old steel
26th April 2017, 06:26 PM
Discovered 950 Million Ounce Silver Short Position: Costs $1 Billion Loss Per $1 Dollar Silver Ounce Increase
Posted on 21 Apr 2017
In A Critical Update, Eric Sprott Dissects This Week’s Mauling of Silver:
What They’re Really After is Silver. The HUGE Short Position in Silver, if it Ever Got Out of Control, Every Dollar Up is $1 BILLION in Losses. They’re Trying to get it Under Control.
https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/silver-3.gif?w=333&h=466 But They Can’t Get the Longs to Capitulate!
JPMorgan’s Imaginary ‘Physical Silver Hoard’ Is Explained – Jeff Nielson
Over the past couple of months, several respected commentators and (of course) the mainstream media have been reporting that JP Morgan has supposedly amassed a gigantic hoard of “physical silver”, roughly twice as large as what was amassed by the Hunt Brothers (and their cartel) back in 1980, when the Hunt Brothers were formally charged and convicted of “cornering the silver market”.
This report was previously greeted with extreme skepticism in a previous commentary (http://www.sprottmoney.com/blog/the-jpmorgan-silver-hoard-is-there-any-metal-in-it-jeff-nielson-sprott-money-news.html), for a multitude of reasons. When the Hunt Brothers were charged/convicted of cornering the market; their hoard accounted for less than 20% of total global inventories, yet this “squeeze” on the market resulted in the price of silver soaring by a factor of ten (i.e. 1,000%).
The JP Morgan “silver hoard” is supposed to be twice as large as that of the Hunt Brothers; yet it comes at a time where global silver inventories are at best one quarter as large as back in 1980.
In other words, the JP Morgan silver hoard (if it existed) would represent a market concentration of at least eight times as extreme as that of the Hunt Brothers.
https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/morganmonument-1.jpg?w=594Morgan Obelisk
“Millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do.” -J. P. Morgan
Yet while JPMorgan has been accumulating this supposed hoard; the price of silver has been falling.
Let me repeat this point, to ensure that it is clearly grasped by readers.
We have a supposed market concentration today in the silver market by JP Morgan which is eight times as extreme as that of the Hunt Brothers (when the price of silver increased by 1,000%); yet, today, the price of silver has been falling, not spiking higher.
Banking Cartel’s 1913 Keynesianism’s Paper Derivative Ponzi Scheme Imploding! (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/05/08/banking-cartels-1913-keynesianisms-paper-derivative-ponzi-scheme-imploding/?preview_id=110112&preview_nonce=14f2b6c9b4)
How is this possible? It’s not.
There is no rational/legitimate market (or universe) where a market concentration of this supposed magnitude could not result in a dramatic, upward spike in price. Period.
Certainly if this much silver was ever dumped onto the market (rather than supposedly withdrawn from the market), we know what would happen to the price of silver: it would plummet lower.
https://i0.wp.com/rasica.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/4jro1j.gif?w=590&h=250&crop&ssl=1 (https://politicalvelcraft.org/nwo-chronology/4jro1j-8/)
Newly Discovered Secret Stash Of Silver From The Manhattan Project ~ Nope!
Secret Stash Of Silver From JP Morgan 350 Million Ounce Hoarding
~ Nope!
[FYI => All silver used in the Manhattan Project was absorbed back into the market 47 years ago in fact, all the way back to May 1970 ~ see page 67 (http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2016/ph241/xu1/docs/jones.pdf).
So when you read commentary about Greenspan and others allegedly wondering since 1990 where all the alleged silver is coming from, I posit that it is a specious red herring and in reality, the “all” is coming from “PAPER DERIVATIVES” aka; IMAGINARY SILVER without any physical component.
