View Full Version : The Simple Reason Why A Second American Civil War May Be Inevitable

21st April 2017, 06:41 PM
America has always had its divisions, and Americans have never really been a monolith. We’ve always been a nation of many nations. The culture of New England is different from the culture of the Deep South, which is different from the cultures in the West Coast or the Midwest. People living in the cities have different beliefs than people who live in the countryside. Within those areas, there are ethnic, linguistic, and religious enclaves. It’s always kind of been like that (probably to a lesser degree in the past), and somehow we’ve been able to find enough common ground to keep this country together for more than a century.

However, something has changed. You can feel it in the air. Our nation has clearly never been this divided since the Civil War. A lot of people noticed it after the last election, but the truth is that these divisions have been deepening for decades, and they’re just now reaching a very noticeable breaking point. That’s obvious enough when you look at how the left and the right have been going at each other. It used to be a war of words, but it’s turning into something very dark.

Consider what happened last week in Berkeley after Trump supporters and counter protesters clashed for the third time. 21 people were arrested and 11 were injured (that we know of), six of who had to be taken to the hospital. At least one person was stabbed. The police confiscated confiscated knives, stun guns, and poles. One Trump supporter admitted to being surrounded, pepper sprayed, and beaten with sticks by a mob of “protesters.”

But wait, that’s not the dark part. After these groups clashed, the leftist protesters took to Reddit and admitted that they lost this particular battle (I can’t believe I’m using the word “battle” to describe it), and that it was time for them to attain more combat training and better weapons, including firearms.

Do you see what’s going on here? Conservative demonstrations, which used to be placid affairs (remember the Tea Party protests?) are now turning violent as conservatives grow tired of restraining themselves, and are no longer afraid to hit back. Liberal demonstrators are responding by ratcheting up the level of force that they’re going to bring to the next street battle. It’s a tit for tat that keeps escalating, and I shudder to think of where it’s going to end up.

Honestly, I think we’re in the early stages of a second civil war. I can’t say what it’ll look like precisely, but I can tell you that our nation is on this path, and it’s not clear how we can get off of it. In fact, I fear that it may be inevitable, and there’s a very simple reason why.

It’s because Americans have been self-sorting themselves along geographic and political lines for a long time. A book titled “The Big Sort” made light of this trend back in 2008.

Basically what’s going on, is that Americans are moving to communities that align more with their politics. Liberals are moving to liberal areas, and conservatives are moving to conservative communities. It’s been going on for decades. When Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976, 26.8% of Americans lived in landslide counties; that is counties where the president won or lost by 20% of the vote.

By 2004, 48.3% of the population lived in these counties. This trend continues to worsen. As Americans move to their preferred geographic bubbles, they face less exposure to opposing viewpoints, and their own opinions become more extreme. This trend is at the heart of why politics have become so polarizing in America.

We’re also seeing the same trend emerge online with social media. Despite the fact that the internet allows us to be exposed to more opinions that ever before, people choose to follow online voices that they already agree with. They’re slipping into digital bubbles that are comparable to their geographic bubbles.

This trend is irreversible as far as I can tell. That’s because it’s tied to innovation. As our country became more interconnected with roads and Americans gained more mobility, we chose to move to like-minded places. We’re given the internet, the greatest source of information in human history, and we use it to seek out only the information that reinforces our current beliefs.

We’re self-sorting at every level. Because of this, Americans are only going to grow more extreme in their beliefs, and see people on the other side of the political spectrum as more alien.

You can see how this is creating the perfect breeding ground for a real, physical war. The polarization makes it easier to dehumanize the other side. The self-sorting creates definable geographic boundaries that are necessary for a war. It spawns two sides with beliefs that are so divergent, that they cannot coexist.

We’re becoming two distinct nations with two competing visions for what the country should be. Two visions that are diametrically opposed. We used to be a nation of many nations that was held together, because there was still some common ground on what it means to be an American above all else. Now we can’t even agree on that.

Once the last shreds of common ground and understanding dissipate, a moment that is rapidly approaching, another civil war will be impossible to avoid. I wish I knew what the solution is, but I don’t. All I can say is, unless Americans go out of their way to listen to people on other side, whatever that side may be, there’s going to be a lot of blood in the streets.


21st April 2017, 06:50 PM
Imagine what would happen if Roe v. Wade gets overturned and Congress bans abortion. The primal scream of "women" who can no longer kill their babies. It could start a civil war.

If Roe v Wade was about letting "men" do what they want with their bodies (ie: rape) with no regard to the other, and it was "legal" for 50 years, and then all of a sudden they lose their "rights", there would be protests in the streets, "men" on strike for not allowing reproductive "choices".

21st April 2017, 07:10 PM
Imagine what would happen if Roe v. Wade gets overturned and Congress bans abortion. The primal scream of "women" who can no longer kill their babies. It could start a civil war.

If Roe v Wade was about letting "men" do what they want with their bodies (ie: rape) with no regard to the other, and it was "legal" for 50 years, and then all of a sudden they lose their "rights", there would be protests in the streets, "men" on strike for not allowing reproductive "choices".

Such are the results of central government, and why we were never supposed to have one. Congress was never supposed to make laws for the other states to follow. The constitution makes it clear that Congress only has authority within Washington DC. That's besides the point, but does cause the results we are seeing.

When this country was founded, the states were set up to be independent sovereign entities. It was never supposed to be Washington dictating to the states on how to rule their people. It was always supposed to be the states as Republic incubators for culture, heritage and self rule experimentation. If you didn't like how California forced gay sex to be taught in school to your kids, you can move to another state that finds it abhorrent. But if Washington DC demands gay sex be taught in schools you can't move anywhere to get away from it and have to pull your kid out of school to be home schooled (until they make that illegal.)

Central rule always results in central collapse.

21st April 2017, 09:42 PM
I just don't see it happening. The commies are pathetic weaklings who live in their mom's basements.

If anything, I think its going to be a race war specifically against white men.

22nd April 2017, 06:39 AM
Do not trust the leader of any such Civil War.

22nd April 2017, 06:48 AM
Do not trust the leader of any such Civil War.
Three facts.

1) it won't be a civil war. It will be international ... between nations.
2) International law is the law between CHRISTIAN nations. They seem to like to ignore this simple fact and would lead you to believe that international law is the law/relations that exist between ALL nations. These type relations are PRIVATE. And so the U.N. is formed based upon PRIVATE international law. It is private between nations that agree to the U.N. form of taxation.
3) No federation of independent countries has even the slightest semblance of sovereignty. The sovereignty is in the country that participates in the federation. The Russian federation, the U.K., the U.S., the Swiss federation, Canada, Mexico ... these are all federations.

22nd April 2017, 07:09 AM
While its true this nation is very divided, I dont see it the same as the Civil War era.

The North and the South had equal amounts of patriots and firearms. (For the sake of argument) Both were based in the love of individual liberty and the right to self defense/self determination.(mostly)

The Left 'Liberals' have Statism and no firearms. The Right 'fringe' 'conservative/libertarians' have some semblance of individual liberty and more firearms than both the 'liberals' and their strong arm = 'Government'.

I fear if this does pop off it will be a familiar scenario of Statists/'Government' vs the few people left who are willing to resist with force. This will likely be VERY ugly......and sad admittedly.

22nd April 2017, 12:48 PM
welcome back IOWEme
or ((they)) may be much faster than that. not saying that something is gonna happen next week, but predictive programing is going wild these days

Operation Gotham Shield: U.S. Gov’t To “Simulate Nuke Blast Over Manhattan” As Actual War Nears
22 April 2017 GMT
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