely kills, especially with certain types of music. It wasn't great with classical music, though it certainly handled orchestral peaks and even my toughest pipe organ tracks. With Rock, Disco, Rap it was a monster. You can really hear down into the deep notes that are totally obscured on lesser systems. Kick drums sound like real drums. Clarity of voices is outstanding. Everything was totally clean through the Benchmark DAC. It was hard not to dance when the music called for it, and we were lighting up the neighborhood pretty well with it turned up to 3.

This morning I went out and turned on the cheapo power strip that the 4 amps were plugged into. I heard a thump in the left channel speaker. Looks like I blew the left midrange driver. I should have powered the amps on one at a time and allowed each of them to go through its protection sequence. And I really need something more robust for them than a power strip. So for now the system is broken down and the amps are stacked in a corner. I've gotta open up the left speaker, figure out who makes the midrange driver and order a new one. I foolishly thought I might make a profit on this deal and it is already costing me. But it was priceless to see my wife moving around like it was 1978 again.

13th April 2017, 04:22 PM
man cave productions:

Dad Builds Battletech Treehouse for His Kids

Dad builds roller coaster for kids


Dad builds working bulldozer for kids


13th April 2017, 05:54 PM
real men know the diff between gasoline & diesel fuel!

Man Show - Adam Works At Gas Station (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dT7vEQruo0Q)

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1ZYpmOBVCFE/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=1UCqTarYpfBT1Z2at9yIusfc9kY 4:37
Man Show - Adam Works At Gas Station #2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZYpmOBVCFE)

13th April 2017, 06:51 PM
That second vid was hilarious...

13th April 2017, 07:11 PM
A real man has guns.

Fixed that for ya!


13th April 2017, 07:40 PM
A real man has toys. Knows how to use them, maintain them, build them, think of new ones and gets them.
Unemployed men and men without goals have none.






I Corinthians 13:11.

I'm sick of men who refuse to grow up. As a woman, you should be too.

Fun is not a bad thing per se, especially when used to bond with and train the next generation. But when an adult male devotes huge chunks of his precious time and money to folly and avoiding his family, he's not fulfilling his destiny as a man.

13th April 2017, 07:41 PM
Back ~15 years ago, when I still watched a little talmudvision outside of Warriors basketball; there was "The Man Show" on Comedy Central, hosted by Adam Corrola and Jimmy Kimmel. Anyone remember? With their standard closing segment, running behind the credits, "girls jumping on trampolines" ??

I'm sorry but, that show was some funny shit! :D

We know what Kimmel's doing today, but did Adam C ever go anywhere? Or just suckin' on the bottle & crack pipe mostly today?



I really miss that show,

13th April 2017, 10:29 PM
A man's house used to be his castle, now just the basement is.

Lol so true, ha ha.

14th April 2017, 04:49 AM
A man's house used to be his castle, now just the basement is.

if only the poor cavemen around here had basements. in tx (and all of the south?) the cavemen are banished to the garage - so they put their tv and beer signs there. quite the sight, driving in my hood - cave man after cave man lurking in their garages with the tv blaring next to their neon beer signs. mama ruling the roost from inside the castle

14th April 2017, 04:58 AM

The Woman Whisperer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXUql7Z-zfg)

He Speaks Woman (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MKeTiABD4E)

14th April 2017, 05:21 AM
Back ~15 years ago, when I still watched a little talmudvision outside of Warriors basketball; there was "The Man Show" on Comedy Central, hosted by Adam Corrola and Jimmy Kimmel. Anyone remember? With their standard closing segment, running behind the credits, "girls jumping on trampolines" ??

I'm sorry but, that show was some funny shit! :D

We know what Kimmel's doing today, but did Adam C ever go anywhere? Or just suckin' on the bottle & crack pipe mostly today?



He was doing Lovelines for a while - that was really good too but I think it got cancelled or he left the show

14th April 2017, 09:04 AM
...cave man after cave man lurking in their garages with the tv blaring next to their neon beer signs. mama ruling the roost from inside the castle


Establish male dominance from the git go ya pussy.


14th April 2017, 10:33 AM
if only the poor cavemen around here had basements. in tx (and all of the south?) the cavemen are banished to the garage - so they put their tv and beer signs there. quite the sight, driving in my hood - cave man after cave man lurking in their garages with the tv blaring next to their neon beer signs. mama ruling the roost from inside the castle

Yeah, down in south Texas they really can't build basements because the groundwater is so high. So yeah, they get their man-garage instead. Kinda sad.