Here’s the FACTS from the Office of the Comptroller of Currencies (OCC)
(Table 9) Precious Metals = Mostly Silver JP Morgan = $16.7 Billion Citibank = $8.3 Billion
https://www.occ.gov/topics/capital-markets/financial-markets/derivatives/dq216.pdf (https://www.occ.gov/topics/capital-markets/financial-markets/derivatives/dq216.pdf)
The U.S. Supreme Court also was not convinced 2017 that there was a physical component and reversed an appeals court decision sending JP Morgan back to stand trial on silver market rigging and violation of antitrust laws. Supreme Court Of The U.S. Ruled 2017 JP Morgan Chase To Stand Trial For Violating Antitrust Laws & For Rigging The Comex Silver Market (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2017/04/21/supreme-court-of-the-u-s-ruled-jp-morgan-chase-to-stand-trial-for-violating-antitrust-laws-for-rigging-the-comex-silver-market/) ~ Volubrjotr]
Obviously “markets”, by definition, move in two directions. If dumping massive amounts of silver (and even paper-called-silver (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/silver-commentary/22646-slv-and-silver-manipulation)) onto the market causes the price to crash, always, then withdrawing massive quantities of physical silver from the market must cause the price to soar. Always.
This brings us to the explanation of JP Morgan’s latest gigantic silver-fraud, and the purpose behind that fraud.
Further enlightenment comes via the interesting observations (http://www.jsmineset.com/) of Bill Holter (from June 26th):
First, we have an insane situation brewing in Comex silver. The open interest finally exceeded 200,000 contracts (1 billion ounces). I believe the only other time this much open interest existed was back in 1980 or ’81. This makes no sense whatsoever, the price is again plumbing 4 year lows yet open interest has moved to record highs…?
In other words; we have Mr. Holter reporting a market-insanity precisely parallel to what was just noted before this, where JP Morgan has purportedly accumulated an extreme, long position in the silver market (larger and more extreme than in 1980), yet the price has gone down rather than up. Holter continues:
The fact open interest has expanded while price has declined is proof positive the “initiation” of this expanded open interest has been by “shorts” but absorbed by “someone” on the other side of the trade.
Total global production of silver is only 800 million ounces or thereabouts so Comex shorts have contracted to deliver 25% more silver than will even be produced globally over the next 12 months.
Silver available for Comex delivery only totals 57 million ounces so they sit on a naked short time bomb of more than 950 million ounces! [emphasis mine]
The offices of JP Morgan in the Canary Wharf district of London, January 28, 2014. Police said they are investigating the “non-suspicious” death of a man who fell onto a ninth floor roof at the European headquarters of investment bank JP Morgan in London’s Canary Wharf on Tuesday morning. REUTERS/Simon Newman (BRITAIN – Tags: BUSINESS) – RTX17Y9Y
AGAIN ~Here’s are the FACTS from the Office of the Comptroller of Currencies (OCC)
https://www.occ.gov/topics/capital-markets/financial-markets/derivatives/dq216.pdf (https://www.occ.gov/topics/capital-markets/financial-markets/derivatives/dq216.pdf)
(Table 9) Precious Metals = Mostly Silver JP Morgan = $16.7 Billion Citibank = $8.3 Billion
Found Dead: JP Morgan Bank Administrator And Her Sister Added To The Growing List Of Dead Bankers By Unnatural Causes (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/09/30/found-dead-jp-morgan-bank-administrator-and-her-sister-added-to-the-growing-list-of-dead-bankers-by-unnatural-causes/)
[*=left]Supreme Court Of The U.S. Ruled 2017 JP Morgan Chase To Stand Trial For Violating Antitrust Laws & For Rigging The Comex Silver Market (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2017/04/21/supreme-court-of-the-u-s-ruled-jp-morgan-chase-to-stand-trial-for-violating-antitrust-laws-for-rigging-the-comex-silver-market/)
Enter JP Morgan:
Obviously one does not have to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce who is the “someone” on the “other side of the trade.”
They are the facilitator for the construction of this gigantic, illegal short position.
In an ironic example of role-reversal;
we have JP Morgan playing the part of the patsy-long,
absorbing all of the bets of “the other side” in this serial shorting –
by other Big Bank tentacles of the One Bank (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/international-commentary/26287-the-one-bank) (such as Scotia Maccotta and HSBC).
While undoubtedly many reader questions still remain about this malevolent “super-entity”, certainly one question rises above all others.
