View Full Version : Breaking: Clinton Arkansided Body Count Ticks Up 2 ? Clinton PizzaGate Related ?

20th April 2017, 09:57 AM
One of the comments under this YouTube video said...

CRAVEMAN61541 hour ago (edited)
time to go big or stay home!!
2 people can disappear easily
2 people with a 10 man US Marshalls protection team different story it's past time to stop pussy footing around


Do not know if 10 man US Marshalls protection team was a fact and was with these two disappeared private contractors of the Congressional Investigation, but if it is fact, then this story seriously impugns U.S. Marshalls. Trey Gowdy needs to deal with that too.

If this matter dealt with getting Clinton Library documents that may be related to Clintons and PizzaGate activities, that is something we will never be informed of. We will probably never be told about what kind of documents and information was being sought, but Clintons and PizzaGate IS the purpose of Congressman's Gowdys Special Investigation.



Published on Apr 20, 2017

Listen to the full report on X22 Report - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1o...

Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rn...

Link: http://yournewswire.com/trey-gowdy-in...



Breaking: Two Of Trey Gowdy’s Investigators Reported Missing

April 19, 2017 Baxter Dmitry News, US 36
Two investigators working for the Congressional committee headed by Trey Gowdy have gone missing in the Little Rock, Arkansas area.

Two investigators working for the Congressional committee headed by Trey Gowdy (R-SC) have gone missing in the Little Rock, Arkansas area.

According to phone records, the two men were in Little Rock with congressional subpoenas and instructions to search the private residence attached to the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library.

The two investigators, whose identities will remain classified until it can be confirmed that foul play was involved, were employees of the federal government under private contract to investigate the Clintons. The specifics of what they were looking for is also classified.

Their vehicle, a blue Ford Escape, was found in a rest area just outside of town with the keys in the ignition, according to sources.

Jeff Session’s Department of Justice assigned special investigators to the case in order to keep it out of the hands of the FBI, which he believes may have become compromised.

In March, Trey Gowdy fought back tears in Congress as he put the elite pedophile ring on notice, warning that anyone who dares interfere with his child exploitation investigation will be forced to publicly explain why they are obstructing it.

Gowdy delivered an emotionally charged speech on the first day back at Congress, discussing child sex abuse cases and the mental images that have been scarred on his brain after seeing material related to the investigation into the pedophile rings that have infiltrated Washington D.C.

Addressing a detective charged with heading the investigation, Gowdy said: “I want you to give me a list of the providers that are giving you a hard time. We are going to have another [hearing] here. We are going to have them come and publicly explain why they are having a hard time complying with law enforcement in child exploitation and child abuse cases.”

“My guess is that will be a very tough public explanation for them. So, give me the names and the providers that you are having a hard time dealing with. And I may not be able to make them stop doing it, but I can make them come and explain why they are doing it.”

“And my guess is they won’t want to do that.”

20th April 2017, 10:17 AM
"Jeff Session’s Department of Justice assigned special investigators to the case in order to keep it out of the hands of the FBI, which he believes may have become compromised."

20th April 2017, 12:47 PM
Jeff will likely get my letter today. Hope he reads it.

20th April 2017, 12:58 PM
When is enough going to be enough? isn't there a single person of power in DC who has a set of balls or are they all trannie cucks?

20th April 2017, 01:21 PM
Could this have something to do with Jason Chaffetz leaving office as soon as tomorrow?

Jason Chaffetz May Be Leaving Office As Early As Tomorrow
By Sarah P

4/20/17 11:03am
Jason Chaffetz May Be Leaving Office As Early As Tomorrow

Congress and the GOP are losing a powerful voice and the entire DC area is utterly confused. Who are we talking about? Pitbull chairman of the House oversight committee, Jason Chaffetz (aka @jasoninthehouse) is apparently not going to in the House for much longer.

Yesterday news broke that he would not be seeking re-election in 2018. Reminder that Chaffetz and Nunes were tasked with investigating Trump/Russia. Nunes stepped aside after his crazy, straight out of a Mr. Bean movie, midnight rendezvous on the White House grounds shenanigans where he was trying to cook up *proof* of Obama wiretapping came to light. Now Trump is losing his other best friend. But WHY??

While we were all sitting around playing armchair detective, even more craziness came to light today:

Now, reports are surfacing that Chaffetz may be leaving his role before his term is even up:

The Hill reports that Chaffetz told KSL Radio: "I will continue to weigh the options, but I might depart early" on Thursday.

And literally as I was typing this post, these tweets starting blowing up my feed:

No one knows what the heck is going on. Chaffetz used the tried and true "desire to spend more time with his family in Utah and return to the private sector" excuse that is most often cited.

The most odd part - there are 19 months left before the midterms. To run out the door so soon speaks to something possibly more sinister. Is he compromised in some way? Do the Russians have kompromat on him? No one knows for sure...but the timing sure is suspicious.


20th April 2017, 01:31 PM
Could this have something to do with Jason Chaffetz leaving office as soon as tomorrow?

Jason Chaffetz May Be Leaving Office As Early As Tomorrow
By Sarah P

4/20/17 11:03am
Jason Chaffetz May Be Leaving Office As Early As Tomorrow

Congress and the GOP are losing a powerful voice and the entire DC area is utterly confused. Who are we talking about? Pitbull chairman of the House oversight committee, Jason Chaffetz (aka @jasoninthehouse) is apparently not going to in the House for much longer.

Yesterday news broke that he would not be seeking re-election in 2018. Reminder that Chaffetz and Nunes were tasked with investigating Trump/Russia. Nunes stepped aside after his crazy, straight out of a Mr. Bean movie, midnight rendezvous on the White House grounds shenanigans where he was trying to cook up *proof* of Obama wiretapping came to light. Now Trump is losing his other best friend. But WHY??

While we were all sitting around playing armchair detective, even more craziness came to light today:

Now, reports are surfacing that Chaffetz may be leaving his role before his term is even up:

The Hill reports that Chaffetz told KSL Radio: "I will continue to weigh the options, but I might depart early" on Thursday.

And literally as I was typing this post, these tweets starting blowing up my feed:

No one knows what the heck is going on. Chaffetz used the tried and true "desire to spend more time with his family in Utah and return to the private sector" excuse that is most often cited.

The most odd part - there are 19 months left before the midterms. To run out the door so soon speaks to something possibly more sinister. Is he compromised in some way? Do the Russians have kompromat on him? No one knows for sure...but the timing sure is suspicious.


I did not know he was leaving office before his term was up, way before. That puts this in a very different light. I was very convinced it really was to spend more time with his family as I watched him on video yesterday, but now it looks much different. I would say Congressman Chaffetz just go an offer he couldn't refuse.

When someone wants to "get something on" a Mormon in congress, it may not be that difficult as that religion has a long history of polygamy and people have some very young wives. Mitt Romney's old family history shows a polygamous compound in northern Mexico.

The "Saints" have a very well-known belief that it is they who will save the republic when it is hanging by a very thin thread. Well, the republic is hanging by a very thin thread and it looks like the Saints are marching out.

20th April 2017, 01:31 PM
^ Chaffetz on FAUX,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/znehA6NAAWQ/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=SKjX9IkP6BA6oNAcbOG23QwxS6o (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znehA6NAAWQ) 5:49
Jason Chaffetz Resignation Speech, 2020. John Podesta Tweets @ Him (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znehA6NAAWQ)

6 hours ago

20th April 2017, 01:52 PM
The swamp creatures are moving around in the stinking muck of DC