17th April 2017, 08:25 PM
The best post of this thread...clear thinking...

When I hear "man cave", it conjures up images of overgrown boys with overpriced toys stuck in a perpetual state of frat boyishness and trying to impress their equally immature friends.

A real man ought to be acting like an adult. Most of his time should be spent either working to provide for his family (current of future) or interacting with his family in order to raise the next generation. Real men don't have much time or money for their own indulgence.

17th April 2017, 08:26 PM
A real man has toys. Knows how to use them, maintain them, build them, think of new ones and gets them.
Unemployed men and men without goals have none.

What does your husband say about that?

Oh, wait...

17th April 2017, 08:29 PM
I Corinthians 13:11.

I'm sick of men who refuse to grow up. As a woman, you should be too.

Fun is not a bad thing per se, especially when used to bond with and train the next generation. But when an adult male devotes huge chunks of his precious time and money to folly and avoiding his family, he's not fulfilling his destiny as a man.

Toys are - like pets - substitutes in a degenerate civilization for children & healthy families. It happened in the Roman Empire. It's happening now.

It's one thing to enjoy time with one's children playing with intelligent toys. It's quite another thing to have a "man cave" full of things to display, to inflate one's ego. And possibly penis, as well.

17th April 2017, 08:32 PM
I had to learn how to cook/bake, otherwise I couldn't get fed enough to sustain me. I had a huge appetite growing up. I couldn't imagine the cost of food today for what I ate back then.

I aim for excellence in all I do. I can outcook and outbake most women, but I can also tear down firearms and properly put them back together, diagnose and repair automobiles, make wood cabinets, assemble fine instruments, and so on.

A man being able to cook or bake is not disordered, nor is a woman being able to aptly handle machinery.

18th April 2017, 10:46 AM
What does your husband say about that?

Oh, wait...

poor crimethink takes another swing at ximmy...
but ... but ... the nig-nog just can't connect... "so sad"




18th April 2017, 11:02 AM
I aim for excellence in all I do. I can outcook and outbake most women, but I can also tear down firearms and properly put them back together, diagnose and repair automobiles, make wood cabinets, assemble fine instruments, and so on.

A man being able to cook or bake is not disordered, nor is a woman being able to aptly handle machinery.

Crimethink: "hey guys ... look what I can do..."







18th April 2017, 03:29 PM
poor crimethink takes another swing at ximmy...

ximmy in 2037:


18th April 2017, 03:52 PM
ximmy in 2037:


crimethink in 2037

18th April 2017, 05:14 PM
I've always disliked the term "man cave". A man needs a home, a safe place to rest and "hang his hat", so to speak. But there's a whole world out there to explore, hunt, fish, work your land if you own it as well. A cave is a place to hide. I don't like hiding from things, maybe that's it. The big screen TV belongs overboard, off the boat, the boat we call life. Life itself has too many opportunities to keep us busy and entertained as it is.

18th April 2017, 06:44 PM
man cave = safe space

for metro.fem.males to pose as real men in the privacy of their wife-approved back bedroom or garage

18th April 2017, 08:03 PM
crimethink in 2037

I may very well be dead in 2037, but I will die with a legacy cherished by my family...a family of my own choosing. You? Your "career," and your toys, will mean nothing.

7th trump
19th April 2017, 04:16 AM
I may very well be dead in 2037, but I will die with a legacy cherished by my family...a family of my own choosing. You? Your "career," and your toys, will mean nothing.

Lol....he said he will have a cherished legacy.
Whats is so cherished about a flaming dickhead!

19th April 2017, 06:25 AM
Lol....he said he will have a cherished legacy.
Whats is so cherished about a flaming dickhead!

7th trump stars as...

RETARDO, the mentally-challenged superhero.


Retardo vs. Taxman

Coming soon to a webforum near you.

7th trump
19th April 2017, 07:53 AM
7th trump stars as...

RETARDO, the mentally-challenged superhero.


Retardo vs. Taxman

Coming soon to a webforum near you.
imaginary taxman will soon find out imaginary taxman has no jurisdiction on my right to participate in social security or not.
tax man cannot compel anyone to participate in a federal program that strips Americans of their constitutional Rights.
tax man will be charged on a personal level for violation of 42usc 1984 since he's acting outside the IRS jurisdiction.
Irs has no jurisdiction within the ssa.

dumbthink is a fool fooling himself

19th April 2017, 10:26 AM
legacy cherished

LOL... I'm sure there will be memorials erected to your name and memory so that future generations may honor your significant contributions to mankind.

"dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten."

Half Sense
19th April 2017, 11:14 AM
Update on the man cave stereo. I took the speaker apart. All the drivers were upgraded except the tweeters which are original Cerwin-Vega domes. The midrange weighed a hefty 6 pounds. A new one costs $60 and should be delivered Monday. There's a fuse on the back to protect the speakers but my friend had replaced the fuses with metal rods. I guess he got tired of blowing fuses. I researched the 15" JBL woofers. They are heavy-duty and can handle 1200 watts each. Best price I found was about $160 apiece if I ever have to replace them. I think I need to use fuses because I can't afford to keep replacing drivers. Rough calculation, maybe a 3.15 amp slow blow fuse? Or a 5 amp quick blow? If I set it up in the house I think I'll use 2 amplifiers instead of 4. I might need the other 2 as spares. I still don't have a man cave to put it in, but it should be good for planet-busting movies as well as disco ball party nights as a compliment to the home theater system.

20th April 2017, 06:43 AM
I, and a whole lot of elderlies that I know, survive almost SOLELY on their social security checks. They started taking that out before my time (my first job was in 1956), and I objected but realized I couldn't do anything about it, and, now, that I am too old to be worth anything for my labor, I have to confess I'm glad they did because, over the years, as a youth, one tends to spend whatever they earn due to life's pressing situations at the moment. In other words, anyone who makes an issue out of social security (both taking it out and getting paid in old age) will get nowhere with those of us who paid in all our lives (involuntarily) and survive almost entirely on it now that we are over the hill.

Now I also recall my grandparents, neither of whom (both paternal AND maternal) had any social security checks coming in. They survived on the help from their grown children (10 on my maternal side, and 12 on my paternal side). Had they NOT had so many children, they'd have been in the poor house.

I guess I'm trying to urge 7th trump to realize that, sometimes, even when it offends us psychologically, involuntary government programs turn out to be a good idea.

It sure would be a mess if all the elderly folks I know suddenly stop getting their SS checks, and I can admit that the little bit they took out over the years was hardly enough to go to war over - I came to just accept it and forget about it.

20th April 2017, 09:34 AM
I, and a whole lot of elderlies that I know, survive almost SOLELY on their social security checks... (my first job was in 1956)...

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/94/5c/ca/945ccab38a4afc56f0f15dfa1b237e0e.jpg http://1389blog.com/pix/dont_forget_my_senior_discount_hat-.jpg

Us old geezers will die before the Social Security checks stop. We had it better than everybody...Medicare scooters...stair lifts...free shit for everything...

http://activelifemed.com/images/pwr_chr_homepage_banner.png https://cdn.cpnscdn.com/static/blog/2014/11/kohls-senior-discounts.jpg


20th April 2017, 10:34 AM
I, and a whole lot of elderlies that I know, survive almost SOLELY on their social security checks. They started taking that out before my time (my first job was in 1956), and I objected but realized I couldn't do anything about it, and, now, that I am too old to be worth anything for my labor, I have to confess I'm glad they did because, over the years, as a youth, one tends to spend whatever they earn due to life's pressing situations at the moment. In other words, anyone who makes an issue out of social security (both taking it out and getting paid in old age) will get nowhere with those of us who paid in all our lives (involuntarily) and survive almost entirely on it now that we are over the hill.

Now I also recall my grandparents, neither of whom (both paternal AND maternal) had any social security checks coming in. They survived on the help from their grown children (10 on my maternal side, and 12 on my paternal side). Had they NOT had so many children, they'd have been in the poor house.

I guess I'm trying to urge 7th trump to realize that, sometimes, even when it offends us psychologically, involuntary government programs turn out to be a good idea.

It sure would be a mess if all the elderly folks I know suddenly stop getting their SS checks, and I can admit that the little bit they took out over the years was hardly enough to go to war over - I came to just accept it and forget about it.

Well said Jerry. Personally, I don't mind paying into SS. My parents are happily retired and SS is a big part of their retirement, they would have a tough time with out it. As my Mom puts it, it's not an entitlement program because they've been paying into it the whole time. It's their money they are getting back. I just hope when I retire 20 some years later, I'll be able to collect it as well. But for know, I can at least be happy that my contributions are helping the retired folks of today.