Can we put a specific name to this “one bank”? (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/international-commentary/26287-the-one-bank)
Apparently so:
Rothschild. (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/07/05/1913-when-supply-demand-capitalist-markets-were-displaced-by-keynesian-economics-like-slow-arsenic-poisoning/)
Simultaneously; we have JP Morgan claiming to have accumulated a massive hoard of “physical silver”, when the market tells us that this could not possibly have occurred. Hence we know that the JP Morgan silver hoard is imaginary silver.
But this begs an obvious question: why would the most-notorious (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/silver-commentary/16590-how-leveraged-is-jp-morgan) silver short in the history of the silver market pretend to accumulate a massive long position – while still holding a large short position, itself?
To say that this makes absolutely no sense is the greatest of understatement.
Obviously there had to be an ulterior motive to this sham, as JPM would certainly never engage in any behavior to deliberately drive-up the price of silver, which is precisely what it seemed to be doing here.
So, why hasn’t the price of silver risen from $20/oz (roughly where it was when JP Morgan supposedly began covering its shorts, and supposedly began massive “long” buying) [of 350 Million ounces] to more than $200/oz (USD), which would be an absolute minimum price gain (https://www.sprottmoney.com/blog/the-jpmorgan-silver-hoard-is-there-any-metal-in-it-jeff-nielson-sprott-money-news.html), given that the parameters here are much more-extreme (in every way) than the Hunt Brothers episode?
Russia And China Underway In Pricing Of Precious Metals: Ending Of The COMEX And London Mafia Markets. (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2015/11/19/russia-and-china-underway-in-pricing-of-precious-metals-end-of-the-comex-and-london-mafia-markets/)
Now, via Bill Holter, we see this “ulterior motive”, plain as day:
…they [I]sit on a naked short time bomb [JP Morgan’s Imaginary Silver] of more than 950 million ounces!
[What is ‘Naked Shorting’
Naked shorting is the illegal practice of short selling (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortselling.asp) shares that have not been affirmatively determined to exist.
Ordinarily, traders must borrow a stock, or determine that it can be borrowed, before they sell it short.
Due to various loopholes (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/loophole.asp) in the rules, and discrepancies between paper and electronic trading systems, naked shorting continues to happen.
Investopedia (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp)
France: Entire Swiss Branch Of Rothschild’s Banking Empire Under Criminal Investigation Following David De Rothschild Indictment. (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/03/08/france-entire-swiss-branch-of-rothschilds-banking-empire-under-criminal-investigation-following-david-de-rothschild-indictment/) ]
How do you defuse an absurdly gigantic, naked-short, time bomb in the silver market?
With an absurdly gigantic “hoard” of physical silver, conveniently delivered to the market, as needed, to prevent implosion of this time bomb.
And in our criminalized system (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/gold-commentary/26069-paper-gold-isnt-real-gold), if you don’t have a hoard of real silver available for this defusing;
imaginary silver will be a perfectly good substitute.
https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/pipe-dream.jpg?w=209&h=300Orgy Of Rothschild Bankers: No Such Thing As Conspiracies (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2017/03/25/orgy-of-rothschild-bankers-no-such-thing-as-conspiracies/)
Let me refer back to the commentary which first scoffed at reports of JPM’s imaginary silver hoard:
…The purpose of JP Morgan pretending to hold (https://www.sprottmoney.com/blog/the-jpmorgan-silver-hoard-is-there-any-metal-in-it-jeff-nielson-sprott-money-news.html) “a massive long position”?
