View Full Version : The Germanic Tribes Of Israel ???

24th April 2017, 01:47 PM
I just ran into this on FB, a special friend of a friend well versed in all the topics I am fond so of. I just scanned through it but I can spell the word controversy .. the name of the site: ARYAN ISRAEL... how incendiary is it ??? Well that could explain why the caucasian elites are in bed with zionists and talmudists... maybe is it time to abandon ship once and for all

December 29, 2013

Ancient Britons and Proto-Celts

Britain gets it’s name from King Brutus, the grandson of King Aeneas, who was the founder of the Roman Empire. Prince Brutus arrived on ‘the great white island’ with a large group of his fellow Trojans escaping the devastation of Troy, and was recognised and welcomed by three tribes of his Aryan Shemitic brethren that were already here, and who proceeded to proclaim him King of the entire island. Brutus founded the city of Caer Troia (New Troy) on the Thames, which later became known as ‘Londinium’ by the Romans. The Welsh Bruts give the date as being when the Philistines of the Old Testament held the ark of the Covenant in captivity and when Beli was the high priest of Judah, both of which are mentioned in the Book of 1 Samuel. A commemorative stone of where he first set foot on the island has stood at Totnes in Devon since 1100BC. These people became known as the Ancient Britons and would later be absorbed into the Celts, Gauls and Saxons who also have their origins in the tribes of Jacob-Israel....

Previous to King Brutus arriving in Britain, his ancestor King Cecrops (Calcol/Calchol) had begun the Irish dynasty of Kings at Ulster around 1700BC. He also founded Athens and was at the head of all the kingly lines in Europe, owing to him being one of the sons of Zarah, who was the son of Judah, the patriarch of the same tribe from which King David and Jesus the Christ were descended. He was almost as wise as Solomon according to the biblical record, and had a brother called Darda (also known as Dardanus and Dara) who founded Troy and whose descendants ruled there until the destruction of it, when the last son of the Kingly line and grandfather of King Brutus, King Aeneas, married the daughter of Latinus and started off the Roman empire. King Cecrops, the ancestor of all today’s Kingly bloodlines was said to have left Egypt before the famous exodus and we have records of his descendants spreading west along the Mediterranean, leaving clearly Hebrew names to the places they colonised, like the Ebro valley, the river Iber and Saragossa (stronghold of Zarah) in Spain. They became known to history as the Iberians and also gave their name to Ireland, first being Iberne, then Erne, then latinised to Hibernia.

Later, there was another wave of Hebrew colonists escaping the Egyptian tyranny. The classical writers and historians Heraceteus of Abdere 600BC, Dioderus Siculis 50BC, Euripedes 440BC and Strabo 44BC, all make reference to large groups of Hebrew settlers leaving Egypt just before Moses led the remainder away in the Exodus. They were from the tribe of Dan and settled Argos, the oldest city in Greece and became known as the Danaii, eventually being forced from there and ending up in Ireland as the Tuattha de Danaan.

The Bible just records the exploits of the Israelites who settled in the Levant, but there is a wealth of evidence elsewhere to show that the Trojans, Spartans, Dorians, Lacedaemonians, Achaeans, Minoans and Danaans all descended from the common root of Shem, son of Noah, through the tribe whom God made his covenant with, the House of Isaac.

There were many promises given to Abraham and his son Isaac in the Old Testament and there is only one group of people today that these promises have have come true for. Likewise there are many prophecies that have only come true for one particular group of nations. Apostate church history would have us believe that ten of the tribes of Israel just disappeared from history, mingling into the heathen tribes around them. Yet there is plenty of proof that they survived, fulfilled the prophesies and gained the fruit of God’s promise as today’s nations of Europe...................

Migration of the tribes at the time of Moses and up to the Assyrian dispersion in green, after that in red.


7th trump
24th April 2017, 02:39 PM
I just ran into this on FB, a special friend of a friend well versed in all the topics I am fond so of. I just scanned through it but I can spell the word controversy .. the name of the site: ARYAN ISRAEL... how incendiary is it ??? Well that could explain why the caucasian elites are in bed with zionists and talmudists... maybe is it time to abandon ship once and for all

December 29, 2013

Ancient Britons and Proto-Celts

Britain gets it’s name from King Brutus, the grandson of King Aeneas, who was the founder of the Roman Empire. Prince Brutus arrived on ‘the great white island’ with a large group of his fellow Trojans escaping the devastation of Troy, and was recognised and welcomed by three tribes of his Aryan Shemitic brethren that were already here, and who proceeded to proclaim him King of the entire island. Brutus founded the city of Caer Troia (New Troy) on the Thames, which later became known as ‘Londinium’ by the Romans. The Welsh Bruts give the date as being when the Philistines of the Old Testament held the ark of the Covenant in captivity and when Beli was the high priest of Judah, both of which are mentioned in the Book of 1 Samuel. A commemorative stone of where he first set foot on the island has stood at Totnes in Devon since 1100BC. These people became known as the Ancient Britons and would later be absorbed into the Celts, Gauls and Saxons who also have their origins in the tribes of Jacob-Israel....

