View Full Version : outrage at ghetto skool, principal tried to put white kids in same class

27th April 2017, 04:00 AM
dumb woman, everybody knows that white kids cannot be allowed to associate with same


On Monday morning, Hoffman met with angry parents and community members to discuss the email she'd sent Friday. During the meeting, Hoffman was repeatedly asked why she wanted to keep the white students in the same class.

Hoffman told parents she wanted those students to feel comfortable. Parents then asked why she made no effort to make the Asian, Hispanic, or biracial children feel comfortable. When pressed, Hoffman made an abrupt exit to start the morning announcements.

"The parents said that as Black people we are used to being the only Black person in the classroom, and no one is making sure we are comfortable," said Denise Ford, a community member. "The parents were not accepting of any excuse. We accept your apology, but you have to go."

Parents and community activists have relentlessly called for Hoffman to resign; however, the principal refused and answered: "I am the best thing that has happened to Campbell Park."


District officials said on Monday that the beleaguered principal of Campbell Park Elementary will leave campus while officials conduct an “administrative review.”

The principal, Christine Hoffman, found herself at the center of controversy last week after she sent out an email dictating that “white students should be in the same class.” There was no context or further explanation given for her comments, and she later sent out an apology for “poor judgement” in a letter sent home to parents on Friday.

Lisa Wolf, a district spokeswoman, said that Hoffman herself had requested to be transferred off campus and would not return. The assistant principal would take over running the school in the meantime.

While many parents and others have been calling for Hoffman to resign, she has refused, and two eyewitnesses reported Hoffman saying on Monday when confronted by parents, “I am the best thing that has happened to Campbell Park.”

27th April 2017, 04:23 AM
4 out of 5 students are black. how can they expect to survive w/out a token white to bully/torture in every class?

over 19 percent of these ELEMENTARY 'students' are so bad they received out of skool suspensions


Mostly African-American Students

451 students, or 80.0% of the student population at Campbell Park Elementary School identify as African-American, making up the largest segment of the student body. A typical school in St. Petersburg is made up of 35.3% African-American students, so Campbell Park Elementary School has a drastically different ethnic distribution compared to other schools in the city.

Majority of Students Receive Free or Reduced Lunch

73% of K-12 public school students at Campbell Park Elementary School participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

Though African-American students comprise the largest segment of the student body at Campbell Park Elementary School, they have achieved the lowest level of math proficiency out of the three ethnic groups represented at this school.

0% of Students at Campbell Park Elementary School Participate in the Gifted & Talented Program

Very High Percentage of Students with Learning Disabilities

21% of all students at Campbell Park Elementary School are learning disabled, which is much higher than the median across all reported elementary schools in Florida (14%).

Percentages of Students Who Received Disciplinary Actions at Campbell Park Elementary School

In-School Suspension: 10.3%
Out-of-School Suspension: 19.2%

10.3% of Students At This School Were Disciplined With An In-School-Suspension
By Ethnicity:

11.0% of 484 Black students

6.0% of 67 White students

19.2% of Students At This School Were Disciplined With An Out-of-School Suspension
By Ethnicity:

21.3% of 484 Black students

6.0% of 67 White students

Significantly Higher Rate of Student Absenteeism Than Average

An significantly higher rate of students at this school were absent 15 or more days of the school year compared to the median across all reported schools in Florida.
Percentage of Elementary Schools Students Who Missed 15 or More School Days:

Campbell Park Elementary School:

26% of students


0% of students


8% of students

More District Spending per Student Than Average

Adjusting for the concentration of students in the district, this district spends $10,190 per student.

This is more federal spending than the average school district in the state:

Florida: $8,677 per student