That’s an easy one.
https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/rothschild.jpg?w=487&h=800Jaco Rothschild “Is The Poster Boy” ~ “The World Is Not Enough”
To Destroy Physical Silver As Money
[*=left]To Fabricate A Dump Using Imaginary Silver
[*=left]To Prevent An Explosive Rise In Physical Silver
[*=left]To Protect Rothschild’s “One Bank” needing to cover their 950 million ounces Of illegal naked shorts
[*=left]To Prevent Silver’s Competition Against Rothschild’s Fiat Digital Currency Scheme Where He Controls Your Life
[*=left]The Dollar Is Coming Home To Die: Dumped By The World (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/05/12/the-dollar-is-coming-home-to-die-dumped-by-the-world/)
[*=left]Rothschild’s Federal Reserve Printed Fiat Dollars 4Xs The Value Of The Global Gold Supply (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2014/11/08/rothschilds-federal-reserve-printed-fiat-dollars-4xs-the-value-of-the-global-gold-supply/?preview_id=115921&preview_nonce=7877475d36)
If JP Morgan pretends to be holding a 350-million ounce hoard of silver and its criminal accomplices who operate and (supposedly) police these markets go along with this massive sham; that is 350 million “ounces of silver” which this fraud-factory could claim to dump onto the market – as part of some future operation to crash the price of silver.
The Zionist Elite Have Lost The Consent Of The Governed: Meet The Lecters! (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/10/20/the-zionist-elite-have-lost-the-consent-of-the-governed-meet-the-lecters/)
This is exactly what we seem to be seeing now, except with one, different wrinkle.
Instead of JPM’s imaginary silver hoard being used to drive-down (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/silver-commentary/18874-the-silver-take-down-anatomy-of-a-crime) the price of silver still further (from already extremely depressed levels); this imaginary silver hoard will be dumped onto the market to “cover the shorts” – to prevent an explosive rise in the price of silver when these naked shorts would (otherwise) implode.
All that remains is to put this latest “operation” in the silver market into the overall context of the looming economic catastrophe which approaches.
What happens in sane, legitimate markets, when some economic disaster, and/or panic occurs?
People seek shelter in humanity’s most time-tested “safe havens” (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/gold-commentary/26608-the-real-safe-haven), gold and silver.
What happens when populations collectively move into these safe havens?
The price for these precious metals explodes higher.
However, as we have seen for most of the last 40 years, and all of the last 25 years; this is the one thing which the “One Bank” seeks to prevent (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/silver-commentary/26508-fed-fraud-and-hostage-markets), with literally all of its criminal might.
Discovered 950 Million Ounce Silver Short Position: Costs $1 Billion Loss Per $1 Dollar Silver Ounce Increase
Posted on 21 Apr 2017
In A Critical Update, Eric Sprott Dissects This Week’s Mauling of Silver:
What They’re Really After is Silver. The HUGE Short Position in Silver, if it Ever Got Out of Control, Every Dollar Up is $1 BILLION in Losses. They’re Trying to get it Under Control.
https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/silver-3.gif?w=333&h=466 But They Can’t Get the Longs to Capitulate!
JPMorgan’s Imaginary ‘Physical Silver Hoard’ Is Explained – Jeff Nielson
Over the past couple of months, several respected commentators and (of course) the mainstream media have been reporting that JP Morgan has supposedly amassed a gigantic hoard of “physical silver”, roughly twice as large as what was amassed by the Hunt Brothers (and their cartel) back in 1980, when the Hunt Brothers were formally charged and convicted of “cornering the silver market”.
This report was previously greeted with extreme skepticism in a previous commentary (http://www.sprottmoney.com/blog/the-jpmorgan-silver-hoard-is-there-any-metal-in-it-jeff-nielson-sprott-money-news.html), for a multitude of reasons. When the Hunt Brothers were charged/convicted of cornering the market; their hoard accounted for less than 20% of total global inventories, yet this “squeeze” on the market resulted in the price of silver soaring by a factor of ten (i.e. 1,000%).
The JP Morgan “silver hoard” is supposed to be twice as large as that of the Hunt Brothers; yet it comes at a time where global silver inventories are at best one quarter as large as back in 1980.
In other words, the JP Morgan silver hoard (if it existed) would represent a market concentration of at least eight times as extreme as that of the Hunt Brothers.
https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/morganmonument-1.jpg?w=594Morgan Obelisk
“Millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do.” -J. P. Morgan
Yet while JPMorgan has been accumulating this supposed hoard; the price of silver has been falling.
Let me repeat this point, to ensure that it is clearly grasped by readers.