Previous to King Brutus arriving in Britain, his ancestor King Cecrops (Calcol/Calchol) had begun the Irish dynasty of Kings at Ulster around 1700BC. He also founded Athens and was at the head of all the kingly lines in Europe, owing to him being one of the sons of Zarah, who was the son of Judah, the patriarch of the same tribe from which King David and Jesus the Christ were descended. He was almost as wise as Solomon according to the biblical record, and had a brother called Darda (also known as Dardanus and Dara) who founded Troy and whose descendants ruled there until the destruction of it, when the last son of the Kingly line and grandfather of King Brutus, King Aeneas, married the daughter of Latinus and started off the Roman empire. King Cecrops, the ancestor of all today’s Kingly bloodlines was said to have left Egypt before the famous exodus and we have records of his descendants spreading west along the Mediterranean, leaving clearly Hebrew names to the places they colonised, like the Ebro valley, the river Iber and Saragossa (stronghold of Zarah) in Spain. They became known to history as the Iberians and also gave their name to Ireland, first being Iberne, then Erne, then latinised to Hibernia.

Later, there was another wave of Hebrew colonists escaping the Egyptian tyranny. The classical writers and historians Heraceteus of Abdere 600BC, Dioderus Siculis 50BC, Euripedes 440BC and Strabo 44BC, all make reference to large groups of Hebrew settlers leaving Egypt just before Moses led the remainder away in the Exodus. They were from the tribe of Dan and settled Argos, the oldest city in Greece and became known as the Danaii, eventually being forced from there and ending up in Ireland as the Tuattha de Danaan.

The Bible just records the exploits of the Israelites who settled in the Levant, but there is a wealth of evidence elsewhere to show that the Trojans, Spartans, Dorians, Lacedaemonians, Achaeans, Minoans and Danaans all descended from the common root of Shem, son of Noah, through the tribe whom God made his covenant with, the House of Isaac.

There were many promises given to Abraham and his son Isaac in the Old Testament and there is only one group of people today that these promises have have come true for. Likewise there are many prophecies that have only come true for one particular group of nations. Apostate church history would have us believe that ten of the tribes of Israel just disappeared from history, mingling into the heathen tribes around them. Yet there is plenty of proof that they survived, fulfilled the prophesies and gained the fruit of God’s promise as today’s nations of Europe...................

Migration of the tribes at the time of Moses and up to the Assyrian dispersion in green, after that in red.


And how many times have I told this forum that 10 tribes went over the Caucasus mountains of Georgia to settle all of Europe, North America, and Australia. They became many nations having many different languages just as it was foretold. God does not lie!
White people are called Caucasians for very biblical reason...it is they (the 10 tribes) who went over the Caucasus mountains escaping the Egyptians.

24th April 2017, 02:53 PM
Yes, it's called, in various forms, British Israelism, Christian Identity, and similar.

Tumbleweed is probably the expert here.

Is it a coincidence that the European peoples ("Christendom") controlled the world when they still obeyed Yahweh's commandments?

There is a belief that the Judahites who did not return from captivity became Germanic tribes. British Israelism adherents make much of the fact the royal families of Europe are mostly German in origin. And, the Stone of Scone is asserted to be Jacob's Stone.

People are often shocked when I show them God's Name in Paleo-Hebrew:


The top is Paleo-Hebrew (900 BC).
The middle is old Aramaic.
The bottom is the Rabbinic perversion.

The Germanic Futhark (alphabet):


There is also the Nostratic hypothesis, that Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Semitic split off from a common "Noahic" parent.

The Biblical Hebrews are not our enemies. In fact, if the theories are correct, we are they. It is the fake "Jews" - who have attempted to usurp the promises of the Bible for themselves - who are the enemies of not only Europeans, but the world.

24th April 2017, 02:57 PM
God does not lie!...who went over the Caucasus mountains escaping the Egyptians.

So, which is it? Did God lie, or did He destroy the Egyptian pursuers in the Red Sea of Africa?

24th April 2017, 03:04 PM
the EYE of Odin makes sense NOW

I love it when the rivers come all together running toward the ocean. I LOVE it

as long as one is upset at something, there is/are (a) missing element(s)

just watching from afar, standing on the shore, the social titanic tanking steadily

24th April 2017, 03:12 PM
the EYE of Odin makes sense NOW

I love it when the rivers come all together running toward the ocean. I LOVE it

Thor Heyerdahl, the Norwegian explorer, asserted that Odin and Thor were great kings of the proto-Germanic tribes, who attained "godhood" centuries after great military victories for their people. Consider how "modern" peoples, even here in America, elevate historical figures to deity-level: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, etc. I could see, centuries down the road (if humanity survives), "primitive" dwellers in eastern North America elevating Lincoln to godhood, and worshiping him at the ruins of the Lincoln Memorial. This is a theme in one of the current Talmudvision shows (The 100, based on Kass Morgan's book).

24th April 2017, 04:37 PM
ooh my gosh... here is what many blacks believe now. This is EPIC
Taking side, no tnx, but this battle between "chosen ones" is what is wrong with the planet

and yeah, tutsis are the black version, right... I will not take part spiritually in any of this
Louis Farrakhan says Whites are the Real Israelites


24th April 2017, 04:41 PM

7th trump
24th April 2017, 06:33 PM
So, which is it? Did God lie, or did He destroy the Egyptian pursuers in the Red Sea of Africa?

Lmao.....as usual you dont make any sense at all.