We have a supposed market concentration today in the silver market by JP Morgan which is eight times as extreme as that of the Hunt Brothers (when the price of silver increased by 1,000%); yet, today, the price of silver has been falling, not spiking higher.
Banking Cartel’s 1913 Keynesianism’s Paper Derivative Ponzi Scheme Imploding! (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/05/08/banking-cartels-1913-keynesianisms-paper-derivative-ponzi-scheme-imploding/?preview_id=110112&preview_nonce=14f2b6c9b4)
How is this possible? It’s not.
There is no rational/legitimate market (or universe) where a market concentration of this supposed magnitude could not result in a dramatic, upward spike in price. Period.
Certainly if this much silver was ever dumped onto the market (rather than supposedly withdrawn from the market), we know what would happen to the price of silver: it would plummet lower.
https://i0.wp.com/rasica.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/4jro1j.gif?w=590&h=250&crop&ssl=1 (https://politicalvelcraft.org/nwo-chronology/4jro1j-8/)
Newly Discovered Secret Stash Of Silver From The Manhattan Project ~ Nope!
Secret Stash Of Silver From JP Morgan 350 Million Ounce Hoarding
~ Nope!
[FYI => All silver used in the Manhattan Project was absorbed back into the market 47 years ago in fact, all the way back to May 1970 ~ see page 67 (http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2016/ph241/xu1/docs/jones.pdf).
So when you read commentary about Greenspan and others allegedly wondering since 1990 where all the alleged silver is coming from, I posit that it is a specious red herring and in reality, the “all” is coming from “PAPER DERIVATIVES” aka; IMAGINARY SILVER without any physical component.
Here’s the FACTS from the Office of the Comptroller of Currencies (OCC)
(Table 9) Precious Metals = Mostly Silver JP Morgan = $16.7 Billion Citibank = $8.3 Billion
https://www.occ.gov/topics/capital-markets/financial-markets/derivatives/dq216.pdf (https://www.occ.gov/topics/capital-markets/financial-markets/derivatives/dq216.pdf)
The U.S. Supreme Court also was not convinced 2017 that there was a physical component and reversed an appeals court decision sending JP Morgan back to stand trial on silver market rigging and violation of antitrust laws. Supreme Court Of The U.S. Ruled 2017 JP Morgan Chase To Stand Trial For Violating Antitrust Laws & For Rigging The Comex Silver Market (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2017/04/21/supreme-court-of-the-u-s-ruled-jp-morgan-chase-to-stand-trial-for-violating-antitrust-laws-for-rigging-the-comex-silver-market/) ~ Volubrjotr]
Obviously “markets”, by definition, move in two directions. If dumping massive amounts of silver (and even paper-called-silver (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/silver-commentary/22646-slv-and-silver-manipulation)) onto the market causes the price to crash, always, then withdrawing massive quantities of physical silver from the market must cause the price to soar. Always.
This brings us to the explanation of JP Morgan’s latest gigantic silver-fraud, and the purpose behind that fraud.
Further enlightenment comes via the interesting observations (http://www.jsmineset.com/) of Bill Holter (from June 26th):
First, we have an insane situation brewing in Comex silver. The open interest finally exceeded 200,000 contracts (1 billion ounces). I believe the only other time this much open interest existed was back in 1980 or ’81. This makes no sense whatsoever, the price is again plumbing 4 year lows yet open interest has moved to record highs…?
In other words; we have Mr. Holter reporting a market-insanity precisely parallel to what was just noted before this, where JP Morgan has purportedly accumulated an extreme, long position in the silver market (larger and more extreme than in 1980), yet the price has gone down rather than up. Holter continues:
The fact open interest has expanded while price has declined is proof positive the “initiation” of this expanded open interest has been by “shorts” but absorbed by “someone” on the other side of the trade.
Total global production of silver is only 800 million ounces or thereabouts so Comex shorts have contracted to deliver 25% more silver than will even be produced globally over the next 12 months.
Silver available for Comex delivery only totals 57 million ounces so they sit on a naked short time bomb of more than 950 million ounces! [emphasis mine]
The offices of JP Morgan in the Canary Wharf district of London, January 28, 2014. Police said they are investigating the “non-suspicious” death of a man who fell onto a ninth floor roof at the European headquarters of investment bank JP Morgan in London’s Canary Wharf on Tuesday morning. REUTERS/Simon Newman (BRITAIN – Tags: BUSINESS) – RTX17Y9Y
AGAIN ~Here’s are the FACTS from the Office of the Comptroller of Currencies (OCC)
https://www.occ.gov/topics/capital-markets/financial-markets/derivatives/dq216.pdf (https://www.occ.gov/topics/capital-markets/financial-markets/derivatives/dq216.pdf)
(Table 9) Precious Metals = Mostly Silver JP Morgan = $16.7 Billion Citibank = $8.3 Billion
Found Dead: JP Morgan Bank Administrator And Her Sister Added To The Growing List Of Dead Bankers By Unnatural Causes (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/09/30/found-dead-jp-morgan-bank-administrator-and-her-sister-added-to-the-growing-list-of-dead-bankers-by-unnatural-causes/)
[*=left]Supreme Court Of The U.S. Ruled 2017 JP Morgan Chase To Stand Trial For Violating Antitrust Laws & For Rigging The Comex Silver Market (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2017/04/21/supreme-court-of-the-u-s-ruled-jp-morgan-chase-to-stand-trial-for-violating-antitrust-laws-for-rigging-the-comex-silver-market/)
Enter JP Morgan:
Obviously one does not have to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce who is the “someone” on the “other side of the trade.”
They are the facilitator for the construction of this gigantic, illegal short position.
In an ironic example of role-reversal;
we have JP Morgan playing the part of the patsy-long,
absorbing all of the bets of “the other side” in this serial shorting –
by other Big Bank tentacles of the One Bank (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/international-commentary/26287-the-one-bank) (such as Scotia Maccotta and HSBC).
While undoubtedly many reader questions still remain about this malevolent “super-entity”, certainly one question rises above all others.
Can we put a specific name to this “one bank”? (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/international-commentary/26287-the-one-bank)
Apparently so:
Rothschild. (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/07/05/1913-when-supply-demand-capitalist-markets-were-displaced-by-keynesian-economics-like-slow-arsenic-poisoning/)
Simultaneously; we have JP Morgan claiming to have accumulated a massive hoard of “physical silver”, when the market tells us that this could not possibly have occurred. Hence we know that the JP Morgan silver hoard is imaginary silver.
But this begs an obvious question: why would the most-notorious (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/silver-commentary/16590-how-leveraged-is-jp-morgan) silver short in the history of the silver market pretend to accumulate a massive long position – while still holding a large short position, itself?
To say that this makes absolutely no sense is the greatest of understatement.
Obviously there had to be an ulterior motive to this sham, as JPM would certainly never engage in any behavior to deliberately drive-up the price of silver, which is precisely what it seemed to be doing here.
So, why hasn’t the price of silver risen from $20/oz (roughly where it was when JP Morgan supposedly began covering its shorts, and supposedly began massive “long” buying) [of 350 Million ounces] to more than $200/oz (USD), which would be an absolute minimum price gain (https://www.sprottmoney.com/blog/the-jpmorgan-silver-hoard-is-there-any-metal-in-it-jeff-nielson-sprott-money-news.html), given that the parameters here are much more-extreme (in every way) than the Hunt Brothers episode?
Russia And China Underway In Pricing Of Precious Metals: Ending Of The COMEX And London Mafia Markets. (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2015/11/19/russia-and-china-underway-in-pricing-of-precious-metals-end-of-the-comex-and-london-mafia-markets/)
Now, via Bill Holter, we see this “ulterior motive”, plain as day:
…they [I]sit on a naked short time bomb [JP Morgan’s Imaginary Silver] of more than 950 million ounces!
[What is ‘Naked Shorting’
Naked shorting is the illegal practice of short selling (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortselling.asp) shares that have not been affirmatively determined to exist.
Ordinarily, traders must borrow a stock, or determine that it can be borrowed, before they sell it short.
Due to various loopholes (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/loophole.asp) in the rules, and discrepancies between paper and electronic trading systems, naked shorting continues to happen.
Investopedia (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp)
France: Entire Swiss Branch Of Rothschild’s Banking Empire Under Criminal Investigation Following David De Rothschild Indictment. (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/03/08/france-entire-swiss-branch-of-rothschilds-banking-empire-under-criminal-investigation-following-david-de-rothschild-indictment/) ]
How do you defuse an absurdly gigantic, naked-short, time bomb in the silver market?
With an absurdly gigantic “hoard” of physical silver, conveniently delivered to the market, as needed, to prevent implosion of this time bomb.
And in our criminalized system (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/gold-commentary/26069-paper-gold-isnt-real-gold), if you don’t have a hoard of real silver available for this defusing;
imaginary silver will be a perfectly good substitute.
https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/pipe-dream.jpg?w=209&h=300Orgy Of Rothschild Bankers: No Such Thing As Conspiracies (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2017/03/25/orgy-of-rothschild-bankers-no-such-thing-as-conspiracies/)
Let me refer back to the commentary which first scoffed at reports of JPM’s imaginary silver hoard:
…The purpose of JP Morgan pretending to hold (https://www.sprottmoney.com/blog/the-jpmorgan-silver-hoard-is-there-any-metal-in-it-jeff-nielson-sprott-money-news.html) “a massive long position”?
That’s an easy one.
https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/rothschild.jpg?w=487&h=800Jaco Rothschild “Is The Poster Boy” ~ “The World Is Not Enough”
To Destroy Physical Silver As Money
[*=left]To Fabricate A Dump Using Imaginary Silver
[*=left]To Prevent An Explosive Rise In Physical Silver
[*=left]To Protect Rothschild’s “One Bank” needing to cover their 950 million ounces Of illegal naked shorts
[*=left]To Prevent Silver’s Competition Against Rothschild’s Fiat Digital Currency Scheme Where He Controls Your Life
[*=left]The Dollar Is Coming Home To Die: Dumped By The World (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/05/12/the-dollar-is-coming-home-to-die-dumped-by-the-world/)
[*=left]Rothschild’s Federal Reserve Printed Fiat Dollars 4Xs The Value Of The Global Gold Supply (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2014/11/08/rothschilds-federal-reserve-printed-fiat-dollars-4xs-the-value-of-the-global-gold-supply/?preview_id=115921&preview_nonce=7877475d36)
If JP Morgan pretends to be holding a 350-million ounce hoard of silver and its criminal accomplices who operate and (supposedly) police these markets go along with this massive sham; that is 350 million “ounces of silver” which this fraud-factory could claim to dump onto the market – as part of some future operation to crash the price of silver.
The Zionist Elite Have Lost The Consent Of The Governed: Meet The Lecters! (https://politicalvelcraft.org/2016/10/20/the-zionist-elite-have-lost-the-consent-of-the-governed-meet-the-lecters/)
This is exactly what we seem to be seeing now, except with one, different wrinkle.
Instead of JPM’s imaginary silver hoard being used to drive-down (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/silver-commentary/18874-the-silver-take-down-anatomy-of-a-crime) the price of silver still further (from already extremely depressed levels); this imaginary silver hoard will be dumped onto the market to “cover the shorts” – to prevent an explosive rise in the price of silver when these naked shorts would (otherwise) implode.
All that remains is to put this latest “operation” in the silver market into the overall context of the looming economic catastrophe which approaches.
What happens in sane, legitimate markets, when some economic disaster, and/or panic occurs?
People seek shelter in humanity’s most time-tested “safe havens” (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/gold-commentary/26608-the-real-safe-haven), gold and silver.
What happens when populations collectively move into these safe havens?
The price for these precious metals explodes higher.
However, as we have seen for most of the last 40 years, and all of the last 25 years; this is the one thing which the “One Bank” seeks to prevent (http://www.bullionbullscanada.com/index.php/commentary/silver-commentary/26508-fed-fraud-and-hostage-markets), with literally all of its criminal might.